Erik Mona's Latest Secret Project

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

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Wolfgang Baur wrote:

I too have a secret project, but unlike Erik and James, mine is for Paizo. It will probably appear in Dragon 353 (February) but I ... still ... can't talk ... about it. GAH!!

It's killing me, this particular one.

Is it the Eberron supplement about the Last War because that is already being advertised on Amazon.

I was hoping that Erik's project would be listed on Amazon by now.

Scarab Sages

Hey, isn't there some kind of law about "cruel and unusual punihsment"? I think this qualifies.

Oh, and I've decided that I'll go ahead and have a secret project to. So there!

You Secret Projectors, if I may use such a term, are having entirely too much fun at our expense. What is this, the Washington State Illuminati thread? I think a teeny, tiny clue is in order to restore the balance, no?

Liberty's Edge

I have NO little secret related to D&D by now (DMing Savage Tide is no secret to any Dungeon reader).

However, I DO have another little secret due at the beginning of march...

It's the kind of secret I can share with people like F2K, Peruhain or Heathansson as far as I know (at least, but probably others !), since they already have had the same kind of little secret...

The Exchange Kobold Press

Homer wrote:

Is it the Eberron supplement about the Last War because that is already being advertised on Amazon.

I was hoping that Erik's project would be listed on Amazon by now.

Nah, that was just a quick snack between meatier bits: a historical compilation, plus some Thrane and Breland army details.

The one that makes me want to blab (because I started it more than a year ago, and it won't see print for another 5 months) is a Paizo feature article that .... GAH!!! Almost talked about it. :)

I'm glad the word for the Last War is out on Amazon, though. I should probably do the "Behind teh Scenes" thing on it over at Open Design soonish.

Dark Archive

Amazon also has a listing for "expedition to the demonweb pits" due for march 2k7. Anyone have any info on that?

Wolfgang Baur wrote:
[...]is a Paizo feature article that .... GAH!!! Almost talked about it. :)

...details the Land of Black Ice? That would be sweet; my berserker, Broak Fifteen-Gods, is from there.

The Exchange Kobold Press

Hojas wrote:
Amazon also has a listing for "expedition to the demonweb pits" due for march 2k7. Anyone have any info on that?

Depends. What do you want to know?

Dark Archive

Wolfgang Baur wrote:
Depends. What do you want to know?

Like usual I am probably the last one to find out about this project. I have no idea who the author is, but I am very excited about a return trip to the demonweb pits. I just get that great feeling inside whenever any of the old modules that I grew up with rear their heads again.

The Exchange Kobold Press

Hojas wrote:
Like usual I am probably the last one to find out about this project. I have no idea who the author is,

That would be me, mostly.

Hojas wrote:
but I am very excited about a return trip to the demonweb pits. I just get that great feeling inside whenever any of the old modules that I grew up with rear their heads again.

Alas, I mention elsewhere on the boards that this is not a revision of Q1. It's more of a Planescape take on Lolth and a new plot.

Dark Archive

Sounds very interesting. One more copy SOLD! Thanks for the info :)

Shadow Lodge

But Wolfgang, this Demonweb Pits project isn't the "secret project" you and MikeMcA are psyched about that's going to be in Dragon next year...

Can you say if your project has anything to do with Greyhawk?

Or maybe you could just say if it definitely is NOT related to Greyhawk...?

Classic fans want to know!

The Exchange Kobold Press

Fleetfang wrote:

But Wolfgang, this Demonweb Pits project isn't the "secret project" you and MikeMcA are psyched about that's going to be in Dragon next year...

Can you say if your project has anything to do with Greyhawk?

Or maybe you could just say if it definitely is NOT related to Greyhawk...?

It has nothing to do with Greyhawk. It is the evil opposite of Greyhawk, the anti-Greyhawk, it's got no Greyhawk in it.

It is, however, a bit of new weird wonder. I'm sure they'll announce it at some point.

Dark Archive

Wolfgang Baur wrote:
It has nothing to do with Greyhawk. It is the evil opposite of Greyhawk, the anti-Greyhawk, it's got no Greyhawk in it.

It's got some Greyhawk in it, but it's trying to get out? :)

The Exchange Kobold Press

Archade wrote:
Wolfgang Baur wrote:
It has nothing to do with Greyhawk. It is the evil opposite of Greyhawk, the anti-Greyhawk, it's got no Greyhawk in it.
It's got some Greyhawk in it, but it's trying to get out? :)

Commodore Greyhawk! The sailing Greyhawk!

Greyhawk needs boats, Greyhawk needs boats! :)

I am so happy Archade caught that totally obscure reference.

Liberty's Edge

Don't you mean...."bizarro grey hawk?"

Scarab Sages

Heathansson wrote:
Don't you mean...."bizarro grey hawk?"

No, he actually means 'Mirror Mirror Greyhawk'... if you look closely there is a little goatee hanging off the Tilvanot Peninsula.

Liberty's Edge

Gavgoyle wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Don't you mean...."bizarro grey hawk?"
No, he actually means 'Mirror Mirror Greyhawk'... if you look closely there is a little goatee hanging off the Tilvanot Peninsula.

Is the Tilvanot Peninsula still logical in that universe too?

oooh, secret projects are neat in themselves. I hope someone is given a secret project that has something to do with Dark Sun soon!

Since JJ´s secret project is neat, will it also have Kate Beckinsale in it?

Arafrem wrote:
Since JJ´s secret project is neat, will it also have Kate Beckinsale in it?

/begin{uncontrollable drooling}

Arafrem wrote:

Since JJ´s secret project is neat, will it also have Kate Beckinsale in it?

And nude photo's of Larry Flynt in his Wheelchair! Whoa thats scary!

Dark Archive

Tobus Neth wrote:

And nude photo's of Larry Flynt in his Wheelchair! Whoa thats scary!

You should be ashamed of your blatant attempt to spread the plague that is impotence. No fella on this board will be able to do anything for months because of your careless comment...

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Gavgoyle wrote:
No, he actually means 'Mirror Mirror Greyhawk'... if you look closely there is a little goatee hanging off the Tilvanot Peninsula.

This is hilarious for reasons that won't be clear for at least another 10 months or so. Remember that you said it.


Liberty's Edge

Gavgoyle, you rule, man.
Anybody who can tell a private joke that he doesn't even get can drink out of my canteen.
I want your book of quatrains, man-who-sees-the-future.

Scarab Sages

Erik Mona wrote:
This is hilarious for reasons that won't be clear for at least another 10 months or so.

You big frickin' tease... I need another ponderable to fuel my insomnia. Dare I dream the Neera are going to make an appearance? Or something else? Outlook hazy, ask again later...

Liberty's Edge

I know. By the time this comes out, the 300 will have been in theatres for 4 months.
Say some funny stuff, man. YOu have what my grandmother called the shining.

Liberty's Edge

Erik Mona wrote:
Gavgoyle wrote:
No, he actually means 'Mirror Mirror Greyhawk'... if you look closely there is a little goatee hanging off the Tilvanot Peninsula.

This is hilarious for reasons that won't be clear for at least another 10 months or so. Remember that you said it.


10 months... let me think : this is about the end of the Savage Tide AP and the 12th installment, isn't it ?!

Will it have an influence on the Tilvanot & the Scarlet Brotherhood ?!

Scarab Sages

Aaarrggghhhh! The suspense is disrupting me!

Sovereign Court

Something I read in Eric Mona's own campaign thread
( hawk&page=last)

James Jacobs (Editor-in-Chief, Dungeon), Tuesday, 07:23 PM
"Secret Project is done. He's promised we'll play this week, which means I should look into getting Tyralandi's journal all updated, I supppose..."

Who will begin to bug him anew? ;-)


Gavgoyle wrote:
No, he actually means 'Mirror Mirror Greyhawk'... if you look closely there is a little goatee hanging off the Tilvanot Peninsula.
Erik Mona wrote:
This is hilarious for reasons that won't be clear for at least another 10 months or so. Remember that you said it.


I'll give you $1000 for a copy of the secret project today!


Liberty's Edge

Would it have anything to do with.....bat people? In the backstory of I1?

Heathansson (lord of the animal heads)

Heathansson wrote:

Would it have anything to do with.....bat people? In the backstory of I1?

Heathansson (lord of the animal heads)

That would be Neat.

Exactly; the secret project is really The Big Book of Animal-Heads. :)

all the grousing is really just a smokescreen for Erik's true passion. ;)

Wolfgang Baur wrote:

It has nothing to do with Greyhawk. It is the evil opposite of Greyhawk, the anti-Greyhawk, it's got no Greyhawk in it.

It is, however, a bit of new weird wonder. I'm sure they'll announce it at some point.

This isn't the China Mieville/New Crobuzon/Perdido Street Station article is it?

If so, the cat's out of the bag. ;)

If not, color me curious.

Sovereign Court

Now my interest is piqued too ...


The Exchange Kobold Press

Shade wrote:

This isn't the China Mieville/New Crobuzon/Perdido Street Station article is it?

If so, the cat's out of the bag. ;)

Hurray for cats that leave bags! I started writing it more than a year ago, and I'm delighted that it has finally made its way into the Trade Preview press. Or whereever you found it.

Is there a thread on ENWorld I missed or something?

Liberty's Edge

Wolfgang Baur wrote:
Shade wrote:

This isn't the China Mieville/New Crobuzon/Perdido Street Station article is it?

If so, the cat's out of the bag. ;)

Hurray for cats that leave bags! I started writing it more than a year ago, and I'm delighted that it has finally made its way into the Trade Preview press. Or whereever you found it.

Is there a thread on ENWorld I missed or something?

And so...the salivation begins.

Westfield's got it.

Wolfgang Baur wrote:

Hurray for cats that leave bags! I started writing it more than a year ago, and I'm delighted that it has finally made its way into the Trade Preview press. Or whereever you found it.

Is there a thread on ENWorld I missed or something?

Hurray indeed!

Here's the ENWorld thread that leaked it.

I'm reading Perdio Street Station right now, and it is fantastic. I can't wait to see this article. :)

Wolfgang Baur wrote:

I too have a secret project, but unlike Erik and James, mine is for Paizo. It will probably appear in Dragon 353 (February) but I ... still ... can't talk ... about it. GAH!!

It's killing me, this particular one.

is it one of these? :)

Edit: duh, Shade already caught that one, in a different issue. ;)

Any other kitties exiting sacks on secret projects?

not that i know of, but there is always hope. ;)

Never heard of China Miéville before, but sure sounds interesting. And as several books are available in german as well, I´ll go looking for them. (Did I mention that I´m a HPL and CAS fan, and generally love strange stories ?)


Liberty's Edge

Stebehil wrote:

Never heard of China Miéville before, but sure sounds interesting. And as several books are available in german as well, I´ll go looking for them. (Did I mention that I´m a HPL and CAS fan, and generally love strange stories ?)


He really is imaginative, and fun to read.

Erik Mona wrote:
Gavgoyle wrote:
No, he actually means 'Mirror Mirror Greyhawk'... if you look closely there is a little goatee hanging off the Tilvanot Peninsula.

This is hilarious for reasons that won't be clear for at least another 10 months or so. Remember that you said it.


Maybe this is the reason (there is a goatee involved :-) ??

"" wrote:

Expedition to Castle Greyhawk

A Wizards of the Coast presentation given at GenCon in 2006 discussed the upcoming line of "Expedition to..." books, and later showed a cover of an unnamed work from WotC in 2007. The cover showed a bald mage with a very Mordenkainen-like beard and staff looking into a crystal ball. Inside the crystal ball was a castle that was nearly identical to the castle from an old Castle Greyhawk module.

From this it can be assumed that there is an upcoming Expedition to Castle Greyhawk module or setting book. The fact that Erik Mona has said that he's working on a "top secret" project for Wizards of the Cost further suggests that he would be the author, as he is a logical choice for any exploration of Greyhawk history.

This is from:'s_Greyhawk


Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

That's certainly one of the more popular theories.


Erik Mona wrote:

That's certainly one of the more popular theories.


What a frickin' tease. A pox on you, Mr. Mona.

No he's working on a new Top Secret and goatees as all of us who remember the original know affect your combat abilities to an absolutely huge degree.

Excerpt from play: Yeah, I'm playing a 180 lb., 6' 2", bi-focal wearing, south paw, with an overbite, freckles and a goatee currently I am facing southward into the Winter sun, somewhere in New Jersy. He's armed with a child's toy spatula (treat as a spatula under 6" long). Now my peglegged albino, dwarf opponent....(3 hours later) So this round I have a whole +2 to hit.... I hold my action.

Since when did Erik start posting here? I thought this was one of the Maure threads.


Liberty's Edge

Everyone knows that D&D worlds don't look like Dr. Eberron...they look like GREYHAWK! GREYHAWK!

The evil opposite of Greyhawk...Eberron has no Greyhawk in it at all!

And there's a little bit of Greyhawk in the Forgotten Realms but its trying to come out, Ed Greenwood baby!


WOTC listed on its project page that Erik, Jason and James are indeed the authors of Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk. Release date Aug 2007.

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