
Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

I notice that the recend Dragon I just got 354 has a great write-up of Heironeous and know a few others in the past that they've focused on. I love Heironeous and so this will work out great

I also have a player who's playing a cleric of Farlanghn; Does anyone know if Dragon has issued a similar article about this god? If so, what issue?


Liberty's Edge

Robert Brambley wrote:

I notice that the recend Dragon I just got 354 has a great write-up of Heironeous and know a few others in the past that they've focused on. I love Heironeous and so this will work out great

I also have a player who's playing a cleric of Farlanghn; Does anyone know if Dragon has issued a similar article about this god? If so, what issue?


Im curious about St. Cuthbert too....

Thanks again

Dark Archive

Nope so far they have done articles on Boccob, Olidammara, Pelor, Wee Jas, Vecna, and now heironeous.

Liberty's Edge

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Nope so far they have done articles on Boccob, Olidammara, Pelor, Wee Jas, Vecna, and now heironeous.

I'm surprised that they havent done St. Cuthbert yet - as he is arguably one of the most popular. Certainly been a key figured in the adventure paths of DUNGEON; which by the way I'm starting to run Shackled City which is why I needed both Farl and St.

Thanks though

well, doing it only every 4 months, it will be a few years still before they get through the whole pantheon.

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