Names for adventuring parties

Shackled City Adventure Path

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I stumbled across the name Storm Chasers while I was searching for something else, and figured my players missed out on something. Sounded pretty fitting to me.

But, they started with the Real Heroes of Cauldron, just to get the discount. Then, after defeating Gottrod and taking different parts of him to be worked into weaponry, they have settled on the Dragonfangs. It could still change, as only two of the five current members were original Dragonfangs.

Sovereign Court

Rick wrote:

I stumbled across the name Storm Chasers while I was searching for something else, and figured my players missed out on something. Sounded pretty fitting to me.

But, they started with the Real Heroes of Cauldron, just to get the discount. Then, after defeating Gottrod and taking different parts of him to be worked into weaponry, they have settled on the Dragonfangs. It could still change, as only two of the five current members were original Dragonfangs.

My group hates to come up with group names, and to convince me that they shouldn't, they've named groups "The Fart in Church Guild", "Caligula's Fist", and "Ask Our Names One More Time and We'll Feed You Your Own Genitals."

The folks of Cauldron in my SCAP call them "Those Unpleasant Heroes." They seem to prefer that.

>> The folks of Cauldron in my SCAP call them "Those Unpleasant Heroes."

I hope Skie refuses them the discount then. I've played up Skie as this hopeless romantic who sees only the good in adventuring. She loves and dotes on the party bard who tells her grand stories and treats the shifty rogue in our group with distaste.

SCAP lets the PCs be real heroes and they get to be heroes for a long time. If the players are being "unpleasant", I'd say they're missing out on part of the campaign.

Our current Cauldron party does not have a party name but some of my previous party names have been:

-The Company of the Sword
-The Emerald Brotherhood
-The Scarlet Brotherhood ( before I ever heard of the organization named this )
-The Fists of Torm

It can be hard to come up with a decent group name.

We had a 2e group called The Dragon's Breath Society (it is a silly name...), and more recently, a group named after one of its members: Thud's Buds. (Thud Pilkington was a half-orc fighter born to a semi noble family. Thud was trying desperately to escape the family wicker furniture business). My current group just started SCAP last night, and as soon as they heard about the discount, they promised a name by next session. I can hardly wait.

We haven't officially named our group yet, but my suggestion for a name was "The Caldera Crew"

My group finally decided to call themselves The Cauldron Freebooters. One of the guys even came up with a T-shirt design. *sigh*


My group was named Crimson's Shockers. As the leader of the group was a Sorcerer named.....Crimson. However the player wanted to change as a result of another player dropping and a healer of some type being needed.

Anyway last game they went back to Skie and she greeted them as she had done since adding their sigil/mark to her doorway. They then quickly thought of a new and more appropriate one. Based on the fact the druid has a Leopard and the Ranger has a panther. They thought up Pride of Cauldron. And it seemed punny enough to stick for them.

Also gets up the Stormblades nose...

My Group are Playing sons and Daughters of a Noble family.
They chose to use their last name , Merriweather.
I tried to convince them otherwise but its stuck.

My group is calling themselves "The Severed Shackles", largely thanks to a player who quit the game. Rather than NPCing his very money-minded dwarf, I had the now player-less character slip off into the night with most of the party's booty. He left a set of shackles as a paperweight on the note saying "don't bother to look for me". The shackles had been somthing he had used quite a bit, so the members of the group plan on using a shackle breaking ritual as an initiation of sorts. The set will stay together, but each member will sever one single link upon officially joining the company.

Its ironically a very fitting moniker.

JStrong wrote:

My Group are Playing sons and Daughters of a Noble family.

They chose to use their last name , Merriweather.
I tried to convince them otherwise but its stuck.

After Being mocked and ridiculed by the stormblades they quickly came up with the Name "The Solution" And their catch phrase is

If your not part of the soulution, your part of the problem.

Sovereign Court

DMFTodd wrote:

>> The folks of Cauldron in my SCAP call them "Those Unpleasant Heroes."

I hope Skie refuses them the discount then. I've played up Skie as this hopeless romantic who sees only the good in adventuring. She loves and dotes on the party bard who tells her grand stories and treats the shifty rogue in our group with distaste.

SCAP lets the PCs be real heroes and they get to be heroes for a long time. If the players are being "unpleasant", I'd say they're missing out on part of the campaign.

I went with that, and lo and behold! it worked.

They officially took the name "The White Wave" with the catchphrase "The day is long... and the Wave rolls on."
Now they get the discount, but they're having to really work on their PR, since no-one knows who the heck "The White Wave" is.

Grand Lodge

My players decided to call their party The Swords of the Black Lake. We don't know if there is an official name for the lake in the center of Cauldron. Anyone knows if there is?

Scarab Sages

My PC's decided on The Misfits. They were a party made up of a Goliath Barbarian, a Halfling Favored Soul / Warlock, and a Half-Fire Elf Fire Domain Wizard.

Since they came up with the name the Halfing has become a Dragonborn, and the Goliath died in battle against Skaven in the Kopru Ruins, falling victim to the Phantasmal Killer spell.

The Goliaths player has decided on a new character, a Human Paladin that I doubt will settle for a name such as 'The Misfits', so I am waiting with baited breath for their next "inspired" party name...

roll4initiative wrote:
My players decided to call their party The Swords of the Black Lake. We don't know if there is an official name for the lake in the center of Cauldron. Anyone knows if there is?

I don't have my book right in front of me, but I'm pretty sure it's called Crater Lake.

Scarab Sages

Michael Cyr wrote:
roll4initiative wrote:
My players decided to call their party The Swords of the Black Lake. We don't know if there is an official name for the lake in the center of Cauldron. Anyone knows if there is?

I don't have my book right in front of me, but I'm pretty sure it's called Crater Lake.

Aye thats correct laddie, Crater Lake

The party I'm currently running through the Shackled City came up with their party name right after chapter two, after Skie mentioned the discount. Since they had just taken out a vampire, they decided to be the Fangbreakers.

Just broke another set of fangs too, as they finished off Vitriss Bale during last week's session. The PTSD from that encounter should be with them for a while...

I joined the SCAP capmaign part way through, (at the end of Soul Pillars) and so the name of the group was already established . . . Cauldron's Wrath.

The town hates us. Anything bad that happens is blamed on the adventuring party. At least two of the player's want the city to burn to the ground.

I'm the only one in ther group who has the hardcover other than the DM, and even though I can't share meta-hgame knowledge . . I can't waitto see the look on their face when the volcano blows . . (next session)

"The Clan of the Smoking Eye"

My group has a hard time coming up with names. They settled on "the Muffin Makers" of "Muffin Men", depite being labelled the Heroes of Cauldron, Saviours of Cauldron, Senechals of Cauldron by various civic figures. The story behind this rather unimpressive name comes from their ability to dither over the most basic problems until one of the more impatient players rushes off and does something rash. The party's half-orc barbarian Fug Rockjaw would often goad them, into action with the words of wisdom "We're not here to bake muffins" and hence a (rather pathtic) name was born!

My group named themselves after the first adventure. They call themselves the Orphan Liberation Front or OLF for short.

Scarab Sages

My party, after dismissing "The Turn Blades" and "The Soaring Eagles", settled on the name "The Rainbow Lions". I didn't like this name at first but in retrospect I realize we couldn't have asked for a better fit. This flamboyant and colorful name fit our party perfectly, which boasted an incredibly diplomatic half-elf bard, a talented and showman like halfling wizard, a smarmy halfling rogue, and an ass ugly half-orc barbarian (okay, so that one didn't fit in so well).
Unfortunately the only remaining original member of the rainbow lions is the ass ugly barbarian, my bard having recently been killed by a critting swinging door spike trap. Our new rogue failed to disable this trap (that ass), which instantly dropped my unsuspecting bard's full 28 hp to less than -20 as he crossed the door's threshold in an attempt to negotiate with a naked chick in a hot tub (i don't remember her name) for the safe return of cauldron's water wands and the door grew spikes, slammed and impaled him.
Ironically, the ass ugly barbarian loves the Rainbow Lion moniker and the name isn't likely to change any time soon.

My last group to develop a name for themselves was called, "The Company of the Coppercard."

They had an encounter with a witch in a town called Copperpot and shortly after that encountered a ghoul wielding a Deck of Many Things. They combined the Copper from Copperpot and the Card from the Deck of Many Things.

It was a great name and a great group of characters and the players who played them.

"Champions of Anduria" -- the party was so taken by the crazy bard who cast hallucinatory terrain to make his hovel look like a palace that they decided to adopt his "kingdom" and become his "champions."

My klutz of a rogue inspired the name of our adventuring party, "Klutz and the Krew".

My players ended up discussing quite a few:

The Druid, Callis, whose animal companion is Twinkle the wolf suggested:

"Twinkle and the Star-Lights." (voted down)

So, then he suggested:

"Callis the Fabulous and some others." (voted down)

Frowning, he tried a third time:

"Callis and the meat-shields?" (no vote was taken)

After much discussion, they settled on 'The Liberators' as they're a pretty gold-motivated bunch, they'd rescued the orphans and as such could pretend that was the real reason for their moniker, and that they were tired of arguing with Callis over names. It was a great discussion.

"The Liberators?" Callis snorted (the CN Druid).
"We did save the orphans," Gaspar pointed out (the NG Cleric).
"And we liberated all that treasure," added Jayna (the N Rogue/Wizard).

Thus, the stars were born *smirk*

Our last meet was a camping trip, where we had 8 of us all in one tent playing on folding tables and chairs. One of the guys in the group brought a packet of crackers, which he had bought in a South African deli and had the unfortunate name of Salticrax. The hills around the campsite still echo with our mirth.

Anyway, during the game the local militia questioned the party and when asked, “Who are you lot?” one player piped up: “We, my friend, are the Salty Crack Pack.”

Naturally we almost pee’d our kilts after that one, but the name has stuck even though it’s a slightly meta one. :D

We used "The Deep Delvers Union"

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Let's see, there was Alzereth's Adventurers, The Conquering Gnomes, and The Burning Rat. In my SCAP game the party is still trying to clear Drakthar's Way so they haven't settled on a name yet.

My players, when put on the spot, came up with The Union of Justice. Once the town guard and papers started using it to refer to them, they just decided to keep it, relucantly.

At least the Stormblades get plenty of ammunition from it...

The party I DM just finished chapter one and when dealing with Skie understood that "no name, no discount" so the settled on "Explorers League." Yep, from WoW. Another option was "Company of Heroes."

After kicking around the idea of "The Cauldron Freebooters" for a while, my group decided they wanted something a little more iconic. In Jzadirune, they found the mask of the sad gnome with bunny ears, and also the costume/prop room off the theater, which also had masks in it. They decided to mount the masks they found on the walls of their "clubhouse", and are now loudly mentioning their new name--The Brotherhood of the Mask--all about town, especially when any of the Stormblades are near.


At this point I am going to call our group "The Defenders of Cauldron" because right now we are doing chapter 9 "Foundations of Flame" and saving the citizens of Cauldron from fissures in the ground, stampeding horses, earthquakes, an falling buildings. So defenders has a nice ring to it.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Due to the group not being able to decide on a name, the nobles of the town refer to them as the Menagerie (as a dig from the Stormblades), while they and the common folk call them St. Arbucks Avengers. St. Arbucks being the patron saint of sentries and vigilance. :)

Our group had a heated debate, but came up with The Knot of Fate, partly to be a dig at having it claimed that their destiny was set in stone. Got themselves a cool logo of Celtic knotwork to go with it as well.

Dark Archive

My first adventuring group were dubbed The Hands of Baron since they did most of their work for the same patron.

I adventured with The Six Scrolls for a long time, even though my halfling swore the party was called Merfiterf Dewdrop and the Merfettes.

A few others I've been a part of are:

Bloody Kisses (a group of fiends and vampires)
The Big Mean Scary Guys (so named by the goblins that put out a bounty on the party)
Lock and Key (group of rogues)
Fiendtooth Talons (patron of the group was a barghest)

Coming up with a party name is always fun, and it's a great way for bards to spread your tale.

The group I ran through SCAP called themselves the "Knights of Anduria", after their enocunter with the mad hermit. They thought the irony of naming themselves after what was an imaginary kingdom within the game itself was too good an opportunity to miss.

Naturally the good citizens of Cauldron took them seriously, driving the Stormblades nuts!


I can't believe I haven't responded to this thread yet.

After our first missions were to recover the orphans, the wands and the dwarf, my Urban Druid-party leader took up the Bloodhound PrC. We figured that finding people and things was the group's standard job, and so Elite Recovery became our name.

First Adventuring Party:

"Company of the Whispering Madness"

Yes, they were all a little "touched."

Current adventuring Party (reboot):

"Protectors of Cauldron"

There are many horrible things that have happened to the PC's, so I'm not terribly surprised at this turnover. It's a lot of fun.

I'm running a game, and the party really liked the idea of the local traits... as a result, they have a Paladin who is a Scarred Soul (always looking for spiders), an Oracle who is Dream Haunted, a Rogue who is Long Shadowed (constantly dissecting the bodies of vanquished foes), a Bard who is Touched in the Head (and plays crazy very well), and an Alchemist with anger/trust issues.

One of the ways the Bard is playing crazy is that whenever it comes to facts, he misses the mark. It was common for him to look at a group of 4 hobgoblins and tell the group there were 8, or correctly identify a spell and tell the group something else completely.

In any event, when it came to naming the group, the bard lobbied for "The Uncalled Four", since there were four of them. Of course, there really were five, but since he couldn't see himself whenever he counted the group, he only counted to four. In explaining this logic to the others, he rolled a natural 20 on a diplomacy check, and the others all believed that his logic was sound.

Thus, this party of five is known as "The Uncalled Four".

Consequently, I'm having a great time interacting with the people of Cauldron, who are coming to see this crazy group of protectors in the same light as San Francisco treated The Emperor of the United States (look it up, it's an amazing story).

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

One of my favorite passages from the Forgotten Realms comic. Elminster and his scribe Lhaeo are going over the contact list of adventuring companies that he's looking to foist his latest problem on to.

"How about the Order of Dragonslayers?"


"What happened?"

"They met their first dragon."

Out of the many dozens of groups over the years I think only three have had a name.

In Council of thieves and Kingmaker we named our group because the GM told us too (I guess the AP said so..), but I don't remember those names anymore.

The only time an adventuring group of mine has had a name I think was the very first or second campaign I played back in the days of 2nd ed. AD&D. That group was called Brotherhood of dwarven might. My character was Morain a name that has stuck with me ever since.

Agree on not using names. I've only had one party name itself - "Uncle Rico's Roughnecks". Combination of Napoleon Dynamite and Starship Troopers, for no real reason.

I run SCAP in the Forgotten Realms, and in the country they are in they are required to get an adventuring charter, mainly due to Yuan-Ti influence (Delphim mountains between Lapaliiya and the Tashalar, directly north of the Black Jungles).

The Charters are a defense of the people, but then again, Yuan-Ti are everywhere :P

When I played Shackled City, the group agonized over what to call ourselves. We eventually went with Das Crolexs after the goblins kept shouting that at us.

Because there's a Druid with an ape, who summon somes bears, and because my fighter always in fury, my player call themselve THE NATURE FURY!!!! Not much in diplomacy but they do hard ass kicking!!!!!

The first group I took through SCAP were game to come up with a name (for the discount and to counter the Stormblades). They took a very humble attitude with the people of Cauldron, but recognized they were good at going into holes and solving problems, thus they settled on "The Under Achievers".

The second group had a much harder time. Most of the group didn't want to have a name. I had fun roleplaying Skie's displeasure, and I had the Stormblades mock them. (After the goblin-ear bounty of Drakthar's Way, Annah Taskerhill started singing a mocking song about the exploits of the "Ear Whacks".)
Most of the party wanted to just accept the mocking graciously, but one status-conscious PC got them to agree to "The Hands of Justice". So, now they have a party name that 4 of 5 party members like to mock! :-)

My group finished the SCAP at the start of this year.

They to'd and fro'd on their party name before finally deciding to just steal their name and go with the "Knights of the Old Republic". It often got shortened to just "the Knights".

I'm glad they had a name though as it definitely added something to the campaign. I had something to call the group when they were mentioned in the Cauldron Chronicle (Cauldron's newspaper).

We've just started the Age of Worms AP now and I'm definitely getting the players to come up with a group name again.

Olaf the Stout

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