How Many People are Playing AoW?

Age of Worms Adventure Path

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I was just wondering how many people are playing some version of the Age of Worms campaign at the same time? I wonder if anyone at Paizo has an estimate?
I know that I DM the game here in Portland Oregon with 5 other players for a total of 6 people altogether.

Anyone have any stats or estimates?

Sovereign Court

Just a long shot but i'm guessing more than 5 and less than a million.

Sovereign Court

According to the circulation data listed in Dungeon #130, the average distribution of Dungeon Magazine over the last 12 months is 32, 346 copies. Of those, how many do you think were purchased or given to DMs who are currently running an AOW campaign.

For myself, I am intending to run this terrific campaign path as soon as my current (20 year-old) campaign ends. I'll probably be starting it up in March.

Cold Steel wrote:
Just a long shot but i'm guessing more than 5 and less than a million.


I will start the AoW Campaign after the 1st of the year.

Five players, possibly as many as seven, plus myself DMing.

Liberty's Edge

I just make my players do "Fiend's embrace" and I am going to make them play AoW, beginning at 4-5th level (toughing up the 1st instalment), but I intend to have them reach 6th (on the verge of 7th) level at the beginning of "encounter at blackwall's keep. And I don't want to skip any scenario.

I'll play it, here in France, with 3 regular players and one unregular player plus two NPCs (cleric, fighter, 2 rogues, wizard and favored soul).

I'm looking forward to DMing it : since I've always played in Greyhawk, I'm rather excited to have such an adventure path.

I'm currently taking two groups through AOW. One group of six players and the other group of four players. That adds 11 to the count.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

4 players and 1 dm here in nyc

I'm running AoW, adapted to Eberron.

The Exchange

I'm running a party of six.

I'm running Age of Worms in Greyhawk for a party of four players.

4 for me!

five players in my campaign.

Four players and a DM in Pittsburgh.

Liberty's Edge

Estimating conservatively, 1/5th of the circulation run of Dungeon has DMs intending or actively running the Age of Worms Adventure Path. Assuming that one DM and four PCs are in the game, that makes an estimate of 32,000 people playing the Adventure Path, effectively the distrubition figures of the magazine. The sheer number of unique usernames posting in the Age of Worms forum may be another statistic we could make some logical projections from. Perhaps our Webmaster could offer a number.

TorctheOrc wrote:
4 players and 1 dm here in nyc

Are you looking for another player? I would love to play in age of worms.


Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Tsulis wrote:
TorctheOrc wrote:
4 players and 1 dm here in nyc

Are you looking for another player? I would love to play in age of worms.


We play every wednesday from 7 to midnight (or there abouts) on the upper west side of manhattan - we have one player who has been a bit spotty in his attendance so another player might be a possibility. I would have to talk to my players first. Drop me a line at with some background info (how old r u?, what is your game experince etc.) and I'll see what I can do. I have also thought of running a second campaign, either as rivals to my first party or in a parallel Greyhawk. If you could recruit 3 other players that is also a possibilty - let me know

six player imc

The Big Apple seems to have some Worms in it!

Wednesday nights, 6 players as well.

6 in Leicester, England.

Me as Dm, plus 5 players.

In england.
Adapted for use in Birthright campaign world.

Four more in NC.

I might add that the last five posts on the Dungeon messageboard(as of right now) are AoW posts. Everyone who is someone :)


Six players and myself as the DM in Florida.

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho: One DM and five more PCs after Christmas.

5 PCs plus me as the DM in Somerville, Massachusetts, adding six to the total.

I'm running four players in Cincinnati (actually, N. KY)

I'm running 5 players in the Chicago suburbs on Thursday nights.

Took 6 sessions to finish the Whispering Cairn and are now one game into Three Faces of Evil.

I write up a web journal for their benefit at:

Running 7 players through an Eberron version of AoW near Sacramento, CA.

In DuBois, PA we have 9 players and me, the DM.

Scarab Sages

6 players & 1 dm in mississippi.

Shadow Lodge

Starting the 28th of January 2006 in the Shire of Baulkham Hills, Sydney Australia will be a new Age of Worms Campaign set in Greyhawk involving five veteran players as well as myself as DM. We intend to have it as our primary fortnightly campaign going through the entire adventure path. I have made some significant augmentations to the roleplaying side of things although I'll be leaving the creatures/traps etc. presented as is. We will be using the rules as written in terms of both the Core set as well as the Complete series.

... And boy are we all looking forward to it!!!

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise

Sovereign Court

GUTH wrote:
In DuBois, PA we have 9 players and me, the DM.

I'm interested in how the campaign is going with so many players, since when I Start up in March I'll have 8 players.

How are you adapting things? I've always found the EL/CR tables in the DMG less than helpful when the party is double the size the tables were created for.

Hopefully I will be running AoW in Eberron in the New Year with a couple of players (each playing 2 PCs or gestalt characters), so 3 more for the total.

Well have six playing in Rochester, NY within a month.

Grand Lodge

I have two groups going. One has 6 players the other 3 players. I guess you can add 10 more to the count, who ever is keeping track.

Frog God Games

Me and 9 others in OKC (as soon as we finish our two concurrent campaigns in Shackled City and Slumbering Tsar..and then there's always Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil which we only got halfway through before Shackled many adventures and so little time).

As posted above, adjusting the ELs is very difficult for large parties and depends greatly on the make-up of the party and the experience of the players. Nine is really entirely too many, however, we were 11 a few months ago so we're heading in the right direction.

One DM (me) and six players here in Italy play AoW adapted to Forgotten Realms.

Giuseppe A.

Liberty's Edge

Giuseppe Antonelli wrote:

One DM (me) and six players here in Italy play AoW adapted to Forgotten Realms.

Giuseppe A.

I am glad to see we're several from "Old Europe" to be eager to play AoW.

Timothée (France)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

5 players in Central Valley, CA.

5 players / Greyhawk / Indianapolis

David Roulston wrote:
GUTH wrote:
In DuBois, PA we have 9 players and me, the DM.

I'm interested in how the campaign is going with so many players, since when I Start up in March I'll have 8 players.

How are you adapting things? I've always found the EL/CR tables in the DMG less than helpful when the party is double the size the tables were created for.

Well, having so many players, most often not all of them are available to show up for every session. We usually have between 5-6 each session, not always the same ones as last time. I've found that having so many players, I really have to plan out the "important" encounters well to provide the excitement that's needed. I often double the number of creatures encountered and have to main villians with bodyguards and magic items to boost their abilities. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

I have a group of 5 players but we don't play on a regular basis.

For all the NYC people, I feel your pain right now. What a *$%#'n mess.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Greyhawk campaign :: 6 players & 1 DM (me) in Derby, UK. Just cleared out the Citadel of Hextor in 3FoE.

Sovereign Court

GUTH wrote:
David Roulston wrote:
GUTH wrote:
In DuBois, PA we have 9 players and me, the DM.

I'm interested in how the campaign is going with so many players, since when I Start up in March I'll have 8 players.

How are you adapting things? I've always found the EL/CR tables in the DMG less than helpful when the party is double the size the tables were created for.

Well, having so many players, most often not all of them are available to show up for every session. We usually have between 5-6 each session, not always the same ones as last time. I've found that having so many players, I really have to plan out the "important" encounters well to provide the excitement that's needed. I often double the number of creatures encountered and have to main villians with bodyguards and magic items to boost their abilities. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


Yeah, I usually do the same thing--with the same results

Myself (as DM), plus 4 players, in Italy.

Scarab Sages

We have 4 here in Portland, with the occasional odd person added in.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Rexx wrote:
The sheer number of unique usernames posting in the Age of Worms forum may be another statistic we could make some logical projections from. Perhaps our Webmaster could offer a number.

As of right now, there have been 766 unique posters to the Age of Worms forum.

Been running five players weekly since July in Macon, Georgia in the Eberron setting. Soon to start a different group (also five) in Warner Robins and *definately* using the Greyhawk setting this time around. Count me in for ten players, one dm, and a whole lotta dice rollin'.

Me + 4 players in Colorado. Set in Eberron.

Playing in Greyhawk; 4 core players, 4 occassional, 1 DM (myself). All from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It's been a great amount of fun so far & gotten everyone interested in gaming again.

The Exchange

We're going with the Greyhawk setting. Me plus three players in St. Petersburg FL.

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