Toy Fair 2007 NYC-Who's going from Paizo?

Off-Topic Discussions

One of my players will attend the Toy Fair 2007 Trade Event in NYC this Sunday-He's in the very highly competitive Toy Design major at FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology)in NYC and thus allowed to attend-I know the show is not open to the public otherwise. I was reading though the show's website and saw that Paizo Publishing, LLC will be there-do you have any comment on who's attending to represent the firm?
(While my friend still has a year to go before graduation and is not looking for work per se, he's a great illustrator and a really original guy...but I need him back by six pm for our regular Sunday game...!)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Just Phil and Josh (sales and marketing). We're mainly going to show off Kill Doctor Lucky and Stonehenge, but I believe our first full-line print catalog will be debuting there, so the other products won't go totally unrepresented.


Thanks, Vic... Tell 'em to dress warm 'cause it's colder than Cania here in NYC!


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