Perfect Bound vs. Saddle Stitched - what issue???

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

I've been reading Dragon for a LOOONG time, although I stopped for a number of years when I more or less dropped out of gaming. Anyway, I'm now on a kick to get some of those old back issues from when I was a kid.

This made me remember something. Although the current issue of Dragon are perfect bound, I seem to recall that the earlier issues (I'm speaking of the '70's and 80's I think) were saddle stitched (can you tell I am in the magazine publishing industry? :)

So, my question is: does anyone know what was the first issue to be perfect bound instead of saddle stitched?


Liberty's Edge

No one at Paizo knows?

No one out there in message board land has an extensive collection of Dragons that can check?

I know this is not exactly the World's Most Exciting Question, but come on - I guy needs to know!!! Besides, this is actually a question that has NOTHING to do whatsoever with 4E!

That's a plus, right?


Thanks everyone!

200 (but the trend didn't take hold until 225).

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