Shroomy |

I purchased Issue 146 at B&N today. Based on earlier comments from the editors and the fact that the issued was sealed, I expected the issue to include a poster map to accompany the Scuttlecove backdrop. None of the issues on the newstand seemed to include a map. I thought it might be small map included inside the magazine, but there was nothing. Am I missing something? The backdrop article seems to include a lot of sites, but there is no map included.

Rauol_Duke |

None of the issues on the newstand seemed to include a map. I thought it might be small map included inside the magazine, but there was nothing. Am I missing something? The backdrop article seems to include a lot of sites, but there is no map included.
There was no map inside? The cover says "Bonus Poster Map Inside"... What is this craziness???

Shroomy |

Yes; the poster map should be bundled with the magazine, inside the plastic but not actually attached to the magazine. If you got one without, it was either never put in there in the first place (which would be an error at the packaging stage of the issue) or it got swiped.
The bag was sealed. I'm going to go back after work and double-check the rest of the issues, just to make sure.

windnight |

Hmm... I'll check into the problem. The copies we recieved at the office were bundled with maps, so whatever's going on, it's more complicated than just no maps showing up in any issue. Hopefully it's an isolated incident.
erm, what about the bookstores/newsstands selling copies before street date? (yes, it's petty and mean of me.. but I like having those subscription perks of getting the adventure early ;-) )

Michael Griffith |

None of the issues at the Borders in Scranton, PA (Home of NBC's "The Office") had the map - at least no maps can be seen outside the issue.
I bought the issue in large part for the map and the details on Scuttlecove (I love urban adventures!) and I hope Paizo can somehow supply the missing map to those of us who picked up the issue at the newstand.
In none of the cases were the issues' plastic packaging tampered with.

Michael Griffith |

erm, what about the bookstores/newsstands selling copies before street date? (yes, it's petty and mean of me.. but I like having those subscription perks of getting the adventure early ;-) )
When I subscribed, it was about 50%/50%. I'd sometimes get my issue a good week or even 2 before Borders did, and sometimes the same week or up to a week after Borders did.
Once it got so bad that the issue was at Borders and local game stores THREE WEEKS before my issue arrived, but that was a fluke, I think.

windnight |

yay! my issue finally arrived. I think it's just my local post office being incredibly slow with everything - every package I send out from there is usually later than ones I send out from the next zip code over, and I've had bills arrive so late that they are already past due, for instance.
anyhow, my issue has arrived, and yes, it had a spiffy nice poster map in it.

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James Jacobs wrote:Hmm... I'll check into the problem. The copies we recieved at the office were bundled with maps, so whatever's going on, it's more complicated than just no maps showing up in any issue. Hopefully it's an isolated incident.erm, what about the bookstores/newsstands selling copies before street date? (yes, it's petty and mean of me.. but I like having those subscription perks of getting the adventure early ;-) )
That's an ongoing and eternal struggle, and one that's really difficult for us to control, unfortunately. We do what we can.

Michael Griffith |

Two updates:
Issue 145 JUST CAME! It was mailed out ages ago, and it arrived JUST TODAY!
It was to be the first issue in my re-upped subscription, and I was worried I would miss it, since my local game store and Borders no longet have copies.
At least I did not miss it.
I e-mailed Customer Service and Jeff replied within hours, saying that he would send me out a replacement map from issue 146.
There is NO BETTER Customer Service department ANYWHERE, so far as I am concerned! Cosmo, Jeff, and the rest ROCK at their jobs!

HBKnight |
I bought two copies of Dungeon #146 today (I pick up a copy for my younger brother who lives in the boonies) and neither contained the map. They were both sealed in their bags and the map was not visible, I assumed the map was inside and bought them (after checking the only remaining issue left on the newsstand). Totally no maps inside either, so I just came by here to see if it was common. Looks like I'm not the only one. Just e-mailed customer service so here's looking forward to getting this resolved as quickly as possible.

Great Green God |

I bought two copies of Dungeon #146 today (I pick up a copy for my younger brother who lives in the boonies) and neither contained the map.
At least you got the magazine. I helped create a little bit of it and I still don't have it. I hate to say it but I'm really starting to rethink this whole subscription thing (mine's up with issue 147). I keep looking at the reminder letter and insert from the second-to-last copy and having to stifle that laugh that keeps wanting to bubble up. I know it's not really Paizo's fault but really the subscription thing is driving me batty. The last three months I've gotten my mag on the day of or after it has been "officially" availible in stores yet I constantly torture myself by hoping it will arrive in the mail on time. So on that day and everyday thereafter until it does show I go to my mail box with high hopes only to see them dashed. Waiting on the imfamous Black Hole to offer up its contents is easier to deal with. Obviously, I love the magazine, but my excitement over opening a new one has been drained out of me by the time it arrives.
Basically by subscribing I'm saving gas money and a couple of bucks off the newstand. Right now I think that's worth the trade off in fresh air, and piece of mind.
The slightly disgruntled,

Horseflesh |

Mine, too, did not have the poster map. I checked 6 copies (in total) at two different Barnes & Noble Booksellers in Richmond, VA. At the first store, the bags were slightly opened at the bottom … such that I thought the maps had been stolen. However, at the second store the bags were completely sealed. I bought a copy at the second store, thinking (like one of you) that the map MUST'VE been inside the issue and just wasn't readily seen. But, upon opening the bag and flipping through the issue I discovered there was no map. I e-mailed Paizo's Customer Support and was told they'd ship me out a replacement map on Monday (April 9th). (Thanks, Jeff!) I'm looking to get it this Friday (April 13th). I'm glad it wasn't just me … misery loving company after all. I just wish NONE of us'd experienced it.

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I got an copy without the map as well. I went back to the Barnes & Noble in the Milwaukee, WI area to see about a swap, only to find that all the copies were missing the map. I think they had about 4-5 copies on the shelf. I should have checked here before making the trip... I would have saved myself a half-hour drive!

Foxish |

At least you got the magazine. I helped create a little bit of it and I still don't have it. I hate to say it but I'm really starting to rethink this whole subscription thing (mine's up with issue 147). I keep looking at the reminder letter and insert from the second-to-last copy and having to stifle that laugh that keeps wanting to bubble up. I know it's not really Paizo's fault but really the subscription thing is driving me batty. The last three months I've gotten my mag on the day of or after it has been "officially" availible in stores yet I constantly torture myself by hoping it will arrive in the mail on time. So on that day and everyday thereafter until it does show I go to my mail box with high hopes only to see them dashed. Waiting on the imfamous Black Hole to offer up its contents is easier to deal with. Obviously, I love the magazine, but my excitement over opening a new one has been drained out of me by the time it arrives.
Basically by subscribing I'm saving gas money and a couple of bucks off the newstand. Right now I think that's worth the trade off in fresh air, and piece of mind.
The slightly disgruntled,
Over at Enworld, Eric Boyd posted that Paizo was "close" to offering a subscription option with a more reliable shipping method. Obviously, this will be a more expensive option. If money isn't an obstacle, this might be right up your alley. Personally, I'm hoping they will allow those of us with current subscriptions to pay the difference to upgrade our service...

Taliesin Hoyle |

I am perplexed and bemused. I get my copies of Dragon and Dungeon from a magazine shop here in Taichung, Taiwan. This is what puzzles me:
I sometimes get my copy a whole month before the cover date.
Dungeon issue 146. May 2007 arrived here in Asia on the 6th of April. When are magazines actually printed?

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Cosmo posted this over in one of the Customer Service threads:
Hey guys,
We've been looking into this and we've discovered that there was, indeed, a printer's error in which a number of Dungeon 146's went out without the "Scuttlecove" map. We are very sorry for the mistake and we're gonna do everything we can to make sure you get your maps.
If you've purchased a Dungeon 146 that is missing its map, please let us know at customer.service@paizo.com. Include your mailing address (and Paizo.com profile if you have one) and we will send you a copy of the map as soon as possible.
Once again, we are very sorry for the inconvenience and if you have any further questions or concerns, please let me know.
We believe that the missing map is limited to a small percentage of the print run that specifically went out to bookstores and newsstands. Subscriber copies and FLGS copies shouldn't be missing maps. But again, we'll fix you up if it affects you.

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I just want it to be known that I was one of those people that bought # 146 in a big box store (Hastings) and did not receive the map. I followed the advice that Vic Wertz posted to this thread. I received an e-mail the next day from Paizo acknowledging my problem and yesterday (Saturday) I received my replacement map (plus a catalogue). This all took place in less than a week. Thanks Paizo for the prompt attention to my missing map problem.