Poll: What part of Pathfinder do you want to know more about?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Hao Jin from Fists of the Ruby Phoenix. Sorcerer 20/ Archmage 9.
Wants to obtain true immortality but cannot achieve it and she's "centuries" old.. How come she's not dead of old age? Cant seem to find her stats.

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No stats that I'm aware of, but she has a section in Lost Omens Legends.

Shadow Lodge

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BylethEisner wrote:

Hao Jin from Fists of the Ruby Phoenix. Sorcerer 20/ Archmage 9.

Wants to obtain true immortality but cannot achieve it and she's "centuries" old.. How come she's not dead of old age? Cant seem to find her stats.

No 1E stats either beyond that statline. She may be using a drug like the Sun Orchid Elixir, or she may have the Longevity mythic ability but not consider that "true" immortality for whatever reason (compare Sun Wukong gaining some manner of immortality short of "true" immortality three different ways).

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I've mentioned this before, but a bit more about pre-Worldwound Sarkoris (especially a bit of elaboration, and maybe An Editing Pass For Safety, on the information currently found in 1E's Lost Kingdoms book) would be neat, but even moreso would be information about the Sarkorian *Diaspora* that resulted from the Worldwound, how that scattered community weathered that, and more information about how things are going in the wake of the closure of the Wound. There's a lot of room for storytelling here, and I'd be real curious for elaboration on this front.

And on purely personal tilt, I'd love to know a bit more about Pulura and specifically her place in the Sarkorian pantheistic tradition. From the way things have developed over the years, it seems she's come to occupy a place in the lore of a "unifying deity" - not a ruling deity (that not really being possible in the Sarkorian tradition) but one of the very few divine entities that virtually EVERY clan acknowledged and venerated. It'd be neat to have confirmation of that and a little more about how her worship worked, how it was kind of unique to Sarkoris, and how outsiders saw such worship (there's been a few hints the answer was often "not well").

Reading Lost Omens Tian Xia World Guide.

--Hao Jin born in 4042 AR.

Pathfinder Society Year of the Sky Key From Under Ice page 18

Hao Jin teleported a majority of the town Naldak's Point(location in Irrisen) and the dwarves into the magical tapestry. This was during Baba Yaga's Invasion in 3313 AR.

Did Hao Jin just time travel?

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BylethEisner wrote:

Reading Lost Omens Tian Xia World Guide.

--Hao Jin born in 4042 AR.

Pathfinder Society Year of the Sky Key From Under Ice page 18

Hao Jin teleported a majority of the town Naldak's Point(location in Irrisen) and the dwarves into the magical tapestry. This was during Baba Yaga's Invasion in 3313 AR.

Did Hao Jin just time travel?

Aren't all of the dates in the Tian Xia book using the Tian calendar? It's a different count of years than the Inner Sea.

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Using the Tian calendar the date might be 4042 IC, not 4042 AR (Absalom Reckoning).

keftiu wrote:
BylethEisner wrote:

Reading Lost Omens Tian Xia World Guide.

--Hao Jin born in 4042 AR.

Pathfinder Society Year of the Sky Key From Under Ice page 18

Hao Jin teleported a majority of the town Naldak's Point(location in Irrisen) and the dwarves into the magical tapestry. This was during Baba Yaga's Invasion in 3313 AR.

Did Hao Jin just time travel?

Aren't all of the dates in the Tian Xia book using the Tian calendar? It's a different count of years than the Inner Sea.

Tian Xia World Guide page 9

6542 IC : Birth of Hao Jin in Goka: Her Death and Resur......

(equivalent to 4042 AR)

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