Freehold DM |

bugleyman wrote:Kryzbyn wrote:I used to work with a guy that believed in Thor. He refused to work Thursdays. True story, unfortunately.I'm curious: Somehow more "unfortunate" than a Christian who refuses to work on Sundays?I don't know any Christians who refuse to work Sundays. I know alot of them who would prefer not to, but still work the schedule they are given, and work OT when asked, until they can land a mon-fri gig.
No sane person I know gets a job, then tells them after working there for 3 years, "I beleive in (insert deity here) and can no longer work (insert religiously appropriate day here)."
If you know people like this, I'm sorry.
My wife is one such Christian. She refuses to do any work on Sunday, and I'm sure my mom would as well. I would also refuse to work Sunday if asked on religious principle, however, I'd also be upset at the idea of working on Sunday in general.

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Samnell and others. I am sorry you are offended. I really am. I dont know why you are, and i want to explain myself incase of a simple misunderstandimg. I work for the army, and my mother works for the fed gov overseeing imigration claims. Terrorist, and immigrants that otherwise cant get into the country can use homosexual marriage as a potentual loophole. This is a very valid issue and point of view to me.
I do find it odd that the rest of what i did say was ignored like i dont otherwise have an issue, in favor of believing i think gay people are terrorists, which i do not.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:The wife and I are looking at ending up in Austin…Let me know if you land in the ATX.
I expect we'll be there for at least two years regardless what choice I make. Depends on if she lands a job with the school she plans on doing her practicum at.
On-topic: Beckett, I don't see how homosexual marriage is any more of a loophole for terrorists/illegals than regular marriage.

CourtFool |

I expect we'll be there for at least two years regardless what choice I make. Depends on if she lands a job with the school she plans on doing her practicum at.
It would be cool to meet a fellow board member when you make it out this way. I would offer my gaming group, but I am not sure if you like Exalted or Mutants & Masterminds which is what we have been playing.

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Samnell and others. I am sorry you are offended. I really am. I don't know why you are, and i want to explain myself in case of a simple misunderstanding. I work for the army, and my mother works for the fed gov overseeing immigration claims. Terrorist, and immigrants that otherwise cant get into the country can use homosexual marriage as a potential loophole. This is a very valid issue and point of view to me.
I do find it odd that the rest of what i did say was ignored like I don't otherwise have an issue, in favor of believing i think gay people are terrorists, which i do not.
Um how? or in other words what the f@$# does this have to do with the 'price of tea in China?'

Kryzbyn |

Terrorist, and immigrants that otherwise cant get into the country can use homosexual marriage as a potentual loophole. This is a very valid issue and point of view to me.
If a gay couple getting married legally has to go through the same steps as a hetero couple, what difference does it make?

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Samnell and others. I am sorry you are offended. I really am. I dont know why you are, and i want to explain myself incase of a simple misunderstandimg. I work for the army, and my mother works for the fed gov overseeing imigration claims. Terrorist, and immigrants that otherwise cant get into the country can use homosexual marriage as a potentual loophole. This is a very valid issue and point of view to me.
I do find it odd that the rest of what i did say was ignored like i dont otherwise have an issue, in favor of believing i think gay people are terrorists, which i do not.
Ok my thought line is, if they are trying to get into the country through marriage fraud. Why would it just be gay marriages your concerned about? Wouldn't they be doing the exact same thing through hetero marriages?
Just FYI- I am a gay married man, I do not intend to harm the United States, or it's territories, citizens, and or military. I do not produce explosives, use guns or any other possible terrorist devices. I do have a husband who may intend to eventually work in the US, but as a professor of Biology. ;)

Kirth Gersen |

All terrorists are gay.
On the contrary -- fundamentalist Islam, for example, is violently anti-gay (witness the alarming number of assaults and murders of gay couples in Europe -- especially London -- perpetrated by Muslims vs. non-Muslims). Therefore, Islamic terrorists (as opposed to Basque terrorists or eco-terrorists or whatever -- but when's the last time ETA blew up a skyscraper?) are significantly LESS likely to use gay marriage to get in, vs. regular marriage.
My understanding is that student visas are a favorite.

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On the contrary -- fundamentalist Islam, for example, is violently anti-gay (witness the alarming number of assaults and murders of gay couples in Europe -- especially London -- perpetrated by Muslims vs. non-Muslims). Therefore, Islamic terrorists (as opposed to Basque terrorists or eco-terrorists or whatever -- but when's the last time ETA blew up a skyscraper?) are significantly LESS likely to use gay marriage to get in, vs. regular marriage.
My understanding is that student visas are a favorite.
Duh, you've just swallowed the gay terrorist propaganda. I bet you heard all that on public radio, didn't you? Yep... [/sarcasm]

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I was thinking more specifically about Iarq, Afganistan, and the middle east, where homosexuality are common.
The main issue that makes it different when applied to heterosexual marriage is that the people that would do this are predominently male.
Thats it. I dont hate gay people, or want to keep them from being together. if that is what they really want and will make them more happy, than i wish them well.
Finally, as to what is has to do with chinesse tea, it was to show that the blame for gay hate is not 100% the fault of religion, which was literally what was argued.

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Crimson Jester wrote:Awesome.CourtFool wrote:This then is why some atheists seem to think all 'believers' are insane.Beckett wrote:I was thinking more specifically about Iarq, Afganistan, and the middle east, where homosexuality are common.Whoa, what?! Where are you getting this information?
Not really. Sad, very sad.

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Beckett wrote:Samnell and others. I am sorry you are offended. I really am. I dont know why you are, and i want to explain myself incase of a simple misunderstandimg. I work for the army, and my mother works for the fed gov overseeing imigration claims. Terrorist, and immigrants that otherwise cant get into the country can use homosexual marriage as a potentual loophole. This is a very valid issue and point of view to me.
I do find it odd that the rest of what i did say was ignored like i dont otherwise have an issue, in favor of believing i think gay people are terrorists, which i do not.
Ok my thought line is, if they are trying to get into the country through marriage fraud. Why would it just be gay marriages your concerned about? Wouldn't they be doing the exact same thing through hetero marriages?
Just FYI- I am a gay married man, I do not intend to harm the United States, or it's territories, citizens, and or military. I do not produce explosives, use guns or any other possible terrorist devices. I do have a husband who may intend to eventually work in the US, but as a professor of Biology. ;)
Don't lie Jeremy. We all know you are trying to hurt the US by buying up all the Dwarven Forge products and Minis that you can, just so we'll bore ourselves to death!! :P

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James Martin wrote:Not really. Sad, very sad.Crimson Jester wrote:Awesome.CourtFool wrote:This then is why some atheists seem to think all 'believers' are insane.Beckett wrote:I was thinking more specifically about Iarq, Afganistan, and the middle east, where homosexuality are common.Whoa, what?! Where are you getting this information?
Well, yes, that too.

Samnell |

I believe that homosexuality is between God and the individual.
I've tried, but he's got St. Sebastian and how do I compete with that? I mean, look at him! He's gorgeous!
It's our own fault too. The Almighty had almost forgotten about the guy until my people decided it would be a gas to paint hot pictures of religious figures and sell them to churches.

Emperor7 |

I believe he is referring to the casual sex Middle Eastern males engage in.
'Manlove Thursday' is a common term used to refer to it among deployed soldiers. That seems to be the day for it.
Remember this topic from a college class. It's not 'considered' to be homosexuality in their culture.

Kryzbyn |

Kryzbyn wrote:
I believe that homosexuality is between God and the individual.
I've tried, but he's got St. Sebastian and how do I compete with that? I mean, look at him! He's gorgeous!
It's our own fault too. The Almighty had almost forgotten about the guy until my people decided it would be a gas to paint hot pictures of religious figures and sell them to churches.
You know what I meant.
Kryzbyn |

TriOmegaZero wrote:Remember this topic from a college class. It's not 'considered' to be homosexuality in their culture.I believe he is referring to the casual sex Middle Eastern males engage in.
'Manlove Thursday' is a common term used to refer to it among deployed soldiers. That seems to be the day for it.
It ain't gay if you ain't catching?

Samnell |

Emperor7 wrote:It ain't gay if you ain't catching?TriOmegaZero wrote:Remember this topic from a college class. It's not 'considered' to be homosexuality in their culture.I believe he is referring to the casual sex Middle Eastern males engage in.
'Manlove Thursday' is a common term used to refer to it among deployed soldiers. That seems to be the day for it.
Situational sexuality isn't orientation. Going to the garage does not make one a car.

bugleyman |

Situational sexuality isn't orientation. Going to the garage does not make one a car.
Good point. It does seem to me, though, that "homosexual" is used interchangeably to mean either orientation or activity. Is one meaning preferred?
Also: Situational sexuality sounds extremely unpleasant. :(

Samnell |

Samnell wrote:Situational sexuality isn't orientation. Going to the garage does not make one a car.Good point. It does seem to me, though, that "homosexual" is used interchangeably to mean either orientation or activity. Is one meaning preferred?
Not to my knowledge, but we really need more than one word. Homosexual is trying to describe a particular pairing for sexual acts, romance, etc. (Christian fundamentalists of course reserve it exclusively to having gay sex, but being they know as much about gays as they do about evolution we can ignore them.) But it's also describing a spontaneous attraction to that pairing. Then it's also describing a wide range of cultural tropes. Formerly it even described any same-sex environment. All-boys and all-girls schools were homosexual schools. The last use has been taken over by homosocial.
There are a startling number of homosocial situations that are considered vital to traditional American conceptions of manliness, in fact: much of the military, team sports, etc. I once offhandedly mentioned to an acquaintance that for all the machismo traditionally invested in high school sports, some of them were amazingly gay. The example that immediately came to mind was boys dressing up in tights and rubbing against one another until one submits. If I describe it like that you'd think it was from some porn, but that's high school wrestling. She told me her son had been in wrestling and most of his team was at least a bit curious. Boys patting each other on the ass in mutual appreciation? Football. Getting dressed up in very tight clothes that barely amount to more than postage and then huddling tightly together? Swimming. These behaviors need not be homosexual, but many of them are at least somewhat homoerotic. I'm not sure what a good term for that would be. Para-homoerotic?
I suspect that a lot of heterosexuals really value these kinds of environments in part because they create exceptions to the traditional and extremely narrow boundaries of acceptable male conduct. I've read pieces by more than one straight ex-athlete about how he was most comfortable in a locker room. You know, the place where he and his buddies got naked together. :) They're places you don't have to police yourself as vigilantly against the risk of being thought other than 100% heterosexual. For people that aren't 100% heterosexual, they're an even bigger chance to behave in ways closer to how they'd rather.
I'm about as athletic as Stephen Hawking so I don't have a lot of personal experience to go by, but I'm extremely conscious of self-policing to avoid the appearance of homosexuality. I have plenty of experience there and I know how valuable the venues where that was not necessary were to me. Nobody, or at any rate extremely few people, naturally slide into the tiny niche of conventionally acceptable gender normative behaviors. We're all a little weird.
Situational sexuality need not be unpleasant, though I suppose it often is. People experimenting at university are engaging in situational sexuality. But, of course, so are prisoners. It will arise in practically any sex-segregated environment into which people are compelled to remain for a significant length of time, hence Churchill's description of the Royal Navy's traditions as "rum, sodomy, and the lash."
Chuck Palahniuk, author of Fight Club and Friend of Dorothy, did an article about life on a nuclear submarine. They had him on board, gave him the tour, he spent a day or two. The submarine force is all-male and sequestered in extremely close quarters for long stretches of time. It was vitally important to the Navy that he be clear: nothing gay went on. Every time someone brushed up against someone else in the tiny corridors he was assured that when it happens, it doesn't mean anything gay. Guys sleep in extremely close quarters, but nothing gay happens. After a day or two of this he's eating with the crew and says he cannot imagine how anybody would think sex goes on in such tight spaces. One of the crewmen smiled, leaned back in his chair, and said he'd be surprised. Then his face fell when he realized he'd just admitted to the elephant in the room.
But having sex with a guy because only guys are available (which lumberjacks used to do, among others), or because cultural pressures say that's what one does in a particular situation (Greco-Roman and feudal Japanese sexual mentorship of adolescents comes to mind here), certainly doesn't make one gay in the normally understood sense of the word. Gays like straights (and bisexuals of course) would have been involved, but of course the straights outnumber us. Likewise plenty of gays used to, and I imagine some still do, get married to keep up appearances, for career advancement, or simply because it's what one did.

Samnell |

Not to mention all the prison sex by men that hate gays......
I've read suggestions that some prison sex isn't exactly rape, but doesn't get reported as consensual because of the dire consequences entailed in admitting it. Of course being this is prison we're talking about I'm sure plenty of it is regular old rape too. I mean, that's where we put rapists.

Doodlebug Anklebiter |

Gore Vidal used to insist that the word "homosexual" described acts rather than people. These hot and steamy activities under discussion (Afghani boy love, prison sex, in the navy, etc., etc.) along with others I could mention (transvestite prostitution in Latin America, eunuch-prostitutes in India) are all good examples of his reasoning, as well as indications that there's a lot more to the spectrum of human sexual behavior than anyone might imagine.

Kryzbyn |

Kryzbyn wrote:Situational sexuality isn't orientation. Going to the garage does not make one a car.Emperor7 wrote:It ain't gay if you ain't catching?TriOmegaZero wrote:Remember this topic from a college class. It's not 'considered' to be homosexuality in their culture.I believe he is referring to the casual sex Middle Eastern males engage in.
'Manlove Thursday' is a common term used to refer to it among deployed soldiers. That seems to be the day for it.
Umm it was a joke, sorry.

Kirth Gersen |

'It's not homosexuality, it's just sex with men!'
It's neither, from what I understand. It's raping kids. That has nothing at all to do with sex between adults, homo- or hetero-. Their standard seems to be: Have sex with a boy catamite = OK; have sex with an adulty male = put to death. If I had to come up with a more backward or morally bankrupt system, I'd be hard pressed to do it.

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Actually Kirth, what I first referenced was the fact that grown men will have casual sex when they want pleasure. Children had no part in it.
One of the common jokes when my company was working the entry control point was to send someone who had not had the detail before to the local worker's break tent so he could get an eyeful of two of them banging away.

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jocundthejolly |

Kirth Gersen wrote:I used to work with a guy that believed in Thor. He refused to work Thursdays. True story, unfortunately.Jagyr Ebonwood wrote:I thought it was Asatru?Probably so. Been hijacked by neo-nazi skinheads, and I can't stand those guys. Drives 'em up a tree if you make fun of the stuff the don't really believe anyway.
Wonder if he recites this Longfellow poem in which Thor challenges Jesus to a throwdown. "Over the whole earth/Still is it Thor's-Day!" It's funny to remember that Jesus used to be considered a kickarse god. Guthrum the Dane and his homeboys converted to Christianity because they were so impressed by Alfred's battle deity.
I AM the God Thor,
I am the War God,
I am the Thunderer!
Here in my Northland,
My fastness and fortress,
Reign I forever!
Here amid icebergs
Rule I the nations;
This is my hammer,
Miölner the mighty;
Giants and sorcerers
Cannot withstand it!
These are the gauntlets
Wherewith I wield it,
And hurl it afar off;
This is my girdle;
Whenever I brace it,
Strength is redoubled!
The light thou beholdest
Stream through the heavens,
In flashes of crimson,
Is but my red beard
Blown by the night-wind,
Affrighting the nations!
Jove is my brother;
Mine eyes are the lightning;
The wheels of my chariot
Roll in the thunder,
The blows of my hammer
Ring in the earthquake!
Force rules the world still,
Has ruled it, shall rule it;
Meekness is weakness,
Strength is triumphant,
Over the whole earth
Still is it Thor's-Day!
Thou art a God too,
O Galilean!
And thus singled-handed
Unto the combat,
Gauntlet or Gospel,
Here I defy thee!

Samnell |

TriOmegaZero wrote:'It's not homosexuality, it's just sex with men!'It's neither, from what I understand. It's raping kids. That has nothing at all to do with sex between adults, homo- or hetero-. Their standard seems to be: Have sex with a boy catamite = OK; have sex with an adulty male = put to death. If I had to come up with a more backward or morally bankrupt system, I'd be hard pressed to do it.
It's both. Studpuffin's article is specifically about child sexual slavery. Obviously there's a world of difference between that and normal, non-abusive situational guy-on-guy that arises because of extreme sexual segregation.

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*Starts selling tin-foil hats*
Guaranteed to keep out terrorists and rational thought! Get 'em while they last!
Beckett, you still haven't told us what you think about straight marriage. Isn't that a terror risk as well? And as for everyone focusing in on that one remark of yours...well, you can't expect everyone to spend time responding to the same old misinformed points that you've been posting to Samnell for two or three pages now, when you've given them something fresh, new, exciting, and raving mad.
I've tried, but he's got St. Sebastian and how do I compete with that? I mean, look at him!
Oh, my. Number 3 especially.
Ah, the semantics of the religious.
'It's not homosexuality, it's just sex with men!'
Not just the religious - I have relatives who work for HIV prevention groups focused towards gay men. They have trouble labeling themselves as a group, because besides the gay and bi men that they reach out to, there are many who consider themselves straight, and they just happen to occasionally have sex with men.

Samnell |

And as for everyone focusing in on that one remark of yours...well, you can't expect everyone to spend time responding to the same old misinformed points that you've been posting to Samnell for two or three pages now, when you've given them something fresh, new, exciting, and raving mad.
Not everybody has my crippling psychological issues. You should all work on that.