Grimmbold Manor


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M Dwarf Monk 1 (Tetori)

OK, initiative order
Corvin 13
Gawlak 13
Me 8
Greis 6
Anarath 3
OK Corvin, do something.....

Male Human Fighter 3

Corvin rips the arrow from his chest, tosses it to the side, and begins to stagger in the direction of the shooter, bellowing incoherently.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

As Corvin staggers forward another arrows fly from a different location than the last one and passess over his shoulder.

Male Human Fighter 3

At this point, Corvin is more than a little disoriented. He shouts hoarsely;

"Take cover! There's a whole damn army of 'em! Stay down, I'll finish 'em!"

Male Drawf Cleric of Kord 1

"We are surrounded, by Kord. Don't fall back to the waterfall. Its probably a trap." Thinking of all the bones that are by the entrance. Moves to the middle of the party where his spell will do the most good. "Kord grant us your blessing and give us strenght to defeat our foes."
moves up to 20 feet and cast bless on as many of party members as possible

M Dwarf Monk 1 (Tetori)

Dohrlok tries to actually see where the attackers are.

Untrained Spot = 18 + 2 = 20

Anarath peers out from the cave – to witness a scene of action and confusion outside. The two dwarves and Corvin have scattered, apparently under attack from some unseen source. An arrow lies on the bank near where Corvin had been standing, and looking frantically around Anarath can see the warrior crouched behind one of the headstones at the other side of the clearing, clutching at another arrow embedded through his armour.

As the fog of confusion clears, a sudden thought comes to him. “The architect…” he whispers to himself. Then, half emerging from the cave, he cups his hands around his mouth and yells out “Segwin! We are friends!”

He looks around and sees the dwarves, who are closer to him than Corvin is. “Dohrlok, it may be the architect! Don’t let Corvin kill him!”

He looks frantically around, into the trees, trying to spot the hidden attacker.

spot check 10+4 = 14. Also, he hasn't realised there is a second attacker.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Perhaps I should give a technical description of the clearing. The clearing is about 35 ft in diameter. The cave and waterfall are at the Western edge of the clearing and the last arrow came from the Southern edge. Corvin is in the middle of the clearing.
Dohlrok; You vagueley spot a tall humanoid figure about thirty feet from where the last arrow came from, on the Eastern side of the clearing.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Where is Greis?

Arctaris, I get the feeling Gries / Grimcleaver may not be around for a few days - at least. I'd suggest Greis be played as an NPC for the current battle scene at least.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

I was afraid of that, I hope he comes back.
Channeling Greis...
He dives for cover into the cave and begins to load a bolt into his crossbow while mentally reviewing his list of spells.

Can Anarath see anything of the attackers, or see where the arrows are coming from? (He hasn't actually seen any fired)

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

The last arrow came from the South edge of the clearing, about forty feet away, directly in front of you.

Male Human Fighter 3

Spot check: 3 - 1 Wis = 2

Corvin has become more and more confused the more the sniper has been shooting at the adventuring party. He still has no idea who is shooting at him, and he doesn't have the sense to listen to what anyone else is saying. He finally lets the 'fog of war' get to him. Corvin kneels in the middle of the clearing, two broken arrowshafts protruding from his gut, yelling out to the skies,

"I can't take it anymore! Just stop shooting at me! It's not my fault, whatever it is! Just stop!"

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

As Anarath draws attention to himself via his shout an arrow flys from the Southern edge of the clearing and strikes him.
3 points of damage

M Dwarf Monk 1 (Tetori)

It's Gawlak's turn - does he have Cure Light Insanity for Corvin?

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

light insanity? Better hope for cure serious insanity.

Anarath yells loudly as the arrow pierces his thigh, and stumbles back into the cave. “Godsdamnit!” He hisses. “Ah Greis, I’m hit. I think there’s at least two of them out there, one from the south. Maybe my architect theory was wrong.”

Cursing himself for not being more careful, Anarath prepares himself to cast his Mage Armor spell.

On his next action, cast’s Mage Armor on himself and share’s spell with Midnight.

“Midnight,” he says, switching to Draconic. “I want you to fly out of here, towards the copse of trees to the south. Look carefully, and send me what you see. Come back at once if anyone tries to fire an arrow at you.” The large bird caws, flaps its powerful wings, and flies up and out of the cave. As soon as he is able, Anarath heads back towards the cave entrance and carefully sticks his head out (90% cover) to re-asses the situation. (When it gets to his intiative turn of course)

Male Drawf Cleric of Kord 1

"Stand up man. Your life is on the line. Dohrlok, take the left side. I will take the right and lets see if we can flush something out."
Said with his back to the waterfall
Moves over into the cover of the trees and starts heading south to where the shots where comeing from. Double move action for the round

M Dwarf Monk 1 (Tetori)

"I see someone!" Dohrlok charges the figure he can see in the trees to the east, and while his blow connects (I assume!) it is only glancing.

Roll to hit = 16 + 2 + 2 for charging = 20. Damage = 1 + 2 = 3. Now I am closer, what do I see?

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Behind the cover of the trees is a tall elf with grey hair and a scarred face. His eyes are merciless wells of insanity and bitter anger. His downturned mouth is twisted into an expression of deep and utter hatred. He drops his elegant longbow and draws a shortsword and a longsword. He lets out a feral snarl of somethig in the elven tonuge and prepares to swing his swords at Dohlrok.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

I'm really sorry for the lapse in the game, I forgot that I am NPCing Greis. I thought someone else was failing to post. I apologize.
Channeling Greis...
He trains his crossbow on the spot where Dohlrok entered the woods, ready to shoot an emerging foe.
Delaying his action until after Anarath's turn, hoping that the foe will either show himself or be vanquished by Dohlrok.

see above for Anarath's action (casts Mage Armor and sends Midnight to scout)


Seeing Anarath go down under an arrow, and Corvin go mad from fear and pain, he hugs up his crossbow and levels a cool look at the necromancer.

"The time has come to end this. I have a plan."

The courage in his voice, the still and quiet of it, was entirely new. He steels himself a moment, as if watching for a clear spot to open for him, and then ducks down and runs his way toward the edge of the forest where Dohrlok has reported sighting one of their attackers. He moves as nimbly and quickly as possible--focusing on making himself a hard target to the exclusion of all else until he joins the dwarf in amidst the trees.

In other words, Full Defense--assuming it's an attack action and I'm still allowed a move, otherwise I'll just move my full maximum bolting distance.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Actaully I'm pretty sure that its a full round action. Good to have you back Grimcleaver.


Thanks! Crud well then I just sprint my full speed--which in a perfect world would make me harder to hit too, but ah well. At least I'll get there without taking too much fire.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Greis' convoluted path keeps him safe and he reaches the edge of the forest without incident. He soon comes to the spot where the elven man and Dohlrok stand.

So after casting Mage Armour and sending Midnight off, I poked me head out to see the situation - where is everyone now?
That is then the end of my action, back to start...

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

You are in the cave, Midnight is over the trees but can't see anything due to the thickness of the trees, Corvin is in the middle of the clearing having an episode, Gawlak is almost to the forest's edge and Dohlrok and Greis are confronting your attacker. Its his turn.
The tall elf swings his two swords towards Dohlrok with a furious snarl. The shortsword finds a weak spot in his defense and strikes a glancing blow.
3 points of damage. Now it is Corvin's turn.


Greis stumbles through the edge of the wood, pulling the leaves and branches from his hair when his eyes snap up to see a figure who must be Segwin. He lurches back as the blades come swinging around. Suddenly his eyes narrow and his fingers arch upward. He waves the his fingers towards himself in a complicated motion that is almost beckoning and forms magic words of enchantment on his lips--words designed to sap will and to transform hostile feelings to benign. As they spill forth Greis can feel the warmth and the power of them, accompanied by a giddy rush of accomplishment.

Casting Charm Person when my turn comes up again.

Oh, quick reminder, Greis has Spell Focus: Enchantment too.

Male Human Fighter 3
Arctaris wrote:

You are in the cave, Midnight is over the trees but can't see anything due to the thickness of the trees, Corvin is in the middle of the clearing having an episode, Gawlak is almost to the forest's edge and Dohlrok and Greis are confronting your attacker. Its his turn.

The tall elf swings his two swords towards Dohlrok with a furious snarl. The shortsword finds a weak spot in his defense and strikes a glancing blow.
3 points of damage. Now it is Corvin's turn.

Corvin's funk ends with a start, and he realizes (after some contemplation) that there was, in fact, only one attacker (having visual aids no doubt helps this realization). The fighter's pain evaporates, replaced by anger at being tricked, and he rises, cutting around behind the crazed elf and readying a brutal assault.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3


Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

For future reference I am going to NPC anyone who doesn't post when it is their turn after six hours unless they have let me know ahead of time that they will be unable to post.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Channelign Gawlak...
Gawlak clears the treeline and comes to a stop about five feet away from the mad elf and stabs at the elf but the strike goes to high, jutting past the elf's shoulder.

I know I’m out of order again, but I may not get a chance to post for a day or two… This takes place after Dohrlok and Greis’ next actions.

Anarath had thought that at least one of the arrows had come from the tree line to the south, but he can hear his companions fighting someone – or something – in the forest to the east. Unsure whether they are dealing with two enemies or one very fast moving one, he mentally urges Midnight through their empathic link to fly below the treeline to the south, land in a tree, and see what he might see. (Midnight’s spot check result is 19+5 = 24)

Meanwhile, Anarath runs across the clearing to where Dorhlok and the others battle, his hat flying from his head and landing on the grass.

As he breaks the tree line and stops a few paces from the fight, his eyes widen in surprise at seeing that his companions are battling an elf, and he calls out in his native tongue: “Toror’! Iest lle n’uma cron miatan! Tamip dagor iest miatan, synthra.” (Brother! We wish you no ill! Please, we do not wish to fight).

M Dwarf Monk 1 (Tetori)

Dohrlok swings a fist at the elf's jaw, aiming to incapacitate rather than kill. Dohrlok hopes he can take down the elf before Corvin's rage does something more permanent - any intelligence about the manor would be lost if he were shredded.

Aiming to do non-lethal damage rather than lethal, which as a monk doesn't affect my chance to hit. Attack roll = 17 + 2 = 19. Damage = 3 + 2 = 5 non-lethal damage.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

The elf seems startled by the blow but is still on his feet.
I will post his response to Anarath's actions after Anarath's place in the initiative order.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3



Finishing the Charm Person spell posted above.

...It's right above Corvin's last post if you have trouble finding it.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Sorry, I didn't see that.

Arctaris wrote:
Sorry, I didn't see that. Does the spell work? Hmmm, are elves aren't still immune to charm spells in 3.5 are they? ;-)

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

No they aren't. Sorry I didn't post a description right away.
The elf seems dazed for a moment but then shakes the effect off and even more rage fills his eyes. "Die!" he screams and swings at Greis with both of his swords. They flash in the afternoon sun but pass a few inches from Greis' face.

Male Human Fighter 3

Attack roll: natural 1. Wow. That actually works out, from a metagame perspective.

Corvin's timing couldn't have been worse. Just as he leaps at the crazed elf from behind, the elf lunges forward at Greis, causing Corvin to land sprawling in the dirt with a heavy clanking noise (and much swearing).

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

The elf glances at Corvin and a mocking smile spreads across his face. In a gravelly voice he says "Pathetic human." and turns back to the rest of the battle.

Any reaction to Anarath's appearance and words? And has Midnight seen anything in the south?

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Midnight sees nothing but unbroken forest. The elf ignores your words, focused entirley on trying to kill your comrades.

Hmmm, ok. So Gawlak's go again...

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Sorry again! I keep forgetting that I am NPCing people.

Channeling Gawlak...
Gawlak swings a powerful blow with his morningstar. It smashes into the half-elf's side with a sickening thump and the crack of a broken rib. The elf doubles over in pain for a moment before straightening slightly, even anfrier than before.
3 points of damage to the mad elf.

M Dwarf Monk 1 (Tetori)

Flurry of blows. Roll to hit = 8 + 2 - 8 = 8. Roll to hit = 2 + 2 - 2 = 2. Presumably those miss.

Dohrlok aims a flurry of blows at the elfs head but misses widely, his evcitement at battle overcoming his judgement.


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