Killer GM runs Age of Worms

Campaign Journals

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Snorter wrote:

OK; so I got my act together, and posted some of my wife's art.

Hers is the colourful stuff; if you like them, please say something nice, because it took for *ever* to persuade her to let me show them to anyone.


Where do you want the comments?

Scarab Sages

On the deviantArt page is fine (though you may need an account).

I'll get more loaded soon; these are just some funny cute stuff she did recently, but she's still a bit shy about her more serious stuff. Don't know why, obviously, I'm biased, but I think she could have actual fans, with requests, if she gets more familiar with typical RPG concepts.

Given that our StarWars one-shot is now coming to an end and that our regular DM is now knee deep in ankle-biter I`m very inclined to introduce our "three-year-FR-campaign-with-one-(permanent)-PC-death" group to some old-school DMing. Not quite as lethal as Alan and Turin to be sure, but still fingers to the bone no-holds-barred "I`m happily going to kill your characters (once or twice)" Dming.

With this in mind (and knowing already how loathe the guys are to play in my own home-brewed campaign with its complet3e absence of "second-chance" magic) I`ve been contemplating running the "Red Hand of Doom" and the "Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil" campaigns.

Alas, while I have to say both campaigns are extremely strong and well-written (Monte, James and Richard can sit at my table any time. Anyt ime, that is, they have the inclination for a 6,000 mile round trip) I`m also mortified by the lack of nigh-killer encounters leaping out from the pages.

Sure, the very first encounter at the Moat House had me cackling with glee, but after that it's all fairly safe (save for one or two encounters in Nulb) right the way through to the Inner and Outer Fanes. While the last few encounters are deadly to the point of making me downright giddy and I fully appreciate the value in luring pc's into a fals sense of security I can`t help but feel that the PC death count might not be as high as I would like.

Turin, Allan, since I know you've both GM'd or played in these campaigns yourselves, I was wondering if you could offer some comment on the character death count for these two publications?

Red Hand of Doom was a blast to run, and can be done so "off the cuff", although you can get more mileage out of it with access to MM 3 (extra critter goodness in that book, yep yep) if I recall correctly. I believe this module had a body count of 13 or so in my hands. I do vaguely recall a mention of a "sequel" to this one, 'though I cannot recall any specifics.

RTtToEE is a ginormous mega-module, starting the scrubs off in ol' Omelette (Homlett) and going from there. It is a rough ride for its time, although updating it will require being willing to sticking to 'as is' stat blocks from the MM or a LOT of work on your part. (Although just using 'as is' treasure will probably counterbalance things, as the NPCs in town are not all that capable in terms of item creation feats - just use the listed 'sell' lists as a guideline - there are as I recall some rather unique items in the place.)

This mega-module could easy rack up a hundred+ bodies for a sloppy group, all the way down to zero for a well-oiled killing machine that doesn't miss a clue (or has a very accurate players' memory of the 1e/2e run throughs AND is a well-oiled killing machine). I would anticipate a few dozen bodies during this campaign as an estimate.

Now that sounds pretty promising to me. Alas, I think my current gaming group more than qualifies for the "well-oiled uber killing machine" title.
Of our five regular players, 3 have been playing since the late seventies, 1 (me) since 1988. In fact, only my missus is a beginner.

Yes, for those of you reading my current StarWars campaign journal - assuming anyone actually is other than my silent players and Cpt Muckamuck- the characters in that game are making lots of silly mistakes. Unfortunately, (for any prospective bodycount that is) thats only because my fellow players and I are playing a bunch of teenagers. Yup, we're actually cackling with glee as we roleplay our characters latest rash move.

I think, realistically, I have a better chance of a decent bodycount with Redhand. Its not your traditional dungeon batch (something we're all very proficient at in our group - vetern roleplayers check the corners of a room with a 10 foot pole before entering. Our groups prods the ceiling first (and has been known to send an illusionary party through first to be on the safe side even then).

On the other hand, I think the challenge of fending off a maruading army might be a challenge even for them.

We'll need to wait and see. Give us a month or so and I`ll start posting another campaign journal on the site.

Both adventures are excellent, and appreciated by all players I know who've been through either. Turin did a wonderful job with Red Hand, and our group still occasionally makes reference to it, in particular to Haru's one round splat of the Red Dragon.
It has become obvious to me Calvingian that while it is okay to waste your players characters, adopting a more diplomatic approach like Turin's, is the way to go. My killer GM 'schtick' is good for a few laughs, but alas has worn thin over the months and years. So remember, you have to act sad for your players when their characters buy the farm... Try not to laugh at them at the fateful moment... Even though you want to...


I dont plan on having *quite* such an adversarial approach as yoursel Allen. Much as I`d like to. I know simply too well that my players wouldn't be able to take it. Although we all started out in the heady "this is my previous characters other younger brother" days of AD&D, my fellow gamers are now well and truly into the habit of investing emotionally into their characters. i.e they get upset when I kill them off. Especially when I permadeath them.

Although iI was always struck by your fairness and the friendly nature of the competition between yourself and your players, I'm not sure it would be possible for me to pull off the same degree as gleeful carnage as yourself.

Rather, I'll adopt my usual approach to DMing dice fudging (meaning there wont be any- and none of this rolling monster attack and damage rolls behind a screen either) and no-holds barred monster tactics (I subscribe to the great Tucker school of thought and have seven years of military sneakiness to add to it). My players are well aware that I keep track of PC deaths in my campaigns as a way to gauge how effectively I'm playing the villains. I'm just not quite sure they realise how much (very) guilty pleasure I get out of it.

Interestingly, D&D seemsto to be the only game I do this in (except for games deliberately designed to make combat deadly, such as Twilight 2000, Dark Millenium and the Aliens Adventure Game. |None of which I've played for over a decade). Perhaps because it IS so easy to claw back from the depths of character death once you successfully manage to get a character up to the mid-levels of the game.

In any case, part of me hopes to see quite a low body count. If only brcause I particularly enjoy being outwitted by my players. Or at least, I enjoy seeing the little looks of delight lightingup their faces when they think they've got one over me....

After all, it just means I can jutify being even more devious next time.


Calavingian, I think it takes the right players to pull off such a game. I managed it through Age of Worms, but I suspect I burned a few players. In hindsight, if I had adopted an approach similar to what I've seen Turin demonstrate, I'd have had better player response. As I think a wise man lives and learns from the successes and failures of others, I'll make good use of Turin's example and drum down the hilarity surrounding PC demises.
I have the next big campaign starting later this month, and it is... (reaching for the Barf Bag...) more RP heavy; and while I'm not going to turn this into a low lethality venture, I'll tone it down a bit and keep my "Schtick" in check. Weekly deaths by multiple characters will probably prove problematic for carrying the storyline. We'll see how it goes...

Allen Stewart wrote:

Both adventures are excellent, and appreciated by all players I know who've been through either. Turin did a wonderful job with Red Hand, and our group still occasionally makes reference to it, in particular to Haru's one round splat of the Red Dragon.

It has become obvious to me Calvingian that while it is okay to waste your players characters, adopting a more diplomatic approach like Turin's, is the way to go. My killer GM 'schtick' is good for a few laughs, but alas has worn thin over the months and years. So remember, you have to act sad for your players when their characters buy the farm... Try not to laugh at them at the fateful moment... Even though you want to...

We still now and again talk about the Royal Rumble at the end with the trio of Bluespawn Gawdslayers in the final battle in the big city. As I recall, 3 player characters survived while what, 8 or 9 took a dirt nap during that battle alone?

Allen and others, you can enjoy a messy character death - just give them the 'rah, rah, good job dying that way, it bought the rest of them a couple of rounds' kind of respect. I've had character deaths and gotten props the same way in recent campaigns as a player. Kind of funny getting it back. :P It helps to have a meaningful character death, and of course in the latter stages of game play it helps a LOT that character deaths are not commonly permanent.

Unless they just do something royally bone-headed, like dive into a 10'x10' pit of some significant depth filled for the bottom 10'-20' with a grey ooze or other character devouring nasty. Then you get to cackle gleefully, then maybe explain that they really took a gamble and lost. And yes, that's another Red Hand of Doom moment...

Allen Stewart wrote:

And a close game it was too - 3 cheering people at my place - and of course, a number of close calls and cursings by Jade at myself and Da Fighter for wishing for a 'close game' rather than a crushing defeat while permitting AZ to 'fight back but lose badly any way'.

Some of the ads were awesome too. ^_^

Scarab Sages

Allen Stewart wrote:
It has become obvious to me Calvingian that while it is okay to waste your players characters, adopting a more diplomatic approach like Turin's, is the way to go. My killer GM 'schtick' is good for a few laughs, but alas has worn thin over the months and years. So remember, you have to act sad for your players when their characters buy the farm... Try not to laugh at them at the fateful moment... Even though you want to...

I think as long as you cheer them on when they do well, they should be more likely to give you the benefit of the doubt if and when things go bad.

Snorter wrote:
I think as long as you cheer them on when they do well, they should be more likely to give you the benefit of the doubt if and when things go bad.

I see. I understand you now. I don't want to know about a thread called 'Killer GM runs Age of Worms' but you didn't post as the tip sniffer did you? I'm posting without context by the way.

I don't know Allen except by my good DM Snorter's reference to numerous PC deaths on my character's journal. So all of this is very much off the cuff. And if Snorter admires you then I'm going to be nice.

The title Killer GM is adversarial. Fair enough, he controls the adversaries, they should want to kill the PCs. No brainer. To kill a PC involves a combination of 1-3 things: player stupidity, dice bloodymindedness, and extreme, unanticipated danger (Please let me know if there are more causes).

In the context of the player the last one is the only one that shouldn't happen - if only because the game to them revolves around level-appropriate encounters (the adventure path concept is actually built on this premise).

So, to be a killer GM, you maximise the results of player stupidity and unfair dice.

But there's a caveat. Unfair dice are going to kill PCs. Without question. Law of averages versus a single character over 20 levels equals no contest. But, and this is a pretty good but, that law of averages can be skewed by the other PCs, who notice the run of bad luck and come to the characters aid. Add up a bunch of PCs and you have a plan to survive 20 levels.

As long as you're not stupid. Or delay stupidity until 9th level :-)

So, a Killer GM only needs to hose characters based on stupidity. But that isn't what happens. Because the game revolves around surviving the 'evil GM' and his attitude towards stupidity, no-one sticks their neck out. No-one helps out the other PCs for fear of bravery = stupidity. The needs of the 'one' outweigh the needs of the 'many' and often outweigh every single need there is, even if good-aligned. It all reeks of paranoia.

P^4 I say

Unless I'm wrong, in which case I've slighted Allen completely unjustifiably, and I apologise. But that's what 'Killer GM' means to me.

And I wouldn't post it unless I felt strongly about it.


Scarab Sages

I thought that would lure you out of the woodwork...LOL

No, really, I just forgot to use my DM alias.

I think a thread like this is invaluable, since any time my players throw a fit about the lethality of my game, I can point here, to show them what a fluffy bunny I really am.


Snorter wrote:

I thought that would lure you out of the woodwork...LOL

No, really, I just forgot to use my DM alias.

I think a thread like this is invaluable, since any time my players throw a fit about the lethality of my game, I can point here, to show them what a fluffy bunny I really am.


Aww... what a pretty ickle wabbit.

Well, allright then. Mainly because I do think you are pretty generous in your games. Not in fudging the dice, nor in holding back the NPCs from trying to kill us, but in allowing us to be brave (and marginally more stupid) and try exotic means to defeat our enemies. Malakai's last ditch attempt at getting up on that balcony being a recent example.

Of course, you did punish us for running headlong into that room. I've never seen an encounter go so pear-shaped so quickly.

Here's to getting out!

Scarab Sages

Matt Devney wrote:
Well, allright then. Mainly because I do think you are pretty generous in your games. Not in fudging the dice, nor in holding back the NPCs from trying to kill us, but in allowing us to be brave (and marginally more stupid) and try exotic means to defeat our enemies. Malakai's last ditch attempt at getting up on that balcony being a recent example.

Hmmm. Throwing the greataxe to the blind woman was certainly a moment to put in the album.

And her horse winning the MVP award was most heartwarming.

Matt, the "killer GM" title came about for several reasons; mainly it was done off-the-cuff, when I was writing my first post and I had to think of a name for the thread. Having just had 5 player fatalities in that first session, due mostly to players error in judgement, it seemed humorous, yet fitting given the days events.

Also, do consider that one purpose of the thread is to provide a slightly humorous read for the reader. This was done deliberately on my part. Most campaign journals on this website are written up very similar to the next. While my campaign was certainly legitimate in every way; I attempted to paint it with something of a humorous touch, that made reference to the 'roots' & history of the 1st edition d&d game (where "mean GM's" and TPKs were a dime-a-dozen). Those days were when I began playing, and I wanted to run this campaign with the same type of feel that the 1st edition d&d game provided. The Knights of the Dinner Table comic strip also served as something of an inspiration for the name of the thread and my manner of posting as well.
And lastly, yes, there were a fairly high number of PC fatalities during the campaign. I chalk this up mainly to many players attempts at creating munchkin characters (by shamelessly exploiting every broken class, race, feat, spell, magic item, etc.), and in the powergame that ensued, PC casualties were a foregone conclusion.

Turin the Mad wrote:
Allen Stewart wrote:

And a close game it was too - 3 cheering people at my place - and of course, a number of close calls and cursings by Jade at myself and Da Fighter for wishing for a 'close game' rather than a crushing defeat while permitting AZ to 'fight back but lose badly any way'.

Some of the ads were awesome too. ^_^

Granted, I was physically under the weather when I watched the game, (and that could have explained my experiences of 'near-vomiting'; but to watch my beloved Steelers piss away a 13 point lead, about drove me over the edge. To watch them eek out a win at the last moment was a huge relief, to put it mildly.

Allen in your recounting of the events of AoW did you use the characters' names from the campaign or do you use your own names for them?

Snorter wrote:
Hmmm. Throwing the greataxe to the blind woman was certainly a moment to put in the album.

Don't worry - that will receive the correct treatment in my journal. He is INT 6 though...

Allen Stewart wrote:
Matt, the "killer GM" title came about for several reasons; mainly it was done off-the-cuff, when I was writing my first post and I had to think of a name for the thread. Having just had 5 player fatalities in that first session, due mostly to players error in judgement, it seemed humorous, yet fitting given the days events.... <snip>

Allen, thanks for replying. I haven't read your thread (mainly coz I'm in AoW right now) and so I was initially hesitant to nail my colours to the mast, so to speak. I thought I might be misconstruing your thread/title/GM style, and so might offend you. I'm glad that I haven't! Or I hope that I haven't, based on you replying.

I eventually decided to post, mainly so my DM didn't get any funny ideas about our game :-) Also, to wonder if anyone else had the same opinion... I remember 1e/2e character fatalities going into the stratosphere, but that didn't seem to be the will of the GM, just the harshness of the environment - a PC had to be reliably lucky or cautious to make it beyond 3rd level. Either that, or I was just pretty bad.

I remember one character who didn't even outlast a single encounter - and the character joined in only 1/2 way through! So I understand your 'heritage style' gaming. And I understand the powergame consequences too.

So, all-in-all, while I was accurate in what I thought 'killer GM-ing' meant to me, I wasn't accurately describing your game. Apologies, and thanks for taking the time to respond :-)

And to take a leaf from your book, I'll be trying to make my journal a bit more distinctive in future posts. Fayne has yet to find his true voice I feel, and a bit of cynicism plus sarcasm and scathing wit (if I can pull that off - it's easier when you can think about it) might just work out.

Thanks and happy gaming!


concerro wrote:
Allen in your recounting of the events of AoW did you use the characters' names from the campaign or do you use your own names for them?

In recounting the events, I described the characters using (in order of preference): the Player's Screen Name (if applicable); a name I came up with to describe the character; and lastly, the actual character's name. (Often times, I didn't even know the name of the character in question before that character died horribly:)

Matt Devney wrote:

Allen, thanks for replying. I haven't read your thread (mainly coz I'm in AoW right now) and so I was initially hesitant to nail my colours to the mast, so to speak. I thought I might be misconstruing your thread/title/GM style, and so might offend you. I'm glad that I haven't! Or I hope that I haven't, based on you replying.


Matt, you need not worry, I seldom if ever take offense, and you clearly did not intend any; so there is nothing to appologize over. I've taken far more heat from several of my pissed off players, and one skeptic, which you'll observe when you eventually read the thread. I hope you'll get a few laughs. If you take the thread in the light it was intended in, I think you will. Regards, AS

To those that have run or played in AoW all the way through:

It seems a rogue is need for the first chapter due to the traps, but since it is an undead campaign the rogue might feel useless for the rest of the adventure. In short my question is does the party need a rogue or a skill monkey for the rest of the adventure?

concerro wrote:

To those that have run or played in AoW all the way through:

It seems a rogue is need for the first chapter due to the traps, but since it is an undead campaign the rogue might feel useless for the rest of the adventure. In short my question is does the party need a rogue or a skill monkey for the rest of the adventure?

Rogue multiclassed into something that can be useful against the plethora of crit-immune critters they run into later.

Either that, or be prepared to have said rogue invest in a decanter of endless water and several wands of bless water (with sufficient UMD ranks) in order to even remotely prove useful other than as a damage sponge.

Turin the Mad wrote:
concerro wrote:

To those that have run or played in AoW all the way through:

It seems a rogue is needed for the first chapter due to the traps, but since it is an undead campaign the rogue might feel useless for the rest of the adventure. In short my question is does the party need a rogue or a skill monkey for the rest of the adventure?

Rogue multiclassed into something that can be useful against the plethora of crit-immune critters they run into later.

Either that, or be prepared to have said rogue invest in a decanter of endless water and several wands of bless water (with sufficient UMD ranks) in order to even remotely prove useful other than as a damage sponge.

That is pretty much what I thought. Thanks

Scarab Sages

concerro wrote:

To those that have run or played in AoW all the way through:

It seems a rogue is need for the first chapter due to the traps, but since it is an undead campaign the rogue might feel useless for the rest of the adventure. In short my question is does the party need a rogue or a skill monkey for the rest of the adventure?

Or do away with that awful meta-game rule that says only Rogues can get the benefit of ranks spent on Search/Disable Device.

If you spent the ranks, you can use the skill. Rogues will always be best at it, since it's a class skill and they have 8 points/level.

The rules as written just smell of protectionism by the Rogues' Union to prevent blackleg scab labor.

A good alternative to the Rogue would be the Artificer class from the
Eberron campaign guide. Not only are they the only other class in the game that can detect traps with a DC higher than 20, they also receive Disable Device as a class skill.

Plus they alos have a wide selection of "infusions" they can use to buff
thmselves and the rest of the party up to their eyeballs as well.

Great class the Artificer. Love it.

Could also go with Beguiler, Ninja or Scout - but only the artificer remotely "as written" is useful against crit-immune foes while having the trapfinding class feature.

However, IIRC, the Dungeon Delver prestige class may also be of use...

Are traps really prominent after the first chapter? If not I will just provide a rogue NPC for the first chapter so nobody gets stuck with a character they did not want to play, if nobody want to play one.

concerro wrote:
Are traps really prominent after the first chapter? If not I will just provide a rogue NPC for the first chapter so nobody gets stuck with a character they did not want to play, if nobody want to play one.

Like most APs, traps figure prominantly early on and then recurrantly throughout the rest of the AP.

Scarab Sages

You could, of course, buff someone up with save bonuses, energy resistance, and freedom of movement, and just have them kick every door in.

Snorter wrote:
You could, of course, buff someone up with save bonuses, energy resistance, and freedom of movement, and just have them kick every door in.

Don't forget barkskin and later the various regular AC bonuses - and mage armor can some times make the difference against incorporeal touch attacks, such as spectral hands and assorted undead nasties.

Turin the Mad wrote:
concerro wrote:
Are traps really prominent after the first chapter? If not I will just provide a rogue NPC for the first chapter so nobody gets stuck with a character they did not want to play, if nobody want to play one.
Like most APs, traps figure prominantly early on and then recurrantly throughout the rest of the AP.

Umm... I'll interject here, I hope Snortman doesn't think I'm trying to get insider info here :-)

Scout level four, Ranger level 1 w/Undead favoured enemy, Swift Hunter feat.

Job done.

Scarab Sages

I'd stop posting, and start chugging potions if I were you.

For those evil DMs here, we're doing 'Three Faces of Evil', and Matt's PC just got bull-rushed off the cliff edge at location 13.

<rubs hands>

Off topic:
What do I have to do to get an avatar around here?

concerro wrote:

Off topic:

What do I have to do to get an avatar around here?

My Account at the top when you're logged in, edit. Note that you may be perma-stuck without one, but I'm not positive.

Turin the Mad wrote:
concerro wrote:

Off topic:

What do I have to do to get an avatar around here?
My Account at the top when you're logged in, edit. Note that you may be perma-stuck without one, but I'm not positive.

Yeah. I'm perma-stuck.

I'm perma-stuck with my actual name. I tried but couldn't change my screen name to something like many of the other posters... Of course, I could tell everyone my name's Doug, and I'm masquarading as "allen stewart"...

Can't decide on whether to keep a journal or not for the new campaign. I was hoping for a player journal, but the few players that would keep such a journal aren't with me at the moment... What's a overworked, killer GM to do with limited time... And if I ever had delusions of publication, I imagine they'd go out the window as well with a DM journal, wouldn't they???

Allen Stewart wrote:
Can't decide on whether to keep a journal or not for the new campaign. I was hoping for a player journal, but the few players that would keep such a journal aren't with me at the moment... What's a overworked, killer GM to do with limited time... And if I ever had delusions of publication, I imagine they'd go out the window as well with a DM journal???

Ouch Sir Allen, I feel for you - couldn't get ANY of the 8 players to do anything posting feedback, let alone something as entertaining as a player journal...

Turin the Mad wrote:

Ouch Sir Allen, I feel for you - couldn't get ANY of the 8 players to do anything posting feedback, let alone something as entertaining as a player journal...

I don't think that most of them spend any time on I could be wrong, but I'm unaware of anyone other than E-Mark/Yoda who occasionally comes to Paizo-land. That has a plus side if you're using a pre-published campaign, that the lads could read up on. As this is a homebrew, that angle is not an issue.

I did come up with an idea of a "player's notebook" where one of the players each week uses his laptop to write up the days events, so they could print it out and have a record of those events. My reason at the time was so that I didn't have to keep reminding them what they had done before. That might have an additional benefit of possibly being "postable" on a campaign journal. Maybe not...

Allen Stewart wrote:
I did come up with an idea of a "player's notebook" where one of the players each week uses his laptop to write up the days events, so they could print it out and have a record of those events. My reason at the time was so that I didn't have to keep reminding them what they had done before. That might have an additional benefit of possibly being "postable" on a campaign journal. Maybe not...

It could work - but I would expect it probably would require about as much work to translate typical player chicken-scratch into something worth the time for a perusable campaign journal. I find the concept interesting, so it will be of note to see if any player takes up that mantle. You would also have to make a realistic allowance for taking such notes during (and after) play. Most players are terrible typists (albiet often worse with penmanship) ...

You might want to procure a small data-stick thing (2 gig or less) and up load the memos into it directly for a given "Chapter". Or, if you can get a box of them cheap - ask Sir Marr of Kuss to point you in the right direction - you could literally pre-load "notes" on individual memory sticks in addition to any hardcopy handouts you wish to prepare in advance of play. Once a given stick has been downloaded onto the record-keeper's 'puter, the stick is returned to you and you can erase the old document when the time comes to re-load for the next Chapter.

Scarab Sages

concerro wrote:

Off topic:

What do I have to do to get an avatar around here?
Turin the Mad wrote:
My Account at the top when you're logged in, edit. Note that you may be perma-stuck without one, but I'm not positive.
concerro wrote:
Yeah. I'm perma-stuck.

Don't use the Edit button in your Profile page; that just amends your biography details.

Go to 'My Account', where it details all your private info, email address, downloads, subscriptions, etc,.
You may have to give your password again, and actually click 'Submit', not just the 'Enter' key...I found that out the hard way.

In the box marked 'Messageboard Settings', under the space where you'd see an avatar, you'll see a link 'Click Here to change your messageboard settings'.
That's the one to press, to get to the avatar pages.
Your name is stuck, after 10 posts, but your avatar image can be changed any time, with back-dated effect on all your old posts.

Below that is the facility to create an alias (or a dozen) if you don't think your regular identity is exciting enough, or if you want to post in-character in a game, or just want to separate your posts (for me, I have the Tipsniffer for when I'm discussing ideas for my current game. My players are told not to look).

You also have some in-joke effects, like what happens when you type the word Smurf in your post...

Snorter wrote:
concerro wrote:

Off topic:

What do I have to do to get an avatar around here?
Turin the Mad wrote:
My Account at the top when you're logged in, edit. Note that you may be perma-stuck without one, but I'm not positive.
concerro wrote:
Yeah. I'm perma-stuck.

Don't use the Edit button in your Profile page; that just amends your biography details.

Go to 'My Account', where it details all your private info, email address, downloads, subscriptions, etc,.
You may have to give your password again, and actually click 'Submit', not just the 'Enter' key...I found that out the hard way.

In the box marked 'Messageboard Settings', under the space where you'd see an avatar, you'll see a link 'Click Here to change your messageboard settings'.
That's the one to press, to get to the avatar pages.
Your name is stuck, after 10 posts, but your avatar image can be changed any time, with back-dated effect on all your old posts.

Below that is the facility to create an alias (or a dozen) if you don't think your regular identity is exciting enough, or if you want to post in-character in a game, or just want to separate your posts (for me, I have the Tipsniffer for when I'm discussing ideas for my current game. My players are told not to look).

You also have some in-joke effects, like what happens when you type the word Smurf in your post...


The Snorting Tip-sniffer wrote:

I'd stop posting, and start chugging potions if I were you.

For those evil DMs here, we're doing 'Three Faces of Evil', and Matt's PC just got bull-rushed off the cliff edge at location 13.

<rubs hands>

Posting as tip-sniffer is a bit distracting. Should I reply or not? I have drunk a potion by the way...

Matt Devney wrote:
The Snorting Tip-sniffer wrote:

I'd stop posting, and start chugging potions if I were you.

For those evil DMs here, we're doing 'Three Faces of Evil', and Matt's PC just got bull-rushed off the cliff edge at location 13.

<rubs hands>

Posting as tip-sniffer is a bit distracting. Should I reply or not? I have drunk a potion by the way...

Interesting, I never bull rushed anyone off of the cliff (I assume you are referring to the section of the Eurythnul cultists). The players by the time they got to the Erythnul section (the last of the three for them) were thoroughly ready to kick tail, and they utterly wiped out the Erythnul crowd in most spectactular fashion, alas... those poor Erythunl cultists died valiantly defending their homes from the warmongering PCs, those miserable barbarians!

Turin, I'll try the players notebook, whether or not I use it for any sort of campaign journal. Its main purpose is as stated. Anything else is icing on the cake. It took a LOT of time to do some of the Age of Worm posts, to my wife's irritation after a 6-hour game session. If I am to do one, it would likely be days after a said session before completion. It would also compromise my ability to use this campaign specifically for any other local group (unless I could guarantee they wouldn't read the thread). As I've got much of it down on paper, it is certainly re-usable, if such an opportunity presented...

Allen Stewart wrote:
I'm perma-stuck with my actual name. I tried but couldn't change my screen name to something like many of the other posters... Of course, I could tell everyone my name's Doug, and I'm masquarading as "allen stewart"...

I always use my RL name.

Main reasons
- it makes me think for a second or two before hitting post: "Would I say/write this in RL?"
- it (hopefully) gives others the impression that I believe in what I'm saying, enough to put my name to it anyway.
- it is generally available on any forum

I create other alias for specific purposes (Kaile, Fayne) but not very often. Why follow the crowd Allen?

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