Hippojack |

Does anyone know where I can find the font that they use for the Age of Worms? I wanted to make little avatar thingy that you could put on myspace or whatever with the AoW logo that said something like "I DM in The Age of Worms!" or "I Roleplay in The Age of Worms!". I wanted to make it look profesional, thus, I need the font.
Thanks a ton!

Sean Glenn |

Does anyone know where I can find the font that they use for the Age of Worms? I wanted to make little avatar thingy that you could put on myspace or whatever with the AoW logo that said something like "I DM in The Age of Worms!" or "I Roleplay in The Age of Worms!". I wanted to make it look profesional, thus, I need the font.
Thanks a ton!
The font is not currently available to the general public. It was a custom job done by Darlene, the very talented calligrapher (and cartographer) responsible for the original World of Greyhawk map. We based the design of this typeface on the letterforms of one of the faces used on the original map as a tie-in to the old school Dungeons & Dragons feel.
We'd like to make it available to the public, but we need to work out a few logistical things before that can happen.