Vitrus Bale died in 4 rounds!!!!

Shackled City Adventure Path

My usualy inept group showed a surprising burst of teamwork and quick thinking last night!
They killed Vitrus Bale in 4 rounds!
What happened was the rogue got trapped in the room alone with the dracolich.
Fearing for his life he jumped down into the pit to land on a pile of money (the dracolich followed). The rest of the group cleared the icy tendrils leading down the hallway to the room with a fireball and D.Doored down to the rogue upon seeing his plight. Once down there the lich blasted everyone with acid and flew off in the darkness.
Thats when the rogue came up with "I search for his phylactery."
They found it and began trying to destroy it (thank you hardness of 20).
The lich paniced, flew over to the group,and grappled the rogue who was holding the phylactery.
One person dispel magiced the lich to get rid of his mirror images, the cleric then cast Heal upon it doing 130 damage out of 130 hp the lich had..... what!!!!
they killed my dracolich!


My group destroyed the dracolich in one round, since I used variant turning rules that uses CR instead of HD for the turn check. And the cleric is a Radiant Munchkin of Pelor. But they did take a big blast of acid breath. One round later the tag team of Fetor and Ike, who were scrying the PCs and waiting for a good time to strike, teleported in and started blasting. So, it ended up being a tough fight in the end.

Ditto. Greater Turning and one dead dracolich, didn't even get to act. Turning is so broken.

He bit the dust the same way in my game, cleric cast heal, Vitrus rolled a 1 on the save and poof, dust.

Im suprised everyone avoided petrification, unless they were prepared. :)
I will give my players some insite on Vitris Bale via Fetors notes.

Good stuff.

We needed about the same, 4 rounds. Our elven cleric-scout cast something to make her bow an undead-bane, and she pretty much did him in by herself. The spell-chuckers couldn't beat his SR, and the melee guys only finished him off. The dwarf fighter got in range of his full attack, and when the DM critted on the tailslap, it was gruesome. Good thing he had a Blur spell on him, or it would have been curtains-- 3rd death for that PC.

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