Paizo at Gen Con UK?

Off-Topic Discussions

Dark Archive

I really think there ought to be a better place to put this, but what the heck :)

Is there any way we can bribe, beg or borrow anyone associated with Paizo to attend GenCon UK? It's August 30th to Sep 2nd, it's back after a hiatus of a year and returning to the location where large-scale RPG/games conventions started in the UK: the campus of Reading University, a mere hour from London.

Now, I wasn't a Paizo fanatic until recently, but reading about Pathfinder and Game Mastery modules have made a convert of me... would I be right in thinking that at least one of your most fabulous authors resides in this green and pleasant land?

Any chance? At all?


Liberty's Edge

Richard Pett, one of the greatest Dungeon authors there ever was, lives over there in the UK.

I live in The Republic of Texas.

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