Grimmbold Manor


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Anarath looks askance at Dohrlok. “Erm … no, that’s all right. All better now.” People often seemed to think that Anarath was strange, unusual. Perhaps those people did not know many dwarves.

“Well, if the consensus is to bring Segwin with us … I suppose that could work. I was worried about him drawing attention to us in this state, but you may have a point. So, who will be in charge of keeping him in line? Corvin, Dohrlok?

“Either way, we should be going. I have the book and the floor plan from the cave, and if no one objects I am happy to keep custody of Segwin’s bow and arrows. (How many arrows are there?). Did someone wish to take his longsword? And I thought he had another sword before too, did anyone see where that fell? Or was I imaging things?

“Alright now, are we ready, is anyone more badly injured than I? I could do with some ministrations friend Gawlak, unless someone else is more hurt than I – Corvin looks a little the worse for wear.

“After that, which way to the Manor? How far away would you say we are Greis?”

Male Human Fighter 3
Anarath Coldblood wrote:

“Alright now, are we ready, is anyone more badly injured than I? I could do with some ministrations friend Gawlak, unless someone else is more hurt than I – Corvin looks a little the worse for wear.

"I'm fine," states Corvin as he absentmindedly digs around in his wounds, trying to extract the snapped-off arrowheads.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

To find any more of Segwin's possessions you will have to make a search check. There are 27 arrows in a well made leather quiver that is emblazoned with the symbols of an ancient elven family.

Male Drawf Cleric of Kord 1

"Yeah. Since we are taking the Muttering Weasel with us might as well in into top shape. All right everyone get together. Let get a look at you see who need a touch of Kord's helping hand." Will heal everyone up tomorrow. Limited to on once a day right now. Sorry.


Not sure how far we are....When we set up camp we were what, about a day out? Then we walked for another day or so to get here? So yeah. Greis knows and will tell you.

The young sorcerer has seemed ill at ease during this entire encounter, neither interrogating the elf nor suggesting a course of action. Finally, when Anarath talks directly to him, it seems to rouse him from his stupor.

"Right. The Manor. Well first we...insert directions here...and we're there. Shall we? It is about time we actually see the interior of this place. Perhaps once our new associate sees us kill a score or two of those he considers our confederates it may warm him up to us. Or not. He is, after all, more insane than a gibbering mouther rolling uphill..."

Seeing that no one else seems to be jumping at taking the elf’s weapons, Anarath slings the bow and quiver, and belts the longsword around his waist. After all, he was trained as a youngling to use the weapons, it would be a pity for them to go to waste … and although he knows he is not exactly the epitome of the elven race, he feels somehow better that at least another elf is using Segwin’s weapons.

He then hunts around for anything else that the elf might have dropped, but fails to find anything in the underbrush. Search check result 3+5 = 8

He shows his wound to Gawlak, awaiting healing if it is forthcoming, before shouldering his pack, gathering his fallen coat and hat, and heading off with the rest of the group in the direction of the Manor house. Current hit points 4 of 8 max

Arctaris, anything else at this stage I should know about the weapons?

Male Human Fighter 3
Greis Rashire wrote:

Perhaps once our new associate sees us kill a score or two of those he considers our confederates it may warm him up to us. Or not. He is, after all, more insane than a gibbering mouther rolling uphill..."

"Here's an idea. How 'bout we make the gorramn bastard go first!"

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Actually you're search succeeds (barely) and finds a shortsword that, while well made, has no special qualities. There is nothing else unusual about the weapons, although they all have the Grimmbold family crest on them.
Diretions for Greis: It is about mid-afternoon, you're knowledge of the area tells you that it is about another twelve hours march to the Manor.

“Dohrlok, perhaps you should be in charge of looking after our guest,” muses Anarath. “I suppose it makes a certain amount of sense to make him lead the way…”

As soon as he has received any healing from Gawlak, he thanks the cleric and then sets out in the direction of the Manor, carefully watching to either side of the path, Midnight perched back in his customary position on the wizard’s shoulder.

M Dwarf Monk 1 (Tetori)

"Indeed, as you wish."

Male Human Fighter 3

Corvin trudges along, a few paces away from Dohrlok, keeping a wary eye on Segwin.

"If that rat bastard goes all b&##!#+ again, I'm gonna squeeze his head like a ripe melon."

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

The rest of the day passes uneventfully as you walk through a forest full of the sounds of a normal wood. Birds sing around you and you hear insects buzzing in the trees. Segwin spends the day staring blankly into space muttering to himself. Occasionally a word or phrase can be picked out of the gibberish, but it is unimportant, often sounding as though he is talking to someone.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

After marching forward on the windig, tree-lined path ever since your battle with Segwin who still stares blankley into space and mutter nonsensically to himself dusk is approaching. You find yourselves near the crown of a tall hill. As you ascend the final distance you find yourselves standing on the top of a treeless hill from which you can see much of the surrounding area. No more than six miles away from you is a large stone building surrounded by massive stone walls, highlighted in a bloody glow by the light of the setting sun. When he sees it Segwin begins to become agitated, struggling against his bonds and muttering even fmore quickly.

Male Drawf Cleric of Kord 1

Uses up the rest of his first level spells and casts a cure light on Dohrlok and then Corvin. Followed by 2 cure minor on Anarath. Dohrlok heals 5 points = 4 on die plus 1 and Corvin heals 3 points = 2 on die plus 1. Sorry. Anarath gets 2. "All right Sir Segwin. Life is about choices and here is your. Either A you start talking about what is in your jumbled box of rocks head or B you start walking down to you Masterpiece"

Gawlak lronstone wrote:
Corvin heals 3 points = 2 on die plus 1. Sorry. Anarath gets 2.

That's cool, I'm on 6, if we get a good night's sleep I should get another back.

Guys, Ive made a post on the discussion thread, might be worth reading...

"Well," states Anarath, looking down at the Manor ahead of them, trying his best to ignore Segwin. "What say you? I think it would probably be best to rest here for the night, regain our strength and spells before continuing onto the House in the morning. I for one would feel better about facing the place in the light of day."

He looks at Corvin. "Does this hill seem defenceable to you, should we run into trouble again tonight? Or would we be better off moving a ways back into the trees and setting camp there? Perhaps a cold camp, without a fire would be best, this close to the Manor?" He waits for the warrior, or anyone else, to answer.

"What of watches? Same order as last night? Or should we post an extra watcher, given that we need to keep an eye on the adle minded one, as well as whatever dangers the forest may throw at us? We may need to increase our rest period by a few hours, but it may be worthwhile...

Perhaps Gries and Gawlak could take first watch, Dorhlok and I the last, and if one of our hardy dwarves is willing to take a double watch with Corvin in the middle of the night... Of course, if anyone has a better suggestion, I'm all ears." Anarath waits, hoping that no one will make a quip about elves and pointed ears.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Segwin continues to mutter to non-existent creatures. For a moment his eyes focus on you and, as he hears your question a cruel and cunning smile forms on his lips for a moment before he reverts to his previous strange state.

Male Human Fighter 3
Anarath Coldblood wrote:

"Well," states Anarath, looking down at the Manor ahead of them, trying his best to ignore Segwin. "What say you? I think it would probably be best to rest here for the night, regain our strength and spells before continuing onto the House in the morning. I for one would feel better about facing the place in the light of day."

He looks at Corvin. "Does this hill seem defenceable to you, should we run into trouble again tonight? Or would we be better off moving a ways back into the trees and setting camp there? Perhaps a cold camp, without a fire would be best, this close to the Manor?" He waits for the warrior, or anyone else, to answer.

"What of watches? Same order as last night? Or should we post an extra watcher, given that we need to keep an eye on the adle minded one, as well as whatever dangers the forest may throw at us? We may need to increase our rest period by a few hours, but it may be worthwhile...

Perhaps Gries and Gawlak could take first watch, Dorhlok and I the last, and if one of our hardy dwarves is willing to take a double watch with Corvin in the middle of the night... Of course, if anyone has a better suggestion, I'm all ears." Anarath waits, hoping that no one will make a quip about elves and pointed ears.

Corvin, missing the comment about ears, is all business.

"This here hill does seem defensible enough, but it'd be a fool's errand to light a fire. Might's well climb a tree and yell 'HERE I AM! MMM! TASTY MEAT!' So, um, fire would be bad. Yeah. Uh, I'll take last watch."

The fighter turns around abruptly, still disconcerted by Segwin's insane babbling.

"I'll be in my bunk." Sorry, couldn't resist.

Anarath begins helping to set up the camp, hoping to be able to rest early, so as to get a good eight hours ahead of his watch.

At all times he ensures that someone in the group is keeping a close eye on Segwin, and he checks the elf's bonds from time to time.

Once the cold camp is set up, Anarath opens up the book that he took from the Architect's lair, and unfolds the floor plan, studying it carefully for any clues that might assist them with tomorrow's foray into the Manor.

Male Drawf Cleric of Kord 1

Kneels down and clears away an area of stones and sticks. "All right, Madman. This is where you be sleeping tonight, or what ever you elves do at night. Has anyone search Nutjob for any possesions? I don't think I saw it in any of the posts "No funny business no. I have no problem knocking your head on straight if you try to run." Looking around at the party making ready to bed down for the night. "who am I waking up for second watch?"

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Anarath got his weapons but other than that I don't think anyone has searched Segwin.

"Yes - might be an idea to search him actually. Good thinking Gawlak. I think Corvin and Dohrlok are on second watch."

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Channeling Gawlak...
Gawlak begins to search through Segwin's clothing and after a while his searching is rewarded. Concealed in an inner pocket is a small key and hidden in the sleeve of his shirt there is a dagger. He glares at Gawlak and spits out an insult in a tongue that none of you are familiar with before going back to muttering to himself.
Darkness has fallen and all is quite. I'm assuming that you've set up your camp and have bedded down. After several hours the sound of low singing makes itself heard over the sound of the forest at night. Slowly the singing gets louder and louder until it is almost shouted out. You realize that Segwin is singing in Elven and he keeps getting louder!


You recognize the tune as an elven lullaby that is sung to children haunted by nightmares to aid in their resting.

Awoken by the strains of song, Anarath looks around, momentarily confused, until he realises the source of the singing. He has not heard that song for many decades … and hearing it stirs some memories he would rather forget.

“Please stop singing Segwin,” he says coldly, in Elvish, “or we shall be forced to gag you.”

Male Human Fighter 3
Arctaris wrote:

Channeling Gawlak...

Gawlak begins to search through Segwin's clothing and after a while his searching is rewarded. Concealed in an inner pocket is a small key and hidden in the sleeve of his shirt there is a dagger. He glares at Gawlak and spits out an insult in a tongue that none of you are familiar with before going back to muttering to himself.
Darkness has fallen and all is quite. I'm assuming that you've set up your camp and have bedded down. After several hours the sound of low singing makes itself heard over the sound of the forest at night. Slowly the singing gets louder and louder until it is almost shouted out. You realize that Segwin is singing in Elven and he keeps getting louder!

Corvin has ben sitting propped against a tree, and is getting VERY annoyed. "SHADDAP," he roars, "Crazy feckin' pointy-eared freak! Jist shut yer face, or I'll shut it for you!"

Male Drawf Cleric of Kord 1

I am going to assume it is still my watch Walks over with a snarl on his face "I told you I was going to put your head on straight." Plants his feet and swings his morning star down on to Segwin's head much like a sledgehammer driving a post into the ground. Swinging nonlethal. d20 roll = 18+1-3=16 Damage 1+1=2 nonlethal

Male Human Fighter 3
Gawlak lronstone wrote:
I am going to assume it is still my watch Walks over with a snarl on his face "I told you I was going to put your head on straight." Plants his feet and swings his morning star down on to Segwin's head much like a sledgehammer driving a post into the ground. Swinging nonlethal. d20 roll = 18+1-3=16 Damage 1+1=2 nonlethal

"Now DASS WHAT I'm TALKIN' 'BOUT!" shouts Corvin. "I thought yer dear 'n' fluffy Kord didn't like that kinda thing. I think I might like you after all."

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Your morningstar smashes down onto his skull with a thump and he stops singing with a grunt of pain before slumping into unconsciousness as blood trickles down onto his forehead.

Male Drawf Cleric of Kord 1

"Corvin, nothing is fluffy about the Great God of Battle Kord. I don't feel good about hitting a tied up old man but, there is no way I was going to let his singing bring damnation down on us. Hey, anyone else that is help give me two minutes and lets look around see if our little canary has gotten anythings attention." Walks off into the woods a bit, stopping to take in the sights and sounds around him. Spot roll 9+3= 12 with my darkvision and listen roll 18+3=21

Male Human Fighter 3
Gawlak lronstone wrote:
"Corvin, nothing is fluffy about the Great God of Battle Kord. I don't feel good about hitting a tied up old man but, there is no way I was going to let his singing bring damnation down on us. Hey, anyone else that is help give me two minutes and lets look around see if our little canary has gotten anythings attention." Walks off into the woods a bit, stopping to take in the sights and sounds around him. Spot roll 9+3= 12 with my darkvision and listen roll 18+3=21

"Fine. I'll go with ya. Crazy's gorramn wailin' woke me up anyway."

Corvin rises a bit stiffly, and follows Gawlak into the forest.

Spot: 12 - 1 = 11; Listen: 14 - 1 = 13.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Neither of you hear anything other than the regular sounds of a forest at night.
Dohlrok gets up and begins to walk around as well, looking and listening for anything suspicious. He also finds nothing.

Male Human Fighter 3
Arctaris wrote:

Neither of you hear anything other than the regular sounds of a forest at night.

Dohlrok gets up and begins to walk around as well, looking and listening for anything suspicious. He also finds nothing.

"Feh. I'm gonna go back ta sleep. 'S nothin' out here."

Corvin turns around and begins to walk toward 'his' tree.

Anarath knows that he should feel horrified at Gawlak’s treatment of Segwin … but he just can’t bring himself to care that much. The eve of the biggest adventure of their lives so far, and the old man was trying to call gods know what down on them. Certainly it wasn’t his fault he was mad … but still. Did madmen have to be so annoying?

Anarath settles back and tries to sleep.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

The rest of the night passes uneventfully, with no strange creatures emerging after hearing Segwin's singing. You awake in the morning to a brilliant sun and clear skies. Birds are singing and it is a beautiful day. Segwin still seems to be unconcious although he seems to be breathing easily and steadily and doesn't seem to have sustained any great injury.
Corvin, did you sleep in your armor? If so you fatigued until you can rest again.

Male Human Fighter 3
Arctaris wrote:

Corvin, did you sleep in your armor?


Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

In the morning light you can see the stone building more clearly. It looks likr it could be the manor you seek. As you watch dark clouds begin to form in the sky, it will clearly be raining soon. It looks as if you can reach the manor within a few hours.

Male Human Fighter 3
Arctaris wrote:


In the morning light you can see the stone building more clearly. It looks likr it could be the manor you seek. As you watch dark clouds begin to form in the sky, it will clearly be raining soon. It looks as if you can reach the manor within a few hours.

"Feh. Frickin' rain clouds, frickin' crazy bastard, frickin' spell-castin' wierdos, this little jaunt keeps gettin' better and better..."

Corvin keeps a running semi-coherent monologue about frickin' this and frickin' that, all the while donning his armor. After he has gotten his rather foul-smelling gear together, he moves towards Greis.

"Hey, boss-guy. We should be gettin' over to-ward the Manor before the gorramn rain hits, which by my reckonin' will be in a very short while."

After spending the time to prepare his daily allotment of spells, Anarath gazes down at the manor, then pulls out the plans he has, and compares the two.

Does it appear that we are approaching the building from the front? Would the front entrance appear to correspond to area “1” on the map you sent us? How many floors does there appear to be, from what we can see? Does the building appear reasonably intact? From our vantage point on the hill, can we see any signs of danger or possible trouble between here and there (ie, likely ambush sites, kobold encampments, suspicious cave openings etc?)

“Yes, I agree,” he says, overhearing Corvin’s words to Greis. “Let’s make haste. But everyone be wary and on guard. There’s still the matter of those kobolds, not to mention whatever wiped out the Grimmbold family in the first place. And Dohrlok, keep a firm eye on our want-to-be bard.”

Anarath has prepared the following spells: 1st: Ray of Enfeeblement, Grease, Mage Armor. 0 lvl: Disrupt Undead, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic. He has also regained 1hp from the night’s rest to bring his current total to 7.

Male Drawf Cleric of Kord 1

Digs out the key he found on Segwin. "Well we got a key to the place I think. We didn't find anything that needed a key back at his cave right?" Looking over at the sleeping song bird. "Should I wake him up? I can use a cure minor to undo the clubbing I gave him last night. Good thing is he would be awake might give us some info. Problem is he would be awake. I was also thinking maybe we should walk around the grounds before rushing into the mannor. Don't want things following us in or running out of the mannor into the arms of somthing else." Looking up at the sky and Corvin's comments about the rain. "Relax Corvin its just like taking a bath. You wouldn't be afraid of taking a little bath would you?"

Male Human Fighter 3
Gawlak lronstone wrote:
"Relax Corvin its just like taking a bath. You wouldn't be afraid of taking a little bath would you?"


Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Channeling Greis...
"Yes, we should be moving along. How long do you think we have before it rains?"

The manor is a large, 2-story building made from grey granite. It is surrounded by a tall wall that encloses what looks like a small forest and several outbuildings. You can't tell which side of the building you are facing, nor can you see any other details at this distance." The forest looks like it is thinning out and the Manor itself is at the begining of a large, grassy plain that extends to the East until it meets the base of a range of towering mountains. You don't see anywhere that a good ambush could be set up but the forest concels much.

Anarath gazes down at the Manor for several moments, lost in thought, then puts the plan back in his pack, as Midnight settles back onto his shoulder.

"Let us make haste then," he says, starting forward. "I suppose we'll figure out how to get into the place once we get a little closer and can make out more detail."

He looks back, hoping that all his companions are following him.

Male Drawf Cleric of Kord 1

Drags along Segwin and follows along. SIlently hopes that doing this whole adventuring idea isn't going to be the death of him. Silently prays to Kord to watch over them and to aid them in what is sure to be the battle of their lives.

M Dwarf Monk 1 (Tetori)

Dohlok reflects on the unusual nature of this adventure - mad, singing elves, homicidal kobolds, the creepy forest (trees - ugh!) - this is indeed shaping up to be a most unusual challenge.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

After about an hours march through the thinning forest large, black storm clouds fill the sky. Thunder echoes through the morning air and distantly you can see the flash of lightning. Soon it seems as though the day has passed prematurely to twilight as the sun is completley obscured. Lightning forks across the darkened sky like grasping claws and big, fat drops of water begin to fall. There is something amiss with the water though; instead of a cleansing, soothing rain it is a twisted rain. The oily water pelts you with surprising force and then oozes its way down you're clothes, faces and armor, leaving slimy trails. It doesn't have the healthy, fresh smell of ordinary rain instead possessing a fetid, evil smell, as though it were the water from a bog filled with rotting corpses.

M Dwarf Monk 1 (Tetori)

Weird oily rain - Dohrlok added that to the list of oddities on this quest.

As the strange, fetid rain begins falling, Anarath pulls down his wide brimmed hat and tightens his cloak around his shoulders, trying to stay as dry as possible. “Oh, this can not bode well,” he mutters, searching his mind for any possible reason for such unnatural rain, or to see if he has heard of such things before.
Knowledge, Arcana: 19+7 = 26

Male Drawf Cleric of Kord 1

"Corvin, I take back that little bath comment now." Looking up at the sky, down towards the manor and finally at the sleeping song bird he is dragging getting the feeling in his gut this is all connected and it isn't going to be good for them.

Male Human Fighter 3
Gawlak lronstone wrote:
"Corvin, I take back that little bath comment now." Looking up at the sky, down towards the manor and finally at the sleeping song bird he is dragging getting the feeling in his gut this is all connected and it isn't going to be good for them.

"See? F!$@in' unnatural is what it is," grumbles Corvin as he pulls his ratty fur collar a bit higher.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

After several hours of marching through the unatural rain you notice the land beginning to flatten out and the trees becoming not as densley packed. The trees and grass have a slightly withered and uhelathy air to them and there seems to be fewer animals than there should be. You pass several streams that also seem to have an oily coating on top as well as a slightly murky look to it. It lets off an odd, slightly stomach turning smell like that of water that has sat for too long with something rotting in it.
You eventually leave the woods and come onto a grassy plains that extends as far as you can see until it comes to the base of a massive range of mountains. The rain seems to be lessening and within a few minutes it has stopped entirely. About a quarter of a mile away you can see a large building surrounde by walls, undoubtedly the manor. The remains of a road, long overgrown can vaguely be seen a short way off. You seem t be facing the front o the manor.

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