P.H. Dungeon |

As an interlude between my game session #26 postings here is another letter written by captain Breca.
Since you've gone up the valley to help Brother Ulfgar deal with some of the pesky dinosaurs plaguing the mining site, i thought i should write you this letter in case i've gone back to the plateau to kick seven kinds of Procan's wrath out of the bloody skinwalkers.
I've long come to the conclusion that we really shouldn't interact with any of the civilized tribes on the mainland, as any time we do they end up being slaughtered by whatever creatures seem to be after us. I don't mind the trading with the Olmans, but I'm wary of contact with the phanatons and the lizardfolk till whatever malign presence that haunts us has been defeated.
Still, I appreciate all your work with the mongrelfolk. Aldwattle in particular has nothing but good to say of them, but i think the humans and our brother dwarves trust your gruff opinion over mine. It could be because I keep flying off to the mainland in search of these bloody pearls and their makers, and then when we return, often with one less companion, well, it doesn't seem like I'm here to protect the colony.
Argent, bless his mad soul, doesn't help with the wild tales told at his bar. A little drink and they grow with each telling. The new head on the wall probably isn't good either. I've been thinking of converting his space into another kitchen and moving the Parrot Docks down to the cove, say fifty feet up the first incline and facing the east, so he gets morning sun and the sailors don't have to troop up the other inclines just for a drink.
Besides, with so many living in Vessarin Above, and the main gate built to Vessarin Below finished, it's time for a celebration. I've tunneled out more space for workshops, and Brother Ulfagr tells me that one of his company is the younger son of a master brewer. Jeffs has found ovens and stills left over from Farshore, and soon we should have good dwarven ale to accompany the poor human fare, though I must remember to praise Aldwattle and Sharzen (the former slave we found in the Underdark) for producing a fine batch of what I can only describe as a most vigorous wine. Presuming you can find a Terror Bird or two and bring them home, we shall have a feast worthy of Procan. I do not remember the founding date, but it must have been a good six months or more, and the people are ready for a chance to relax.
Still, if you could keep a look out for the Scarlet Brotherhood ships, and track their movements, I would appreciate it. I think there is enough of a threat there that we should curtail their explorations. I suspect I can sway Argent and the others into boarding actions. I see that despite the plantings on the headland, and the earthern barriers you have shaped to protect them, virtually nothing of Vessarin can be seen from straight. Your use of druidic magic has ensured that the land above the cove entrance looks suitably overgrown and tangled to ward off all but the most determined explorers. Even Njord's cunning design of Vessarin Below's chimneys is marvelous, the many shafts leading to a single vertical pipe that empties into a the copse of trees, diffusing it. Genius!
But I would wax on about the colony and tell you nothing of our travels. So we went to the mainland to explore the plateau, and see if the source of the malign skinwalker tribe could be found. In as much as I was tempted to kill every roving band we saw, that was not our mission, and the others would think me mad for trying. But I still want to. In fact, I think we should eradicate every band we can find, as they seem to attack every creature without mercy, and are often accompanied by demons.
So there we were, up at the plateau, wafting around and looking at the ruins of the city- which is quite extensive, giving me no shortage of worries about undead hordes within it. What sort of mad culture thinks that using undead to do the laundry is a good idea? They may look cute and cuddly (well, decayed and mindless), but it's all downhill when the lich master suddenly kicks off. I wonder whether it was that, or the aboleths down below, or just some other horror that knocked them off in the end?
Anyway, we eventually spotted a mob of them in some sort of arena, having unpleasant fun with lizardmen. I'm not one to let skinwalkers pass, so we swooped down and promptly tore the bastards to shreds. Mikhaal it turns out is very effective at nicking spells and turning them on their former owners to great effect, so much so that one of the skinwalker shamans was forced to run away from his own hand. Hlaf, may Procan bless him, would have laughed himself senseless.
After that we went to the camp of the surviving lizardmen, who were the followers of a cleric of Pelor, possibly a member of the church of whirling fury (surmised by his acquaintance with Jakara). The cleric, Noltus, had gone to the central island and been attacked by skinwalkers. Only the two lizardmen had survived. I was cautious after hearing that, because we have certainly made short work of these foul creatures on two or three occasions, something that would be noticed. Mikhaal was feeling ill, so we brought him home and returned to the lizardman camp the next day, only to an ambush!
The skinwalkers must have tracked us from the ruins to the village, and demons were amongst them, posing as Noltus. I rightly distrusted such a 'fortuitous' arrival and had Argent tap me with his wand of invisibility while casting True Seeing. 'Noltus' came into the hut where we were staying, and yet I could see his true demonic form and that of a truly foul creature at its side. I used my boots of dimension stride to quickly exit the hut, letting a foul curse to warn Argent and Vossler of the deception.
Battle ensued, with many skinwalkers and demons, including dreaded Vrocks and the unnamed 'arrow' demons. Argent bravely faced multiple opponents, his luminous armour protecting him, though they rained many blows, few could draw blood. Vossler had to flee after the arrow demons filled the air around him with their barbs and all looked grim. I felt the power of Procan course through me and knew that the only choice lay in the most potent magic he has granted me. I first called on His sacred power to banish those demons around me back to the Abyss, and then when their foul taint no longer sullied the land, struck the ground with his symbol and uttered a Holy Word. Its power swept out from me, knocking down the skinwalkers and remaining demons alike as if struck by a mighty wave. After that Argent and Vossler were able to kill the stragglers, and finish off a persistent sorcerer.
Since then we have returned to the Isle several times, seeking information from all the tribes we have contacted, including the coautl of the cat people. Few knew more than we, and all spoke of great evil on the central plateau. The Olmans have been attacked recently by marauding bands of skinwalkers, which to my mind means that whatever power guides them is seeking to expand its territory. In as much as the Isle of Dread is aptly named and no place for the peoples of Flanaess, I have no wish to see the tribes of the Isle fall under the sway of those who conspire with the beings of the Abyss. I will send another letter to the Church of Whirling Fury in Sasserine asking them for advice and assistance, for if I fall, someone must see to the protection of Vessarin. Though the Shadow Pearls and their makers have been destroyed, if the Fleet learn of Vessarin they will surely come to destroy it.
So I return on the morrow to seek out the skinwalker band that attacked the Olmans. I have left a note for Brother Ulfgar regarding portals - it may be in our interest to consider investing in one rather than trusting trade to ships. A high price indeed, but Vessarin must be kept safe, and a keyed portal is the only measure I can think of that would eliminate most signs of our presence as well as allow the consortium immediate access to goods and materials. I hope to hear from our uncles shortly about more tradesmen, though I will request they hire a contingent of rangers, woodsmen, and other hardy folk to make use of the natural resources under your supervision.
Still, I hope all is well with you and the miners. Brother Ulfgar seemed most pleased about mineral prospects, as well as good quality stone, and it would be good to build proper homes for the humans amongst us. I leave more tokens from my travels in our quarters, and do have a look at the scrimshaw of the lizardfolk if you get the chance, as it is artfully made.
May the blessings of Procan be upon you brother,

P.H. Dungeon |

Game Session #26 continues:
A couple of days later and Breca, Argent and Mikhaal find themselves traveling in the company of a pair of rather sexist female scouts from the Tanora tribe. The two trackers lead the way through the jungle trying to follow the trail of the skinwalkers that were driven off by the defenders of the wall. Though the trail is cold, the trackers are both skilled in their craft, and soon they feel that they are on track. Breca, Argent and Mikhaal both remain in mist form as they glide through the trees above the scouts with the aid of Breca’s windwalk spell. As night approaches they approach the shores of a lake. Wisps of smoke catch their attention, and the trio materializes. The smoke seems like the sort made by a cooking fire, so the band cautiously makes its way forward. Up ahead the jungle gives way and there is a small grassy beach on the shores of the lake. On the beach is a camp that consists of three tents and a tiny cooking fire. Several humans make themselves busy in the camp. Two are down by the lake gathering water. Four are chatting near the fire in a language that is foreign to the adventurers, and two more- who juding by their attire are slaves, busy themselves with defeathering a terror bird carcass. All the humans have relatively pale skin and blondish hair- obviously they are not natives. They wear simple, loose outfits tied with sashes and no armour. Kamas and other light weapons are tucked in their sashes ready for action.
Argent and Mikhaal fan out into the jungle, trying to be a stealthy as possible. Argent goes invisible, and attempts to quietly approach the pair at the water. He has already cast a comprehend languages spell from a scroll and hopes to touch one of the men in order to be able to understand their strange language. Mikhaal, Breca and the two Olman scouts watch from the concealment of the jungle. The invisble Argent manages to go quietly, and taps one of them on the back. The man spins around, but can’t figure out what is going on. Argent starts to creep off, but this time isn’t quite as silent and the now alert man hears him and starts calling out, explaining that something strange is going on.
Though Breca isn’t sure what is going on, he notices the sudden commotion in the camp and decides to step out from hiding and greet the men. They are rather shocked to see a fully armoured dwarf emerge from the jungle, and four of them start approaching Breca. For his part, Breca stays near to the jungle. He explains that he is the survivor of a shipwreck and has been lost in the jungle for sometime. When asked how it is that he tolerates the jungle heat in fullplate armour- he passes it off to his dwarven hardiness. They are skepticle, but decide to humour the dwarf and they invite him into their camp to join in for some food. All the while they casually move closer to Breca and soon have him more or less surrounded. They explain that they are merchant explorers from the North, and belong to a nation known as the Scarlett Brotherhood, that of late has a rather poor, reputation in the Flaness.
Suddenly, before Breca can partake in their hospitality, howling, war whoops grab everyone’s attention, and a band of skinwalkers bursts out of the jungle to attack the camp. Just before this happens Mikhaal is ambushed by a pair of the bastards, who manage to sneak up on him and pounce on the little gnome. He takes a couple of glancing blows from their swords, and suffers a little from their poisoned weapons, but he quickly gets himself up into the air and out of harms way, just as the rest of the skinwalkers emerge to attack the camp. Argent who is still invisible launches a webspell between two of the tents that catches three of them in its sticky strands. He gleefully bounds into the webbing, knowing that his new magical ring will prevent him from being caught up in the strands. He intiates his steel dance spell and his two magical longswords animate to float in the air and fight at his side while he thrusts at the entangled savages with his rapier. They do their best to fight back despite the webbing, and a couple of lucky blows are landed against Argent- causing poison to seep into his veins.
Three remaining skinwalkers move towards Breca and the explorers, but the men draw their kamas and are quick to engage the howling skinwalkers. The men, all seem to possess martial training,, and though they fight with skill, they are not a match for the sheer demonic savagery of the skinwalkers. Nor are their mundane weapons able to inflict significant damage on the obviously magical creatures. Breca, who has no love of the Scarlett Brotherhood, decides to hang back and watch. He casts a couple of very minor spells in an attempt to be helpful- a light spell on a leaf, and a create water spell over top of their heads, soaking both skinwalker and scarlett brotherhood warrior. Yet it is soon clear that the men aren’t likely to survive the skinwalker attack. The skinwalkers suddenly become less of a concern when a titanic crocodile bursts from the waters of the lake, bellowing and charging up onto the shore to snap up an unfortunate brotherhood explorer in its jaws- spraying blood, and swallowing him whole! This beast is truly enormous- one of the biggest creature the party has set eyes on. Brotherhood warrior and skinwalker alike flee for their lives into the jungle, and suddenly Breca finds himself the sole creature on the beach, other than Argent, who is still busy in the web spell slashing away at the three entangled skinwalkers. The croc spots Breca, and as the dwarf hurriedly gulps down a spicy potion of flying it charges! Its massive jaws chomp down on Breca, but Procan is watching over him, and his enchanted armour holds up, saving him from being chomped. Breca takes advantage of his luck and takes to the air, escaping its snapping jaws.
Mikhaal finally joins the fight, having spent the last several seconds casting spells on himself. He flies over the battle and launches a crossbow bolt at the croc’s head. However the bolt seems to have little effect on the beast. His ray of enfeeblement spell proves more effective, but even that hardly slows the titanic monstrosity, as it hurls itself towards Argent and the skinwalkers who are fighting in the tangle of webbing. It barrels right overtop of them trampling, Argent and the surviving skinwalkers, taking the webbing with him. Argent sees the croc turning itself to come back and devour them, and he too takes to the air. Only a pair of skinwalkers is still alive on the beach, everyone else has fled into the jungle, is flying,, or is dead. The beast promptly devours one of the skinwalkers and the last one flees into the foliage. Breca decides to unelash some hurt on the gator and blasts it with flame and ice until he drives it back into the lake, where it vanishes into the depths.
After the crocodile disappears and the beach is empty the adventurers land take stock. Breca has them put the camp back and order, and decides that they will spend the night, in hopes of luring some skinwalkers back to the area so that they can be slaughtered. In the end the night passes uneventfully, though one surviving member of the Scarlett Brotherhood expedition returns begging Breca to allow him to join the heroes in hopes of them leading him out of the wretched jungle. The adventurers take pity on the wounded man (Breca even offers him the benefit of a cure minor wounds spell- yeah 1hp), and they allow him to stay.

P.H. Dungeon |

Breca has of late been having some difficulty with his mother in Gradsul, as she has been wanting him to take a bride. He recently decided to put his foot down and sent her the following letter.
Dear Mother,
I hope this letter finds you well. I write to you today to discuss something that has obviously been on your mind of late, a matter I should like to put to rest for some time to come. I have noticed that on my recent visits home that we have experienced a sudden surge in the number of visiting families, whom you have cordially invited to join us at both chapel and table, as their preference and faith allows. I mention this because I can only remember so many guests in the house in the years before Egil's betrothal, and again on his wedding day (incidentally, I also include a letter to his wife, which he asks you pass on to her when she returns from her duties in the passes; I will bring her to Vessarin once she returns to Gradsul).
I am pleased to welcome the visits from the Bjorklund, Gericksson, and Forsberg clans, who have long and sturdy histories with the Angspars; but the visits from the Vallda, Knutsson, Pettersgrim, and even the Ostergotlanders clans - these are most unusual. For certain Mother, we trade with them and our ties are good in hearth and forge, but is this the time to be having them visit while we try to build Vessarin and transport skilled labour? I have hardly enough time for the negotiations with Father and yet you expect me at dinner each night and the chapel the next morning? By Procan's will, Mother! And the business with the Ichbeneinratarschwine family - I know that Uncle Gunn likes their whiskey, but it's no reason to have the likes of them in the family chapel. It took me a full day to erase the stain left by Longbeard Ichbeneinratarschwine on the altar, and if I ever set eyes on those horrible dogs - the ones with faces like squished tomatoes and about as bright - I'll teleport them all to the Isle and laugh while the local wildlife tears them to shreds.
But I digress. Mother, I understand our family has experienced some elevation since I dared to found Vessarin, and although I have not asked permission for a new founding from the clan Longbeards, I will do so once the demonic taint on the Isle no longer threatens the peoples of the islands - Olmans, Phanatons, Mongrelfolk, Catfolk, Lizardmen or Northerners alike. And when I do Mother, then you may begin to negotiate with the clans as to the possibility of a favourable marriage. Brother Ulfgar Stonebreaker has mentioned in passing an eligible sister in his clan, so it is not just you alone who are thinking of these things. I would ask you respect my right to choose as I will respect your formidable negotiations. But I protest at immediate marriage, being only 64 and in no rush.
Your faithful son,

P.H. Dungeon |

Game Session #26 part 3
Breca (Cliff Dwarf, Cleric/DemonWrecker 13)
Argent (Air Gensai, Fighter/Swashbuckler/Wizard/Abjurant Champion/Eldritch Knight)
Mikhaal (Whisper Gnome, Spellthief)
The next day the whole group sets out. They continue to try to keep the extent of their power concealed from the stranger, so they all travel on foot, with Breca using a longstrider spell to keep pace with the humans. The Olman scouts glide through the jungle with ease, and they soon pick up signs of some of the skinwalkers escaped. They start tracking the skinwalkers, and eventually they come to a game trail. After some time skulking along the trail it exits the jungle at the top of a thirty-foot high cliff. A winding path leads down to a valley below
Down below is a verdant valley filled with tall grasses and ferns. However, the small valley has recently been converted into an armed encampment by a much larger band of skinwalkers. A score of the fiends are down below, their attention firmly fixed on a towering demon. This demon has a massive russet coloured body with four arms. Two of the arms are much larger than the others and end in deadly pincers; the other two are smaller and form into in clawed hands. Its head, though horned and thoroughly demonic, has a canine cast to it, and its eyes burn with evil. It chortles in glee, as a female skinwalker kneels before it and cuts the still beating heart out of a Scarlett Brotherhood captive with an obsidian dagger, offering it to the demon. In total there are two captives, and both are laid out before the huge demon. It seems that one (one of the slaves) has already had its heart removed and is now dead.
As the heroes take in this spectacle from the top of the bluff, hidden amongst the foliage of the jungle, a barrage of arrows suddenly streaks down at them from somewhere up in the canopy. The attackers can’t be seen, but their brotherhood companion drops to the ground with two arrows lodged in him. Another one tags Argent, and the air gensai feels its burning poison creep into his veins. At the same time a shrill signal whistle sounds from above, and all the skinwalkers down in the valley suddenly turn towards the bluff, picking up nearby bows and readying arrows. The demon too shifts his gaze upward.
Luckily, the adventurers had started to prep with spells the second they saw sign of the camp. Breca orders the two Olman scouts to retreat back into the jungle. Mikhaal and Argent dart off the path, searching for cover, but staying along the top of the bluff. Breca decides to play hero, and he uses his boots of dimension stride to teleport into the camp, appearing not far from the great demon (which he recognizes as a Glaberzu). He is not a total fool however, and had Argent use one of his wands to turn him invisible before teleporting. The skinwalkers are unable to see the invsible dwarf, but they certainly seem to smell the pungent cleric. Several drop their bows and move in his direction, drawing swords and clubs. Yet, it is the demon that Breca is most concerned about, and it seems to see Breca with no difficulty. Before Breca can unleash his potent holy word spell, the demon speaks a word of power of its own, and suddenly the dwarf is stunned and unable to act, though still standing. The great demon strides forward ready to cut the dwarf in two with its pincers.
Things are looking grim for Breca, when Argent and Mikhaal come to his rescue. Argent, who is now invisible and fully armoured with his abjurations, casts a benign transposition spell and suddenly he is standing before the slathering demon, while Breca is on the bluff amongst the ferns. Mikhaal too, has gone invisible and activated flying magic and a blink spell. He soars out into the air over the valley and hits the demon with a ray of enfeeblement that weakens the fiend.
Though Argent stands before the creature bravely ready to fend off the towering Glabrezu, it seems to spot Breca and have a craving for dwarf, for it suddenly teleports itself up onto the bluff to appear behind the sill stunned dwarf, leaving an invisble Argent to battle the mass of skinwalkers. The demon tears into Breca with its pincers, wounding him, but the damage isn’t as terrible as it would have been had the demon not been weakened. Argent has no intentions of abandoning his friend, so he dimension doors back up to Breca’s side and attacks the demon with his steeldance blades.
Mikhaal keeps his eye on the skinwalkers below. A few race toward the bluff intent on following the steep trail up to the top to help their demoninc master. The others have their bows at the ready, waiting for targets to reveal themselves. Mikhaal watches from the air, and notes that the female skinwalker that had been cutting out the hearts has been busy prepping herself with spells. She suddenly takes to the air, and tagets Argent with a powerful enchantment. His will proves unbable to resist the spell, and suddenly he has been reduced to a blathering idiot, unable to perform even the simplest tasks. Mikhaal, being a spellcaster’s worst nightmare, swoops in at the woman and takes advantage of his blink spell to perform a sneak attack with his Morningstar. The attack strkes home and he sacrifices damage output to make it a silencing strike, which causes the sorcerer to be magically silenced.
Argent is no longer a threat to the demon, but Breca suddenly comes to his senses. He quickly casts a banishment spell and suddenly the demon is blasted back to the Abyss, all the while shrieking promises of revenge against the mighty dwarf. With the demon gone and Mikhaal makng himself busy with stealing the sorceress’s spells, Breca takes the time to cast a heal spell on Argent that restores his mind and body. This is done just as time for the pair to find themselves in the midst of a volley of arrow fire, and though the skinwalkers can’t see them well enough to target them, a couple of arrows tag Breca. Having no desire to feel any more Breca sees that they are now close enough to activate his holy word spell. The potent word of power rips through the ranks of the skinwalkers, and its divine power causes them to collapse to the ground, blind, deaf and paralyzed.
Only the sorceress remains, and she makes a flying retreat into the jungle, with Mikhaal in pursuit. He soon catches the fiend hovering in the air behind a great tree, trying to catch her breath. He then attacks, and without her spells, she is eventually defeated by the mage slaying whisper gnome. Meanwhile, Breca and Argent make themselves busy slitting the throats of the skinwalkers, though Breca decides to take one captive and takes the time to bind the wretched creature. Once these tasks have been completed they attend to the nearly dead Scarlett Brotherhood explorer. Breca actually heals him substantially this time. Then with the aid of their portable hole and a teleport spell, Breca transports his friends, along with the skinwalker, the two Olmans and their new “friend” back to Tanora. He leaves the skinwalker and the Scarlett Brotherhood monk in the care of the Tanorans, and explains that the skinwalker raiders have been defeated. The two Olman women confirm the story and a great feast is held in honour of their victory. J’kel is pleased, but Breca and friends have no wish to stay long,, for there is much business to be taken care of on the central plateau.

P.H. Dungeon |

Here is another recap of game session #26. This time from the perspective of Captain Breca.
Hale, hearty and well-met brother!
No, I'm not going mad, merely experiencing the side effects of 'acting'. We were off hunting down a band of skinwalkers with two female scouts from the Tanora tribe and happened quite suddenly upon a party of Northerners. I did not know their language, but there was something familiar about them and it seemed prudent to try talking first (a significant act of charity considering our usual tactic of 'froth at mouth, scream and leap while swinging in all directions'). Mikhaal and Argent circled the camp to ascertain more about them, and I chose to step into the firelight.
They were all humans, dressed in simple robes and wearing sandals and carrying what looked like farming implements. They were either idiots or ill-equipped explorers at first glance, but there was something about their robes that disquieted me. Anyway, I thought, "Here's a bit of fun - let's act like Uncle Gunn does after the first pint of whiskey."
So I stepped forward and addressed them in Common, with a boisterous tone. They were shocked and suspicious at first, and I, on the spot, invented a story of being a shipwrecked trader, the sole survivor by the name of 'Angus'. Obviously the plate armour was a bit of a problem, but i passed that off with flippant remarks about the will of Procan allowing me to survive. Obviously they knew nothing of the Lord of Storms. One was more wary than the others, so i told him i was but a simple ship's chaplain, and that the armour was the family heirloom - i think they recognized the mithril and were getting greedy. They inquired how I was able to survive, and again with a hearty voice, said "The mighty grace of Procan protects me - even yesterday His light allowed me to defeat a terrible snake about yay long (i held my hands apart about two feet). I am truly blessed." Well, they thought me some kind of fool then, all the better! They told me they were of the Scarlet Brotherhood - bloody pirates and slavers! Well, was I ever going to give them a hard time, and that in the neck very shortly.
But then, suddenly, the skinwalkers we'd been tracking attacked with howls, rushing out of the jungle. Argent materialized and started a vicious fight between a couple of tents, and I assume Mikhaal was making someone's day unpleasant with that little crossbow of his. Do you know he can shoot the tonker off of a gnat at ten paces? Amazing, and not a little intimidating. Whisper gnomes! Anyway, I wasn't finished acting the part, so I swore to summon my most mighty spell, which made the slavers look happy until I simply cast Light upon a nearby leaf, and exclaimed "See how the Light of Procan protects us all. Is not His Leaf mighty and wondrous to behold?" It was all I could do not to laugh as the slavers and the skinwalkers started to fight under that very leaf. I then added insult to injury, proclaiming that "I would drown the fell beasts" (which made the slavers hopeful again) and then cast but minor magic, drenching all the fighters in gallons upon gallons of water. Sodden slavers and skinwalkers. I nearly fell over laughing.
Good thing I didn't, because as if that wasn't enough, a great big crocodile (I mean real big- like a house) rushed out of the water and started trying to eat everything. It almost got me, but its teeth could not pierce my sacred armour and I escaped with a potion of Fly. We didn't kill the croc, as it was not attacking maliciously, but we drove it off with fire and ice into the depths of the lake. I have kept the Leaf of Procan as a token of the battle, and Light it occasionally. It is endlessly amusing to recall their faces.
One of the slavers survived and we took him along the next day, almost to his death - for we found the source behind recent attacks on the Olmans - a Glaberzu demon! Foul beasts that tempt mortals with dreams of power and cruelty. This one led a sizeable band of skinwalkers, and I felt my blood boil that it should stand there unharmed. I quickly cast a protection on myself and foolishly used my boots to stride to within twenty paces of it. I had underestimated the power of the demons, and it saw through Argent's invisibility instantly. Before I could summon the sacred power of Procan to banish it, it stunned me with a mighty spell, and I stood helpless before it.
It was Argent who came to my rescue, accompanied by Mikhaal. Mikhaal weakened the demon with a ray, and Argent bravely swapped places with me. The demon had recignized my holy power though and teleported to me again, intent on finishing me quickly, but only a few of its cruel blows landed and I was able to raise my morningstar and banish it to the Abyss, it's curses feeble as Procan's will forced it back to its plane. A skinwalker sorcerer had feeble-minded brave Argent, and so I healed him quickly of that affliction before turning to the rest of the skinwalkers with pure wrath in my heart.
Again, the mighty Word of Procan swept the battlefield clean of them, and in a moment the tide turned. I took one prisoner so that it could be interrogated by the Olmans, and something of the skinwalkers learned. The Scarlet Brother I revived (he'd been hit by poison arrows, but not before witnessing the Glaberzu), and I have returned him to the Olman village. It is possible one of his people will find him, and I think it good for the Brotherhood to believe that the Isle of Dread is the home of demons.
Although the immediate threat to the Olmans has passed, I am keen to seek out the source of the demonic pestilence, and in a few days we will again return to the plateau and hunt the hand that guides the skinwalkers. I shall, as ever, leave Vessarin in your capable hands.

P.H. Dungeon |

Breca has decided to hold a feat to celebrate the founding of Vessarin and try to build some community among the different races that live in the colony, and possibly as a last supper of sorts before the heroes embark on their quest to cleanse the Isle of Dread of its demonic taint.
A few days are required to ready the feast, food is gathered from the surrounding island. Elanore Cloyce sets into a baking frenzy, and ale and wine are blessed and made ready for mass consumption.
Soon the evening of the festivities arrives. The night begins well, there is much food and drink to be had, and Elanore's baked goods are a hit. Though there is a certain lack of entertainment- some minstrels and bards will need to be recruited for the 1 year anniversary. Non the less the crowd seems to be having a good time, though generally the different races tend to keep to themselves (like boys and girls standing on opposite sides of the gym at a dance). As the evening progresses things get lively and more food and drink are consumed and inhibitions start to disappear.
Lavinia takes the stage, and calls for everyone's attention.
"Good evening comrades. I do not wish to take too much of your time, but I feel there are a few things that need be said before this party comes to a close and you hard working folk retire to your beds. First of all, I feel I must give thanks to Captain Breca for all he has done to see this place come into being. Mere months ago this place we now call home was nothing but untamed wilderness, and he has done in a matter of months what it took my family years to do. He truly is a powerful servant of the gods.
Breca, has been known to my family for some time now, yet I personally have only known him about a year and a half. In that time Breca has proven himself to be a brave and loyal ally to myself and my family name. He has shown incredible determination, generosity, courage and leadership. If it weren't for Breca I would likely be dead right now. The gods have tested us in many ways since Breca and I have met, and we have seen many friends fall. Yet through it all Breca has always remained strong and true. And though it is Breca who I have known the longest among you, I should say that there are many to who I owe gratitude. Argent and the Second sons and others who are no longer with us, have all showed incredible skill and bravery over the past months, for it takes incredible skill and bravery to survive the perils of these danger ridden lands. I owe you all my most sincere thanks, and I pray that the gods will be with you in your upcoming quest. Let us all raise a glass to Breca and his allies. Cheers!"
With that Lavinia raises a glass for a toast. A boisterous cheers echoes out among the crowd.
"Though I would like to keep the mood light and filled with cheer, I ask that right now we all take a moment of silence to pay our respects to the memory of Farshore and those we lost in the tragedy."
With that she solemly bows her head.
"Now before I go. I would like to call up his brother Egil and our smith Desra, as I believe they have a little something to add."
Egil and Desra stagger up to the stage, both seem a little drunk. Egil speaks first.
"Well brother, who would have thought that this would be where we would end up? But then I suppose the Angspars have always had a bit of a taste for adventure. I just want to add that I think you are doing a fine job here, no matter what the rest of this lot thinks. Go get those fiends, and bring the wrath of Procan down upon them!"
With that he turns to leave the stage after taking a big swig of ale. Desra suddenly gives him a nudge and he stops.
"Oh yeah I forgot. You see brother we decided that to show our appreciation for what you're doing here we'd give you a little gift."
He then reaches into his enchanted satchel and pulls out a mace.
"This here weapon was forged by Desra. She has been toiling away on it for some time now, and it is fine bit of craftsmanship I do say. It is cold iron, so I think it might do some good against these demons, though it is not yet enchanted. I realize you already have a mace, and one that is of an equally high level of craftsmanship and enchanted to boot, but I hope you will accept this gift as a token of our gratitude even if you do not take it into combat. The iron it is forged from comes from the first ingots of iron to be extracted from this Isle. Desra named it "Procan's wrath", and I hope that you can put it to use. At least smack one fiend with it because Desra worked real hard on it is bad luck for a dwarf weapon never to draw blood."
He then waits for Breca to come forward to take the gift. There is much applause.
Feel free to e-mail any actions your characters wish to take at the feast.
Towards the end of the night many have already retired or passed out, but the dwarves in particular are still going strong, and have broken into their late night drinking songs, which are accompanied by much stomping of boots and slamming of tankards.
Suddenly, Njord the engineer and mason leaps up onto a table, obviously quite drunk. He is a short fellow, even for a dwarf, and as is typical of the Foegrim clan he is very hairy. In fact you can barely see skin his face through all the hair. He raises his tankard in the air.
"I've got something on my mind and I need to speak! I know you have all been having a good time tonight and have been heaping lots o thanks and praise on brother Breca here, and that is all well and good. But look around you. What do you think your ancestors would think of this place? Well I'll tell you what they would think. They would be rolling in their graves. Now I don't mean no offense Breca. I respect your status as a holy man, but so much of this ain't right, and I'm not the type that can just stand by and not speak my mind. You've got humans, dwarves, and these, these mongrels all living under one roof and that alone is probably causing my dead pappy to be screaming down from the heavens. But it ain't just that. Look at this place. It ain't right. It's all been crafted by spell and sorcery. In a couple of months you've created what our people normally take several hundred years to build. This just isn't our way. Where's the true toil? Where's the proper craftsmanship and masonry? I'm embarassed whenever another dwarf arrives at this place. It is so crude and all done with such haste. I know you have never been to Ulek and seen the wonders of our subterranean cities, so maybe you have no understanding of dwarven stonework, but still you should know that what you do here brings shame on our people. I'm doing my best to change this place and make it right, but forgive me if I don't share the pride that the others do."
As he speaks everyone goes quiet, listening to his words, though many- particularly the mongrelfolk, don't speak the trade tongue of the north. You see the dwarves in the room all looking thoughtfully, and many nod there heads in agreement with what he says. After the speech an awkward silence washes over the bar, and Njord suddenly seems to catch himself and looks towards Breca with a bit of fear in his eyes, obviously hoping he has not angered the powerful cleric. He gingerly steps down from the table. The mood suddenly seems much less jovial.

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Breca pauses for a moment, looking over the faces of his kinsmen and the others gathered in the hall. He stands up and wanders over to Argent, and quietly asks him to translate into Olman for those that do not speak Common. Breca then solemnly makes his way to the head table and looks across the sea of faces - dwarven, human, mongrelfolk, even gnome and lizardman.
"Brothers and sisters of Vessarin, hear the words of my kinsman Njord Foegrim, for he speaks a truth to many of you. This place has been built not by the craft of centuries and by the simple and honest toil of dwarves, each leading the work till another comes to take his or her place; it has been built swiftly, by sorcery and divine magics, instead of by the people of stone and earth. It is also true, that many folk of many races take shelter here in our sanctuary, not just the people of stone and earth. All these things are true and I will not deny Njord his right to speak them."
Breca waits until Argent has finished translating his words before continuing,
"I welcome him still in this hall, but my kinsman leaves out many truths, and sees but a narrow path, a single arch."
Breca sighs, and turns to Brother Ulfgar, who is seated nearby with his kin and a several mongrelfolk.
"It is true, is it not Brother Ulfgar, that I have shaped this place by the will of Procan, and used magics where it would have been better to use dwarven hands? It is not also true that I have done so because the needs of the many outweighed the desire for slow and careful craftsmanship? The land above is still full of dangerous creatures and when we first came here, it is true that haste governed many of my actions. This hall we stand in was built first by sorcery, then shaped and crafted by chisel and hammer. Without it, who would have survived the first days when all seemed ranged against us?"
Brother Ulfgar stands and nods, and then looks squarely at Njord before speaking in Dwarvish. In the background Jeffs begins to translate into Common and Argent into Olman his words:
"It is true what Brother Breca says, that much of Vessarin, Above and Below, has been shaped by spell and then finished by honest toil. It is also true that these are harsh lands, full of danger. Have we not fought many beasts ourselves since opening the mines? I do not judge Brother Breca for doing what was necessary, for he leads these people as if they were his clan, and his first thought has ever been their safety and security.
I am of the Stonebreaker clan, and long have my people been smiths and masons, miners and delvers. Ours is the work of stone and ore, knowing that what we build must last the long age of our people. In that work, you forget Njord, that many a city was built using magics divine and arcane - for are we not the people of stone and earth, and is not the gift of Moradin the right to shape His creation with all the tools He gave us? I have used the very same spells you unjustly accuse Brother Breca of using in haste to build some of the finest chambers and the strongest walls in our kingdoms. All who have worked with me know I summon stone brothers for our toil - is that haste, or is it the measured use of another tool?
Perhaps you forget that since our coming, Brother Breca has only used spell where I have asked him to, for he did not have skilled dwarven hands at first to shape this place. Now we only use magic by necessity, not wantonly. The mines have been cut from the rock by fair toil alone, and Brother Breca now heeds our advice and plans our future delvings in the proper fashion, for now he has many tools available - mason and miner, engineer and architect, cleric and curate.
You are embarrassed Njord, perhaps not by the work here, but by the fact that it is not alone the work of dwarves. I came with my people, and judged the work to be crude but fair. It is serviceable and practical, and these many chambers meet the needs of keeping Breca's people, dwarf and non-dwarf alike, from harm. Would our ancestors cry out for that, or would they nod their sage heads and say, "He has kept his people safe." Think on that Njord, before you judge so quickly."
Brother Ulfgar clasps Breca's hand, and then sits while many of his kin nod and whisper amongst themselves. Breca turns to the room, and speaks to all:
"The foundation of a community lies not in the hands that build it, but the hearts that desire it. When we first came to the Emerald Isle, it was not with dwarves, but with humans - the few survivors of the fall of Farshore. 30 of them there were, all women and children and old men. Beside them, weary and confused were the Phanatons, who'd given half their number to keep these few safe. There were the Olmans, whose ways were strange to us and yet whose kin had died nobly. Every member of my band of adventurers died trying to make something of Farshore, because it was something worth believing in. And had none survived, I would have sailed the Pelican north, cursing the fortune that took me to this land."
"But for the memory of an Elf, and for those few under my care, I chose to stay. No dwarves among them, not a single brother or sister of stone. Tonight I see many of their faces here, and in them I see a hope I had not dared for. For them I mapped this Isle and found our safe cove. For them I have used the divine magics of Procan to shape crude tunnels and caverns so that they were safe from prying eyes and dangerous creatures. And each day, moving beyond grief, they have worked tirelessly to make a home here."
"Your anger, Njord, is misplaced, for this is not a clanhold alone. It was founded on a vision where all peoples, no matter their race or tongue, could come and find a home." Breca moves over to a table shared by several peoples and holds up a loaf, "It matters not to me that the bread I break here is shared by humans or mongrelfolk," Breca passed the broken bread out to all and reachs for wine, "nor that the wine is brewed by dwarf or gnome;" He then steps to the window and slaps the wall with a resounding thud, "nor that the wall is built by those with flesh or fur or scale."
Breca once again steps into the centre of the room, and he turns to Jeffs, asking him again to translate from Dwarvish to Common.
"My name is Breca Angspar, third son of Svenson Angspar, second son of Ulf Angspar, descended from a line of honoured dwarves given to life on the sea - sailors and captains, explorers, merchants, and adventurers in an unbroken line running back nearly seven hundred years to the founding of our clan. By the blood that runs in my veins and the salt in my beard, I know that the ancestors who watch even now from Moradin's sacred halls watch over this place with pride, not with shame! We Angspars are ever at the mercy of fortune and wave, and our clan is built by the work of all, not just dwarf, but all the races that sail on the seas. An Angspar is expected to make the most of hard fortune, to face the coming storm with wild and fierce laughter in his heart, and to know that the work of a ship is the work of many hands! The honoured dead would turn away and live forever in shame if I turned away those who needed my help because they are not dwarf. Does a captain sail by the shipwreck because it does not fly his colours? Or does he recognize the adversity faced by all upon the sea and give help to those in need? I am an Angspar, proud of my people and my clan and I will not dishonour my unbroken line by refusing safety and sanctuary to those that ask it! The strength of my people lies in their unity, in their courage to face change and overcome adveristy together!"
At this Egil cheers and slam his tankard repeatedly on the table. Breca stops speaking in Dwarvish and turns to Njord,
"So I say to you Njord Foegrim, has it been the way of our people from time immemorial to place the needs of the few above the needs of the many? Have we forgotten that metals of many shades may yet bond to produce the finest steels? Does the roof of the hall need only one arch to keep it aloft, or do many arches combine to bear the weight of stone equally? Vessarin is such a place, where the work of all makes us stronger than the work of one. I would welcome all good people with open arms, for the strength of all makes us stronger than the strength of one. Would you have us divided, weakened and ripe for the enemies that face us? Look into this room not as dwarf but as a mason and see here the many kinds of stone. Look there to the different mortars, and see how together they may yet hold greater strength. It is not easy brother, to change when one has worked with but one clay all of your life, but do you not see that the differences are indeed opportunities? Would your honoured forefathers not smile to see you working these different stones and mortars into something greater than themselves?"
Breca pauses for a moment and then speaks as if to Njord alone:
"I am a humble cleric of Procan, the Lord of Storms and the Keeper of the Deeps, and in whose glorious Name I serve. I am the captain of the Pelican and I have travelled many oceans before coming to this place. I count amongst my friends all gathered here, and amongst the honoured dead, many more friends - Kratos, Czar, Randall, Jakara, Vel'drin, Siddiqui, Reshk, Nain and Amella. I am the founder of Vessarin, and by your will its lord. If you are truly unhappy here, Njord, then for that I sorry, and I will return you if you wish to the lands you know and love, and hold your contract fulfilled. But I beesch you to stay and advise me as you have done these many months. Your words have not fallen on deaf ears and you do speak the true thoughts of many of my brethren, for which I thank you. Ever have our clans stood together, so will you stand with me now?"
Breca falls silent at last, watching only the face of Njord Foegrim.
It is pretty clear throughout Breca's speech that Njord has been making an effort to listen, but at the same time he seems a little more focused on trying not to vomit up the copious amounts of drink he's consumed- that's one of the things about Foegrim's, they like to drink, they just don't hold their booze the way most dwarves do. As you complete your rant he let's out a burp that he had obviously been trying to hold in, so as not to interrupt you. He then looks around the room, and it takes him several seconds to realize you are awaiting a response. Njord then clears his thoat, and says, "Lord, there is much wisdom in what you say, and your words again remind me why it is that you are leader of this colony and that my kin all look to you for guidance. Though I may not agree with all your choices, I do think your heart is in the right place. I will continue to do my best to serve you as a can. Yet, I look forward to the day when we can bring a proper workforce of dwarven master craftsmen here to make this place into a proper dwarven home.
I am getting on in years and I am well set in my ways, so forgive me if it takes some time to adjust. You know that we dwarves don't take well to change, and all this talk of different races all living and working together is very strange to me. It will likely take me a couple of decades to get used to. In the mean time, I hope that the supply of drink will remain high, as it helps to ease the tension I feel. Foegrims, aren't quitters and I have agreed to serve you Breca, so I shall continue to hold true to my agreement and keep my complaints to a minimum.

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Here is a brief log from Captain Breca recounting yesterday's nasty game session. The details will follow soon in my own journal.
Damn and blast Anita! I could have taken that sorcerer if she's not whisked me out of the fight! One less skinwalker mage is a good trade for one pissed off dwarf in any circumstances!
So we get up onto the plateau, scout around, and get a lay of the land. Argent and I decide taking a look at a temple on the far eastern shore of the island would be interesting, only to alert skinwalker guards and set off a bloody nasty battle right on their doorstep. And to add insult to injury they kill two of us and we don't even knock a single one of them off into the bargain. Bloody sorcerer and his constant stream of dispel magics! Little did it affect the Will of Procan, but heavy it weighed on my friends, forcing all but I to retreat not once but twice. And I would have burned and lanced that foul abomination if Anita had not forced me back here! Damn and blast!
One demon of a kind I did not recognize in the water, playing with foul magics, two sorcerers and one unpleasant fighter bouncing around killing the helpless. And the usual mob of skinwalker grunts, plinking off arrows and the like. Tomorrow we return, though I think they shall be waiting for us again. This time we take Mikhaal, may Procan keelhaul him for being drunk this morning, and see what can be done with the whisper gnome in tow. I may even seek mercenary help tonight from Gradsul, as we need either clerics or mages to compete with these bloody creatures and their endless minions. I must also keep a few dispel magics handy, as what works for them may also be a boon for us.
I think I'll go tell Egil and Desra about this, and make sure that lovely cold iron mace is blessed before i sink it into the chest of whatever demon, skinwalker, or beast should stand in my way.
Captain Breca

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Breca (dwarf, cleric/demonwrecker 14)
Argent (air gensai, fighter/swashbuckler/wizard/abjurant champion/eldritch knight)
Vossler (half elf, hexblade 13)
Anita (human, sorcerer/rogue/arcane trickster 13)
Angela (winged aventi, favoured soul of Elhonna 13).
Michael was unable to attend this session, Mikhaal the whisper gnome spellthief had to sit out. Instead, Jeff brought in Anita, his alternate PC to round out the group. This session is pure hack and slash goodness (you've been warned).
Game Session #27 (Assault on Taboo Island, take 1): After the great feast to celebrate the founding of Vessarin, the time has finally come for Breca to lead the party into battle against the demonic host that infects the heart of the central plateau.
Early in the morning four brave heroes set out on a mission that not all are destined to return from. Breca, Argent, Vossler and this time countess Anita depart from Vessarin utilizing one of Breca’s wind walk spells. The enigmatic and hung over Mikhaal remains back in Vessarin, much to the consternation of the rest of the band, who try to convince him that his help is most needed. It seems even Breca’s magic is not sufficient to provide a cure from the hangovers caused by their new local wine.
After flying in gaseous form at great speed for several hours the band reaches the central plateau. Soon they are soaring over the ruins of ancient Thanaclan, which sits on the shores of a large lake. Towards the eastern shore of the lake, near to the ruins is a jungle covered island. The canopy is broken in a few places by the tops of great Olman step pyramids, and it is this island that is believed to be the true heart of abyssal evil that infects the entire Isle of Dread. Running along the west side of the island is a high, rocky ridgeline that dips down to meet the lake. Jutting out from the base of the ridge the heroes spot several crude wooden docks with Olman style catamarans tethered to them.
The band decides to investigate, and they descend for a closer look. It turns out that a spacious cave recedes back into the ridge, and the docks are built out into the water from the mouth of the cave (the west side), where its stone floor meets the lake. The cave itself is partly natural, but has also been shaped and worked. The floor has been flattened, and a wide set of stairs that spans its entire length leads up from the water and flattens out into a spacious landing that occupies much of the cave’s eastern end. Several intricately carved pillars of great size help support the cavern’s ceiling. In the centre of the east wall is a doorway leading into a ten foot wide tunnel that recedes even deeper into the ridge. To either side of the passage leers a stone bas relief sculpture of a great face wearing a feathered head dress. One face looks very birdlike and has the image of a sun carved beneath it, while the other looks more like a jaguar and bears the image of the moon beneath it.
The group decides that this is obviously a significant access point to some sort of subterranean complex, and they decide it may be worth investigating. As they, contemplate their next move a pair of skinwalker braves emerges from the tunnel. These creatures look more or less like Olman warriors, but each one has the skin of fiendish great cast fused to their bodies. The boneless arms of the cats still end in sharp claws and are fully animated. Each of the skinwalkers is holding large water skins, and they make their way to the lake to fill them. The adventurers try to hover near the cliff face, doing their best to hide and not be seen by the skinwalkers. Unfortunately this is not to be. As they finish filling their water skins, one of the skinwalkers looks up and happenes to notice Breca hovering in the air. He shouts out right sway, and the pair drop their waterskins and race for the passage, whooping and shouting “Spirit Intruders, spirit intruders!” in olman as they go.
This gets the party moving. Vossler and Argent both land on the landing iside the cave. They dismiss their windwalk spells, and Argent begins readying his various defensive spells. Vossler turns himself invisible and draws his great sword. He then approaches the entrance to the passage and peers down. It extends some distance, but seems to open into a room at its end, and from his vantage point he can see the room holds a large fire pit that has several skinwalkers near it. They all hurry to their feet and ready bows, as their kinsmen race into the room raving about intruders.
Anita and Breca both land on the cave floor as well, but they stay near the mouth of the cave, at the bottom of the stairs, each behind a pillar. The two begin to take the extra time needed to assume material form without dismissing the spell.
Vossler sees the skinwalker warriors moving into the passage to investigate. He decides to confront them, and he charges down the passage, slashing one open with his greatsword. Suddenly, Vossler is visible and alone with several skinwalers. Luckily they only seem able to fit two at a time down the passageway, but several have bows ready. The skinwalkers and Vossler engage in battle. Most step back a few feet and fire on him with their bows, but a couple that were leading the band use melee weapons istead. Vossler quickly sustains several wounds from their poisoned weapons. He is considering a retreat when suddenly a wall of force appears behind him and seals off the passage!
While this fighting takes place the rest of the party is occupied. Argent is busy readying his defensive spells and Anita and Breca are still materializing. Argent sees that Vossler is in trouble, and he decides a benign transposition is in order. Suddenly the pair has switched places, and Argent is in the passage, separated from his allies by a wall of force against a band of skinwalkers, while Vossler is out in the entry cave. Vossler takes advantage and uses all the daily charges of his healing belt to recover some of the damage he has sustained. Fortunately for Argent, he is well armoured by his abjurations and invisible.
Argent steps back and unleashes a duel wand blast from his wand of magic missiles and wand of fireballs. Unfortunately, neither wand is powerful enough to get past their fiendish spell resistance. He is invivisble, but several skinwalkers guess his position, due to the holy light he emits, and thei r keen sense of smell. Bowstrings hum and arrows fly towards Argent; a few reflect harmlessly off his abjurations. Suddenly a ray goes streaking past him, just missing the air gensai and harmlessly hits the wall of force. Seconds later a puddle of grease materializes beneath him and he falls to the ground. With spellcasters lurking about, Argent decides it best to get back to his allies and uses a dimension door spell to retreat.
Back out in the cave Anita and Breca have both finished materializing. Breca casts a true seeing spell on himself, and Anita turns herself invisible. It seems another spell caster is lurking around because Breca suddenly feels magic wash over him, threatening to turn his mind to mush, but with his strong will he shrugs it off. The dwarf scans the area, but even with his true seeing spell he can’t see the source of the magic. Then suddenly, a creature levitates up out of the waters of the lake just off the end of the docks, and this causes much anger to stir in the heart of the demonwrecker.
The creature is most certainly a fiend, and it seems to be some sort of aquatic demon. It is massive in size, with a serpentine body that is some twenty feet long and ends in a wide fishlike tail. Its skin is a grayish colour and has a wet, rubbery texture. It has a head that vaguely resembles an eel with a maw that is rowed with long needlelike teeth. Its large eyes are bulbous and burn with fiendish hatred. It has two overly long, guant arms that end in a pair of wicked clawed hands. However, due to Breca’s true seeing, he realizes right away that what he sees is but an illusionary image. None-the-less, the illsion utters a blasphemous word of power, and as the word reaches Breca and Anita’s ears both adventurers are suddenly dazed, and Anita feels her strength sapped from her body. Vossler sees the demon and sheaths his sword and readies his swordbow. Seconds later he launches a barrage of arrows, but they pass harmlessly through its illusionary form. It laughs at Vossler’s feeble attempts and then hits Breca with an unholy blight spell that injures the cleric (not seriously). As Breca recovers from being dazed, he shouts out, “The demon is some sort of projected image. I think our true enemy is underwater!”
Argent responds, “I’m on it captain!” and he flies over the docks and dives into the lake. With no need to breath, a ring of freedom of movement, and a fly spell, the mage moves swiftly through the murky waters. His luminous armour lights his path, and soon it illuminates the bulk of the demon’s true body lurking in the depths. Argent races towards it, stabbing with his rapier, but fails to penetrate its tough natural armour. The demon retaliates, and bites and claws at him. To its surprise none of its deadly natural weapons get through.
Back on the surface, the wall of force in the passage holds a small army of skinwalkers at bay. However a ray of black energy suddenly streaks out from what must be a small hole in one of the eyes of northern of the two relief faces that flank the passage. The ray hits Beca, despite his cover from a pillar, and he feels some of his life force sapped from him (enervation, only 1 negative level). With no real targets Anita and Vossler are unable to do much. Anita casts a fly spell on herself, and Vossler decides to start summoning his magical gloom hound. As Vossler starts to summon his hound another black ray streaks out from the relief sculpture. It hits Vossler, disrupting his summoning and draining his lifeforce (4 negative levels).
Breca has had enough of the arcane sniper, and he casts a stone shape spell that opens the face of the stone relief wide open and sculpts a lengthy tunnel in behind it. It seems there had been a tiny secret chamber behind the big stone face, and a shocked skinwalker sorcerer is exposed- his hiding place now gone. A narrow passageway branches off the little chamber, and several more skinwalkers suddenly pour out of it jumping down into the main entry cave. Leading their attack is a shrieking, hulking skinwalker warrior with a flaming Olman sword.
Anita flies at the sorcerer, lashing at him with her spiked chain- hitting with a sneak attack and a vampiric touch stored in the weapon. An angry Vossler tries to use his hex curse on the sorcerer, but it resists the magic.
Beneath the water, Argent plunges his rapier into the shoulder of the water demon, and detonates a sonic blast that was stored in the blade. The demon reels back and strikes back with an unholy blight spell. An instant later it teleports away, and appears nearby Breca, who is standing near the north side of the entry cave, not far from where the skinwalkers are leaping through the gap caused by his stoneshaping. To make matters worse it is about this time that another skinwalker sorcerer and a trio of skinwalker archers, magically appear at the south end of the cave!
The demon, now in the party’s midst, turns it attention on Breca, but not before Breca can unleash his holy word spell. The spell isn’t as devastating as usual. Three skinwalker braves drop, paralyzed as they leap from the gap in the wall. However, the sorcerers, the warrior with the flaming sword, and the demon are all unphased, and the trio of archers is out of the spells range. Worse still, Anita seems to be affected by the holy word, for she is suddenly dazed and blinded. The demon steps up to Breca and assaults him with claws and teeth (42 damage), wounding the dwarf. One of the sorcerers hits Vossler with a pair of scorching rays, and the other follows with a fireball that catches both Vossler and Breca. Finally, the skinwalker chief charges Breca and pouncs on him, visciously pummeling him with his flaming weapon (another 42 damage). After these attacks both Breca and Vossler are badly wounded.
Breca uses his boots of dimensional stride to escape and he reappears near the back end of the tunnel he had stoneshaped. Vossler flies out of the cave and heads up to try to get on top of the ridge. He is pursued by one of the sorcerers and gets blasted by a fireball before he can escape. Next, Argent bursts out of the water just in time to see Vossler’s flaming corpse plummet from the sky. He hits the demon with an electrical orb, but it has no effect on the creature. It smiles and turns its attention back to Breca. Feeling helpless due to her blindness, Anita teleports back to the Parrot Docks in Vessarin. This leaves Argent and Breca alone against several powerful foes. Breca casts a heal spell on himself, but is soon the target of his enemies again, as the demon hits him with another unholy blight, and one of the skinwalker sorcerers seals him in his tunnel with a wall of force. The other sorcerers turn their attention on Argent. One hits him with a dispel magic and the other with zaps him with a ray that causes a green field of energy to encase him (a dimensional anchor). Argent, who suddenly finds several of his abjurations gone decides a retreat might be in order. He flies back beneath the water and attempts to dispel the dimensional anchor- succeeding. He then decides to remain underwater for a moment to recast his abjurations. Likewise, Breca casts a meld into stone spell and retreats into the wall of his tunnel, where he too takes time to power up with spells. Outside their enemies wait patiently, ready to slay more of the heroes.
Back in Vessarin, Anita calls for Angela the angel-winged healer. Angela hurries to her aid and casts a restoration spell on the woman that rejuvenates her strength. Her blindness soon wears off, and while she waits she casts a few more spells on herself. Anita convinces Angela to return with her and help save her allies and avenge Vossler’s death. Together they teleport back to the battle.
Timing seems to be on the party’s side, for Anita and Angela arrive back in the caves just as a large sized Breca is emerging from the stone. The waiting enemies are ready for Breca’s return; one hits him with a feeblemind spell. Luckily, Breca is protected with spell resistance. The demon fills the tunnel with magical darkness, but this poses no difficulty to the dwarf due his true seeing spell. A flying and invisble Anita swoops in and lashes the sorcerer who had just cast the feeblemind with a wraith strike sneak attack from her spiked chain. The second sorcerer turns on Anita with a dispel magic that makes her visible and deactivates her fly spell. Angela opens up with arrows from her bow, but doesn’t land any hits. It is now Anita who now seems in the most trouble, for as she hits the ground the skinwalker chief pounces on her with a savage series of attacks (81 damage). Anita drops, on the verge of death! Seeing her so horribly wounded, Angela flies down and casts a heal spell on her. Anita who is prone, rolls away from the skinwalker chief and dimension doors behind Breca, who has used this boots to teleport out the darkness to the mouth of the tunnel looking out on the entry cave.
In her haste, Anita forgot to bring Angela along and left the woman standing near the skinwalker chief. He lunges at her and lands several savage blows with his flaming blade, and shatters her angelic nose with a blow from his shield. She collapses, but it is at this time that Argent rejoins the fight. He bursts out of the water and flies to Angela’s aid, attacking the chief with his rapier. The chief is a master warrior and fends off Argent’s thrusts. He then goes on the offensive against Argent, but is unable to land a blow on the Abjurant Champion. With his final attack he instead finishes of Angela, knowing that if he can’t hurt the mage physically, he can hurt him emotionally.
During this fight, Breca has been busy. He is filled with the fury of Procan, and conjures a divine bolt of glory that hammers the water demon (113 damage). The demon howls in pain, and teleports away. The skinwalker sorcerers each hit the dwarf with a dispel magic, but barely remove any of his spells. Only his righteous might is dispelled, and the dwarf returns to his regular size. In retribution, he blasts one of the sorcerers with a bolt of glory (113 damage again). Yet, the skinwalker is a hearty fiend and takes the bolt, though is obviously quite injured.
Argent uses both his steeldance spell and rapier to slash at the skinwalker chief, and he begins to injure the bastard. But the sorcerers decide to help, and both cast dispel magics on Argent. Again Argent finds his abjurations stripped of him, and this time he has none left to recast. Knowing full well that without his spells he won’t last long against the skinwalker chief, he dives into the water hauling Angela’s body with him, and as he departs he is hit with another dimensional anchor ray.
In the meantime, Anita makes herself invisible once again, and Breca scorches the sorcerers with a flamestrike, though the agile fiends dive clear of much of the damage. Anita decides that fight is lost. She uses her final teleport to return again to Vessarin. This time she grabs Breca and tries to take him with her. The dwarf does not want to go, and attempts to resist, but fails. In the end the angry dwarf is pulled out of the fight.
Argent is left alone in the water, stripped of his magic and virtually out of spells. Luckily the air gensaii does not need to breath, and with his ring of freedom of movement he swims through the water with ease. He tows Angela’s body with him, and finds Vossler’s as well. He stays beneath the water and swims along the ridgeline until he is well away from the cave. He then waits some time before emerging. When he does, he pokes his head up and sees no sign of the skinwalker sorcerers. Thus, he uses his innate ability to levitate and floats up to the top of the ridge where he takes time to find a hiding place to rest and regain his spells.
The heroes have suffered a decisive defeat. Two members of their band are dead, and they did not slay a single foe. Breca is eager to return and bring the wrath of Procan down on his enemies. He just needs to find a few new adventurers to help him.
DMs Notes: this was the toughest fight the party has had thus far in the campaign. I probably could have been even nastier if I had played the oppoents even crueler. For instance their where a couple of times when I opted to use the demon's unholy blight when greater dispel magic would have been more effective, and I could have had it chase after argent underwater while he was trying to repower up or dispel Breca's meld into stone spell. However, I figure 2 party casualties and sending the party retreating back to Vessarin totally expended with no casualties on the side of the villains is pretty respectable.

P.H. Dungeon |

Thanks Turin. Fortunately, the defeat didn't totally sour them. They are eager for round 2 next weekend. Though Breca's player did mention concern that if this is what the doorstep has to offer than it is going to get real ugly when they get further in. He is of course correct! The player who was playing Vossler has no planst to raise his hexblade and is now working up some sort of wizard (diviner/loremaster) type to bring into play. Thus every single member of the party will continue to be able to cast spells of some nature. Hopefully they will discuss tactics in a bit more detail before their next foray.
I have something of a dillemah myself. Khala is now aware of intruders, and would be fully aware that the lower temple was destroyed. He is plenty smart enough to deduce that this band is in all likelihood the same would that destroyed the lower temple. He knows they are powerful, and wants to see them destroyed. The question is what is he willing to do to see it happen. There are more skinwalker bands lurking about Taboo island, along with the odd clutch of demons. Should he bring some them to the temple to add to the defense? I think this would make sense, but I also think that it would stretch out the adventure that much longer and make an already tough battle all the more difficult. Thus, I will probably skip out on this, but do what I can with the resources of the temple to make it as defensible as possible.
I would concur - your players have tasted a fairly bitter defeat, with a tang of humiliation for failing to bring low even a single foe spicing that particular meal. A toast!

Turin the Mad |

P.H., that would depend on his precise intelligence and scrying abilities. At the least, they would marshall into a far better defensive array, deploy consumables for maximum effect and otherwise do thier level best to shore up thier defenses.
For example, perhaps they do no structural repairs at all, but leave the place apparently abandoned? (This is especially viable if they are teleport-capable...)

Charles Evans 25 |
A couple of thoughts for simple tactics that I've had.
2) Khala has Xerkamat instructed to 'get within line of sight of that dwarven cleric', and uses his own (Khala's, that is) action to delay until the cleric starts casting each round, so that Khala can try to counterspell the dwarf with Greater Dispel magic. (Or blasphemy, if you play rules that allows blasphemy as a counter for Holy Word). The dwarf cleric is quite clearly the biggest threat- one of the skinwalker acoloytes can amuse himself with feeblemind on the arcane casters, whilst any others run interference with dispel magic, force walls, etc.
3) All skinwalker acoloytes to remain invisible 100 per cent of the time, between attacks. Their ability to dispel magic/wall of force, etc is too valuable to make them clear targets if the PCs teleport back in without any warning and get a surprise round in.
4) Alarm spell all entrances (even the back doors) and symbol of death (if Xerkamat has time) the 'new entrance' that the dwarf cleric opened up by using stoneshape.

P.H. Dungeon |

Thanks for the suggestions I was definitely adding more alarm spells to the entrances, and am preparing some symbols of death spells inscribed on wooden shields so they are portable and can be taken to where they are needed. The Xzeramat can even use telekinesis to move them around if he wants. I'm going to try to keep the skinwalkers a bit less clustered to avoid being decimated by holy word and make sure I buff the chief with fly and see invisiblity and possibly displacement before he goes into the fight. I will keep one sorcerer near him to do this.
Of course my big temptation is to just bring Khala into the fight right off the bat, but that would likely end in a TPK.
I could have the skulvyns or hezrou join the fight with ease, and I might have a couple of arrow demons add to the defenses, mostly because I really like them and my party is starting to really hate them. Skulvyns can use the submerged entrance and join the battle in a matter of rounds once given an order from Khala.
With Xeramat I need to take better advantage of his greater dispel magic to debuff the party. This tactic really hurts characters like Argent. Breca needs to be pinned down with a dimensional anchor and then hammered on with melee. I also need to hold back archers to delay actions and wait for PCs to start casting spells and then try to disrupt them. Mikhaal the spellthief will likely be in this foray, and he will pose a great danger to my sorcerers. He can silence them (no save) with a successful sneak attack. I have silent spell for them, so they should be able to work around this, but it will waste their higher level spell slots. Of course they can fly near the PCs and prevent them from casting spells.
I'm sure the party will come in better prepared for this round.
A couple of thoughts for simple tactics that I've had.
** spoiler omitted **

Yasha0006 |

Invisible, greater dispel-capable, multi-terrain adaptive foes ... especially targeting the spell huckers first ... your players are sure in for a rough ride.
I look forward to the gruesome accounting of Round 2 with them.
Let the bloodletting begin! Seriously PC, they are going to need to gain some fortitude here and quick. They are not going to have many more situations from this point on for retreat and redo.
If you want to encourage them a bit...heres a thought...

P.H. Dungeon |

As of yet Khala doesn't know where they are operating from. They have taken pains to keep the location of Vessarin Secret. However, Vanthus has recently returned to Sasserine and scoured the manor for hair samples or other artifiacts related to Lavinia. As it turns out the manor has been rented out by Lavinia to visiting members of the Taskerhill family. Vanthus and his Bar Iguara demon minions slaughtered them and set fire to the place after finding a suitable sample related to Lavinia. These murders have caused a stir among the Dawn Council due to the promience of the Taskerhill family. A potent spellcasting investigator has been brought in to solve the mystery and will have to contact Lavinia and travel to Vessarin to help deal with the mystery (Vossler's player wants his new character to be an investigator type, and I'm struggling to find a way to work him into the campaign).
So it looks like we will have a full fledged mage joining the party, and Michael is unavialable again this weekend, so it looks like no spellthief.

Turin the Mad |

As of yet Khala doesn't know where they are operating from. They have taken pains to keep the location of Vessarin Secret. However, Vanthus has recently returned to Sasserine and scoured the manor for hair samples or other artifiacts related to Lavinia. As it turns out the manor has been rented out by Lavinia to visiting members of the Taskerhill family. Vanthus and his Bar Iguara demon minions slaughtered them and set fire to the place after finding a suitable sample related to Lavinia. These murders have caused a stir among the Dawn Council due to the promience of the Taskerhill family. A potent spellcasting investigator has been brought in to solve the mystery and will have to contact Lavinia and travel to Vessarin to help deal with the mystery (Vossler's player wants his new character to be an investigator type, and I'm struggling to find a way to work him into the campaign).
So it looks like we will have a full fledged mage joining the party, and Michael is unavialable again this weekend, so it looks like no spellthief.
Hate to say it PH, but it sounds a great deal like the spellthief isn't interested in the game anymore, or something else has come up that seems not easily predictable.
A full mage eh? Hrm ... I wonder if the player has any idea what he is getting himself into...

P.H. Dungeon |

He works part time as a concert director for a big church, so the Christmas season is really busy for him. I don't think it's lack of interest- he's been a player in my campaigns for the past 7 years, and it has been burning him that he hasn't been able to game the past couple of weeks. In fact gaming is probably going to shut down for a few weeks after this weekend. Breca's player is going to Australia for a month. Argent's player is likely going to have to work Sunday's for the next couple of weeks to cover for another employee on vacation. Michael has his Christmas concert gigs, and I'll be out of the city visiting family over the holidays as well. This coming weekend will be our last until the new year, so it is sad that Michael cannot attend, but what can you do.

Turin the Mad |

Mayhap they will be petitioning Saint Nick for new dice and reams of character sheets in the bloody aftermath of the shellacking to come? ^_^
More seriously, that's good news to hear that the RL Monster is nibbling mightily rather than the far-worse prospect of players losing interest because of character deaths.

P.H. Dungeon |

Character death hasn't been a big issue. My players are pretty good about it, and though there have been enough to keep the game interesting and the threat of death ever possible, I'm not wracking up the kind of body count some campaigns have (Allen). Plus if they really like their character, raising the dead isn't a huge issue.
Now RL getting in the way of gaming- that is an issue. Stupid real life. Stupid jobs.

P.H. Dungeon |

Here's a brief journal introducing the new character that was added to help round out the party in yesterday's game session.
Vex’s Journal: I rode into Gradsul about mid afternoon through the North Gate. As usual I was subject to many stares from the locals. Over the years I’ve grown accustomed to them. I’m a female elf, which normally might not draw a lot of attention in cosmopolitan city like Gradsul, but you have likely never seen an elf like me before. I stand over six feet in height, which is unheard of among my people, and I have yet to meet an elven woman that matches my height. Furthermore, though I am lean, I am extremely muscular. In fact the only thing about me that really looks elven is my face. The eyes, the ears, the nose the shape of the chin are all very elven, though I do shave my head- completely. Many folk assume I must be some sort of freakish half elf mongrel, but that is not the case, as far as I know my blood is pure. So as you can imagine, people tend to stare. The fact that I ride a warhorse, dress in gleaming mithril and carry the battle flail of a dead orc chief as my primary weapon doesn’t lessen the amount of stares. Yet, if I find anyone giving me a look I’m really not fond of- well, one sharp glare in their direction is usually enough to send them scurrying on their way.
It was a pleasant enough late summer afternoon, though the smell of the city was none too pleasant. I hadn’t been in Gradsul in some time, and things had changed a lot since my last visit. The greatwar has had its impact on all the Flanaess, and Gradsul is no exception. The place has become infested with refugees. Many come from the north, but I hear that just as many have sailed here from the lands of the Sea Princes to the southwest. That day the poor crowded the streets, begging for change and scraps of food, and I was greatful to have ogre (my horse) with me to keep me above the crowd. I made my way down Market Street toward the Everflow Plaza (named after the great, everflowing fountain in its centre). Passing through the market, I stopped only to pick up some fresh baked bread and exotic fruits, before entering the Dock quarter.
The Dock quarter was even more pungent and crowded with the poor. I had heard rumours of food riots, and hid away my bread, so I wouldn’t be forced to thump any desparate beggars. Normally, the dock quarter wouldn’t hold much interest to me, other than maybe the taverns. However, today I had a destination, and that destination was the Foegrim/Angsparr trading Consortium.
The Foregrims and Angsparrs are both clans of dwarves. For the last couple of years I’ve been busy fighting alongside many members of the Foegrim clan in the Principality of Ulek, battling the orcs of the Pomarj in the Drachensgarb hills. The Foegrim’s are a brave and tenacious lot, and I personally have more love for the stout folk than I do my own people. The disadvantage is that dwarves tend to smell more than my people, and they are much more hairy. Body and facial hair just does not appeal to me. What can I say; I’m an elf. Recently, some rumours had been circulating around the Foegrim camps. It seems that part of the clan had long ago established a trading consortium with a cliffdwarf clan called the Angsparrs. It also seems that recently, a young Angsparr dwarf and priest of Procan had managed to establish a colony on a large and savage island far to the south known in tales as the Isle of Dread. Apparently the priest had been busy over the past several months recruiting skilled dwarven craftsmen and labourers to join his colony. He had been offering good money, and had been using magic to transport his kin to the colony. These rumours caught my attention.
I have traveled through much of the Flanaess, but never have I been to the jungles of the south, though I have heard many stories of danger, adventure and treasure to be found in the region. I live for all three of these things, and fighting grubby orcs in the hills was starting to grow tiresome. For every orc warrior I killed there always seemed to be three more to take its place. Yes, it was time for a change. Thus, I found myself in Gradsul in search of the dwarf calling himself Breca Angsparr.
It wasn’t long before I found the consortium’s trading complex. It was certainly a dwarven structure- all sturdy stone and right angles. I looked very functionally, but not particularly beautiful, though much dwarven architecture is quite beautiful to be sure. I imagine the clan didn’t want to attract any extra attention, given that it was operating in primarily human city, and humans tend to be an untrustworthy lot, thus they kept their buildings simple. After a few words with the guards at the gates, and some mention of the kinsmen I had fought with, they let me pass. My horse was stabled, and I was given a room. That evening, I found myself dining as a guest of honour among the dwarves. I was privileged to meet Hemdell and Elra Angsparr. Hemdell was Breca’s uncle and the dwarf in charge of the complex. Elra was Breca’s mother. At first they were a little hesitant to talk about Captain Angsparr, but as the evening pressed on and more drinks and stories were shared, their tongues loosened up. My story of how I claimed my flail- “Skullsmasher” after slaying the orc chief Manrog in single combat was particularly well received. I learned a few things about this Breca character. The first was that he was a powerful priest in the service of Procan. The second was that he tended to come and go as he pleased, so when he would next visit Gradsul was uncertain. Hemdell did mention that he was more occupied with cleaning “an evil taint” from the Isle of Dread than he was with family business, though Breca’s father is supposably on his way back to Gradsul with a pair of ships full of trade goods. That night I fell asleep by the hearth, contently drunk on dwarven ale, clinging to Skullsmasher like a lover.
The next day I was woken by a light kick in the ribs. It was Hemdell, and he was looking prim and proper despite the night of drinking. In fact, he even had a goblet of wine in hand. Standing beside him were three other figures. One was a man with strange light blue skin, and bleached white hair that seemed to be blowing as if in the wind, even though he was indoors. He wore a rapier comfortably at his side and satchel across his chest. Unfortunately, this fellow seemed to be drunk, and was swaying side to side and frequently belched rather rudely.
The second figure was a very attractive human woman, dressed in finery. Yet there was something a bit mysterious and strange about her that I was unable to discern. The third was a dwarf, clad with a breastplate over mail. Hovering in the air at his side was a large steel shield with images of sharks devouring men on it. Hanging from his neck I could see a holy symbol carved from coral. I assumed it was a symbol of Procan, but I could not be sure.
Hemdell introduced us, “Lady Vex, this is Captain Breca Angsparr. Captain Breca, this is Lady Vex. Therse are his companions- Argent, and Countess Anita Alucard.”
I hurried to my feet, a little embarrassed to be found sleeping on the floor like a peasant.
“Pleased to meet you captain. I’ve heard tales of you, and came here in hopes of meeting you.”
He nodded, but didn’t seem particularly impressed. I then went on to tell him of how it was I had heard of him, and I explained that I had come to Gradsul in hopes of getting on opportunity to travel south and assist in taming the Savage Isle of Dread. He listened intently as I told him my tale, and mentioned several of my past expoits.
Again he did not seem particularly impressed and he told me as much. He also seemed a little perturbed that word of his colony and exploits had managed to spread so far. At any rate, he did make it quite clear that the Isle of Dread did offer much in the way of potential wealth, but any wealth to be gained would be hard earned. He also made it clear that demonic forces currently festered on the Island, and that he had made it his personal mission to eradicate the fiends. My experiences with the demonic have been limited, but I have heard enough tales to know that such foes are much more dangerous than orcs. In my mind that was a good thing. I was eager for new challenges and such horrors have no place on this world. If I could have chance to break the skulls of some fiends and earn some wealth in the process, it would suite me just fine. I offered my services and he seemed happy enough to accept. After that is was down to business.
We moved straight into the consortium’s offices, and Breca began briefing me on the current situation and what was to be done. It seemed that they had recently lost a couple of their companions in battle against the demons and Breca and his allies were eager to avenge their deaths. I had anticipated easing into my new adventure, but Breca had other plans. He was ready to use magic and to drop us into their territory as soon as the planning was complete and Argent sober. This dwarf didn’t waste time. Luckily, there is nothing I love more in life than battle, so the sooner the fighting could begin the better.

P.H. Dungeon |

Here's the details of round #1 versu Khala. This also marks our last game session until the new year.
Breca: dwarf, cleric/demonwrecker 14
Argent: air gensai, fighter/swashbuckler/wizard/abjurant champion/eldritch knight 13
Vex: elf (female), fighter 13
Anita: human (half vampire), sorcerer/rogue/arcane trickster 13.
Game Session #28 (The Assault on the temple round 2/ battle with Khala round 1): Argent spends a long sanity taxing night in the rain, cowering among the rocks of the ridge above the temple complex, his magic depleted from the battle against the skinwalkers. Beside him are the bodies of Vossler and Angela. He spends most of the time muttering to his dead companions and praying not to be discovered by flying demons. In the middle of the wee hours of the morning Angela’s body starts glowing with heavenly golden light, and to Argent’s shock and awe it gradual grows insubstantial and vanishes altogether. Perhaps she really was some kind of an angel.
The next day Breca contacts Argent with a message spell and learns his location. He then uses teleporting magic to transport his companion and Vossler’s body back to Vessarin. A wake is held for the fallen Vossler and Angela, and much alcohol is consumed. The day after, Breca, Anita, and Argent teleport to Gradsul in search of powerful mercenaries to aid in their war against the demons of the Isle of Dread. They arrive at the Angsparr/Foegrim trading consortium and there they are introduced to a visiting elven warrior calling herself Vex. It seems that Vex was searching for Breca and hoping to garner magical transport to the Isle of Dread, so that she might find adventure, treasure and battle. Breca accepts her offer, and soon the four are in the war room plotting their next assault on the temple complex.
Not long after they arrive on the ridge, where Argent had been hiding just a couple of nights earlier. From their vantage point they can see a massive Olman pyramid not far from the base of the ridge to the west. Just to the south of the pyramid are a few smaller, wooden buildings that are in disrepair. For almost an hour they observe from their hiding spot, looking for signs of activity. After some time a skinwalker does emerge from one of the wooden buildings, urinates nearby, and then goes back inside. However, the temple itself is quiet.
They decide to investigate closer. All members of the party quaff flying potions or use fly spells and then charges from Argent’s wand of invisibility. Breca casts a true seeing spell on himself and Argent utilizes a see invisibility spell. The group then glides down from the ridge and lands on the top of the pyramid. Breca notices that there are many relief carvings on the pyramid depicting reptilian heads with a feathered headdresses, and he belieives that they are images of Tlaoc the olman god of rain and storms. The same god whose stone head they found in the alien city in the underdark, and the god responsible for the enchanted curtain of magic that held back the waters.
Four sets of steep, wide stone stairs lead up to the top of the pyramid, but the pyramid itself seems to have no means of accessing its interior. However there is a large, circular, stone slab sitting, centered on top of the pyramid. The slab is at least a foot thick and about twenty feet in diameter. It looks like it could be moved, but would require many strong men to do so. Breca decides to see what’s under it. He casts a stoneshape spell and soon has opened a gaping hole in great disk. Beyond is a shaft that burrows down in darkness. Breca decides to fly down and investigate. Down,down, down he goes. The tunnel seems to have no end. In fact, it looks as though it might go into the very bowels of the earth, and with his fly spell rapidly depleting he returns toward the surface, but he surmises that the shaft may actually lead to the alien city, and may have been the means by which the Olmans sent the statue head down to vanquish their enemies over one thousand years before.
From their vantage point on the top of the pyramid, the group notes something else of interest, which is that carved into the base of the ridge is twenty-foot wide tunnel. The tunnel goes back about forty feet before it reaches a set of titanic, stone double doors. They suspect that this might be another entrance into the temple complex. However, none of the band is eager to enter through this route. Breca decides on a more creative option. He quickly darts back down the shaft and casts a second stoneshape spell. He then creates his own tunnel, and aims it in the direction of the ridge, hoping that he might manage to connect with a room somewhere inside the complex and grant the band an alternate means of entry.
Soon the heroes are flying down the tunnel way, still invisible and in single file. Their main challenge is that only Breca and Argent are able to see the other members of the party. Anita and Vex are pretty much required to hang onto the clothing of their invisble companions to not loose them. As they move further down Breca’s tunnel, they soon take note of terrible stench wafting towards them. It seems that the tunnel has connected with something, for at its end Breca begins to make out what appears to be a wall of slimy flesh blocking the exit of the tunnel. The flesh is obviously the source of horrible stink, and it doesn’t take long for Breca to realize that the great blob of flesh is quivering, and that it is slowly making its way down the tunnel towards him. Suddenly, a long, oozing, pseudopod of translucent flesh lashes out at Breca. Luckily, the dwarf is just short of its reach. Breca doesn’t hesitate, and he strikes back with a searing light spell that scalds the fleshy ooze. A strange high-pitched squeel emerges from it, and the blob starts retreating back down the tunnel. Breca and Argent herd the stinking, gargantuan ooze out of the passage using cold and fire magic. Soon the tunnel exit is clear of the horror, and the adventurers discover that Breca’s tunnel has opened into the bottom of a deep stone walled pit. A trail of fetid ooze leads up the wall of the pit, and they are just in time to see the last of the great blob disappear over the lip of the shaft above. Flying up out of the pit, the heroes find that they have entered into a spacious chamber of ancient stone. A single, wide hall exits the room and the blob is slowly retreating through it. The horrid ooze seems to want nothing more than to get away from the source of the pain, and they allow it to move on its way. As their fly spells wear off, Breca casts windwalk on the party so that they can continue to explore swiftly in gaseous form.
For the next several minutes the heroes explore the passageways of the complex. Ancient Olman mosaics and statues are found throughout the place, suggesting that it was constructed long ago by the people of Thanaclan. However, little is found in the way of loot or enemies. The party continues to remain invisble, but soon decides to split up. Anita and Breca find a trap door in the ceiling of one room that leads them to lair of the skinwalkers they encountered a few days earlier. Fortunately, the skinwalkers seem oblivious to the existence of this hidden entrance into their lair, and Breca and Anita are able to quietly duck back down to where they entered from without attracting the attention of the fiends.
Argent and Vex venture deeper into temple complex and discover several partially submerged rooms. They eventually find their way down a staircase to a natural cavern. The floor of the cave is covered with dark water of an unknown depth. Several rock and mineral formations protrude from the water, and clinging to them are numerous dark shelled oysters. Among the more common oysters are at least six more that are 5-6 feet wide, and have a foul abyssal look about them. Upon seeing the oyster bed, the pair decides to rendezvous with Breca and Anita. Though Breca is eager to deliever some pay back to the skinwalkers, he finds himself quite intrigued by the oysters, and it is decided that the caves should be further investigated.
More charges from Argent’s wand of invisibility are expended, and a few moments later, the heroes are standing on the landing at the bottom of a ten foot wide staircase looking into the cavern housing the oysters. The air is hot and clammy, and it stinks of rotten sea food. In his hands Breca holds a pair of metal pry bars that he found in a room at the top of the stairs. While the rest of the adventurers cover the room with their bows, the dwarf flies in and drifts up to one of the giant oysters. He inserts the pry bars and begins trying to force the shell open. He discovers that even with the aid of the pry bars he doesn’t have the strength needed. However, he does manage to open it slightly, and as he does a shrill, defeaning, keening is unleashed from the oyster. Seconds later a head pops out of the water. The head belongs to one of the oversized kopru- the strange and nasty creatures they battled in the alien underdark city. Its gaze darts to the oyster and it swims over to investigate. Fortunately, it doesn’t seem to be able to see Breca or the other characters, who are all still invsible. Time passes and it ducks back down beneath the water.
Breca then glides over to one of the other oysters and tries his luck prying it open. Again he has the same problem, and once again the oyster unleashes a terrible shriek. His allies are left confused and worried, for only Argent can actually see Breca. An instant later three kopru heads emerge from the dark waters. One quickly ducks back under, but the other two remain on guard, scanning the cave for signs of intruders. Breca bides his time, but the seconds pass. Argent, Anita and Vex hold their fire. More tense moments pass. Suddenly the water begins to churn, and a half a dozen demons that most vaguely resemble crocodiles rise to the surface, along with another pair of kopru. Breca recognizes the demons as Skulvyn- an aquatic type of Tanar’ri demon. To make matters worse, there is yet another demon with them, and this one flies up out of the water, and seems to be staring straight at the dwarven cleric. This demon is easily the size of a stone giant, and has two feral baboon like heads. Its body is both reptilian and simian, and it has a long tail that ends in four barbed flukes, like those of the kopru. Finally, a pair of tentacles take the place of where the arms would normally go. Upon seeing the creature, Breca is instantly reminded of the two headed, howling construct he encountered in shrine of Demogorgon, and he suspects that this creature may be some sort of manifestation of the Prince of Demons himself- certainly not a foe to trifled with.
The dwarf is the quickest of the band to react, and he utters his holy word spell. The divine power of Procan tears through the chamber, banishing all but one of the skulvyn demons, and blinds and deafens three of the four kopru behemoths. The demonlord is not affected, and howling with rage it flies at Breca. The dwarf turns to face his attacker, but as he does their gazes lock and the supernatural power of the fiend’s abyssal gaze grips his soul with fear. The dwarf can think of nothing other than getting away from the creature as quickly as possible. However, before he can retreat the demon lashes him with one of its tentacles. His enchanted shield and amour absorb some of the mighty blow, but it still hurts.
Argent, and Anita start casting spells on themselves, trying to ready for battle as quickly as possible. However, both Vex and Anita decide to withdraw up the stairs, hoping to prevent themselves from being surrounded and overwhelmed. Breca also retreats, using his boots of dimension stride to teleport him into the empty room at the top of the stairs. Only Argent remains. The single remaining skulvyn demon swims in at him and snaps at him with its jaws, failing to overcome Argent’s potent abjurations. As it closes on him he feels his actions starting to slow, but resists whatever vile aura the demon is producing. The bigger threat comes from the demonlord, and it targets him with a power dispel magic effect that suddenly strips Argent of nearly all his protective wards. This forces him to retreat as well, and he hurries up the stairs recasting his abjurations with unnatural quickness. Vex, has positioned herself to defend the stairs and she fires arrows down at the Skulvyn, which are both holy and cold iron thanks to Breca’s holy aura. The arrows cover Argent’s retreat, and enrage the fiend as they drive into its hide, causing it to barrel up the stairs at the hulking elf woman. She drops her bow and picks up her battleflail to await the demon’s charge. Meanwhile, Anita finds a hiding place in the room among several large urns that line the walls of what seems to be some kind of store area, designed to help support the oyster farm. She patiently awaits her foes.
Vex suffers a couple of nasty wounds from the skulvyn, but maintains her courage and does an admirable job of smashing its skull to pulp with her flail; thus, sending it back to the abyss. Things quickly get scary again when the demonlord manifests in the room, its heads howling and tentacles lashing. Argent lunges into battle against the fiend thrusting his rapier into it and dishcharging a sonic orb. However, like Breca he too meets its gaze and is overcome with utter fear. He retreats down a narrow hallway, trying to get away from the terrible demon. The demonlord focuses on Breca (who has now regained his senses) hammering him with more tentacle attacks. It tries to grapple the cleric, but he uses Procan’s power to slip free of the tentacles’ crushing grasp. He then tries to hinder the demon’s movement by hitting it with dimensional anchor ray. Unfortunately, the demon’s whipping tentacles distract the dwarf and he loses his spell. Again the tentacles smash into him, and Breca is forced to teleport away, joining Argent at the end of the hall away from the fight. At the same time, one the great kopru flies up the stairs and replaces the vanquished skulvyn to battle Vex. Anita manages to close on the demonlord and using a wraith strike spells she hits it with her spiked chain, discharging a vampiric touch that manages to overcome its resitance to magic, thus inflicting great pain on the fiend. It retaliates by smashing one of its tentacles into her chest and then wrapping it around her to constrict. To make matters worse, contact with the tentacles seems to be rotting her flesh, causing her even more deadly wounds. It is not looking good for the countess.
Breca comes to her rescue by firing a Bolt of Glory down the hall. Hitting the great demon full on (120+ damage)! The demon wails with a pain it has rarely known, but suddenly, three massive froglike demons teleport into the room to join the fight. Things aren’t looking good for Vex or Anita. Luckily, the demonlord is injured enough that it decides to teleport away, and Anita lands on her feet. Together she and Vex retreat down the hall to join Breca and Argent, who cover them with spells. The remainder of the fight passes in a blaze, with Breca managing to banish one of the frog demons and destroy another with a second Bolt of Glory. The heroes also slay one of the kopru, but soon others are moving to the fight. Furthermore, the great water demon the group encountered on their first foray appears behind them. With spells depleted and wounds sustained, Breca calls for a retreat, and he teleports them back to the ruins of Farshore to rest.
Though, they can’t count the fight as a victory, at least this time they sent several demons screaming back to the abyss, and they all fought bravely. Furthermore, Breca suspects that the two-headed demon they faced is the source of the evil that infects the island, and their true foe, so getting a sense of its abilities will give them some ideas for planning the next battle in the war. Of course, the same will apply to the cunning demonlord…

P.H. Dungeon |

A letter from Captain Breca discussing the party's most recent foray to taboo island.
Well, we're sitting here in the ruins of Farshore, under the roof of the old church and
listening to the rain pour down. Argent, Anita and a elven fighter called 'Vex', whom I
recruited in Gradsul, are with me, and are recovering from our second run-in with the
demons of the temple.
We did well this time. The front door isn't the best approach, so we made out way into
the complex by trial and error, and a few fortuitously placed stone shape spells. The
luck of Procan aided us, otherwise we would have had to wander longer and risk being
detected earlier.
The temple has a complex beneath it, towards the shore, and this goes down a fair
distance. We used Silence and Invisibility spells along with potions of Fly to remain
undetected for the most part, and made out way down, bypassing possible traps and
ignoring a room full of skinwalkers (which took no small effort). We sought the source
of the evil, not the minions to wear us down.
At the bottom we found caves and following these found a room full of unusual oysters.
The exits seemed few, so I tried prying open an oyster, only to have it screech with an
unearthly wail and large kopru came to investigate. I hovered near the ceiling, deciding
what to do as three emerged and looked confused. A repeated pry into an oyster achived
much the same result, and then all hell broke loose.
A fearsome demon, much like the golem of Demogorgon we fought months ago, teleported
into the room, surrounded by many crocodile-like minions. It saw me not twenty feet away
and prepared to attack. I knew that my only hope lay in banishing the majority of its
minions, and so moved dangerously close before speaking Procan's Holy Word. The wave of
divine magic swept the room, and banished all but one of the minions back to the Abyss,
while it deafened and blinded a number of the kopru.
I suffered some harm at the hands of the lead demon, and felt terror penetrate my mind,
forcing me to retreat from the beast. The others had already taken defensive positions
at the head of the stairs leading into the chamber, and I leap via a Dimension Door
behind them. The demon followed, and while i could not prevent it from teleporting, I
caused it much pain with a well-placed Bolt of Glory. Eventually we drove it off and
killed a number of its lesser demons and the kopru before retreating ourselves.
So this round we avenged the deaths of Vossler and Angela, and possibly weakened the
forces arrayed against us. I will not return to Vessarin till the foul demon is dead or
I have fallen in battle. It is too risky to return to Vessarin, for if the demons
discover where our home is, they will surely attack. I believe we could repel another
Crimson Fleet, but demons would make short work of most of the defenders. So for now, we
will make the ruins of Farshore our home, and transport between here and Gradsul for
supplies. If Mikhaal can join us in the future, he would be welcome, but for now we must
face the demons alone and pray that our faith is enough to overcome and rid the Isle of
their blasphemous taint.
Keep a watch on the village for me and thank Desra for the mace. I sank it into the chest
of a demon this morning, so she should know its weight is true.
Pray for us brother,

P.H. Dungeon |

Vex’s Journal: My new companions and I are are recovering from our recent battle under the shelter of a battered church that sits in the ruins of colony that Breca tells me was once called Farshore, at least this was its name before it was destroyed by some sort of foul magic. I don’t yet know all the details, but apparently the demons we fought today are responsible for creating the magic that devastated this place.
These new associates are an interesting lot. Argent is a true swashbuckler, all confidence and bravado, and though he has great skill, his reliance on magic is his weakness. Without it he seems to be unable to hold his own in battle against the foes we face. I can’t blame him though, demons- well by the gods they’re demons, unholy creatures from the Abyss itself. Any mortal who has even the courage to stand against such enemies is a warrior to be reckoned with. He seems to have a good heart, and I think he will come to the aid of his allies in times of need- certainly a good quality for anyone I fight beside to possess.
Anita, well… This woman is a bit of mystery to me. She seems too comely and affluent to be fighting demons in the stinking tunnels we have encountered. She looks like she would be more at home in a royal palace, and yet she has a way of fitting in wherever she goes. Certainly she showed skill with the spiked chain she was using. An exotic weapon such as a that is a rare sight in battle and takes a great deal of trainging to master. The fact that she brought it to bear against possibly the most terrifying creature I have ever laid eyes on is most impressive. I also noticed that her body was healing its wounds at an unnaturally fast rate. There is something different about her to be sure, and I will be keeping a close eye on her.
As for Captain Breca, well the stories are true, he truly is high in the favour of his god. His divine power is great, and if it had not been for him, I’m not sure any of us would have survived the battle. He reminds me of myself at times, eager to plunge head long into danger, unconcerned about consequences. Yet he has a rational side as well, and thinks out his actions carefully enough that he still lives, despite the dangers he has faced. However, I still think he’s lucky to still be alive, though one could say the same about me.
So, though I’m impressed by the skill of my new allies, I’m really not sure what I’ve gotten myself into here, but it seems a little late to go back north now. Breca was not jesting when he spoke of facing demons. The two-headed fiend we fought was truly a terror, and the thought of having to face it again chills my heart. I will take the time I have to pray to Kord and build my courage, and hopefully when we do confront the demon again I will be able to land blows from Skullcrusher against it.
As for reward, the potential for treasure and wealth seems possible here. These ruins are isolated enough that I imagine they haven’t been well plundered other than by the demons that seem to infest them, and hopefully they haven’t carted all the valuables back to the abyss. But I’m certain any treasure we gain will be hard earned.
It would be nice to have some time to adjust to this new place. The heat and humidity here is far greater than Gradsul’s weather, and it is taking some getting used to. In the few moments I’ve spent outside, I have witnessed types of birds, plants and insects that I’ve never before seen. My elven blood is wishing to just walk about for a time and see all the wonders of this strange land. However, Breca seems determined to destroy the great demon, and he is eager to rejuvinate his spells and go back into battle. Luckily for Breca, it just so happens that I too love battle, especially when I fight alongside a priest who can heal even the most painful wounds with a single prayer. I just pray to Kord that the demons aren’t able to reinforce their defences before we return. The numbers certainly seem against us, but I always like it when I am fighting the bigger opponent- it keeps things interesting. May Kord give me strength and courage in the fights to come, and may Procan continue to show us his favour.

P.H. Dungeon |

Thanks for the compliments. I'm glad to see you're still keeping up with this one. FYI you probably won't see many more posts here until the new year, as our campaign is on a bit of a holiday hiatus. Though, I am working on a quick story about how Vex got her flail...
I love the journal entries. This is definitely one of my favorite threads.

P.H. Dungeon |

A belated Happy New Year to everyone. We're still a couple of weeks from getting back to our regular game, as Breca is still lingering in Australia.
However, we have managed to a do a bit of gaming in the meantime in the form of a All Flesh Must be Eaten (1920's Pulp version) game sesssion. I call the adventure Zeppelins and Zombies. We aren't quite finished it but it has been pretty fun so far. We also managed to work in some Kill Doctor Lucky and 4 man Slayer Halo action (all fun times). Tomorrow we'll finish the Zeppelins and Zombies adventure. The weekend after that I'm going to try to run a game session of Paranoia and then hopefully it will be back to our Savage Tide campaign.

P.H. Dungeon |

Well we are back in action- WOOT, WOOT! I was getting tired of writing recounts from the dm perspective, so I am writing at least the first part of this one from the perspective of Vex, the battle hungry elf, warrior, woman. I didn't acutally run her in the session. I turned her over to Jason, the player that had been running Randal, then Veldrin, then Vossler. With the death of his third PC he was still trying to figure out what to make for his next character, so he thought he'd run Vex for now until he decides. However, he enjoyed playing her, so he might stick with her for a while.
Breca: Cliff dwarf, male, Cleric 9/Demonwrecker 5 (Procan).
Vex: Elf, female, fighter 13
Argent: Air Gensai, male, swashbucker/fighter/wizard/abjurant champion/eldritch knight 13
Mikhaal: Whisper gnome, male, sorcerer 1/spellthief 12.
Game Session #29, Part #1 (Return to Taboo Island, as told by Vex)
As I said before Captain Breca, as he is known, was eager to return to the central plateau and detroy the great demonlord that we encountered on our recent expedition. The dwarf has courage; I’ll give him that. I have seen many battles in my hundred and thirty years of life, but never before have I faced such unholy foes as those that dwell here. I must admit that even my battle lust and courage are waning. However, when I stand in the presence of the dwarf I can feel a tangible holy aura. He truly is high in the favour of his god and this gives me both hope and courage. I feel that as long as he is near even these terrible foes can be destroyed, and be destroyed them must. My elven blood cannot abide by their presence in this world. It violates the natural order of things. They are ungodly abominations that have no place here and must be defteated at all cost- on this we all seem to agree.
The enigmatic woman, who calls herself a countess, has decided to remain here in the now empty ruins of a colony that Breca calls Farshore. I guess the loss of her former adventuring companions, Vossler and Angela, has finally set in and she needs time to grieve; or perhaps the horrors that we faced were too much for her and she has lost her will to fight. Either way, I can’t really blame her. Fortunately, Breca has used his magic to bring another of his allies to our side. He is gnome named Mikhaal, and he has agreed to help avenge Vossler and Angela’s deaths.
Again with the aid of Breca’s divine magic we were magically transported to the place known as the central plateau. There were four of us in total- Breca, Argent, Mikhaal and myself. We found ourselves standing on top of the same ancient stepped pyramid we visited the previous day- the one with the shaft that led deep into the bowels of the earth. I looked to Breca for orders, and after he cast a couple of spells upon himself and protection from evil charms upon us, he boldy led us down the steps towards three run down wooden structures built near the base of the pyramid. We used no magic to conceal ourselves and walked with bravado and confidence. Though the tactic was highly unorthodox, I was quite alright with it. I could feel the comfortable weight of Skullsmasher (my enchanted orc battle flail) in my hands and scanned for enemies daring enough to challenge me. We saw none. However, as we reached the first of buildings Breca began to shout out obsenities in the language of our foes, hoping to draw them out. His tactic worked and suddenly the hide flap to the entranceway of nearest hut was flung open. A strange looking tribal savage leapt out. He looked like a powerful Olman warrior, but had a hide cloak made from the skin of a great feline fused unnaturally to his head and body. Breca calls these savages “skin walkers”, and his band has already killed several of these cannibals. The skinwalker howled a war whoop and lunged at Breca, slashing at him with his primitive sword of wood and obsidian. The captain was well protected and the thing’s attacks were parried by Breca’s animated shield. The dwarf then raised his enchanted mace and began smashing the skinwalker with blows of his own. Two more hurried out of the hut to join the fight. Mikhaal disappeared. Argent and I struck with our own attacks. I landed several powerful blows with Skullsmasher, and the weapon once again lived up to its name, as I pounded the skull of one of the fiends to a bloody pulp. Though these creatures were seasoned warriors, they were no match for us, and soon all three we dead on the ground. A fourth had begun firing arrows out the doorway from inside. A couple of arrows had deflected off of Argent’s magical protections, and though they caused him no harm they seemed to annoy him enough that he ducked into the hut to take care of the savage. I was about to go aid him, when the captain said that he thought Argent could handle the threat without help, and he led me towards the next hut.
I had lost track of where Mikhaal went, but Breca said he was likely lurking around somewhere and would make himself useful if there was trouble. I’m not a big fan of those who skulk about in the shadows, and so far this gnome was hardly proving useful. As per Breca’s orders I waited near the doorway to the next hut as Breca stepped inside. Nearby I could still hear Argent’s gleeful taunts, as he sparred with whatever foe or foes were lurking in the first hut. He seemed to be doing okay, but I tried to be alert in case it started to sound like he was in trouble. Suddenly the wall to the hut Breca had just entered exploded with a burst of magical energy, and a charred body came flying out. The body was not Breca’s. It was much the opposite. Breca had hit the “man” inside the hut with a Bolt of Glory, for he had tried to go for an arrow for his bow as soon as Breca had entered. The man was not a man at all but a tiefling. We later discovered through a ledger we found in the hut that the little fiend was a member of the notorious Crimson Fleet, and was seving the role of an ambassador of sorts to the demons here. With two huts secure, I set out to check out the third one while, Breca, Argent, and now Mikhaal (who had appeared from around the side of the hut) started investigating the contents of the two huts we had secured.
The third hut was much sturdier and larger than the first two. I found it to be empty other than some dired palm leaves, small bones, shit and the stench of old urine. I surmised that it might have been a place for holding prisoners, but it didn’t seem like there were any such unfortunates currently being held. I returned to see how the others were doing. We found a ledger written in the second cabin that was written in a script that none of us could read. Breca said it was Abyssal and he put it in his magical Haversack.
With no reinforcements on the way we discussed our next move. We decided that we would teleport inside the complex we had begun to explore the day before, and make another strike against our foes. The plan was fine with me. The quick skirmish had only whetted my appetite for battle. I was ready for a feast.

P.H. Dungeon |

Game Session 29 part #2
Another spell from Breca and we found ourselves in an empty stone chamber. It was dusty and had seemed unused in some time. There was a trap door in the floor of one corner of the room. The only exit to the room was a secret door. Breca had discovered it on our last foray, and he it hadn’t seemed like the skinwalkers were aware of it. The secret door opened up onto wooden balcony that ran around the edge of the heart of the skinwalker’s lair- a large room with a vaulted ceiling and large fire pit in the centre.
Breca decided to lead the way. Argent used a charge from his wand of invisibility to turn Breca invisble. The captain then cast a silence spell on a pebble and moved out onto the balcony. I couldn’t see them from inside our room, but apparently there were nearly a dozen skinwalkers in the main chamber down below. They were busy with vaious tasks, but they had weapons nearby and seemed to be expecting an attack. Breca moved to the top of the stairs and called upon Procan to blast a cone of cold into the midst of the skinwalkers. The cold was devasting but they survived. I then moved out onto the balcony along with Mikhaal ready for a fight. Argent animated a pair of longswords he keeps strapped to his back. The blades hovered in the air beside him ready to aid him in battle. He then went invisible. I could soon hear him gleefully taunting his enemies, and them howling with pain and rage, so I knew he was probably busy slashing at them. Figuring, Argent was fine I turned my attention toward Beca. He was now visible, and already a pair of frosty looking Skinwalkers had dragged themselves up the stairs to try to deal with the cleric. Even with the damage they had sustained from the frost they were still fast and hearty fiends. Though Breca is not overly dexterous his enchanted armour and animated shield proved capable of repelling the attacks of the Skinwalkers. Arrows suddenly started streaking up towards us. Many of them were directed at Breca, but again thanks to his armour and shield they caused him little harm. Breca bellowed a dwarven warcry and began swinging at them with his enchanted mace. I was about to go join him when suddenly another skinwalker burst onto the balcony from a door behind Breca. He was wielding a flaming Olman sword, and he began slashing at Breca’s back. I had heard about this one. He had killed other members of the party on a previous foray, and it was probably partially thanks to his deadly handiwork that my services had become necessary. He now seemed set on slaying our captain. Before I could go to his aid Breca was signaling me to hold my ground and was running towards me. The skinwalker chief was right behind him. Mikhaal who was hiding in the shadows by my side, and who I had nearly forgotten about, launched a spell ray at the chief. It hit him right in the chest, but didn’t seem to do much to slow him down. The chief suddenly leapt into the air and was about to land on Breca. I was ready and lashed out with Skullsmasher. My flail wrapped around the chief’s ankle and I pulled back, hauling the skinwalker out of the air and causing him to land hard on his back with a grunt. I then slammed my flail down on his chest and heard the sound of bone cracking. Even prone he proved deadly, and he managed to get off another good swing that caught Breca right under the chin. I think it broke the dwarf’s jaw, and the flames from his weapon set Breca’s beard alight. Breca was badly wounded now, but he still managed to find the will to focus, and he cast a bolt of glory at the skinwalker. The spell blasted him right in the face (Crit for 180+ damage!) and sent him through the balcony floor, and crashing to the stone paved ground below. I glanced down through the hole; his body was a smoking wreck and there was no life left in the fiend.
Two more skinwalkers were right behind their chief. A gap in the floor now separated us thanks to Breca’s spell, and they were wounded from the cone of cold. I took to the air with my winged boots, and was soon hovering over the gap, thrashing away with skullsmasher. They didn’t last long. I was really starting to like killing skinwalkers. It’s almost as much fun a killing orcs, yet not as fun as killing giants- ahhh, it’s these sorts of thoughts that my elven kin generally find hard to understand, but dwarves get them
I heard the sound of more arrows buzzing past me, and I harzarded a glance back towards Breca. He must have just used his his healing magic because his beard no longer on fire, and his wounds looked healed. An arrow hit the wall behind him and another one grazed his cheek. It was time to do something about the blasted archers! Using my winged boots I flew over the railing and down towards the skinwalkers on the floor below. A couple of them were already dead, thanks to Argent, who from the sounds of things was still keeping busy killing them. It was frustrating not to be able to see him, but I’m sure it was more irritating for his enemies. I launched myself at the closest skinwalker and landed a hammering blow that sent him staggering backward. Then I heard firey explosion behind me and felt a wave of heat wash over me. I looked back and saw that some sort of fireball had detonated on the balcony where Breca and Mikhaal were. It was too far away to cause me any real pain, but Breca howled, which meant he was probably fine. The agile little gnome had seemed to dive clear and was flying across the room towards a skinwalker shaman that was standing on the far opposite balcony, readying another spell. Breca had told me Mikhaal’s specialty was dealing with spellcasters, so I figured I’d let him deal with the threat. It was about time he did something useful. His skulking in the shadows was becoming annoying. I turned my attention back on the skinwalkers. I had just finished dropping another one when things took a turn for the worse.
Suddenly two demons appeared in the room near me. One was the terrible twoheaded demon lord we had encountered the day before. The other was one of its hulking, stinking frog demon minions- a type of demon Breca had called a Hezrou. I heard Breca shouting something about it being just an image. That may have been the case, but it seemed to be casting spells up towards Breca. However, I figured he knew what he was talking about, and I charged the Hezrou. Its stench was overwhelming and I felt myself starting to wretch. I swallowed back a mouthful of vomit, and took a swing, but not before the thing sunk its huge, razor toothed maw into my shoulder. Pain seared through me, but I kept on fighting. I was fortunate to be still close enough to Breca that his holy aura blessed my flail with the power to overcome the fiend’s resistance to mortal weapons, and my blows landed true. The Hezrou seemed to enjoy battle as much as I, and it chortled with glee even when I hit it. It’s sadistic pleasure came to an end when Breca blasted it with another bolt of holy power. He truly had come ready for a fight. A gaping hole was burned right through its stomach, and as it glanced down at the smoking wound I brought Skullsmasher down on the top of its massive skull with all my strength. I drove its head down into its chest, and vile smelling ichor and gore sprayed across me. The demon’s body collapsed and quickly melted into a pool of noxious sludge. At this point I thought we were faring quite well all things considered, but I heard Breca calling for a retreat. I turned and flew back towards him. On the way I grabbed the flaming olman sword off the floor, and shot up through the hole in the balcony. I then realized that there were at least two skinwalker sorcerers up on the balcony level. Fortunately, my allies had been able to kill one, and Argent had his body over his shoulder; at least that was what it looked like. It was hard to tell since Argent was still invisible. We were soon all gathered together, and before our enemies could stop us Breca teleported us back to Farshore.
After the fight, I learned that there had been two sorcerers on the balcony. One had been firing deadly rays that drained the lifeforce of those they hit. Breca had been hit with such a ray, and it had caused him great pain. However they had managed to kill the fiend, but the other one had survived. Breca has used his magic to heal the nasty bite wounds the Hezrou inflicted on me. Both Breca and Argent needed to rest and recover spells. While resting Anita browsed the ledger we recovered. Apparently, she reads abyssal script, which gives me another reason not to trust her. According to her the ledger is essentially a series of accounting type records kept by the teifling. Nearly two hundred captives have been sacrificed to the demonlord, named Khala according to the book, over the past two yeas. Of even more concern to Breca is that over forty shadow pearls have been produced and likely distributed to the Crimson Fleet. I don’t know enough about these shadowpearls to really understand what exactly that means, but Breca obviously thinks that it is potentially a very dire threat.
The current plan is teleport back to the central plateau and finish what we started. May the gods be with us.

P.H. Dungeon |

Here is yet another letter from Captain Breca, musing on his recent foray against Khala and the his minions...
Well, Egil, if going in through the front door didn't work, appearing in the living room does. Once again we took the fight to the cursed demons and skinwalkers on the central island, and this time they felt the wrath of Procan to be sure! Ha! Brother, you should have been there! I have had enough of this demon that calls itself Khala and serves the foul mind of Demogorgon. This is the thing responsible for the shadow pearls, and by Procan's holy Name, I swear I'll deliver my faithful morningstar into the beast's black heart or die trying!
Mind you, I feel the first tinglings of joy since the death of Kratos so many months ago. I like knowing my enemy, seeing his minions fall one by one before my divine spells, and spilling the blood of his faithful with mace or morningstar. I feel confident that together we can slowly finish the skinwalkers, and then the demons and finally Khala himself. There is much to be said for nibbling at his numbers like the elusive piranha, taking mouthfuls of his strength each time and reducing those who may stand against us. I felt positively smug when that bloody skinwalker chief lay before Vex and I, the holy energy of Procan arcing between my hands. I believe I may have told the skinwalker "This may hurt a little," before the blast tore through his skull and demolished the floor in front of us.
I know, i know, we're not invincible, far from it, but the last two days of fighting have evened the odds considerably. We still fight terrible demons, and Khala always arrives when I think it is least needed, but we can stand our ground without recklessness. The others fly to me when I call a retreat, and so far we have made it safely away from harm each time. Argent is improving in his sense of whom to attack, no longer leaping from enemy to enemy, but choosing those that threaten us the most with spells or missiles. Vex is a pleasing warrior to have nearby and I admit a grudging respect for her flail, Skullsmasher. Who would have thought an elf capable of such swift violence? Too long in the company of the Foegrims I think, for either she grows a beard and I have found cousin Borvick a fiesty wife, or we'll have to spend our days hunting the Crimson Fleet and letting her whet her appetite for blood amongst those wretches.
Still, another day has passed and thanks be to Procan that we all stand here in the ruins of Farshore. My one doubt is that I am not certain of all my companions. Argent speaks incessantly of his bar when he is not readying himself for combat, and I am certain he has offended Anita, for the two of them avoid each other. Mikhaal seems out of place against the demons, for they are not a easy foe for one with his specific skills. Still, I will not begrudge his presence, for he is yet one more companion to stand together with against the foe. I hope his weapons are as fine as his wit in the coming battles, for if metal and flesh fail us, perhaps he can laugh the bastards to death with his strange humor.
Be well brother, and drink each night to our victory or death!

P.H. Dungeon |

Game Session 29 part 2 (Round 3 vrs. Khala, from Vex's perspective)
The next morning after having prepared his spells Breca transported us back to skinwalkers’ lair. We appeared on the balcony overlooking main chamber. Things happened fast, and I don’t know exactly what happened next because I was standing close to the wall and didn’t have a view into the room, unlike the others. However, I suddenly heard Breca shouting something about a magical symbol and to not look down. I didn’t look, but it was too late for the rest of the party. Breca had protected himself with a death ward, but Argent and Mikhaal weren’t so lucky. Suddenly Mikhaal collapsed to the ground. Breca scooped the little gnome up and we hurried through a door behind us. The door opened into a room that must have been a sleeping area for skinwalkers. Dirty furs and such were scattered across the floor, crude pottery stood near the walls, and unfinished tools and weapons of bone, wood and stone were scattered on the floor or leaning against the walls. Luckily there were no skinwalkers to be found. I guess we had killed them all. We laid Mikhaal down on the ground, and Breca checked him over. He looked very pale and I could tell he wasn’t breathing. I knew before Breca announced it that the gnome had dropped dead. I was in shock. It had all happened so fast. One second he was in perfect health and the next he was dead on the ground. Breca then pulled a fistful of diamonds out from his haversack. He cupped them in his hands and we all prayed to Procan. I watched as the diamonds crumbled to dust and then disappeared altogether. I suppose Procan had accepted the offering. An instant later Mikhaal had returned to us. He seemed confused for a moment, and when we explained what happened at first he didn’t believe us. I don’t think his spirit had really even had time to leave his body before it was pulled back, so I’m not surprised that he didn’t realize he had been dead. It was a strange moment. I have heard of such miracles, but never have I witnessed one first hand. It was almost as if he never died at all.
I can’t remember who suggested it, but I think it was Argent who told Breca he should go lay some hides over the symbols since he was protected from their magic. Breca did this and then we set about searching a few of the rooms that opened onto the balcony. One was a nasty shrine, but we claimed some valuable gold bowls from the place. We also found some valuable obsidian shards in another common room. Breca has a truly wonderous item that he calls a portable hole. He acquired it here on the isle from our enemies, and he made himself busy tossing tools and weapons into it. Though none of the items were of huge value, they would serve the people of his colony well, so they were worth taking. Once we were content that we had looted those rooms, we crossed the great chamber and went up a set of stairs to the balcony on the other side. This was where we had killed the skinwalkerchief. There was only one room opening onto this balcony- the one the chief had come out of. We entered, and as it turned out this room was in fact the chief’s private quarters. Breca went first, and I don’t think he was overly surprised to discover it occupied. Three skinwalkers and the surviving skinwalker shaman waited for us. They must have heard us tromping up the stairs because they were ready for battle. The warriors stood in a line in front of the door and the sorcerer was at the back. As Breca entered they lunged at him, but he was ready and well protected. He managed to get off a cone of cold, which caused them to falter yet still they came at him. His armour protected him from most of their blows. It was the sorcerer that was the real threat, and his allies seemed to shield him from the brunt of Breca’s spell. He vanished as soon as we entered. Breca had a spell cast on him that would allow him to see through magical illusions and such, and he claimed that the shaman was no longer in the room. I figured he probably had gone to go find his demonic master. Breca and Argent were both full of fury, I hardly got in a single blow before the skinwalkers went down. The fight was over in seconds. However, we knew that we likely didn’t have much time before the demons arrived, so we readied ourselves. Argent went invisble and flew off (I think). I moved back out onto the balcony and readied my elven longbow. Mikhaal also took up position on the balcony but cloaked himself in the shadows. Breca made himself busy by starting to search the chief’s room, and he quickly pushed a trunk into the portable hole. We didn’t have to wait long.
Suddenly the great two-headed demon called Khala appeared in the room. Breca rushed to the door and again shouted that it was just an image. I fired an arrow at it any ways and the missile passed clear through its body. I started to panic. I had seen this thing cast spells and our weapons seemed useless against it. Breca, Mikhaal and I retreated back into chief’s room. We waited for a few seconds, hoping that it would come to us and we could force it to fight in cramped quarters. Instead Argent stumbled into the room. He was visible and was mumbling incoherently. We quickly realized that the demon had cast some terrible enchantment on him that had destroyed his mind. He couldn’t even speak. I was surprised he had the sense to find us. Mikhaal and I took up flanking positions by the door, though we were also anticipating Khala appearing in our midst. Breca worked his most powerful healing magic and cured Argent’s mind. Tense seconds passed. The door suddenly burst open and a hulking, slithering kopru behemoth forced its way through the opening. The door way, was quite small for the thing’s great bulk, and the extra time it took squeezing through gave Mikhaal and I a chance to strike. I landed three devasting blows to its skull (3 power attack crits in a row for some 180 damage), and soon its wet, bloody body was sprawled across the floor.
As it fell I saw a bead of flame streak into the room. My warrior’s reflexes kicked in, and I dove for cover just as the fireball detonated. We were all seared, except for the gnome. Breca got his wits quickly and cast a spell that would protect us all from fire. I slammed the door shut. It was a good thing too, for suddenly another fireball exploded against the door. The force of the fiery explosion blew the door open and heat and flame washed over me. Breca’s spell protected me and I was not damaged. I decided to try and block the door again just to be safe, and was busy hauling the thoroughly charred corpse of the kopru up to block the entrance when another fireball detonated, along with cloud of greasy, black, unholy energy. This time I felt pain, and I hurried to get the doorway blocked. I guess Breca figured we needed to spread out because suddenly he disappeared, and Argent vanished and instant later. I called out for them, but got no response. I prayed that they hadn’t abandoned Mikhaal and I.
The kopru body shuddered as yet another fireball exploded. The force blew the body back into the room. This time I decided to peek out and try to figure out what was going on. My view to the great chamber wasn’t that clear, due to my line of site and all the smoke, but I caught a glimse of what I thought was the skinwalker sorcerer on the ground down below. Khala was also still in the room, and another demon had appeared as well. This one was the even larger aquatic demon we had encountered two days earlier. It vaguely resembled a demonic, humanoid, eel. Furthermore, three more kopru behemoths floated in the air not far outside our room. I supposed that they were waiting for the fireball barrage to end to see if anything was still alive.
Mikhaal launched a ray spell at the eel demon, hitting it right in the chest. Then a bolt of glory was launched from the opposite balcony. Thank the gods that Breca was still around. It hit the eel demon and made it howl and wail. A cloud of mist also appeared down below, obsuring the sorcerer. I figured that was Argent’s doing. The fireballs stopped, and the kopru flew in. Mikhaal and I took up our flanking positions and hacked down the next one to try to come at us. We waited for the next one, but they had turned their attention elsewhere- I assumed that they decided Breca and Argent were more of a threat. Mikhaal and I were contemplating our next move when suddenly Khala appeared in the room behind us. I was about to spin around and face the fiend when I felt Mikhaal grab my arm and cast a spell. I went with the magic and an instant later we were in one of the rooms that opened onto the balcony on the opposite side of the great room.
DMs Notes: we didn't finish this battle and will be picking up again with it next game session.

P.H. Dungeon |

Mikhaal's Journal (or letter as the case may be)
Dearest Sister,
Let me apologize for not having written more frequently; these past weeks have been difficult ones and I've spent far too much time 'in the cups'. Its either the cooking here at this ramshackle bar or the aftermath of a particularly nasty spell I absorbed (personally, my money is on what passes for food here) but I've been quite dispirited and ill. My companions have not fared well in my absence I'm afraid and they've been none to shy to say so either.
Well, I rejoined them yesterday and together we carried the fight to our minion's lair. I have indeed missed much during my illness and I found myself a little 'rusty' shall we say. The dwarf was in a right fury however and his divine magics wreaked havoc. He indiscriminately sundered skinwalker and floor alike. A new companion (she is quite simply the biggest elf I have ever seen!) is frighteningly effective with a double-headed flail; she does seem to enjoy the kill just a bit much if I do say so myself. Argent still flits around the battlefield, a blur of steel and sorcery_a veritable beacon with his glowing armour. Did I mention that stealth is completely lost on this group. Why, upon arriving at the 'stronghold' the dwarf began calling out to our enemies !!
We had quite a bloody day. Worry not dear sister, I was unscathed. I know when to enter into melee (and more importantly, when to avoid it) and my particular skills weren't necessary this day.
I was not so lucky this morning however. I had an encounter with death I'm told (and to be perfectly honest when I awoke this morning the air was heavy with portent and I couldn't help but feel something terrible was going to happen). How can I say this so bluntly you may ask? Simply put, I'm not so sure it happened. We arrived back at the 'stronghold' following a short rest break. I found myself surveying the floor where we fought so fiercely the day before. Two great runes were etched upon the floor. My knees grew quite weak when I looked upon them and I lost my balance. The next thing I recall is the dwarf standing over me muttering about diamonds and the blessing of Porcan or whatever his deity's name is. Now, I can't say I felt dead exactly (but who's to say what that feels like), I did feel quite low however, but a potent restorative spell helped me along. I did let them know that should something like this ever befall me again I prefer to be reincarnated. My mentor told me of powerful druidic magics that allow one's 'soul' to be returned in the body of an animal. How awesome would that be eh?
Anyway we weren't able to wax philosophical for long as skinwalkers and demon-things arrived to give us more trouble...no worries though dear sister I shall stay safe. And you will too won't you? Don't be thinking of following me here, mother will be most upset you know and I've enough trouble keeping myself and my companions out of trouble let alone having to watch over you. Not that you're not capable mind you but this really is no place for a young woman like you.
I'll be sure to write more frequently from here on in...gotta dash!
Stay well,

P.H. Dungeon |

Here's some thoughts from the character Argent regarding our recent game sessions...
Over and over again we enter into that hell, our first assault being a decided disaster. I remember vaguely slipping away from the fight, ashamed and cowardly with no magic to spare for fighting or fleeing. I carried away the corpses of our fallen comrades and waited for rescue. Vaguely I remember them keeping me company, they spoke to me; especially Angela, of my failure to keep them safe. I’m afraid that alone in the dark with none but the dead to keep me company I went quite mad. In the night I watched as Angela’s corpse disintegrated before my eyes. Even now I don’t believe it and think that it may have been some scavenger dragging her off into the jungle and myself too addled to see it. It matters not, it would seem that she is gone now and I have no hope of ever seeing her again.
Breca did eventually rescue me, and due to a weakness of spirit and a desperate need to escape the torments of my own mind I fled to the bottle. When Breca suggested that we return to that meat grinder I was surprised, but I guess I shouldn’t have been. I confess that there was a part of me that showed fear; I have never been defeated that soundly before, and I did not wish to return into that horrific place. Perhaps it was Procan or my own Laslia giving me strength, or the desperate need to make those bastards pay for the lives that they have stolen, but I sobered up and found the courage to go once more into the breech.
Little did I know that we would be going several times into that place, although now we seem to be doing so more successfully. We never give the enemy time to recover and we leave when the fight gets too rough; so far we have not lost anyone. It seems while I was “away” a new…..woman?….joined our group. She seems to be a competent fighter, and although she lacks my finesse, in landing devastating blows she far surpasses me.
This two headed demon monstrosity is truly beginning to anger me. Every time he appears it is naught but an illusion, and he never shows up as himself. I am keen on knowing the spell he is using to accomplish this feat, for it makes him difficult to defeat. I look forward to the day I can mount both of his heads on the wall of my bar.
My bar, I had almost forgotten. Breca has seemed to have it in his head that returning or mentioning Vessarin will kill everyone and we cannot return there. As if our line of work was safe. Yes, lately where we have gone we have left tales of disaster, but isn’t that true wherever we go? Won’t that just keep happening, will it matter if we keep away? And if we do keep away, aren’t we leaving them in more danger, unprotected against the horrors of the Isle of Dread? I have brought this up many times to Breca but he does not want to hear it anymore, he seems focused and obsessed on this temple. I’ve also been avoiding Anita, I can’t get too close lest events of the past repeat themselves, not that I could get anywhere near her before.
I’ve been seeing a problem with my tactics these last few battles and after these unceasing raids are done, if I still live, I might look to sit out from adventuring for a time and spend some time in spell research. I have almost gotten the mechanics of the Teleport spell worked out for myself and feel that a good stock of scrolls and new spells maybe just what I need to make myself a more capable fighter. We shall see.

P.H. Dungeon |

Campaign Trivia and Top Runners for Campaign Awards.
Players: Edward, Jeff, Michael, Alex, Jason, Carmen (long gone), Steve (irregular drop in guest player), Drew (dm).
Character Deaths thus far:
Rhesk (Hadozee Rogue 1- Beneath Parrot Isle chowed by zombies, dm PC)
Faylor: Elfhound animal companion (dead at the hands of Cruncher the worg, played by Carmen- player has left the game)
Meena Vanderboren: Human, female, Fighter 1/Favoured Soul 2, (died at the hands of savage mutant pirates, dm PC)
Czar: Human, male, Monk 1/Barbarian 7/BearWarrior 1 (died at the hands of savage mutant pirates, raised from the dead, has been turned into a savage creature, and killed again by his companions= 2 deaths, Alex’s PC)
Kratos: Goliath, male, Fighter 1/Barbarian 5 (died on the isle of dread- killed by T-Rex, played by Jeff)
Kasta: Lizardfolk, male, Barbarian 5 (died at the hands of Bar Igura demons, dm PC being played by Jason at the time of death)
Randal: Human, male ranger 6/Horizon Walker 2 (was killed by a Bar Igura demon in the shrine of demogorgon, Jason’s PC being played by Michael at the time of his death- sorry Jay!)
Deek the Virtuous aka Deek the Weak: Human, male Paladin 7 (was killed by savage Czar in the battle for Farshore, Michael’s former PC)
Vel’drin: Human, male, Cleric 6/Zombie Master 4 (killed by fellow PC and sister Jaheria and raised from the dead, later died again at the hands of Ulioth the kopru priest in Golismorga= 2 deaths, Jason’s 2nd PC).
Jakara: Human, male, Ranger/Totemic Demonslayer (killed by kopru in Golismorga, dm PC, being played by Steve our guest player at the time of death)
Vossler Vanderboren: Half Elf, male, Hexblade 13 (killed by skinwalker sorcerer on taboo Island, Jason’s 3rd PC)
Angela: Winged Aventi, Favoured Soul 13 (killed by skinwalker chief on taboo island, back up PC created by Jeff, I don’t remember who was playing her at the time of her death it was Jeff or me)
Mikhaal: Whisper Gnome, Sorcerer 1/Spellthief 12 (killed by a symbol of death on taboo island, has since been raised from the dead and is back in action, Michael’s PC)
Total Character Deaths: 14 plus 1 animal companion.
Players and Character deaths:
Edward: no character deaths, the only player still on his first PC!!!!
Jeff: 1 character death, possibly 2 if Angela’s death gets pinned on him though on his 3rd PC.
Alex: 1 character death, took a leave from the campaign due to work, but is returning soon, with an updated Yvy, his second character)
Michael: 1 character death (Mikhaal), though he was running Randal when Randal was killed, so I could pin 2 on him. He is now on his 4th character)
Jason: 4 character deaths (counting Kasta, who he was running when he died, though Jason didn’t create him), I can’t quite pin 5 on him since he wasn’t running his 1st PC when he died.
Steve: 1 character death
Me: 2 character deaths
Unassigned deaths: Deek’s death, and Czar’s second death.
Campaign Awards:
Leader for Most character deaths award: Jason
Leader for Least character deaths award: Edward
Leader for MVPC award: Edward (for Breca)
Leader for Gimpiest PC award: Jason (for Randal and Vossler) and Michael (for Deek), this one might need a vote.
Leader for most complicated character: Jeff (I’m sure he will take this award)
Leader for best Rping award: Edward for his work with Breca
Leader for most punctual player award: Jeff
Leader for the best attendance award: me
Ideas for other awards and nominee’s for said awards, along with potential prizes are welcome. Awards will be given at the end of the campaign.
By the way at the end of the campaign I propose a drinking day/night and one drink will be had in honour of each dead character. This could get real ugly- we might have to start early in the day.

Turin the Mad |

" By the way at the end of the campaign I propose a drinking day/night and one drink will be had in honour of each dead character. This could get real ugly- we might have to start early in the day. "
Well, if I had to do that for Allen's AoW campaign, death from alchohol poisoning would be assured unless we divvied up the count between the participating drinkers AND had at least six to share them...
A classic quote to be sure though. And thanks for the 'referral'!

P.H. Dungeon |

Yep, you guys would be in real trouble if you each tried to do a drink for each character that was killed in that campaign. Though you could do it "century club" style, where you do shooters of beer, and you have to do one every minute or two until you get up to the total character death toll. In century club the goal is to get to 100. As I recall Allen's death count didn't get quite that high, but I think it was pushing close to 70, which would still be a lot of beer.
" By the way at the end of the campaign I propose a drinking day/night and one drink will be had in honour of each dead character. This could get real ugly- we might have to start early in the day. "
Well, if I had to do that for Allen's AoW campaign, death from alchohol poisoning would be assured unless we divvied up the count between the participating drinkers AND had at least six to share them...
A classic quote to be sure though. And thanks for the 'referral'!

Turin the Mad |

By the way I just went and saw Cloverfield. I'm feeling a little dizzy and queasy.
Cloverfield was a fun movie to see - a nice take on the standard 'monster movie' fare in my opinion.
Oh, and regarding the drink fest, we'd have to do 86 drinks ... yeah, that'd require a limo and at least 7 sturdy drinkers to handle in one night.
Although the century club thing is a nifty touch, one worth incorporating into gaming at some point I would think...

P.H. Dungeon |

Here's a letter that Breca sent to his colony of Vessarin shortly before his final foray against Khala.
I pen these notes as we sit in the ruins of Farshore and have in mind that they may be amongst my last instructions to you. Each day the battle against the demons claims more ground, but a terrible cost. Still, there's little harm in a message in a bottle delivered by water elemental.
If I fall here, then the easy transport between Gradsul and Vessarin via Teleport spells will be lost. My clan have the charts to the Isle of Dread, and Brother Ulfgar will be quite capable of relaying messages back to my kinfolk. If in the case of my destruction, careful consideration must be taken as to the future of the enterprise. With a demonlord on a nearby island, and creatures from the Abyss galivanting about, it is my opinion that the enterprise be dismantled unless other mercenaries can be brought in to deal with the demons.
However, in the event that we succeed and this Khala is finished, I have a few instructions for you.
First, the population of the colony will increase dramatically if we are successful, precisely because the major and immediate threat of demons has been removed. Other problems will certainly appear, but following this event, Vessarin will be able to prosper. As my steward, I will look to you to help ease the new colonists into the villages, and settle them into routine as early as possible. I am aware that there is some tension between my brother dwarves and the mongrelfolk, but much less between the latter and the humans, who seem more able to adapt to change and a certain 'diversity'. Therefore, I will begin to recruit many more humans from amongst the refugees in Gradsul, along with gnomes and halflings where possible, to expand the settlement of Vessarin Above. Foresters, huntsmen, farmers, and carpenters are amongst the most needed, both to secure another food supply and to make homes as quickly as possible. I will also appreciate any input from you on other tradespeople that are either necessary or in short supply. Plans for construction in Vessarin Above should be run by Njord Foegrim first, to make certain nothing interferes with the fortification plans, or the construction of Vessarin Below. Any building at the site of New Barbas should be done in consultation with the mongrelfolk, whom I suspect would be happy to have immediate neighbours.
Second, I will ask my clan Longbeards for permission for a new Founding, and thus a new clanhold is likely to be established. I attach notes for Njord and Brother Ulfgar on this, and a new plan for Vessarin Below, which will undoubtedly please both of them - Njord for the return to careful planning, and Brother Ulfgar for something very ambitious. Presuming that a Founding is granted, Vessarin Below will have to accomodate a population of at least 200 dwarves and their families. I believe we have the capacities to house and feed this many, but I leave the details to you to sort out.
Third, a Founding will also bring up the issue of law. Currently Vessarin is run much as a fiefdom. With a Founding, Dwarven law will govern the colony. For some of the humans, this may not be a welcome event, for they value freedom and individuality more than the safety of their clan. Consult with the official and unoffical leaders of all and we will work out compromises. However, Vessarin Below will be Dwarven, and the law there will be the law of my ancestors. How we manage Vessarin Above is a matter for much thought.
Fourth, I should like work to begin on a new location for Argent's tavern, the Parrot Docks. We will need the space underground for other things, and so I should like a communal effort to relocate the tavern to the second tier above the inlet, with the skull of the snake above the door (or possibly forming it). Argent will have more trophies by the time we return, and I should like at least a frame to be in place as soon as possible. He will have other mad ideas about its size and construction, but let us make certain that in the coming changes, there is familiarity to be found.
Fifth, we need to consider the establishment of a militia, and a small professional force to supplement that. Most dwarves will have military training of some sort, but this colony needs to be more alert and better prepared than Farshore was. I suggest you speak with any followers of Kord about this, and germinate some seeds of thought in the community. Every adult should recieve some martial training as part of their citizenship in Vessarin, and take part in some of the guard duties each year.
And lastly, if I do fall, please thank everyone for their efforts in making Vessarin a community. It has been my great honour to live alongside such vibrant and determined people of many races.
Peace of the depths upon you all,
Breca Angspar,
Captain & ship's Chaplain.

P.H. Dungeon |

Game Session 30 (The final battle against Khala continues, from Vex's POV)
The room we teleported into was a grizly shrine that I presume was used by the skinwalkers to aid in their profane worship of Khala. It had only one visible exit and I could see Breca standing on the balcony just outside the doorway. Mikhaal was at my side and I had no idea where Argent was. From somewhere outside the room I suddenly heard a hissing voice rasp out a word of utter evil. I could not understand what it said, but I felt unholy magic wash over me. My muscles weakened and I found myself momentarily dazed. I wasn’t the only one affected. Mikhaal had been so badly weakened that his little legs couldn’t hold up his body and he fell to the floor wheezing and gasping for air. When I finally regained my senses I was still feeling weak, but I knew I had to try to help my companions. Mikhaal was still on the ground, and I didn’t think there was much I could do for him. He didn’t seem to be in immediate danger, so I left and went through the door to help Breca. As I emerged I could see that the two surviving giant kopru had flown in and were hovering near Breca slashing at him with their wicked claws and lashing with their fluked tails. Breca’s defenses were holding, and one of the kopru was making pained shrieking noises, as invisible blades seemed to be cutting into the thing. I could hear Argent nearby and was sure he was responsible. I went for the second one, flying in with my winged boots and landing murderous blows on it with skullcrusher. Then out of the corner of my eye I noticed a huge spider like creature skittering along the wall, coming in our direction. In the centre of its head were five glowing eyes, and one of them suddenly fired a ray of flame that hit near where I figured Argent was. I heard him yowl. It must have burned him, even though he was likely still protected from fire. The critter apparently wasn’t having trouble seeing him. Breca dealt with the thing by casting a spell that I believe sent it back to whatever hell it came from. I was thankful for that because I was pretty busy with the kopru in front of me, but at least there was no sign of the terrible eel demon.
Unfortunately, Khala suddenly appeared nearby, though I again heard Breca shouting something about it being an image. Yet that image still seemed quite capable. Just as I finished off the last kopru (Argent killed the other one just seconds earlier), I heard Khala chanting and suddenly felt my body being pulled off the balcony. I found myself floating in the air over the centre of the room. The carpets that Breca had used to cover the symbols had been removed and my eyes were looking right at them. As soon as I caught a glimpse of the symbols I shut my eyes. I felt magic again wash over me, and I could feel the symbols trying to rip my soul free from my body, but I resisted its effect and held my eyes closed. I soon felt the magical pull on my body release, and I would have likely plummeted to the hard stone floor had it not been for my winged boots. Out of habit I opened my eyes. Luckily the floor was now obsured by a cloud of mist, and I could no longer make out the terrible symbols.
I looked around the room. The image of Khala had vanished. The only foe I could see was the nasty sorcerer, and it had just hit Argent Breca with a ray of green energy that left him glowing. I wasn’t sure exactly what it was, but I figured it wasn’t good, so I swooped in at the bastard and wrapped my flail around his legged. I pulled hard and brought him down on his back. I quickly followed it with a powerful blow to the stomach and heard him groan in pain. His attention was focused on me now, and he managed to get off a barrage of magic missiles. I did my best to shrug off the pain they caused me. I glanced back over my shoulder. There was no sign of Argent as usual. Breca’s attention was turned back to towards the shrine room and I suddenly heard him shout out a nasty dwarven curse, before firing a bolt of holy energy into the room. Something nasty was going on in there, but I knew I had to ignore it for now. I needed to finish off the sorcerer. I took several more swings at him, but he was well protected by magical abjurations and they deflected my blows. However, my attacks were enough of a distraction to cause him to loose whatever nasty spell he was about to cast on me. I kept on swinging, trying to take advantage of him being prone, and I finally got a few blows past his protections and they were enough to slay the bastard. About the time that I finished him Mikhaal suddenly appeared nearby me. He was alive and well and mobile. He spouted off something about Khala being in the shrine room.
I wasn’t eager to go up against that horrific foe again, but I couldn’t leave Breca and Argent to fight it on their own, so I started to make my way in their direction when suddenly the Eel demon returned. It appeared near Breca and flew in at his back, sinking its needlelike fangs into hia shoulder. I could hear Khala howling from inside the shrine room, and suddenly there was a terrible explosion that blew Breca back and took out the shrine’s wall, sending chunk’s stone flying out into the main chamber. As the dust settled I could see no sign of Khala. Breca and Argent must have managed to detroy him. Argent was now visible, and from the looks of it he had been stripped of his magical defenses. His clothes were ripped and torn from the explosion and he was bleeding from several wounds. With Khala gone, the eel demon appeared to be the only remaining foe. I swooped towards him and landed beside Breca. Breca too had been injured by the explosion and was looking in rough shape. I turned Skull crusher on the fiend, and thanks to Breca’s holy aura my flail did its work. I dealt the demon several brutal blows. Mikhaal hit it with ray of enfeeblement, and then moved in to help, attacking it from behind with his little Morningstar. Yet despite the injury we caused, it kept its focus on Breca, clawing and biting at him. I could see the dwarf was on the verge of death, and he finally had the sense to withdraw. Argent launched a barrage of magic missiles at the thing and caused it to hiss and thrash, and shortly after he hit it with a spell that would prevent it from using its magic to escape. I smashed it again and again, and it in turn clawed and snapped at me with its mouth. I felt the thing rip into me, but I kept on swinging. Finally I brought it down, and its body melted away into pile of ichory goo. The fight was over! We had won, and we were all alive, though we had plenty of wounds to show.
Breca has since filled me in on a few details of the fight that I had missed. It was the eel demon (which he tells me is called a Wastrilith demon) that had spoken the blasphemous word that weakened Mikhaal and I, but after doing so it fled to the water to nurse its wounds. Breca and Argent did face Khala in the shrine room. There Argent met Khala’s gaze and had gone mad. He was so lost that he actually attacked and hurt Mikhaal who was lying on the ground in front of him when Khala had first appeared. Luckily Mikhaal managed to use his magical boots to escape. Breca was able to heal Argent and cure him of his madness. Breca also dealt Khala much pain with two bolts of glory. Apparently Breca had prayed for many of these spells at the expense of other magic, and it turned out to be a wise decision. Though, Breca’s spells may have done the most damage to Khala it was Argent that landed the final blow against him. Though just before he did, Khala had dispelled all of Argent’s protections, so it was a good thing he brought him down when he did. When Khala was slain his body detonated, which nearly took Breca and Argent with him. Needless to say it was a hard won victory.

P.H. Dungeon |

I really enjoyed running this last module. It felt like a real war against the demons and the skinwalkers. I mean in the first fight against the skinwalkers the party had their asses completely handed to them. They had two characters die and they didn't kill a single enemy. When they returned they took out some kopru, the skulvyn demons and a couple of the hezrou, but again they were forced to flee the field, as their resources were spent and Khala and Xeramat were still going strong. The third battle they took out the skinwalker chief, most of the skinwalkers, the last hezrou, and one of the sorcerers, but again Khala showed up and they decided to flee. The fourth fight was the final battle and this one they stayed through until the finish, finally taking down both Khala and Xeramat. The final fight was real tough, Breca was brought to two hit points and would have been dead if it hadn't been for some spells that granted temporary hp. Argent was nearly killed as well, and Mikhaal did die at the beginning due to a symol of death.
The party has learned how to work better as team as a result of the past few adventures, and they have learned the value of taking out some foes, retreating and then coming back again. Whether this tactic will remain effective against the Crimson Fleet remains to be seen, but they are eager to get in there and start wailing on the pirates again. I'm going to make sure they have to work hard in that one too, and I expect a few more casualties to be added to the tally.
Our new party is going to be interesting. Mikhaal was killed by the flesh ooze in the last game session, though I haven't yet included the journal about that event, and I still haven't brought in Vossler's official replacement. This means that next game session two new characters are being brought into the party. 1 is going to be a Lore Master and the other will be a mystic theurge. This means a party almost entirely of spell casters, which will be interesting and hopefully not too unwieldly.
It's almost a shame your battles with Khala are over now - they've been stupendous and epic! Do your group occasionally retreat? I've been trying to train mine to back off and regroup, and so far they've refused. Crazy fools! (And lucky, unfortunately.)
Great story! More more more!

P.H. Dungeon |

Here is the last part of our most recent game session from the perspective of Vex the fighter.
Vex: Elven, female, fighter 14
Argent: Air Gensai, male, swashbuckler/fighter/wizard/abjurant champion/eldritch knight 14
Breca: Dwarf, male, Cleric/Demonwrecker 15
Mikhaal: Whisper gnome, male, sorcerer 1/spellthief 12
Vex's journal
We have taken time to rest from our harrowing battle with Khala. There has been some talk of leaving this place and returning to Vessarin, but we’ve agreed that with the demons and skinwalkers defeated there are probably few threats left that will cause us any real harm, and there may well be some valuable loot to be found. After the hell we’ve gone through the past few days, we need to walk out of here with something to show for our efforts. Sometimes knowing you have eradicated a terrible evil from the world just isn’t enough. I want some gold.
We found a passageway out of the skinwalker’s lair and descended deeper into the complex. We followed a dark winding tunnel. Eventually it opened into some ancient catacombs. The walls had burial niches carved into them filled with the mummified corpses of ancient Olmans garbed in valuable ceremonial burial garb. There were gold funerary masks, braclets and pectorals studded with gems. I almost started to drool, which would have been very unelven and unladylike, and of course that wouldn’t have bothered me one bit.
I have always been taught that remains of the dead should be left undisturbed, but my mercenary blood began to boil at the sight of all the gold. I felt myself drawn to the loot and I foolishly removed one of the gold masks. Suddenly ghostly apparitions of ancient Olmans emerged from very walls of the catacombs! Their faces were twisted by anger and their glowing eyes burned with hate. I felt a deathly chill radiating from them, and they swooped in at me. A pair of the wraiths were suddenly flanking me and reaching out with their incorporeal hands. I did my best to dodge their attacks, knowing that my armour would not likely help against such foes. One of the clawed hands grazed me and I felt a paralyzing cold burn through my body. I think I screamed. Looking around, I could see wraiths everywhere and they were swooping in at us like hungry animals.
Suddenly, Breca raised his holy symbol and spoke a word of holy power. The wraiths shrieked and most of them burned away into clouds of vapour. Only two remained, the two flanking me. They must have been the leaders of the undead, and they continued their attacks. I swung at them with my mace. My only hope was that somehow its magic would damage them. However even that proved difficult to manage. My swings seemed to cause them some harm, but they were already dead, and how do you fight a creature who is already dead and who’s body is completely immaterial? The one to my left attacked me with a ghostly spear, and the weapon passed straight through my armour and into my chest. I felt my very life force being sucked out of me. My legs grew weak and could barely support my body. I felt a numbing cold, and beads of icy sweat streamed down my face. Argent launched a spell, blasting one of the wraiths. Mikhaal was neaby and making an effort to lend his aid, but where was Breca? I caught a glimpse of the dwarf in my peripheral vision. He was on the far side of the room, busy admiring one of the gold masks. Was this supposed to be some kind of punishment for my stupidity? Was he trying to teach me a lesson? I kept on fighting. I destroyed one of the wraiths, but the one with the spear jabbed me again. More of my life force was leeched from my body. I felt like I was very close to death.
Then finally Breca stepped in. He fired a blast of holy light at the wraith, but it compelely missed. Was this some kind of joke? I’d never seen him miss like that. Argent kept launching his own spells and struggled to find the strength to keep swinging with my flail. My mind had gone foggy by this point and I don’t remember exactly what happened next. Suddenly the wraith howled and then turned to vapour. I collapsed to the ground. Then a warmth surged through my body. It was Breca’s healing touch. In an instant I had gone from being on death’s door to feeling as though it were all a bad memory. I was still on the ground, and as I opened my eyes I saw my companions looking down on me. Breca had a reproachful look in his eye. The kind a human might give to a bad dog. He shook a stubby finger at me and then reached down to help me up. Blasted dwarf, couldn’t have given a hand a little sooner! He still looked like a fool with his beard all burnt up.
We spent the next few minutes looting the catacombs, and were troubled no more by the restless dead. The decision was made to press on deeper into the dungeon. We made our way down another passage; as we progressed an ungodly stench started to waft down the tunnel. It reminded me of the terrible fleshy blob I had encountered on my first foray with the group. I did my best to hold my breath, as the stench got worse and worse. Breca, who is normally very hearty thanks to his dwarven blood, was suddenly vomiting all over the floor. I stopped to try to see to him, but Mikhaal pressed ahead to scout out a “T” intersection we were approaching. The ooze must have been wating just around the corner, for suddenly, as Mikhall reached the intersection, long, gobby pseudo pods started lashing out at him from behind the corner. The little gnome was quick, and I saw him weavy and dodging, and the tentrils failed to catch him. Argent raced past Mikhaal and around the bend, but in the opposite direction of where the ooze was, and he hit it with a fireball from his wand. The fireball detonated against the ooze and the backlash from the flame surged towards Breca and I. I dove back grabbing Breca and pulling him with me. The worst of the flames missed us, but we were still burned. As the fire cleared I rose to my feet, and was about to rush to Mikhaal’s aid when suddenly I saw the blob. It slithered forward from around the corner and engulfed Mikhaal. The little gnome had tried to avoid it, but the thing was so big that it filled the entire tunnel. I don’t think Mikhaal was expecting it to move so quickly. It then started coming in our direction. I couldn’t even see any sign of the gnome. I had no idea how to fight this horror, so I grabbed Breca and started dragging him back down the hall. Even with Breca, I was still able to move faster than it, and it quickly gave up the chase. I heard another fireball detonate behind it, and I could smell burning flesh. I knew that Argent was still blasting it with magic. I guess it decided to go for him instead, because it suddenly moved back the other way. Breca and I were soon in the catacombs again. The dwarf was recovering from his nausea, and I was just trying to determine how best to help Argent when he appeared beside me. He was covered in stinking, bloody slime. The thing must have got him too, but he seemed relatively unharmed. He raised two wands at the same time and launched a fireball and a barrage of magic missiles at the ooze, which was again coming down the hall towards us.
The rest of the fight against the thing went well. I pretty much let Breca and Argent handle it with their spells, as I had no desire to go into melee with the thing. I think it was Breca who finally finised it with a cone of cold. Unfortunately it was too late for Mikhaal. The ooze seemed to have completely devoured him. With found no trace of his body, but we were able to salvage his enchanted armour and a couple of his magical rings from its body. As far as we could tell, Mikhaal was dead. I pray that his soul has passed safely to his reward in the afterlife.
At that point we decided to post pone our exploration, and we returned with the aid of Breca’s magic to Vessarin. It had been several days since we had left the fledging colony, and Breca had been making us stay in the ruins of Farshore so as not to jeopardize the colony in case the demons came for us. However, while we were gone other events had been taking place. The noble woman named Lavinia had been kidknapped. Apparently her brother, who I’m told has some sort of incestial obessesion with her, came for along with a pack of demons and grabbed her. However, Breca and his allies had killed Vanthus in the fight that destroyed Farshore, and Vanthus had been transformed into some terrible undead monstrosity. When he arrived in Vessarin, he rode a steed from the lower planes known as a nightmare, and he used magical fire to destroy Argent’s tavern after the apes left with Lavinia. The flaming explosion killed several civilians, leaving nothing but charred corpses.
The colonists were in a panic when we returned, and I left it up to Breca to calm them. We held funerals for those who had died, including Mikhaal, and we felt it would be best to spend a few days helping out in Vessarin before returning to the central plateau to finish our looting. I didn’t know Lavinia well at all. Breca and Argent had known her for some time, and I think they were tiring of her. It appeared she brought trouble with her wherever she went, and they almost seemed to feel that she was as much responsible as her brother for the destruction of the Parrot Docks. I think they will go after Vanthus, but mostly I think they wish to avenge the dead colonists, and Argent wants to give him some pay back for trashing his tavern. My guess is that bailing out Lavinia is rather low on the priority list. Breca has also started talking about taking the fight to the Crimson Fleet. He doesn’t seem to like the idea of them being in possession of over 30 shadow pearls. I haven’t seen what they can do first hand, but he has, and from the stories he told me about what happened in Farshore, I think his concerns are justified.
On a personal note I am still undecided about how much longer I will remain with Breca and Argent. I realize that they would appreciate my help in dealing with the Crimson Fleet, but the battle against Khala took a toll on me. I am not used to facing such unearthly and unholy foes. Demons truly horrify me. They are not like fighting orcs and giants. I am highly tempted to take my share of the loot and find my way back Ulek or Keoland. On the other hand if the threat of these black pearls is truly as dire as I suspect then all the Flaness could be in grave danger. With the stakes being that high can I afford not lend my aid?

P.H. Dungeon |

Anyway....here's the final journal from Mikhaal...enjoy....it's kind of a train-of-thought approach.
...the smell down here is pretty ripe, I can't imagine what it is...well, I could, but I'd rather not...its affected Breca pretty badly though; the dwarf is wretching...Argent is boasting about some magical protection or other he has. I mean, I'm glad he's not affected by the stench but could he boast less loudly. "Sheesh"...this is my new swear word, the big Elf woman taught it to me...I can only assume thats it's a particularly off-color word in Elvish...stealth, even the concept of stealth, really is lost on this group...ah well, I suppose I'll just move on ahead and take a look-see around the corner.
...now, what have we hear...whoa, that was close !! Gods above that thing is ugly..hmmm...better think fast here. What spell should I caaaaah !! <insert squishy sound here as the gnome gets run over by the flesh pudding>...oh now this is just gross...what the he...eh !! ?? !! ...
...whoa, where'd all this light come from...hullo? hullo-oh? where is everyone. Oh hey...Vossler, what in the name of the nine hells are you doing here?? .... !!
"Requiem for a Gnome"
... composed by the bard Michael Morgan (personal friend of Mikhaal Morighan)
Mikhaal was the bravest of gnomes,
Quite worthy of epics and poems.
He faced a flesh mass,
his rolls, they sucked ass!
So now, in death does he roam
Alas! we must say our goodbyes,
Midst gnashing of teeth and "but why"'s?
Farewell, little squirt,
Hope 'death' didn't hurt;
Higher fort saves would've been wise!
Without you this party seems drab,
Your humour and skills were quite fab,
but on the plus side,
and since you've just died,
your armour and loot's up for grabs!!
R.I.P. Mikhaal

P.H. Dungeon |

A letter from Captain Breca....
The demon that has plagued the peoples of the Isle of Dread, known as Khala, is dead - defeated in a terrible struggle that very nearly claimed my own life and the lives of my companions. Only by the grace of Procan, blessed be his Name, did I survive.
But horrors remain in the corrupted temple and on the central plateau, and so I will return again until the place has been cleansed. A monstrous ooze killed Mikhaal, and the warrior Elf, Vex, was nearly slain by dread wraiths in a tomb. Perhaps our victory over the acursed Khala made us over-confident and such bravado has cost us dearly.
Yet one more thing taints the news of our victory - Lady Lavinia Vanderboren has been kidnapped by the demonic form of her brother - presumably the same demonlord behind the creation and spread of the shadowpearls has resurrected Vanthus in some blasphemous form, though why he should seek his sister is beyond sane reasoning. Several colonists were killed in the attack on Vessarin Above, and Sergeant Borvick was injured. Egil is fuming because he was not able to fight the demons that attacked, as the kidnapping was swift. I suspect it hasd shaken the confidence of the colony somewhat, but I also believe that with Lady Vanderboren gone and Khala destroyed, little now threatens Vessarin that is not indigenous to the Isle of Dread. With Egil and Brother Ulfgar more vigilant than ever, I suspect the colony will return to a sense of security shortly.
So please inform the Foegrims that my quest to destroy the demonic taint on the Isle of dread is all but finished, and I will turn much attention to the business at hand. Please let Mother know that I will visit the council of Longbeards shortly to request permission for a Founding, and thus with some regret I give her permission to start courtship negotiations with the other clans. Egil is as happy as I have ever seen him here in Vessarin and on the Emerald Isle, so word must be sent to his wife that she may come to Gradsul and in turn, join him in his new home.
In requesting the right to start a new clanhold here at Vessarin, I am acutely aware that despite the great power granted to me by Procan, many of the dwarves will require a leader who does not leave so often, and who has much experience dealing with other races, dangers, and cultures. As such, Father, I ask you to become the new clan chieftan rather than myself as is the normal right. There is much here that your skills are uniquely suited for, and as my elder, you would command respect amongst the dwarves of the other clans. Brother Ulfgar Stonebreaker, who has given me much wise counsel, supports this course of action. I suspect that I am not yet finished with the task of eradicating the shadowpearls, and thus cannot serve my people as best I am able until that task is done.
I will arrive to consult with the clans in two weeks, by which time you yourself will have arrived in Gradsul and the first profits from Vessarin can be reaped. I will also be bearing much treasure, so a warning to the merchants may be in order.
Peace of the depths upon you all,
your son,

P.H. Dungeon |

Epilogue to City of Broken Idols (from Vex's journal- female, elf, fighter 14)
It has been three days since we held the funerals for Mikhaal and the colonists. Breca, Argent, and we have decided to once more return to the Khala’s stronghold to finish scouring it for plunder. Upon arriving, we promptyly began our search. We quickly discovered that we had already successfully cleared out the upper levels of the temple, and there was nothing in the way of portable loot to be found.
We descended back into the lower caves where we had previously encountered the strange giant oysters. We found six of them here and this time there we no kopru to come running when we pried them open. Each oyster held a partially formed black pearl of great size. Argent says that they don’t yet radiate any strange unholy magic, and Breca believes that they have yet to undergo the process that will transform them into deadly shadowpearls. After removing the pearls, we dragged the open oysters into the centre of the room. Breca then summoned a column of scalding hot holy steam down from the sky that destroyed the oysters.
We continued our searching and found a submerged tunnel that led to yet another section of the vast complex. Following the tunnel we discovered another great chamber. This one was the largest we had seen thus far. It must have been Khala’s lair. The massive vaulted ceiling was at least forty feet high and was supported by eight enormous stone columns. Wide stone balconies flanked the lengths of this great rectangular room, and a row of four doorways opened onto each balcony. The room was probably a shrine, for a twenty foot tall stone statue of an ancient Olman god with a dog’s head watched over us as we entered. The statue was worn with age, and covered in the vile excretions of demons. A stone altar squatted before the statue, and it was defiled with the dried of hundreds of vile sacrifices. Sitting on the altar we found another black pearl. This one fully formed and the size of a melon. Breca said that it radiated magic, and he carefully put it in his haversack. He’s not sure how far along it is in becoming a shadowpearl, but he wasn’t willing to chance leaving it fall into the hands of evil, so he has taken it with us.
Next we began our search of the balcony chambers. In one we found a fully equipped alchemical lab. We presumed that either Khala or one his sorcererous minions had been using it to brew potions and make alchemical mixtures to aid in forging the shadow pearls. We carfully inserted the valuable beakers, earns and other supplies into the portable hole. I suspect Argent might be able to make use of them.
Finally we hit the room we were looking for, Khala’s treasury. Here we found much plunder. Two blue ceramic coffers encrusted with turquoises each held numerous ancient Olman coins consisting mostly of gold and platinum. In addition, we found a collection of statuettes made from jade, ivory and obsidian. The statuettes depicted various aquatic creatures and monsters. Each one was well crafted and would likely fetch a decent price at an auction. Another good find consisted of 13 clam shaped platters crafted from a beautiful red coral. They would make fine dinner wear, but I think any number of wealthy nobles would pay a high price for them as well. We also found a trio of beautifully carved jewelry boxes, fashioned form teak and inlaid with mother of pearl. The first one was full of gems- mostly pearls and topaz with a handful of emeralds and diamonds. The second box held a single potion. The third held 5 potions. Each of the potions was contained in a ceramic vial. Breca sniffed a couple of the potions and curled up his nose in disgust. He said they smelt like no poition he had ever had contact with, and suspects they may have been crafted by the demons. Along with all this loot we found the remainder of the skinwalker chief’s gear. His enchanted shield was leaning against the wall, along with an ancient Olman belt crafted from reptile hide and ornamented with green jade, a similar pair of jade bracers sat near the belt. The final treasure we found here was the remains of the gear belonging to a missing missionary of Pelor named Noltus Innersol. This consisted of suit of gleaming golden hued chainmale. I don’t think the material was actually gold, for it was far too strong and light. The links of the armour were even smaller and more finely crafted than my own elven mithril chain shirt. I also don’t think the armour was made by mortals. In fact, it bears a striking resemblance to Mikhaal’s armour, and the gnome claims his armour was crafted by celestials. Along with the armour was a round shield of mithril inlaid with gold. The shield was carved like a sunburst and had celestial script engraved in it. There were no weapons to be found among the armour, but Breca mentioned that they had already fought a strange ghoul like demon in a lizardfolk encampment that had an enchanted mace that had once belonged to the missionary.
I can’t describe the feeling I felt as we took in the treasure trove. It was more wealth than I had seen in one place in a long, long time. I was eager to get my share. It might actually make the hell I’ve been through worth it.
We spent some more time searching, for anything we might have missed, but our efforts turned up nothing more of value. We eventually decided to return to Vessarin. Fortunately, we were unscathed and not by any means returning empty-handed.