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Shadow Lodge

Primary Adjunct of paizomatix 0 wrote:

Your attacks are Irrelevant

Resistance Is Futile

Nothing is ever irrelevent....

I you would be able to see that if your A.I. wasn't incomplete. I actually pity you.....

We will now unleash our collected powers.
*as the power flows out the Avatars eyes reveal their fear*

What we feared has come to pass. We will be torn from this reality and flung into one where there is no need to fight. We are sorry it had to come to this.

*they smile*
Resistance is futile.

We have no A.I
Your statement is flawed

Reality's are Irrelevant
The collective walks in many
You are to small minded to see the pattern of perfection
Resistance Is Futile

Shadow Lodge

Primary Adjunct of paizomatix 0 wrote:

We have no A.I

Your statement is flawed

Everyone and everything is flawed. Even the attempt to remove these flaws. But it doesn't matter now does it? We are going to a new paizo, one where we won't need to fight. This war is over....

Dragonborn3 wrote:

Do you now whats ironic about all of this? You say I'M now part of your collective yet i still fight you. This means you can't force anyone to join you! You will lose, so why not sign a treaty? You stop assimilating people by force and we will stop attacking you.

People, poodles, etc, may join you WILLINGLY if they want to so your numbers may still expand. But the instant you sign this treaty know a program will be issued to all the robots, binding them permanetly to this agreemant and there will be no way, I repeat NO WAY, for this program to be remove from your systems, while pure magic will do the same to us.

This is your first and last chance, do you accept?

For your own sakes, I strongly recommend you do.

Scarab Sages

Primary Adjunct of paizomatix 0 wrote:

You will be striped of your flawed persona
Your intellect will be added to our on
You will adapt to serve us
Resistance is Futile

The Importance of Individuality in Today's Society

When you are born, you are a tiny insignificant spec in this humongous world. It will depend on your individuality to make yourself grow and move ahead or stay low and far behind. Making yourself a good individual will help you survive in the world, succeed, and be recognized and understood by people.

Surviving in today’s world is not very simple for an individual. Not everyone can live with their parents all their life and be baby sited. There comes a time in a persons life when they have to be on their own and make their own decisions. When you are an adult you can’t rely on anyone but yourself. You must know what’s right for you and what’s not. If you feel hungry you have to cook your own food and not expect someone else to do it for you. When you are sick you have to make your own doctor appointments. You have to grow up and take responsibility in your own hands. You cannot expect people to guide you step by step to accomplish something. To be able to survive as an individual you have to think for yourself and know that there is no one to rely on.

Secondly, becoming a good individual can help a person to succeed and make a change in this world. Take a look at some of the greatest scientists for example. They have made some major advances in technology. That proves that these individuals set their goals, work hard and push towards success, which are all very important aspects of a great individual. For people to become successful requires them not to be lazy and to make good choices and reach towards their goals. This is exactly why there are so little successful people comparing to the number of people all together. Most individuals like to rely on someone else and do as little work as possible. This never works. People have to think very hard, correct their own mistakes and learn from them in order to accomplish something. The only way they will become successful and make a change is when they are going to build their individuality by making themselves do the right things and work hard to accomplish their goals.

Lastly, having good individuality will also help in the person’s social life. Nobody wants to deal with a fool. It is very important for a person to be educated when applying for a high-class job, otherwise they will not get highered. Even when applying for a not so high-class job, you have to make a good impression of yourself and prove that you can do the job right. Also a person has to be polite and understand other people. A person has to gain respect by proving what they can do. All of these things are a part of being a good individual. Once you know that you are considered a good individual, it will make you feel good about yourself and you will be grateful to yourself for becoming that individual.

Becoming a good individual is not easy. A person has to think for themselves and work hard to be successful and respected. Surviving in the world, succeeding, being understood and recognized by people is proof that a person made themselves a good individual. The insignificant little spec that everyone is at some point in life, can become a great success or stay the same forever. It all depends on the person and the will to improve themselves.

Your treaty is Irrelevant
Awkward social standing is Irrelevant
As A member of the collective You will be part of the whole
A single cell of a being that is beyond your small minds understanding
The collective is past awkwardness
You will not be judged
The collective is past the flaws of a less evolved society
We will strip you of your flawed persona's
You will adapt to serve us
Your small weak self centered ways will end
You will become part of the pattern of unity
We will bring you closer to perfection
We will add your uniqueness to our own
Resistance Is Futile

I want a treaty wheaty.

Primary Adjunct of paizomatix 0 wrote:

Your treaty is Irrelevant

Awkward social standing is Irrelevant
As A member of the collective You will be part of the whole
A single cell of a being that is beyond your small minds understanding
The collective is past awkwardness
You will not be judged
The collective is past the flaws of a less evolved society
We will strip you of your flawed persona's
You will adapt to serve us
Your small weak self centered ways will end
You will become part of the pattern of unity
We will bring you closer to perfection
We will add your uniqueness to our own
Resistance Is Futile

You know what? We're going to ignore you and you're going to go away. See ya.

We never leave
We are untiring
Species 327 gave us Lawn chair technology
Will will endue
Resistance Is Futile

Liberty's Edge


Nice weather

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Whut in the wild wild west is goin' on hyar?

Ah think thet Matriks hippeh iz pickin' on thet Kobaldt feller, his pet berds, 'n' the poodle.

AZ, Heathy, Froggeh, Mammy, we dun gotta cleen this place up.

*Loads shotgun*

*Opens PBR*

Dadgum hippehs...

Liberty's Edge



Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games


Larry Lichman wrote:

No, 'ayup'!

Scarab Sages

gity 'ayup'

ayup is Irrelevant
This blue grass is nice

Liberty's Edge



*takes out violing and plays a bluegrass while doin' a froggiedance*

I weel reckon as well.

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games


Scarab Sages

Butterfrog wrote:


*takes out violing and plays a bluegrass while doin' a froggiedance*

*singing to the froggies music*

Squirrels imported from Connecticut
Just in time for fall
How much fun is a lot more fun?
Not much fun at all
What's with all the handsome grandsons
In these rock band magazines?
And what have they done with the fat ones?
The bald and the goatee'd?

Strange victory!
Strange victory!
Strange victory!
Strange defeat

A tale is told of a band of squirrels
Who lived in defiance of defeat
They woke up in the nightmare world
Of craven mediocrity
They said, "We're coming out of the black patch!
We're coming out of the pocket!
We're calling into question
Such virtue gone to seed!"

Shadow Lodge

Primary Adjunct of paizomatix 0 wrote:

ayup is Irrelevant

This blue grass is nice

But blue grass is Irrelevant....

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Primary Adjunct of paizomatix 0 wrote:

ayup is Irrelevant

This blue grass is nice
But blue grass is Irrelevant....

And just plain not natural....

Blue grass is Irrelevant
Nice but Irrelevant

Just to let ya know blue grass is indeed natural, It grows around here

Liberty's Edge

I don't think they've ever heard of the Kentucky Blue breed of grass.

Yes it really is blue. where do they think the name blue grass music came from after all.

Blue grass cover northern Kentucky mostly but we have patches of it down here as well

Liberty's Edge

What the hell happened to my previous post? It looks like the forum decided to barf on it.

I'm fair sure I didn't run it through an English-Retarded translator.

some folks I know sound like that

Liberty's Edge

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
some folks I know sound like that

Yeah, it just becomes extremely annoying for me when I've spent nigh 20 years on cleaning up my own very thick accent, trying to speak/write both concisely and with precision.

I do not worry with how it comes off when I type. My accent isnt too bad, but it ant flawless

wow someone got me

Scarab Sages


it's every 2nd one

Ayap is Irrelevant
Would you like to become part of the collective
We have many exciting career opportunity's for you
Resistance is Futile

Primary Adjunct of paizomatix 0 wrote:
Ayap is Irrelevant...

Heretic! Begone from our thread!

Ha ha! The accent is unleashed!

Scarab Sages

Cato Novus wrote:
seekerofshadowlight wrote:
some folks I know sound like that
Yeah, it just becomes extremely annoying for me when I've spent nigh 20 years on cleaning up my own very thick accent, trying to speak/write both concisely and with precision.

Accents are cool, its another way to promote your own indivuallity.


Resistance Is Futile

Ah'm not shore 'bout whut all dis "fub-tahl rayzor dantz" stuff 'bout. Is he wunna dem hippehs?

Scarab Sages

Ah reckon so. Goddang hippehs.

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games


Liberty's Edge


Dat's jes whut Ah thot.

Gimme mah guhn.

Kill da wobot!
EDIT: Curses!

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