Killer GM runs Age of Worms

Campaign Journals

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Said Quasit (yet to be named by Turin), survived and will reappear yet again, likely when the PCs duke it out with Cardinal Devious in late November or December. I'll have to have him weigh in at around a CR 11 or 12 at that time:D

Turin the Mad wrote:
And it had cleric levels, enough to actually present a credible threat instead of being a source of bad comedy.

Course, no reason it can't be both. ;)

Orthos wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:
And it had cleric levels, enough to actually present a credible threat instead of being a source of bad comedy.
Course, no reason it can't be both. ;)

Well, yes, that is most certainly VERY true. I leave that development to the Killer GM here to adjust to fit his home campaign better.

Although with the changes from Beta to PRPG, a re-write is in order. I suspect certain large tentacles to stretch forth from places best left unsaid to inflict unspeakable changes to the little Herald of Dardaptoerebus. I do have the original document - the quasit's name is Belphorax.

There were SIX (6) player character Fatalities in today's homebrew Pathfinder campaign. All PC fatalities (characters were 6th level each) were to The evil knight Scorn the Cowardly Lion (an 8th level Fighter) and his fellow 6th level knight. The 7th level evil cleric died last week, but the unfinished encounter was pretty well in hand at that point, and today, the bad guys mopped up. But not before the Residend Artist got the princess onto a horse and raced away before the evil knights could complete the TPK and the abduction of the princess.

In Paizo chatroom parlance:

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

In Paizo chatroom parlance:


The knights in shining armor (the PCs) made some significant blunders which handed me the encounter. I'm not one to let the PCs off the hook in a major encounter when they've made silly errors. Their main error occurred in round 3, when the PC fighter & paladin decision to charge the evil knights, in an effort to finish off their horses (thus denying the evil knights any further use of their "spirited charge" attack). While this was a good idea, the horses should have been finished off from a distance via missile weapons. As a result of the PC fighter & paladin's charges, the PC fighter & paladin did finish off the horses, but on the subsequent action of the evil knights, the PC fighter & paladin (who were now right next to the evil knights after dropping their horses) each ate a full round of attacks from the evil knights, which resulted in the hands-down best PC fighter being killed outright, and the Paladin being heavily hammered. At that point, the encounter swung completely the other direction, and my sinister knights subsequently proceeded to tag team the remaining PCs, one per round, until the last PC (in fact the aforementioned Paladin) bravely ran away with the princess. As that accomplished the goal of the encounter, the PCs effectively won the encounter, albeit at a considerable cost...

So do the dead PCs get resurrected, or do the players get new characters?
(Umm, and I hope you remember to award the knights appropriate XP for defeating a group of PCs, (they killed them or made them run away) even if they don't get a story award for completing their nominal mission.)

Scarab Sages

Allen Stewart wrote:
...the PC fighter & paladin did finish off the horses, but on the subsequent action of the evil knights, the PC fighter & paladin (who were now right next to the evil knights after dropping their horses) each ate a full round of attacks from the evil knights, which resulted in the hands-down best PC fighter being killed outright, and the Paladin being heavily hammered...

Doesn't kiling the mounts drop the riders on their heads, and make them waste an action standing up?

Scarab Sages

Allen Stewart wrote:
Said Quasit (yet to be named by Turin), survived and will reappear yet again, likely when the PCs duke it out with Cardinal Devious...

Strap them to....THE COMFY CHAIR!


Snorter wrote:
Allen Stewart wrote:
Said Quasit (yet to be named by Turin), survived and will reappear yet again, likely when the PCs duke it out with Cardinal Devious...

Strap them to....THE COMFY CHAIR!


Belphorax ... rope escape DC is 20 plus CMB ...

O.o ...

^_^ ...

I'm thinking "Clockwork Orange"...

Scarab Sages

Turin the Mad wrote:

Belphorax ... rope escape DC is 20 plus CMB ...

O.o ...

I bet this old girl could make it.

Scarab Sages

While you're here, Turin, I thought you'd best see THIS.

Snorter wrote:
While you're here, Turin, I thought you'd best see THIS.

Hrmmm ... can't seem to make my crowbar-assisted STR check to get that box open.

Have you by chance seen the CoT journal(s) that's ('ve been) just getting started?

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

So do the dead PCs get resurrected, or do the players get new characters?

(Umm, and I hope you remember to award the knights appropriate XP for defeating a group of PCs, (they killed them or made them run away) even if they don't get a story award for completing their nominal mission.)

I chucked the PC's a bone and had a helpful NPC arrive afterwards to glue their butts back together, cast Wind Walk on them, and deposit them where they needed to be. I gave them the option of using new characters. None of them went for it (and I assumed they would not, which I have "loosened up" on my limiting raising deceased characters. Turin and I are amongst the few who routinely roll up new characters).

Snorter wrote:

Doesn't kiling the mounts drop the riders on their heads, and make them waste an action standing up?

The riders can make successful ride checks not to fall prone when their mounts die, (which they both did).

Scarab Sages

Turin the Mad wrote:
Have you by chance seen the CoT journal(s) that's ('ve been) just getting started?

I'll check it out.

My player's AoW journal has been (sort of) updated, having got to the part where he was forced to take flying lessons.

Last saturday's home brew saw my players get the better of things. After they each got a hefty reward for rescuing the princess, their characters then defeated several malovelent knights, namely, the Privlidged Sir Charles Regal Fauntleroy of North Shields, the "rotten" Sir Reginald of Ewing, Sir Thomas "Less Than" Worthington, Sir Guy of Gastonbury, and Sir Arthur Belling. No PC casualties occurred, and the knights were forced to quit the field after Sir Belling got 86'd and Haru's cleric character Diplomacized the leader Sir Charles Fauntleroy into quitting the field...

The players who played Fighter type characters then competed in a 32-kinght jousting tournament. Unlike the last jousting tournament I had for the guys back in May/June of thie year, two of the Players defeated all my superior (higher level and skill) knights and both PC fighters made it to the final, one then beating the other. They all had a good laugh at my expense, as my fantastic (and wonderfully illustrated,-see my page on Deviant Art under 'Killer GM') went down in defeat, one after another, including my defending champion.

The PCs then torpedoed 'Baron Rankle', who had been holed up in his tower for the past 150 years. The baron was an EL 10 (the characters were all 7th level) Awakened Gelatinous Creature, with 8 levels in cleric. Sadly, the druid player character surprised me by shrinking his two stupid large bear companions and getting them up into the tower, and the bears proceeded to give the Baron some hugs, and the baron was subsequently sliced and diced in cruel and inhumane fashion by the murderous PCs, invading his home...

In this past Saturday's home brew campaign, there was One (1) PC fatality, and another instance of temporary GM Insanity (a.k.a. generousity). The PCs handled Malathrax the Abhorred (a CR 10 Red Dragon) that had been polymorphed into an equal sized dragon, that was pink in color with bright yellow spots and baby blue back spines, but was in all other respects a CR 10 red dragon. The PCs were very formidable, and I had my bout of temporary insanity/generousity when I let some 'Nat 1' rolls on Saves vs. Massive Trauma (for 50+ HP damage in one attack) slide. As a result, Malathrax had to run for his miserable life. The lads then handed one of my Dark Druids and his Umbral/Shadow folk their butts in ONE miserable round. Truly sad. Lastly, the guys had their hands full when they ran into a Vampire and her spawn. The vampire managed to dominate Haru's star character "Thorgar" who Haru is using again, and had him defend her against the REsident Artist's Paladin PC. "Thorgar" is on his 5th or 6th incarnation, and I'm starting to feel like I'm in a DR. Who game of some sort... The vampire 86'd the PC Paladin after Haru's PC Thorgar softened him up. I stupidly and foolishly allowed the dying Paladin to make a 'Gawd Call' to break the vampire's domination on Thorgar, and they PC Cleric eventually managed to turn the Vamp and sent her running away like a 5th rate tourist...

You seem to be softening in your old age.

Regretably that's probably the case. It comes and goes in doses however. In 06-07 during Age of Worms, I was wiping the PCs out in droves, but at times I'd actually feel bad for the players as well. I had to really push myself to maintain that needed level of harshness to give the players the character demises they needed:) Sometimes its hard to grease the PCs. Try though I might otherwise... I can't totally shed the humanitarian in me...

Last Saturday, during the latest session of the current homebrew campaign, there was One (1) character fatality, and yet Another incident of GM temporary insanity (mercy towards a player's character). The characters (several of them are knights, including 2 paladins and 2 fighters) went to recover a stolen signet seal of a nobleman, and at the same time re-apprehend an escaped villain that had been busted out of prison some weeks before. The lads located the place where the villains were hold up at (there were 8 player characters present, and a few animal companions). All the PCs were 8th level. The four villains present were a 8th level Wizard, an 8th level cleric, a CR 6 Minotaur of Legend, and a 9th level Vampire Fighter.
The PCs entered the abandoned ruin, learned how the activate the magic mirror, and entered a small pocket dimension, where the bad guys were holed up. As the bad guys had some advance warning that hostilities were imminent, they had a couple of rounds to prepare.
The player's characters were somewhat hampered in that once one entered the mirror, he/she became involved in the combat, (not all the PCs entered at once), and the PCs who went in first had a rougher go at it. Haru's famour character Thorgar was talking a lot of smack to the vampire, and my moment of temporary insanity (compassion) came when I unexpectedly critically hit 'Thorgar' with the 8th level cleric who was wielding a Scythe. After doing 83 HP in one shot with the scythe, 'Thorgar' was down to 12 HP, and could have been slaughtered by the vampire he was talking smack to. Ultimately, forebearance won out and I let the blowhard Thorgar and his now-less-than boisterous player off the hook.
The minotaur of legend put the Resident Artist's fighter down into the negatives, and likely would have killed him. The resident artist also 'sued for pardon', and I gave him respite also. This respite however only lasted for about 5 seconds, as the evil wizard 'Maloccio Scarecrow' dropped a fireball (maxamized via a lesser rod of maximization) to the tune of 48 HP on everyone, and the downed fighter ended up at about -60 HP.
The PCs then dropped the minotaur and forced the evil cleric down to about 5 HP left, at which point the remaining two villains (wizard & vampire) decided to beat a hasty retreat.

The second planned encounter didn't occur due to time constraints. Next session will see the 'delayed Halloween special' served to the PCs, and I hope to hear some screaming from everybody present.

Allen Stewart wrote:
The minotaur of legend put the Resident Artist's fighter down into the negatives, and likely would have killed him. The resident artist also 'sued for pardon', and I gave him respite also. This respite however only lasted for about 5 seconds, as the evil wizard 'Maloccio Scarecrow' dropped a fireball (maxamized via a lesser rod of maximization) to the tune of 48 HP on everyone, and the downed fighter ended up at about -60 HP.

That was good for a laugh. Feel sorry for the guy, but hey, there's always Reincarnate. ;)

Orthos wrote:

That was good for a laugh. Feel sorry for the guy, but hey, there's always Reincarnate. ;)

somehow humor makes it a bit more pleasant for all. and, as the joker says, "if you gotta go, go with a smile."

The most recent homebrew saw One (1) player character fatality. The boys went about attempting to solve a quest of obtaining ingredients for a rare elixir. They opted to take the 'infamous shortcut' rather than the long road, and while traveling through the 'Bleak Forest', happened upon a group of harpies. Two of the harpies were 7th level cleric and druid respectively. The gang was ill prepared to combat the aerial opponents, and made use of numerous fireballs to blast the lesser (CR 4) harpies out of the sky. The two tougher harpies (only a paultry CR 8.5 each) each sported 156 HP, the advanced monster template, & 7 levels of spellcasting ability. I wholeheartedly encourage all aspiring killer GM's to check out the "non-favored class advancement" for monsters, as it adds only 1/2 a CR per character level you give them). You'll have your players screaming in no time:D I'll attempt to post the stats on the harpies soon. The guys gradually whittled the druid harpy down, eventually dropping her to less than 78 HP, meaning she was forced to land and was then beaten by the PCs into unconsciousness. The cleric harpy however perforated the PC wizard character with numerous arrows, including one confirmed crital hit, and the wizard PC was greased most heinously:D The subequent encounter saw the PCs tackle a CR 10 Cyclops (with advanced monster template, 8 levels of cleric & and about 275 HP with bears endurance). My players were yet screaming again, but they came up with a few clever ideas, and defeated el' cyclops...

Any one else gotten themselves killed off lately?

Turin the Mad wrote:
Any one else gotten themselves killed off lately?

You beat me to the punch.

In last Saturday's most recent session of the current homebrew campaign, there was one (1) PC fatality. The characters were sent by the real king to eliminate the threat of two formidable allies of the would-be-king who is vying for the throne. First on the hit list was the "Frog Prince". Unlike the happy one of Disney rendering, this slimy bugger was once a snobby prince, who was cursed and given the form (effectively polymorph any object) of a bullywug. Said prince, believing that the kiss of a beautiful maiden would change him back into the same selfish, scabby creep he'd always been, had arranged to have the deed completed by the most desirable candidate available, who had to be "persuaded" to help. When she did kiss the Frog Prince, and he did not turn back into a human, he in a fit of rage, strangled the lady, and then started killing anyone he could find. Before long, the Frog Prince formed a band of outlaws and humanoids loyal to him, and this band eventually became a small army, which the usurper to the throne desperately seeked to ally with. Thus the PCs needed to rub out said Frog Prince to prevent him joining forces with the would-be-king.

They wisely cooked up a ruse of joining the frog prince's merry band of killers, and went in to be evaluated by the prince and his cronies. The PCs made the necessary Diplomacy checks, and even thought to bring a gift for the frog prince and a parchment with the written terms of their offer of service. The PC wizard put an explosive runes on the parchment, and when the Frog Prince's senchal opened it, it went boom, and combat ensued immediately. The PCs targeted the Frog Prince and his ogre cleric minion directly. Meanwhile all the mooks and flunkies of the frog prince aided and helped out the prince's two bodyguards, one of whom (the gnoll archer, who 86'd Cap'n Jose's PC in the 06-07 Age of Worms campaign) managed to perforate the flying wizard to the tune of about 100+ hit points, and turned him into swiss cheese, before said PC wizard then plummeted and went splat upon hitting the ground. The PCs subsequently killed the frog prince and his ogre cleric. The gang also put the gnoll archer bodyguard down to negative HP, but for some reason elected to spare the gnoll who wasted their own wizard, and turn him into a scroll caddy... and the DM rejoiced mightily:)

Allen Stewart wrote:
but for some reason elected to spare the gnoll who wasted their own wizard, and turn him into a scroll caddy... and the DM rejoiced mightily:)

Stewpid Stewpid Stewpid... heheheheh....

Orthos wrote:
Allen Stewart wrote:
but for some reason elected to spare the gnoll who wasted their own wizard, and turn him into a scroll caddy... and the DM rejoiced mightily:)
Stewpid Stewpid Stewpid... heheheheh....

They are SO eating arrows in the back of the head at some point. Maroons, the lot of 'em.

Turin the Mad wrote:

They are SO eating arrows in the back of the head at some point.

:D Yes they are indeed.

Turin the Mad wrote:
Maroons, the lot of 'em.

:) Would you have it any other way? I wouldn't:)

Allen Stewart wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:
Maroons, the lot of 'em.
:) Would you have it any other way? I wouldn't:)

^_^ There are times when one misses the "common sense challenged". Then one shakes it off and kills as many characters as possible.

I was looking at the first few posts in this campaign journal, and I noted that in the very first session, I said almost nothing of "how it happened." I thought I'd regurgitate what I do remember of the afternoon before I forget it entirely.
I admit that I used a homebrewed encounter rather than the opening one in the Whispering Cairn. I wanted something challenging to 'kick off' the campaign, and admittedly, it went off far better than I had anticipated.
I had some brigands holed up in the entry tunnel to the Whispering Cairn. The encounter made use of "torchlight." The characters present could only see 'shadowy light' beyond 20 feet of a torch. Thus the 1st level CE Halfling Ranger "Jack Mangler" was able to hide, while his buddy, a 1st level CE Gnome Wizard waited hiding a little further down the hall. The PC ninja (played by Sir Hexen Ineptus) had crept ahead, perhaps about 30 or 40 feet ahead of the other 2 characters present. On the surprise round (no player made the check to see Jack hiding), Jack splattered the ninja PC with his battle axe, and put him below 0 HP. After initiative was rolled, the Gnome Wizard went, and dropped a Sleep spell on Torsin's wizard and Haru's Psion characters. Torsin blew her save, and took a nap, and Haru got hit by Jack before he could do anything, and was left with 2 HP. Haru opted to run away, leaving the other two characters to their fate, (both of which were short and undoubtedly painful).
Haru (player) then went to town, and came back with the new characters played by Ineptus and Torsin (who like their predecessors, were a ninja and a wizard respectively). Ineptus also had a 2nd PC in tow (a Fighter, which the group badly needed). And a 5th character was played by a player 'the Kid' who had arrived late. All PCs were 1st level.
The bad guys had not been idle in the PCs absense, and had set up a pit trap, which though none of the PCs initially fell for, later proved a huge problem when the PCs tried to retreat and couldn't get back over the pit quickly. The PCs tangled with the Gnome Wizard and two other 1st level evil PC brigands (Jack & a CLR 1). Perhaps the biggest problem for the PCs was that they again did not have adequate ranged weapons (for firing down the passageway to soften up the bad guys) nor any Sleep spells. When combat did begin, the Gnome Wizard once again cast Sleep, and 1 or 2 of the PCs went down for Nap Time again. The bad guys (who did have several light crossbows between them) were partially successful in softening up the PCs before they got to the brigands, and melee ensued. The encounter ended with 3 of the 5 PCs either asleep or at negative HP, before the two remaining PCs fled to save their own skins. Jack and the brigands finished off the 3 downed PCs who were left behind.

And I believe I still hold the "most player characters killed in the first session of a campaign" record between the two of us.

Aahh, Deathbugs. Good times, good times...

Turin the Mad wrote:

And I believe I still hold the "most player characters killed in the first session of a campaign" record between the two of us.

Aahh, Deathbugs. Good times, good times...

Alas, yes you do... those blessed Deathbugs...

I think we jointly hold the record together for the most in one session (12) last year when your Kraken took out 5 and Sir Sean and the wicked cleric took out 7. How the guys must look forward to your return:)

Allen Stewart wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:

And I believe I still hold the "most player characters killed in the first session of a campaign" record between the two of us.

Aahh, Deathbugs. Good times, good times...

Alas, yes you do... those blessed Deathbugs...

I think we jointly hold the record together for the most in one session (12) last year when your Kraken took out 5 and Sir Sean and the wicked cleric took out 7. How the guys must look forward to your return:)

Ooooo ... yeah, that could be interesting to the reactions of any one that's still around from my last time showing up at the table.

I do believe the operative phrase will be (more or less): " So, how many of us are you going to kill today? "

Naturally, I will have to ponder an answer to give them.

Wonderful deathbugs. Such will be popping up regularly in any campaigns I run anytime in the future. Too good not to use again.

Orthos wrote:
Wonderful deathbugs. Such will be popping up regularly in any campaigns I run anytime in the future. Too good not to use again.

:) That they are. I'm thinking maybe ... Kingmaker, if not then it will be the AP post-Kingmaker.

Yesterday's session of the current homebrew campaign, saw one (1) PC fatality. The PCs stormed the castle in an attempt to thwart the 'evil Steward's attempt to seize the throne. In the first of two combat encounters, the PCs persued the steward and the kidnapped king, and proceeded to mop the floor with the steward's elite guards. The steward then confronted the PCs, boasting that they were too late to save the king. The steward was then killed by the real villain, and the PCs who stood onlooking promptly saw the entire large chamber (over 100' square) obscured by impenetrable fog (via a Guards & Wards spell), and the PCs then proceeded to fumble about through the fog (limited vision to 5 feet in any direction) in search of the bound king before he was further harmed or killed. the real villain proceeded to begin to stalk the PCs through the fog, and when we left off for the afternoon, had killed the Drow Rogue PC, via a critical hit with a Falchion on a Power Attack. One of the PCs (a fighter) located the king, but can't at present find a way of exiting the chamber, and can't locate his fellow PC spellcaster(s). The other PCs are frustrated and fumbling about trying to find their comrade & the king, and a way out of the chamber. I suspect that even if the PCs can conglomerate together, and send the king out, via magic, that some or possibly many of the PCs will get 86'd because they themselves won't be able to get out of the room. the villain has Spring Attack, which allows him to move, attack, and then move again into the fog, and out of the PCs view, making him largely unassailable to their attacks, as the villain's Stealth rank is better than most of the group's perception checks, and the 1 PC who likely could have spotted the villain, (the rogue PC) is now deceased.

Sir Allen,

You seem to have a flawed understanding of guards and wards my friend. The fog provided by that spell is exclusive to corridors, not chambers/rooms/halls/the Grand Canyon. (However, a well-timed control weather in autumn can do the trick similarly, as could a well-worded miracle.)

Yesterday's session ended up with One (1) additional PC fatality, as the mysterious villain darting in and out of the fog via spring attack, led into the villain (hidden by fog) taking a 5 foot step and using a full round action to carve Mr. D's PC druid into lasagna. Just prior to that happening, the PC cleric had teleported (travel domain) the king and a fellow PC fighter to safety, as the plan was to grab the king and get the hell out of dodge. Just after the king & co. teleported out, the PC wizard managed to dispell the fog (control weather spell), and the remaining PCs (who couldn't at that point leave) elected to tangle with the now revealed villain. Haru managed to disarm the villain, and then attempted to sunder his backup weapon (at his side), and was unsuccessful. (My players seem to have these mysterious adamantine weapons cropping up at the oddest times, specifically when I tell them I'm going to try to sunder their weapons... Anyway, where was I, the Resident Artist's Paladin PC connected with three Smite attacks on the masked villain, and the druid's animal companions each scored hits on the villain as well. On the villain's action, I had the option to carve Haru into pieces (and by the look on the player's face, he knew his number was up if I had done so) but I was down below 25% of my remaining HP, and I was not confident with a 24 AC that I could survive a full round of the Resident Artist Paladin's Smite attacks to heal myself up, so the villain tipped his hat, flipped his cape of the Mountebank, and disappeared in a puff of smoke; to torment and obliterate the PCs at another date and time...
The PCs were made nobles for rescuing the king, and the Resident Artist was selected by the other players to play the Baron PC. After a brief interlude, traveled north to their new barony, and began the task of trying to put the barony and its people into working order. The PCs will need to do so, if they plan to fend off the upcoming attack by the army of the nefarious Baron Pondsludge, who has every intention of making them the shortest lived barony in existence. Their first big task was to obtain the loyalty of the northland people of Holling by dealing with the local menace (the creature Horogoth) who was slowly exterminating them. Haru's Paladin, the Resident Artist's Paladin/Baron, and Sean's Fighter did 350 HP of damage between them in just one friggin' round (with NO Critical Hits to boot), and Mr. Horogoth proceeded to hit the floor like a ton of bricks...
That's where we left off... See you in two weeks...

Curse you Allen!

Now I have to go up and start rereading this thread if I don't have enough things pulling at my time...

Hehe, good to see that the PC deaths are piling up again!

Turin the Mad wrote:

Sir Allen,

You seem to have a flawed understanding of guards and wards my friend. The fog provided by that spell is exclusive to corridors, not chambers/rooms/halls/the Grand Canyon. (However, a well-timed control weather in autumn can do the trick similarly, as could a well-worded miracle.)

My intent was to "stack" 'Corridors' side-by-side, achieving the effect in a room. Although if strictly interpreted, the limitation to corridors would appear to be all the spell allows, I deem it rather lame that a 6th level spell can't effectively obscure a measly 100' by 100' chamber with fog. And my so-called "Role-playing-Players were very quick to point that out in last Saturday's game session in an attempt to rules-lawyer the situation in their favor...

Yasha0006 wrote:

Curse you Allen!

Now I have to go up and start rereading this thread if I don't have enough things pulling at my time...

Hehe, good to see that the PC deaths are piling up again!

Good to see you back on the thread Yasha. This current homebrew campaign has been going since February 2009. I didn't do a separate thread for this campaign, rather just kind of tagged it onto the Age of Worms thread. Turin the Mad is scheduled to rejoin the group for the duration of this campaign, which I expect to end some time in mid to late June. I dont' know whether Turin plans to do a separate campaign journal from a 'player's perspective' of his time in this campaign, or will just post directly on this thread.

The amount of PC fatalities are admittedly lower than in AoW, and I know there are numerous reasons for this. I imagine Turin and I will sound off on those reasons, once he's had a chance to play with us for a few sessions. The campaign is intended to have a fairly significant (dare I say the dreaded words)... "Role-Playing" element. I know, a novelty for my games... That said, the main villains are not new to my group, and I expect to see a modest to generous number of PC fatalities to the main villains in the weeks to come. While unlike in the AoW where I went for the PC's jugular at every encounter, I'm more or less reserving the PC demises for the big encounters primarily. Player stupidity however continues to produce fatalities, and likely will continue in the future also... even in the most mundane encounters...

Killer_GM wrote:
Yasha0006 wrote:

Curse you Allen!

Now I have to go up and start rereading this thread if I don't have enough things pulling at my time...

Hehe, good to see that the PC deaths are piling up again!

Good to see you back on the thread Yasha. This current homebrew campaign has been going since February 2009. I didn't do a separate thread for this campaign, rather just kind of tagged it onto the Age of Worms thread. Turin the Mad is scheduled to rejoin the group for the duration of this campaign, which I expect to end some time in mid to late June. I dont' know whether Turin plans to do a separate campaign journal from a 'player's perspective' of his time in this campaign, or will just post directly on this thread.

The amount of PC fatalities are admittedly lower than in AoW, and I know there are numerous reasons for this. I imagine Turin and I will sound off on those reasons, once he's had a chance to play with us for a few sessions. The campaign is intended to have a fairly significant (dare I say the dreaded words)... "Role-Playing" element. I know, a novelty for my games... That said, the main villains are not new to my group, and I expect to see a modest to generous number of PC fatalities to the main villains in the weeks to come. While unlike in the AoW where I went for the PC's jugular at every encounter, I'm more or less reserving the PC demises for the big encounters primarily. Player stupidity however continues to produce fatalities, and likely will continue in the future also... even in the most mundane encounters...

A campaign journal will depend upon the back story information I am able to obtain - as well as whether or not the other player characters are worth talking about. ^_^

If nothing else, it should be interesting to see how my character concept dovetails into Allen's campaign.

I don't know whether other players actions will merit a separate players journal or not. Guess that's all in the mind & judgement of the player(s) in question who's up for writing one. I've never kept one as a player, and couldn't see the rationale for one (except for some memories of the WDM, which I put up on a thread that Chipples started), so I can't exactly recommend a player do so for my gig. But... if they want to, so be it...

As for dovetailing into the campaign, I'm open to suggestions or requests on your part. The playes should have a cake-walk encounter, and a moderately difficult encounter, and a possible third, depending on actions taken before the 1st.

I am more referring to the back ground information that has come into the 'common knowledge' of the character group.

Asides from having apparently been 'hired' by Sir Paladin (resident artist), I don't know what I'm walking into. Or who ...

So, I need to know what my character(s) are walking into and what role my character needs to be able to perform in your campaign.

I have what you sent out early last year when the campaign started. I don't know what has transpired (nor the personalities involved) since from what I have gathered the players' actions and activities seem to have severely shortened or removed several or some elements that were originally written into the campaign.

Any campaign journal would be from my character's perspective of course.


Well if this campaign has been going for a year then, I'll have to go back and start trying to get caught up.

If you don't mind though, a brief rundown of the party makeup and the general idea of the campaign would be cool.

The party makeup, let's see:
Haru plays a Human (formerly) Half-Orc Paladin 10
The Resident Artist plays a Human Paladin 10 (and he is the Baron)
Mr. S plays a Human Fighter 10
Mr. B plays an Elf Rogue 10
Mr. D plays a Human Wizard 10
Mr. J plays a Human Cleric 10
Mr. S2 plays a Human Cleric 10 also
Mr. D2 plays a Human Druid 10
Turin the Mad will be playing a Dwarf Ranger 10
Mr. A (newest member) I'm not sure what he'll be playing...

The campaign is something along the lines of a post-Arthur/Dark Age of Camelot setting. The gang have saved the king & the kingdom and become new members of the nobility. One PC is now the baron of a newly created barony. The PCs now have to subdue the land, enlist the populace, and stop a much bigger/more sinister threat that intends to destroy the entire kingdom and beyond... Campaign should conclude at 16th level, though the possibility of a 17th to 20th level add-on exists (I'm really hoping to avoid it though, as 20th level PCs would be a nightmarish headache to run, and I may well not even offer it, as the campaign proper will be finished at 16th.) The campaign will end sometime in early-mid June 2010, as my 2nd child will be arriving in late June or early July. Following that, I'm being forced by my wife to take a 3 month leave of absense. I'd therefore be making a return in October 2010, and I haven't a clue what will happen then...

Sadly, inclement weather has caused the cancellation of today's scheduled campaign session.

In two weeks - weather permitting - my trusty dwarven ranger, war axe in tow, shall stump forth to crush his enemies, see them driven before him ... and cause the lamentations of their women. ^_^

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