How do you fight?

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

Just how do you fight? Think it out, just blow everyone up, mass slaughter fest... Everyones different.

I like to think about it alittle if it's a normal battle, then blow everyone up. But if it's a really important one I try to think about the consiquences of what could happen. And being a sorcerer there can be alot of outcomes.


I'm much more of a straight forward guy myself. We decide who the bad guys are and then I sic 'em. I like the up close and personal feel of blade work, and rarely make ranged or spell-casting PC's. 'Course I game as a stress reliever, so I guess that's natural.

-Some adventure for fortune, some for fame. Me, I like to kill things
Old TSR lapel pin

The Exchange

I like to give 'em all a good fonging before they earn their eternal rest. I always try to kill in weird or different ways. If there is a pit nearby, I try to shove them in. A vat of liquid, shove em in! (you can tell if its dangerous then!). Push a boulder over on em, use existing traps to do them in, etc.
I try for a bit more creativity in my mayhem.


My players seem to be a fairly straightforward mix between chopping things to bits and blowing them up.

As DM, I try to vary the style based on what the PCs are facing, from the lumbering undead that swarm the party, to the raging horde of orcs, to the hit and run style of kobolds.

Liberty's Edge

I am an unevolved hack'n'slasher, who eternally typecasts hisself as a fighter.
That being said, I usually try to read my dungeonmaster and vary my tactics accordingly.
We fighters ultimately live for charging headlong into a swath of meatbags and hewing until naught is left but gore, treasure, a partymember or two, and a bucket of gore. As such, we love to merrily kick in doors and charge into the fray.
And I am not a munchkin, I really couldn't give a crap about treasure. All I ever wanted for Christmas was a vorpal blade, but I never really expect one.
So this being as it is, the dm likes to teach us admirable hardchargers a lesson if we "get too cocky." So we must be careful.
I usually wait until the party is having a long drawn out discussion about what to do about 3 orcs standing guard at the mouth of a cave. I watch the dm's face. When it reflects abject boredom, I politely ask, "can I do something?"
The dm smiles, says, "yes," to whit, I "charge the orcs, hurling insults at their elven mothers and madly waving my sword in the air."
Glee paints the dm's face, hid eyes sparkle. I have loosened a logjam. The orcs fall like autumn leaves before my slaughterous fury.
Then, as soon after the battle as is viable, I am sure to kick in a door and hurt my leg because it is steel-reinforced, thus letting the dm "teach the stoipid fighter a lesson on being too bombastic all the time."

Liberty's Edge

Fonging. Will add that to my repertiore.

I understand this may sound odd, but the fighting style depends on the charater. Currently, I am playing a chaos monk that has a fighting style that make ample use of rules. The crazy, often cause of AoO monk is very different from the high flying Yoda esque gnomish ninja. I think fighting style should be a big part of being in charater.

I'm playing a Wizard (just hit 2nd level) who strangely enough, leads our 7 PC party in kills. Not that I usually keep track, but when the rest of the party is bleeding out and the wizard is left with just his quarterstaff between him and the monsters, you pay attention to how many you've downed ;-)

And in all seriousness, I figure my 16 intelligence is enough to figure that using my quarterstaff 2 handed against the foes that our Paladin has tripped or disarmed is a good use of my actions when the all spells are cast... Thats actually how it started, as I ran up to hit and then threaten a pair of foes that our Paladin had tripped... and then the paladin promptly got criticalled, and I was left holding the bag so to speak.

Heathansson wrote:
Fonging. Will add that to my repertiore.

I'm still unsure what "fonging" means, even seeing it kind of in context.

I think it means to put them in a hole of some sort.

Unless you mean Fonzing (Ayyyyyyy!)

I DM a group of psychopathic players. They make "good" characters, but by the end of the day they are waist deep in dismembered body parts. Mostly its a few tanks and a few blasters (damn that necklace of fireballs!).

I think I really need to alter my approch as a DM, when the PCs trip the alarm I gather as many forces as possible and charge them at the PCs. However when a Allybasher has to step over a pile of three of his dead comrades to swing at the berzerk dwarf Im probly not playing the bad guys like I should be.

It is fun to see the battle map after a big fight. We use a red marker and draw dismembered limbs (well mostly heads) and gore splatter each time a mook/miniture falls.

Heathansson wrote:

We fighters ultimately live for charging headlong into a swath of meatbags and hewing until naught is left but gore, treasure, a partymember or two, and a bucket of gore. As such, we love to merrily kick in doors and charge into the fray.


Me, I'm one of those bloody tacticians. I would love to see nothing better than a well-oiled adventuring party (wait...that sounds about smooth and not right...) that utilizes their rogue for recon, then tactically remove the threat without requiring the cleric to save spells for healing. (I'm playing a Cleric right now, why do you ask?)

To me, there's nothing better than going into a difficult battle and having A Plan, even if that Plan is 'kill everything that we don't have a character sheet for.'

Gwydion wrote:
To me, there's nothing better than going into a difficult battle and having A Plan, even if that Plan is 'kill everything that we don't have a character sheet for.'

Another rule of gaming - "The likelyhood of you killing an NPC is inversely proportional to the size of their character sheet." (Also known as, "If the GM's got a character sheet for the BBEG, don't try it.")

My players are big fans of localized tactical nuclear strikes.

Well i'm back and I have read all of the post! Thx for posting everyone and keep posting! And I forgot to tell about my fighting style.

See my adventuring party is like a bunch of people that do great but mostly when you tell them to do things. If you don't tell them what to do then they are like drooling idiots... so as you can see I am the leader of the party.(though I must admit sometimes they can come up with good plans)So I make some orders and they do them with superbnessisity(is that a word?) Our rouge wants all the glory and takes advantage of us being attacked, they will be focusing on us and he sneak attacks them, then they go for him and he's scared and screaming for help. I generally like to see what the DM has been saying, such as "your all doomed" then I will make something out of it. Your all doomed means take out whoever looks the strongest and away shoots some fire balls some prismatic sprays and one of my personal favorites a disentegrate... I love it when we make a plan about the enemys then our plan goes great, or horribly wrong. I let one of my friends make a plan cuz I was tired of it...*bangs head against wall* I didn't think they coudl make a fight with a lvl 12 caster so hard when we were lvl 15.

So in conclusion I am a think about it kinda sorcerer. Then blow them up kinda sorcerer. Keep posting everyone I'll check back later.


It really depends on what the group is playing.

Usually I play a charismatic character so I try to talk to my enemies first, while talking I'll usually quickdraw a crossbow and shoot a guy in the eye, "surprise" sneak attack. This is usually the signal for the primary fighter to charge, the cleric to bless and the arcane caster to blow something up. Since I fight with bombast this usually rubs off on my fellow players, and lots of weird and wonderful things then happen.

The group I am currently DMing are starting to come into their own as a group. They tend to prepare for a fight when they get the chance, but as soon as combat breaks out they tend to go nuts. But with 6 characters, 1 animal companion and a pet guard dog fights are going to get chaotic. The Paladin is bombastic and fights with flair, the rogue tends to hang about the sidelines ordering his guard dog to keep him safe, the ranger gives ranged support, the artificer is a secondary fighter who when the going gets rough throws his morningstar at whatever happens to be biggest, the elven archivist acts as healing and secondary ranged support and the druid and his viper tend to team up at whatever's left.

It depends on my character concept more than anything.

I made a nordic style wizard who loved a great bar-room brawl. He has several teeth missing and a mashed nose. He laughed happily even when he got the crap kicked out of him. He tended to see things in terms of combat and used his spells with the same thought process.

Hi all,

Both of my groups tend toward the commando styled strike team configurations for their adventuring parties. However, both groups often end up detailing involved plans based on recon that suddenly become “there’s the enemy, break”. :-) Still, they often do emerge victorious, seriously hurting to be sure, but victorious none the less.

As for myself, when I do get the chance to play as opposed to run, my fighting style is highly dependent on the character I’ve created. Tumbling rogue, skirmishing archery based ranger, toe-to-toe heavy armored fighter, flank hugging spell slinging wizard, or second rank supporting cleric. However, I’m a firm believer in that you should always be working towards reducing the number of attacks coming in against the party and I take my actions accordingly. Many times, I will tag wounded foes near me, even if there is an unwounded foe directly engaging me.

Finally, my groups and I all are firm believers in the saying “Any fight you can walk away from is a fight you’ve won”. :-)

Good gaming,

Cat-like and deadly, toying with my prey for fun! Sometimes I let the odd orc or whatever live and go free (psychologically maimed and duffed-up of course...) ;)

I tend to make such whacked-out multiclass characters that the way I fight is to run up to the baddy, bounce off, and get instantly killed.

Le sigh!

-The Gneech

A group I have been Dming has usually retreats a bit after first contact, power up then assault. The mass fighters in the group hang back get powered up before thy engage, while rogues rangers summon monsters and mages harrass the enemy. Then the swords move in and finish things off. At least thats the usual flow of combat. but things can get wierd playing D&D.

As for a PC it really depends on the character and class

Eric Longtooth 1/2 orc barbarian / sorcerer: cast mage armor, then close with magic missiles and rage with his great sword in melee.

Milo Toscobble halfling rogue, stay in the shadows, sneak attack with shortbow and flying daggers, keep moving and in the shadows, hit and run, oh and never let them retreat.

Sir Kaikillah Paladin f Heironious. Strike hard and fast, be prepared. Sir Kaikillah leads the party from the front, detects evil constantly. The Paladin barks orders when the enemies is engaged (the others in the party truly follow his orders, its cool). He turns as often as possible. Sir Kaikillah has a habit of saving his Smite ability for dramatic momments, when he thinks the blow will kill the biggest baddest evil guy.

Abigail Applebottom wizard. Likes to distract the enemy with hypnotysm. stay low and behind the fighters and her shield, use her familiar raven to gain a flanking bonus if forced into melee. The Raven has also helped the rogues in the party gain that sneak attack with the same tactic.

my barbarian smashes things with his maul my fighter stabs them with his glaive adn my wizard charms the biggest person he can see and gets them to do one of the above

I've always loved it when a good plan comes together. I've a great love of the flow of battle and using the resources at hand in clever and insidious ways--whether it be the terrain, or the unit types at my disposal, or ambush opportunities. My bane is that I tend to love it so much that it infects characters who shouldn't be acting like that. I try hard to approach the situation from the character's perspective, but its just soo cool when you see an awesome opportunity to take out the bad guy slick and neat.

Aside from slick MI style coolness, I also appreciate a healthy dose of sick psychopathy--though I have sadly even fewer characters able to exercise this urge, but when I do it can be great (okay a little traumatic too! heh) fun.

I agree with the Hong Kong Cinema idea that how a person fights should say as much about who they are as how they dress or talk. I try to keep that as a touchstone. Then again games I'm in tend to be more heavy drama than dungeon romp.

Personally I like to solve puzzles and that has worked into my playing/fighting style. I currently play a wizard and I habitually talk my adventuring group into going MacGuyver in our sessions. The more out of left field, the better! Although, a couple times our plans were more complicated than they needed to be but our DM gets a kick out of it.

One time at 1st level our party was ambushed be piercers so, to prevent them from attacking us on the way out, I picked them up. On our next monster encounter I declared "I throw a piercer at it." He still ribs me about that even today.

Grimcleaver wrote:

I agree with the Hong Kong Cinema idea that how a person fights should say as much about who they are as how they dress or talk. I try to keep that as a touchstone.

Me to brother!!! I try to describe a fighting style for each of my PCs that says something about that character.

Gubbaffet the gnome wrote:
Just how do you fight? ...

Like a sissy -- or a murderous backstabber.

I don't like playing stereotypical heroes; my characters tend to alternate between cowards and vicious, treacherous killers for whom there is no such thing as honor or overkill.



hehe I usually hold myself in reserve and try not to let people know what I am capable of or even my class. I try to get others to do my fighting; ie summoned mobs; friends; henchmen; cannon fodder. Dice rolling can get you killed, I jump in to help the mages or clerics if they get attacked, but usually play supporting characters who try to rule the world from the sidelines, but can slash or blast with the best of them if needed.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Fake Healer wrote:

I like to give 'em all a good fonging before they earn their eternal rest. I always try to kill in weird or different ways. If there is a pit nearby, I try to shove them in. A vat of liquid, shove em in! (you can tell if its dangerous then!). Push a boulder over on em, use existing traps to do them in, etc.

I try for a bit more creativity in my mayhem.


My style EXACTLY!! (Well, minus the fonging, that is...)

I just love using whatever surroundings my character happens to be in against the enemy. Basically, I just want every fight to seem like a scene from Drunken Master 2.

Sadly though, I try these kinds of antics regardless of whether my character can actually do it.

DM: "You want to flip the goblin off the bannister and into this cronies down below? Alright, Cos, so what's your 2nd lvl wizard's Grapple Check?"
ME: "-3! WOo hOo!"

I usually end up with a lot of rolled eyes and dead characters.

Wow, my post makes me seem...well...boring! What I meant is that I play melee characters. I tend to enjoy two weapon fighters, but that tank with a two handed weapon is just as good. i try to do one thing, and do it better than anyone else. My current character is a half-giant that deals out an butt load of damage, but is set up to delay the baduns as long as possible. If able, he uses Expansion to block up a hole to force the baddies to bottleneck, thereby giving the arcane and archers time to set up and launch death from above. Don't get me wrong, he can chew through alot of mooks in his own right, but his primary perpose is as plunger.

Blood, blood, blood makes the grass grow!

With a Spiked Chain, disarming any foes with weapons in their hands, and if said opponents are fighting with nothing but their bare fists, then I trip them. If it is highly unlikely that I will trip them, then I will Power Attack, flank, aid another, and keep trying different tactics and when I find one that works against said opponents, I stick to it.

I fight using only my genitals, there's a certain PURITY in that.

When those break, I resort to jumping through shuttered windows with a broken sword that serves as my dagger. Most of the time I run into nothing more than scared villagers (who can't seem to stop staring at my exposed, scarred gentleman's hanging parts). But, sometimes, when the moon is full and there's magic in the air, I slouch through the shuttered entry and meet a Beholder. That's when I'm really up sh*t creak because all I've got is my TOOLS and a broken sword. Who made this crappy character anyway...oh, me.

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