3 people marked this as a favorite.
Opening statement.
Witty, sarcastic remark to endear the reader to the author.
Statement of opinion.
Anecdotal evidence to reinforce opinion.
Allusion to opinion as fact.
Inflammatory remark to engender hostility with other posters and prompt response.
I wonder if this might belong in the Word Games section?
Fatespinner wrote: Opening statement.
Witty, sarcastic remark to endear the reader to the author.
Statement of opinion.
Anecdotal evidence to reinforce opinion.
Allusion to opinion as fact.
Inflammatory remark to engender hostility with other posters and prompt response.
I wonder if this might belong in the Word Games section?
Why you generally inflamatory "push-the-website-filters-name." And you know I've never had the same anecdotal experience that you have had. Its like a monkey trying to eat its own pancreas. That much should be obvious to everyone.
Short cutting statement implying that original poster is an idiot.
Contrived example to demonstrate absurdity of position followed by rhetorical question.
Pithy comeback to previous poster's cutting statement.
Mocking response to rhetorical question followed by assertation that previous poster's opinions are no more or less valid than my own.
Pseudo intellectual retort of assertions using copious quotation blocks, with no less than two paragraph responses to each of the previous poster's sentences. All information will be gleaned from Wikipedia and tarted up as an authoritative education.
False humility.
Trivial information that you will read, regardless of content.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Counter-arguements to each point illustrated in the above posts, quoted and fragmented.
Made-up statistics claimed to be from research.
Assertation that, if you aren't seeing things my way, then clearly you must be an idiot.
Dismissal of all previous assertations as both trivial and absurd.
Frank disavowal of generic post as being "too generic".
Unabashed attempt to disseminate one's own pointless opinions.
Beat dead horse.
*Interest wanes*
Thread enters archives.
Reply to a post far up the chain, disregarding all other replies.
Phil. L wrote: Dismissal of all previous assertations as both trivial and absurd. Point-by-point deconstruction coupled with subtle alteration of poster's point to fit my argument.
Phil. L wrote: Frank disavowal of generic post as being "too generic". Point-by-point deconstruction coupled with another subtle alteration of poster's point th fit my argument.
Phil. L wrote: Unabashed attempt to disseminate one's own pointless opinions. Point-by-point deconstruction coupled with instead of a subtle alteration of the poster's original point, a cheap shot intended to fluster the poster, and probe Gary Teter's attentiveness for weak spots.
Lilith wrote: Threadjack. (lol)
Comment that original topic is not worth commenting on.
Assert belief that thread should be allowed to die a natural death, if only people would stop replying to it.
Mothman wrote: Comment that original topic is not worth commenting on.
Assert belief that thread should be allowed to die a natural death, if only people would stop replying to it.
Subtle chiding to "mind one's own business."
Cruel remark disguised as witty banter to make the commenter think twice about peeing on the fire hydrant I just peed on.
Thinks twice about posting immediate reply, unsure of tone of reply post. Lurks about thread, checking obsessively for further posts that may support stated point of view whilst trying to formulate clever response.
Fatespinner wrote: ...followed by assertion that ... Corrects original poster's spelling and/or grammer, whilst questioning original poster's education and/or intellect.
Frantically checks own post for similar spelling and/or grammatical mistakes.
EDIT: Finds mistake in own post, corrects it, hopes no one else is replying to post whilst error still remains.
*page expires, post lost*
Reappears to apologize to those he was rude to earlier, explaining that he had an extremely bad case of hemorrhoids which was apparently ruining his usually chipper personality.
Interrogative statement pertaining to no particular post. Assumption that any further statement contrary to the current paradigm will meet with additional animosity there by relegating said posters comment mute.
Mentions that the last post was eaten in an attempt to cover a weak argument. Poor synopsis follows.
Mothman wrote: ...spelling and/or grammer,... Highlights a spelling mistake in the offending poster's post and replies with a derogatory comment about the poster's nationality and/or ethnicity, chiding him for his inferior editing skills and tells him to "STFU".
Freelancer Ego Tromp followed by snide remarks aimed at a fellow freelancer, and then a walkback of those remarks to ensure not to alienate readers too much. End up with a trumpet of next upcoming publication and either the word "guayaki" or "titties" as needed. The only punctuation allowed is exclamation points.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Oh and...Best Thread Evar!!! :-)
Nicolas Logue wrote: Freelancer Ego Tromp. Deflates freelancer's ego by espousing ardent belief in a certain other freelancer's superiority. "The Styes" are mentioned.
Nicolas Logue wrote: Freelancer Ego Tromp followed by snide remarks aimed at a fellow freelancer, and then a walkback of those remarks to ensure not to alienate readers too much. End up with a trumpet of next upcoming publication and either the word "guayaki" or "titties" as needed. The only punctuation allowed is exclamation points. (a most excellent, witty, and humorous writer, and all-around great guy shows up with his xorn avatar to say)
Fatespinner wrote: Nicolas Logue wrote: Freelancer Ego Tromp. Deflates freelancer's ego by espousing ardent belief in a certain other freelancer's superiority. "The Styes" are mentioned. [off-topic]Are we going to see The Styes in Pathfinder??[/off-topic]
4th edition is mentioned.
Heathansson wrote:
(a most excellent, witty, and humorous writer, and all-around great guy who is too lazy to fight his own battles, shows up with his xorn avatar to say)
Fixed your post! :-)
Questions whether any previous acronyms (adventure paths) will be converted to the aforementioned update to the venerable fantasy role playing game "acronym".
Mothman wrote: Fatespinner wrote: Nicolas Logue wrote: Freelancer Ego Tromp. Deflates freelancer's ego by espousing ardent belief in a certain other freelancer's superiority. "The Styes" are mentioned. [off-topic]Are we going to see The Styes in Pathfinder??[/off-topic] If I have my junk straight, it is Wizard's now, so it would seem doubtful...
however, that skinsaw stuff looks to be pretty wild.
Posts long winded, brilliantly thought out post that cleverly makes his point and would be regarded as pure genius by everyone, then realizes that he had two windows open in Firefox and the reply was posted to the wrong thread.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Vaguely on topic post revealing that this poster has not even attempted to follow the flow of this thread.
Snide and superior opinion thinly veiled as a highbrow attempt to stay "above" the mudslinging.
Implies that your favorite campaign setting is a load of $#!* and only morons like that setting. Creatively but unmistakably invokes the Stormwind Fallacy.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
KnightErrantJR wrote: Posts long winded, brilliantly thought out post that cleverly makes his point and would be regarded as pure genius by everyone, then realizes that he had two windows open in Firefox and the reply was posted to the wrong thread. LOL!
Far too lazy to read any prior posts, repeats several comments, and then posits wildly inaccurate theories including at least one ethnic slur or a reference to Nazis.
Authoritative tone noting rules clarification to a minor point of a single far-previous post.
Edit: Discovers own arguement to be false. Apologises.
Invocation of Godwin's Law.
Mothman wrote: 4th edition is mentioned. Assertion that 4e will be best edition ever, will make buttered toast for you every morning, and make all dreams come true.
Statement that 4e will solve all problems presented in original post and make peace in the middle east.
Personal attack for those failing to agree.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Wonders if this thread will surpass other pointless threads in quantity of responses.
Shameslessly lauds heaps of praise on Paizo.
Replies here to completely other thread and from different subject thread from another board.
edits to apologize
Continues watching Burn Notice.
A Paizo staff member reminds posters to remain civil or the thread will be locked; the All Seeing Eye may be invoked at this point.
Ninjas, gnomes or cookies are mentioned.
Makes calm post full of soothing remarks, chiding in a motherly and wise manner. Ending with a humorous anticdote giving everyone a pause in their huffiness and a reason to smile.
Tries to make light of argumentative posts by proving point, then self-effaces by proving his own hypocrisy on said issue, and ends with, "So what the hell do I know?"