Delfedd |

They just defeated Kullen and his gang
Cole Half-Giant (homebrew) LN Fighter 2 Weilds a Large Greatsword. Essentially stole Hagrids Backstory.
Tyes Elf Beguiler 2 LE The party currently thinks he steals souls of those he defeats and uses them against other foes. He witnessed the Rise of Vecna as a child, and was scarred for it.
Shuniqua Human Favored Soul of Vecna 2 She hasn't discovered that Vecna is evil yet, and Tyes isn't telling.
Henan Human Barbarian 2 Still thinks the only way to get XP is by killing things. The rest of the party decided to save the owlbear while Henan Decided "CHARGE!"
Drake Human Druid 2 calmed the Owlbear with a natural 20, and is going to return every day to heal it. He spends most of his time in Bear Form
Soren Keese Tiefling Rogue 1 Son of a previous RP character (half demon) who ascended to demonhood. There will be a battle. His Father is replacing the Occulus Demon in the whispering Carn.
This is actually what he Wrote in his backgound
well he won't be Aamon anymore, because Aamon is only a fragmented part of Mastema, a powerful demon
Mastema's soul was split into 7 different pieces by the four heros who sealed him
i'll tell you the whole story, one sec
they couldnt' kill him, he's invincible
so they broke him lol
each fragmented part was based off of a sin
Aamon, who found out later he doesn't even really exist, but is instead just a 'puzzle piece', is Pride
And then I was all... HOLY COW!
And replaced the Wolf Spider with Mastema, King of Chaos.
So anyway, the party just "Hobbled" Kullen after he surrendered. His whole gang had been slaughtered.
It was initiated when Tyes stole kullen's knife. He then ran out, and hid behind the feral dog. Soren, who has some background involving Kullen, raced out to fight him.
Eventually, Soren caught up to Kullen, and pulled his sword on the Half orc. He began battling Kullen, disarming and slicing off three of Kullens fingers. (Soren enjoys flashy moves). The Fighter was behind him, so Soren activated his newfound larger darkness ability, and attacked the fighter.
By this time, Cole had caught up with the dueling group, saw the darkness, and attacked the enchanter. The poor wizard never saw the Half-Giant coming. Then the Barbarian came in, battling the Ranger with his shortsword and Kukris. Soren Deactivated the darkness and attacked the polearm weilder, stabbing him brutally. Kullen surrendered, and they took him into an alley, cut of another one of his fingers and, (rolling a 17 on intimidate) discovered the existance of Filge.
That was where they ended. Most of this happened because the cleric of Vecna wasn't there to stop them.

Agamon the Dark |

The party is known as the Ivory Cudgels, all worshippers of St. Cuthburt, working as bilets in service of the chruch of St. Cuthburt in Diamond Lake.
Conner, LN human Fighter/Ranger 1/3
-Archer, weening the baby owlbear to become his eventual animal companion.
William, LG human Paladin 4
-One-punched a dwarven guard to get out of Ragnolin's mine.
Adam, LN human Cleric 4
-Drained to 2 wisdom by the allip in Vecna's temple. The party need to run from that fight.
Amber, LN human Rogue 4
-Died in 3FoE, see Obituaries. Replacement PC TBA.

Sunderstone |

We are starting the AoW campaign in about 2 weeks as our Shackled City campaign was semi-abandoned.
The planned crew and some starting info........
1) Baylos Skuljinn the Sorcerer, read rumors of the numerous old tombs in the Cairn Hills during his studies as Allustan's apprentice. He believes that the Whispering Cairn may still hold some treasures.
2) Miriam Cobblesteel the Fighter, is an orphan and a miner working in Luzane Parrin's mine. It was her younger sister that died at the Whispering Cairn six years ago. Miriam is trying to make enough money for a new start somewhere else. A few days ago she saved Baylos from thugs at the Feral Dog tavern. Baylos was there looking for potential recruits for exploration of a nearby Cairn. Miriam is currently staying at Jalek's Flophouse.
3) Askalar, Cleric of Obad-Hai. Askalar is visiting an old friend, the Paladin of Heironeous, Melinde. Askalar is staying at the Able Carter Coaching Inn. He's loosely affiliated with the Bronzewood Lodge and usually travels with a Ranger.
4) ????? the Elven Ranger (player hasnt named him yet) is affiliated with the Bronzewood Lodge. He often travels with Askalar as a traveling companion and guide. He is also staying at the Able Carter Coaching Inn.
5) Vala the Rogue, is an Elven Miner working for Balabar Smenk. She also moonlights as a gopher for Balabar doing side jobs and is hoping to make enough gold to leave Diamond Lake behind for good and make her fortune in the Free City. She is also staying at Jalek's Flophouse.
Ill be using the Sorcerer (Baylos) as the catalyst to get them rolling. He's going to send invites to each PC to meet him at the abandoned office, etc.
My group has 10-20+ years experience, we are longtime friends. :)

Deree |

We've just fnished The Champions Games (the wrong way round) and our party is currently comrpised of:
Deree Silentfoot - C/G - Halfling - Male - Rogue 4, Fighter 1, Barbarian 1, Whisperknife 2, Wormhunter 2.
Gimgrim Irontwister (aka Grim) - C/N - Male - Dwarf - Cleric (of Hanseath) 8, Fighter 2.
T'shan - L/N - Human - Male - Monk 10.
Selanor (aka Muffin) - C/N - Elf - Male - Wizard 6, Stormcaster 4.
Insalla (aka Salty) - N/G - Human - Female - Scout 5, Fighter 2, Dervish 3.
Gorram Tabin (aka Curly) - L/G - Human - Male - Paladin (of Heironeous) 6, Fist of Raziel 4.
If you'd like to read all about our adventures from the start, then you can find them in the campaign journal:
"Age of Worms - Deree's Diary - A Halfling's Story from the very beginning"

Antioch |

My Age of Worms game is being ran in Eberron. They have almost completed Three Faces of Evil, getting ready to head into the Temple of the Shadow (Vecna).
Renji (human warblade 4); uses a no-dachi (basially a stylized greatsword).
Both this player and the player for Senshen wanted to appear chinese, so in Eberron I included tribes of humans that migrated from the Frostfell north of Khorvaire. The environment there made them appear to be somewhat oriental. For oriental-type weapons, I just said that hobgoblins have been known to make weapons like those, and through early interaction (before humans came from Sarlona), they learned to make weapons like those.
Senshen (human swordsage 4); duel-wielding character that uses a katana and wakizashi.
Albie Tealeaf (half-drow bard 4); journeyed with a Talenta halfling until they ran into Trelk while traveling across Khorvaire. The halfling was killed by a Kyuss zombie and both her and Trelk fled until they reached Diamond Lake.
Trelk (human fighter 1/dread necromancer 3); his squad was wiped out by undead and he fled before he too was killed. He wants nothing more than to master the powers of undeath and hunt down the person who killed his friends. While heading back to Sharn, bumped into Albie.
Harmony (tiefling rogue 3); sent by a thieves guild in Sharn to monitor the various mine managers as an industrial spy. Became friends with Albie.
Thasten (kalashtar ardent 2/cleric 2); came to Diamond Lake to try and make it a better place. Failed miserably. Was found in a dumpster by the party.
The group got together when Harmony found an old map while invading a manager's house at night. With the help of Albie, she was able to find some hired muscle (the two foreigners in town). The only brought Thasten because he stumbled out of a dumpster while the four were discussing their plans of how to divide up the vast amounts of treasure they assumed they would find, and noticed his holy symbol.
Trelk came in a little later and was brought because he was a spellcaster (he was still a level 1 fighter at the time, but kept insisting that he could cast spells).

Hastur |

I've currently split my group into two as follows, due to one of my players not being available much the rest of this year:
1. The "main party" - Ogre/Ftr7, Rog2/Clr5/ShadowbaneStalker7, Pal9/ShiningBladeofHeironeous2 (follower of the Cleric) - is headed to Istivin to get info about Bucknard (Shadows of Istivin trilogy side-quest, rather than Tenser conveniently have the information, it's with the Sage in Istivin).
2. The "others" - Diviner3/Dru3/MysTh2/ArcaneHeirophant5 is now joined by a PC from an old game Clr13 of Joramy, and none other than Celeste (!). This group is looking for the Spire, having uncovered a picture of it, then heard there's a map of the jungles under Shatterhorn, so I'm running a "return to Shatterhorn" adventure, lead by Celeste, which then leads the group to the Spire.
Yes, Celeste is a lot more powerful than the others, but initially she'll just be swinging her sword. Once she gets to the Spire, she might reveal her true powers, but I'm also going to have her get various visions that lead her to believe her destiny is to martyr herself within the Spire (he he - probably visions from the architect of the age of worms rather than her god Kord). So the idea is she will actually become (replace) the Eladrin in the Spire.
We'll be playing thread #1 when only two players can make it, and when the three players can make it, we're playing thread #2. For #2, one player is playing the Cleric which he played all the way through my old campaign, while another player is enjoying playing Celeste (her power attack feat means she's a very handy fighter, pretty much up there with the Ogre so far). To date, it's been a hoot.

Torpedo |

My Age of Worms campaign is set in the World of Greyhawk and began on the evening of Starday, Reaping 1st, 595 C.Y.
Players were allowed to use any WotC published book for the 3.5 rules set that they could bring with them to the table to make their 28 point buy characters. Any non-WotC, non-3.5, or Forgotten Realms / Eberron material would only be allowed by DM's permission.
The initial characters were:
Krase Pareel, human fighter from Diamond Lake
Ragaust, human fighter from Diamond Lake
Jordanus, human warmage from Tarth Moorda in the Duchy of Urnst
Calvin Hendricks, human cleric of St. Cuthbert from the free city of Greyhawk
Ragaust and Jordanus died in the Whispering Cairn fighting the Mad Slasher and Acid Beetle swarm. They were replaced by:
Ballard Orbri, elan psion (kineticist) from parts unrevealed
Eryll, human rogue / fighter from Diamond Lake (younger brother of Ragaust)
After the Whispering Cairn and its sidequests were completed a new player joined the group. He is playing:
Selmaug Davos, human wizard from the free city of Greyhawk.
During the fight against Hextorites in the "Three Faces of Evil" Calvin was killed by the Dire Boar. He has been replaced by:
Bendekar Ebonhand, human Duskblade from the North Kingdom. Bendekar was a prisoner the Tieflings were trying to pry the secrets of his unusual fighting style out of.
We play once a month, so in October they will begin their assault on the Caves of Erythnul in "The Three Faces of Evil." The current game date is Waterday, Reaping 12th. The players just woke up to find that Ballard and Eryll have contracted some sort of disease from the bites they suffered when attacked by the Tomb Mote at the old observatory three days earlier. They are none too happy to discover their afflictions the day after the cleric died. The current lineup of the party is:
Krase Pareel, 4th level human fighter from Diamond Lake
Ballard Orbri, 4th level elan psion (kineticist) from parts unrevealed
Eryll, human rogue 2 / fighter 2 from Diamond Lake
Selmaug Davos, 3rd level human wizard from the free city of Greyhawk
Bendekar Ebonhand, 3rd level human Duskblade from the North Kingdom

Rick |

Just began the AoW with a sidequest to clean out the mine office (wanted to bump up levels before they hit WC). Here is the party:
I'kale male elf Ranger 2
Vayen male half-elf Paladin 2
Keith Gibson male human Bard 2
Donovan male human Cleric 2
The party is a bit lacking in arcane spells (though the bard, which is being played as a home-brew variant, may make up for that later), some tank-ness (the Paladin's AC stinks and the Ranger is focusing on bow), and roguishness (I'm thinking of bringing in an NPC male human rogue next time). But, they work well together, and appear to be a "thinking" rather than "acting" group, which speaks well for their ability to make it through AWAP.

Mijero |

I'm running AoW in the Forgotten Realms - my guys are about to start The Whispering Cairn.
We've got:
Male Dalelander (Chondathan) human Wizard 1 - a variant from Unearthed Arcana that allows substitution of Wizard feats for Fighter ones. Carries a guisarme and a longsword.
Male High Forest wood elf Ranger 1. Wandered into Daggerford (Diamond Lake) chasing vandals who desecrated a shrine to Rillifane Ralathil.
Female Rashemi human Druid 1 - an Ethran from Rashemen going for the Hathran PrC. Has a riding dog animal companion.
Male Evermeet moon elf Cleric 1 of Corellon Larethian.
Male Tantran (Damaran) human Rogue 1 - going to multiclass to Fighter then Ranger.
It's a pretty standard party that i can't wait to start.

![]() |

((Some mild spoiler-ish-ness ahead, for those of ya who are just getting started...))
Our group has defeated one out of three Faces of Evil, and is currently trying to get a good night's sleep in the pleasant and hospitable grimlock chieftan's lair. Not so pleasant, not so hospitable, but definitely smells of grimlock. And blood. The townspeople camped out with us are a little freaked out, but our evil necromancer and his pet undead thingie don't seem to mind so much. The food already ran out (did these things subsist entirely on psilocybin!?), and we have to wait until we've rested to create some more water. Hopefully, more cultists don't find us before then...
What kind of adventurers would end up in this kind of situation?
[bold]The Great and Powerful Wizard Thomas[/bold](Human Div4) always wanted to be a big, strong fighter, a powerful warrior, like in all the old tales. His parents, both powerful Guild wizards, had other ideas. Now he's a diviner, which, although he's always had a knack for it, never fails to leave him without a spell that's right for the situation. Somewhat ironically. His opposed school is necromancy, and one can't help but wonder if his hatred towards it stems more from a sense of the unrighteousness of undeath, or because he somehow blames it for the suckiness of Divination. Yes, Thomas hates necromancy. And necromancers, which we'll get to later. Come to think of it, though, Thomas hates a lot of things. He hates that the party never seems to let him rest and re-memorize spells. He hates being stuck in a podunk town like Diamond Lake, apprenticed to the Smartest Man in Town, who, if you think about it, can't be all that smart, or why would he still be living in Diamond Lake? (Thomas has no impressive beard of his own, and is likely suffering from Beard Envy.) Thomas hates, HATES, the dangly-crawly-eyeball-y aberrations that seem to find him everywhere no matter how well he hides or how fast he runs or tries he can't get away they always find him shouldn't exist shouldn't shouldn't wah Ha HA HAA! Thomas began descending into madness the first night in the WC, and has kept up a steady pace since that time. Oh, yes, perhaps most of all, Thomas hates...
[bold]Fern Nodelo, Dancer of Death[/bold] (elf Swash2/Ftr2). Fern is a tiny, silver-braided elven woman bedecked by many flowing ribbons, wielding a gigantic spiked chain. She became known as the "Dancer of Death" from her nightly show at Zalamandra's, where she would demonstrate her skill by attacking wooden targets, live vermin, and, in a crowd-pleasing climax, an enormous melon, dancing nimbly to music all the while. Fern loves dancing, and she dances happily through life, oblivious to much of what occurs around her, never hearing, never noticing, just frolicking and cavorting through town and dungeon alike. Fern has a cheerful voice, a sweet smile, and is very, very dangerous. Her notable moments include having dinner with Alastor Land's ghost, trying to surprise the party by burning away all that icky brown mold all by herself, and very politely blackmailing Balabar Smenk over a game of dragonchess. Her current ambition is to give Filge "presents" (read: severed heads of her vanquished foes) until he agrees to teach her magic, because Thomas won't, because Thomas is a big meanie. This might not go over so well with...
[bold]Sorin Creed, Half-Orc Historian[/bold] (Half-orc Paragon3), seeker of knowledge, lost artifacts, and gruesome, harrowing combat. Sorin is staying with Allustan while helping him piece together the history of the WC. He tries to be very scholarly and civil, but his orcish blood usually gets the better of him, sending him into a seething, bloodthirsty rage at almost the slightest provocation. (How he managed to study anything without destroying all his books is beyond me...) He has proven himself quite handy in a fight, quite detrimental in diplomatic situations, and, notably, quite affectionate towards "Owlie," the orphaned owlbear he plans to raise as his own. Sorin is not currently in the company of the group, which is just as well, as he will be none too pleased to discover them travelling with their former enemy, Filge. Sorin promised fellow half-orc Kullen the necromancer's eyes; he only managed to extract one, before he was stopped by...
[bold]Talindra Shandrie[/bold] (human Rog3/Clr1). She doesn't have a title to speak of; until recently, her most adventurous activities had been camping out with her younger brother, and trying to support her family in Diamond Lake without sacrificing her integrity. Fern was planning her sojourn to the WC at the Able Carter Coaching Inn, where Talin worked, and she invited her along, so as not to be the only girl. Talin tends to get a bit exasperated with her travelling companions, but nevertheless does her best to keep them from blundering into any traps, and patches them up again when they inevitably get into trouble anyway. She has only recently warmed to the idea of adventuring, seeing just how much profit can be had, and now has grand designs on reforming and rehabilitating everything from the mining industry, to the local economy, to the housing, to the necromancer. Talin threw herself in front of a raging half-orc to save the miserable little man, and she is now certain that there is a good person inside of him, and after all, he did have a rough childhood, no friends to play with, really, besides Mr. Smenk, and he taught Filge a life of crime, it's not his fault...Talin is a teenage girl with big dreams, and may be more than a little naive, but tries to treat everyone in the party like family. This may be just what is needed by...
[bold]Chaim Aron, Would-Be Hero[/bold] (half-drow Brd3), whose peaceful life was ruined when slavers found the small settlement where he lived with his family. Chaim's mother slain, the boy's father told him to run, and, much to his shame, he did, as fast and as far as his legs would carry him. They carried him to Diamond Lake, of all places, where he found himself in the company of two intriguing females and a rotating cast of other strange "adventurers." After more than one harrowing night in the WC, the hapless bard was ambushed on his way back to town by a band of grimlocks, from which the party only recently freed him. Chaim's father was an accomplished swordsman, and the boy longs to follow in his footsteps and become a romantic and dashing hero told of in story and ballad, but he just can't quite seem to be, well....cool enough. He had to get rescued, he's not as strong as the petite elf or the freaking wizard, and whenever he does manage to score a hit in combat, someone else always steals his kill. No, luck does not seem to smile upon Chaim, but when he's around, the group seems to recall a bit of the heroic days of yore, and fights more bravely for it. Chaim is a long way from home, but he's not the only one; for instance, there's...
[bold]Croidhamsa (kree-gow-suh, it's a gaelic thing), Nature's Champion[/bold] (human Drd3), who, until very recently, spent his days wandering the peaceful wilds of the forest, contemplating the grandeur of nature, and becoming one with the trees. Then one day, his master told him a tale of parasitic worms that turn the living into the unliving, a chilling tale that became more fearsome still when his master revealed that it was true. Thus, Croi set out to find the source of these dreadful creatures, and to prevent them from infesting more of the creatures in his beloved home. Somehow, he had not imagined he would have to travel quite so far apart from nature to save it... Croi is even-tempered and calm, but very firm in his convictions, and tends to label almost anything unpleasant as "unnatural." At Chaim and Talin's urging, he has tolerated the presence of a bringer of undeath, but nevertheless quietly plans to dispose of every last undead abomination just as soon as the mission is accomplished. Croi's traveling companion is Insight, a cute and loyal shocker lizard who has become very protective of one of the hostages, a child found captured in the same fashion as Chaim.
...which brings us back to where I started, the party resting uneasily beneath the mine, Fern resting for her long night's watch, Thomas organizing, categorizing, listing, itemizing, and generally being overly detail-conscious about all the loot the group has found, the villagers sleeping restlessly on the least vile furs Talin was able to find, while the group of adventurers sits around a campfire, as adventurers have always done, getting to know each other, telling stories of their childhoods, and hoping they will survive long enough to repeat the tradition at the close of the next day.

Kirth Gersen |

I hijacked characters from another campaign to play "Wormcrawl Fissure," (in my 1st issue of DUNGEON) because it was WAY too cool not to play immediately. These included the infamous Four Against the Gauntlet (the greatest heroes of their day), led by a recently-released military commander from a previous age. In their campaign, the heroes' adopted city was under seige and their general dead; the Four busted out the field marshall from his imprisonment in stasis off-plane. He assessed the situation of the siege and declared their cause hopeless, unless they could procure certain items he once knew of, but which, in the years since, had become part of Dragotha's hoard...
MAX - Human planewalking rogue/fighter/assassin, armed with a soul-destroying sword and with mucho ranks in Bluff and in Drive (Formula 1 racing);
WAYLAND - Human ranger/sorcerer, carrying Estaril (a greatsword with a blade like a fixed searing light spell), who opted to put up his animal companion Jack at a kennel before departing for the rift canyon;
REMY of AUTRISCH - Half-elf wizard/wild mage, armed with his brand new custom-built staff of maximized disintegrate and fireball;
GILFIG - Human cleric (Good and War domains), who, ever since "Return to the Tomb of Horrors," prepares a lot of mass death ward and mass endure elements spells;
Led by GENERAL BURZMALI - Human psychic warrior, with Leadership and max ranks in Profession (soldier) and Knowledge (tactics and strategy).

Thanis Kartaleon |

Playing in Greyhawk (Fireseek 595)
Brenna, young aquatic halfling rogue
Markim, paranoid half-Baklunish warlock
Neega, cynical orc wizard
Omen, schizophrenic Baklunish monk (Twilight Monastery)
Rylter, foolhardy half-drow changling rogue
Just started last Sunday - they've already learned that they are going to need a healer. Currently 3/5 of the party are at -3 or below, and they've still got to deal with the big wolf. May Istus smile upon them...

Fathom |

The Brotherhood of Mytheria
-Quarian "Quan" Nailo- male High Elf Cleric {Wee Jas} 17th
Original member,groups leader.
-Maloth Aspenguard- male High Elf Ranger 16th
Original member,master of the bow.
-Hurly Von Hellgrind- male Half Ogre Fighter 16th
Rescued from Vecna cult,died once {Ilthane}, raised,melee machine.
-Collin Moneymaker- male Human Rogue 16th
Joined up during the HoHR,trap finder and gold collector.
-Dankeel Olkneel- male Human Druid 16th
Original member,leader of the Bronzewood Lodge.
-Nightbreeze- male High Elf Wizard 16th
Joined up sometime before SoLS,master of ?.
The pcs are just now in the battle at the end of the Tilagos Island adventure.

Ainokesshou |
We have a Human cleric of Strength and Healing (Int of 6, so when our characters ask him which deity he worships, he just grins stupidly, and says, "I"m a cleric!" It works.) We houseruled in Augment Healing instead of +1 caster level as a domain power for Healing a long time ago in a previous campaign. It seems much more balanced with the other domain powers than just, every healing spell you cast healing *1* more hit point.
An Elven Transmuter specialist, who has denied himself conjuration and evocation. Right now, he's a bit useless in most battles, but he's our talker (only person with positive mods in all three mental stats), and our searcher, so we have reason to keep him alive.
An Elven archer (heading into Arcane Archer of course), who is the transmuter's little brother, and a big believer in 'shoot first, ask questions later,'
My Human fighter/spiked chain specialist. I specialize in annoying enemies. Disarm potions, scrolls, holy symbols, weapons, wands......Sure, I'm a fighter with a terrible damage output, but I keep the bad guys from doing anything useful while my buddies take them out.
And of course, once the transmuter gets spells to animate unattended weapons.....I disarm someone on every attack, he animates the weapons to fight for us before the original wielder can pick them up......

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I've just started running the Aow in a homebrew campaign setting. They just finished an introductory adventure designed to get them used to the world setting (sort of a greco-roman bronze age where the planet does not rotate and a living god used to rule the world).
The party is an interesting group of misfits and outcasts. We have (sorry, no names as they are all long ancient-sounding names):
Sarcastic Dwarf Cleric (m) -Exiled in disgrace from Greysmere after a "misunderstanding" with the high-priest's wife. Worships a dwarven god of greed. Trap finder in absence of a rogue.
Sullen Shifter Ranger (f) -From the Bronzewood Lodge, the only thing that makes her happy is hitting people on the head with her shield (player actually giggles like a little girl when we even mention it).
Dopey Young Minotaur (m)- Also from Bronzewood Lodge. Battle cry is an enraged "MOOOOO!" I think he wants to be an unarmed combat guy.
Snobby Human Focused Evoker Specialist -Aristocratic scholar from neighbouring Redhand. Interested in the history of the Cairn Hills.
There will be another 2 players added soon, so I will have to scale up the modules to keep them challenged. The players are experienced and work well together, so I expect they will do well...y'know, until the world ends and everything. ;)

Red Skull |

My current AoW group plays in Eberron and has just reached the step where Hall of Harsh Reflections should be (im playing around with the AP as i dislike EaBK and HoHR)
The leader of the group is...
Arkham d'Orien (Human Mage(Necromancer)6) put up a note in Dimond Lake advertiseing an expidition into the ancient tombs pre-dateing the hobgoblin tombs in the area.
Darcy d'Cannith (Human Artificer 6) is the latest adition to the group haveing joined after the party reached Sharn (Great City)
Grjót Brightedge (Dwarf Fighter 1/Cleric(Sovreign Host) 5 (going for Soveign Speaker) classic dwarf cleric with a twist...
Stonebraker (Dwarf Barbarian 6) this powerfull warriors is the only other founding member of the group along with Arkham as all the others have perished...
LAW (Ancient Warforged Paladin 6 (Going for Warforged Juggernought) was discovered in the Vaati tomb and claims to have been built by them during the age of demons to fight in the war along Dragons and Coutals. His breath driven power core was blown back to life by Stonebraker and as such he belives he ows his life to him. He is destined to opposed the Lord of Blades and fight for the rights of Warforged and enslaved Elementals in the Eberron world...
Fafnir Silversong (Human Seren Barbarian 2/Bard 4 ( going for Dragon Prophet) is a dark skinned, dragon tatooed giant of a man that is the moral and spiritual soul of the group and even if he started as a henchman he has come into his own and playes a vital role in the group...
Nux Two-Thuds (Half-Orc Rouge 4/Ranger 2) picked up by the group during a recent airship crash adventure Nux has been slowly change by rubbing shoulders with the players as his alignement has shifted from CE to CN...
Right now the party is playing Steel Shadows (a very good adventure that might have used a little more work and not a picture that compares it to Ususal Suspects as it gives the whole plot away)

Delfedd |

Recent update
Cole and Shuniqua both quit recently due to work.
Hennon Barbarian level 4 His tandem Kukri work is now the awe of Diamond Lake. He did battle with the Owner of the Captains Blade and won several levels ago. His duel on the bridge with the Grimlock Barbarian was especially tense, as he discovered he had trained her.
Tyes Completed a solo rebuild quest, and is now a Changeling Beguilier 4. The other players haven't discovered this, and still think he can control the souls of the dead. He also tricked the players into thinking that Kullen killed a random man in a tavern. Tyes had a thing against that Beastial.
Soren Tiefling Rogue 1/Warlock 2. Soren Keese dueled with the Beastial Kullen after being tricked into it by the Changeling. The tiefling dueled Kullen alone in his globe of darkness. He defeated the creature, and they dragged him into an alley, and hobbled him.
In the battle of Hextor, Soren leapt onto the back of the Beast. Unfortunately, shortly thereafter, the beast was called to the battle temple.
EM-10 "Oscar" Warmage 4 A warforged Varient created to be a magical tank in the same way that a Warforged is meant to be a combat tank. Oscar is made of mithral. He tricked Dourstone into believing that he was a distant king who wished to invest in the mine. He is currently one of the only reasons the party is still functioning.
And Finally
Mauve An elven ranger. After the Battle of Hextor, the party believed they had converted one of the priests to good. Unfortunately, this was not so. She was only waiting until the best time to strike. While the party was resting, (Having not prepared a watch) she contacted the Allip and surviving Kenku. Rallying their forces, EM-10 awoke to a blow to the head.
Mauve was looking through the labyrinth for a lead she had received on a cult. Hearing the sounds of battle, she forged on ahead, looking for it's source. Finding a Human priest, she fired and saved Tyes and Soren, frozen by the allips madness, from the effects of the Weasels who where draining their blood.

Sunderstone |

Former Party...
Baylos Skuljin, Human Sorcerer 3
Askalar Kantomar, Human Cleric 3 of Obad Hai
Miriam Cobblesteel, Human female Fighter 3
Verdant Greentree, Elf Ranger 3
Vala, Elf female Rogue 3
The two elves died in TFoE last session(see the obituary thread).
Vala the elven Rogue will be replaced with a Cleric 3(Wee Jas).
Verdant the elven Ranger is being replaced with a Duskblade 3.
Baylos the Sorcerer is becoming an NPC, and that player is going back to his usual poison, a Rogue. :)
So the new party is looking like....
Baylos Skuljin, Human Sorcerer 3 (now with more NPC power :) )
Askalar Kantomar, Human Cleric 3 of Obad Hai
Miriam Cobblesteel, Human female Fighter 3
?? The Halfling Rogue 3
?? The Human Cleric 3 of Wee Jas
?? The Duskblade 3

Evil Genius |

I just started DMing the Age of Worms adventure path for a party of 5 characters. One player is playing two characters, and I'm playing a DM NPC.
Here's the party composition:
Kolja, LN tiefling wizard 1 - A tiefling raised by the wizard Allustan, who began teaching him the art of magic from a young age. He was the one who gathered the party together at Allustan's behest to go and explore the Whispering Cairn.
Llelden Terenthas, CN gray elf beguiler 1 - A gray elf who fled to Diamond Lake after becoming a wanted man in Celene due to his thieving habits. He heard there was a gray elf mine manager in Diamond Lake, so he came to offer his services to Ellival Moonmeadow, with whom he's been working for the past few years.
Thomas Silverblade, TN cleric of Kelanen 1 - A stoic human priest of the Prince of Swords, Kelanen. He came to Diamond Lake a few years back to establish a shrine to Kelanen and combat the corruption that he and his follower Zayne saw when they visited the dirty mining town. He does not speak much, but when he does his words speak wisdom that most people many years older than he do not possess. (Llelden's player usually plays this character)
Zayne Velishan, TN swordsage 1 - A brave swordsman and follower of Thomas, who he followed to Diamond Lake in the capacity of guardian and student. He is an expert with his greatsword, and can perform almost magical feats of swordsmanship. (this character has thus far been played by me, the DM)
Hrothgar of Ironheim, LE duergar lurk 1 - A duergar who was sent from the Underdark to aid Balabar Smenk in taking down Ragnolin Dourstone and further the duergar interests in Diamond Lake. He's gruff, unfriendly, and is vicious with his dwarven waraxe. He was ordered to somehow get in on Allustan's exploring party in order to claim the secrets of the Whispering Cairn for Balabar Smenk.
So, yeah, my party is a little weird, I suppose.


* Lauciam, elven cleric 6, leader of the group
Elazul, elven rogue 3/ fighter 3, the "quick blade"
Kenjim, human monk 6, strategist and advicer
Ulfgar Bronzebeard, dwarven fighter 6, the frontman
Raven, human sorcerer 5, the spellcaster
Brogan, human fighter 5, Free City's guardsman
Melinde(NPC), human paladin 3, Lauciam's trusted friend

Lord Of Threshold |

In between "Assault on Blackwall Keep" and "Hall of Harsh Reflection", currently playing in an adapted "Expedition To Castle Ravenloft"
The players are in Ravenloft now, but the Material Plane is a Steam Punk campaign of my own design, Threshold.
Brock Samson (Human, 7th Lvl Fighter)
Waldo (Male Kobold, 3rd Lvl Rogue, 4th Lvl Fighter)
Kalindara (Female Dragonblooded (Song Dragon) Half-Elf 6th Lvl Sorcerer)
Charles (Male Half-Orc, Monk 3, Rogue 3)
NPC: Kristine (Female Human, 7th Lvl Cleric of Anubis)

Drig |

We're going to start the adventure path soon and it looks like the PCs are going to be:
A warforged Fighter or Knight (this isn't an Ebberon campain but we liked the Warforged so much that the previous PCs found a found a Warforged creation forge)
A Cleric of pelor/radiant servent
A Kobold spell theif (a spy for a coming Kobold invasion)
A Raptoran sorcerer
A CG variant palidin who uses two repeating crossbows
And a Teifling war mage (a modified ECL +0 version of Teifling)

Grunk |

Party just faced a (healthy) owlbear and found a certain gangmembers remains.
Jarmin Kell Lysander (Male Human knight 2) A recent commitment to Heironeous after needing a cure for ghoul fever will lead to a very paladin-esque character.
Tharivall (Male Elf Druid 2) He is on the second animal companion, (the first was almost claimed by the face trap and eventually eaten by an acid beattle swarm).
Elkor (Male Cleric 2 of Earth and Glory) Worships Pelor but is seen as a bit of an odd fellow amongst the clergy. Currently hangs out with the dirt worshippers at the Bronzewood Lodge.
Yohan (Male Rogue 2) Native to Diamond Lake, he was the one who knew about the unexplored Whispering Cairn.
Cedar (Male Ranger 2)A feral ranger from the woods outside Diamond Lake, he has recently tried making friends after facing a weird unkillable worm sheep zombie thing.
No arcane caster, but they do frequently ask Allustan for advice. They have been fine so far, but we will see how they fare as the adventure path goes on.

dungeonblaster |

Current Adventure: Prince of Redhand
Ehrune - Human Swashbuckler 2/Wizard 6/Eldritch Knight 6
Emerd - Half-elf Scout 5/Bard 6 (cohort)
Lindingar - Halfling Spirit Shaman 14
Hiro - Half-orc cleric 10/Shining Blade of Hieroneous 2
Barnum - Human rogue 9/Dungeon Delver 4
Thell - Human fighter 10/Pious Templar of St. Cuthbert 4

Peebo Pickle Pardfart |

Two campaigns going for AoW
Vetern Party (just spoke to Alastor)
Halfling Rogue 2
Human Fighter 2/Rogue 1
Human Monk 2
NPC Gnome Artificer 2
Newbies Party (actually just been wiped out by Kullen)
Dwarf Barbarian 2
Shifter Fighter 2
Human Fighter 2
Shifter Rogue 2 (survived Kullen's gang by being to scared to fight)
NPC Changeling Cleric 2 (survived Kullen's gang by running away when things went bad)

Hierophantasm |

My players are in the midst of Kings of the Rift, and are 19th level. I have three players, and am NPCing a character myself. The entire party, oddly enough, is neutral good. Without further ado...
Ashten: male kobold (black dragonwrought) diviner 5/fatespinner 4/divine oracle 6/master specialist 4. Specialties include divination (obviously), strongest offensive spellcasting, debuffing.
Slade Galves: male elf fighter 4/wizard 3/spellsword 4/eldritch knight 8. Specialties include tactical and melee specialist with a spiked chain variant (a weapon called "chain tridents": does less damage, but can make disarm attacks also), channelling and applying metamagic on the fly with aforementioned legacy weapon, known as Volcanus (he is founding the weapon.)
RavaThetsu: male vanara (Oriental Adv.) bard 10/seeker of the song 9. Specialties include social situations, unparalleled inspirational music and performances, status-inflicting spellcasting, energy resistance and damage dealing.
Vasha (RavaThetsu's cohort): female duskling totemist 17 (Magic of Incarnum). Specialties include assault--can deal and take heavy melee damage, w/various melds.
Delinya Blissbright: female halfling cleric of Fharlanghn 9/sacred purifier 5/wormhunter 5 (Dragon #338). Specialties include superior healing, positive energy damage, anti-Kyuss specialist, providing resistance to negative energy and protection from spells of various forms, melee combatant.
The players have developed a rich history for their characters--as will happen with any campaign from level one. Ashten was a brood of Ilthane, much like those from the Mistmarsh, and is aiming to become the paragon of divination. Slade is representing a new, rarely seen style of combat from his fishing village of Feador, and is engaged to Dannath of Diamond Lake. RavaThetsu was originally from the Emporium's travelling performers, but escaped to adventure. He has connections to the fey, and is pursuing demigodhood as a deity of performances and friendship. Delinya was a nomad, whose run-in with the spawn of Kyuss has driven her to obsession to eradicate Kyuss, no matter the cost.

Sabattus |
The party I was in, 'til the campaign went on hiatus, was made up of:
* wood elf lvl 4 fighter, 18 STR spiked chain specialist and former bondslave in the mines
* elf lvl 4 warlock (nicknamed "Death-hand", with a huge rep -- the character had this tendency to get in the killing blow on practically everything with his eldritch blast by sheer chance, but it was taking out Kullen both in the basement of the feral dog (though we patched his wounds, and he and his gang came back to confront us in the Whispering Cairn, where Death-hand AGAIN got in the killing blow with his eldritch blast)
* lvl 4 human cleric (Pelor), looking to avenge the death of his wife and expunge some of his anger
* lvl 4 halfling rogue
Previous party character included a human samurai and an aasimar acoylte (cleric-to-be) of Wee Jas, who both got eaten by wolves in the first Whispering Cairn encounter due to HORRIBLE die rolls, and a druid who ended up retiring the character to bring in the halfling rogue after it because clear we were seriously lacking in device-defeating ability.
We got all the way through the Hextor phase of the Three Faces of Evil.

Are |

My party is currently set up like this:
LG Human Cleric 11 (Hieroneous)
CG Human Dragon Shaman 11
CG Human Fighter 11
CG Human Beguiler 11
They just finished Champion's Belt (except the Demon, which they decided to skip for the time being after detecting evil in that room, and not needing to go further in that direction). So far, they've come through most of the encounters through sound tactics and a bit of luck; spoilers coming up:
For instance, they successfully Sensed Motive on the guards discussing the "Frost Salamander", and later Charmed one of them to find out what the actual monster was; one very high Knowledge(arcana) later, and the party cleric prepared several Energy Weapon(electricity) spells, plus precast Freedom of Movement for everyone :)
In another example, Bozal Zahol went down through a set of 3 19s on a targeted Dispel Magic vs DC 26 (he used his Strands of Prayer Beads to up his CL to 15 before casting his buffs), removing Spell Resistance, Shield of Faith and Death Ward, and then very good thinking on the Beguiler's part allowed a Swift Etherealness to bypass the Antilife Shell for the Fighter.
I'm confident Ilthane and AGoW can pose a bit more of a problem for them though :)

Arcmagik |

My tabletop party is speratic at best, but the regulars are as followed.
Goliath Monk
Succubus (Savage Species) Psion
Elan Psion
With the odd addition depending on who is making it of the following... Human Paragon Warmage, Human Paragon/Half-Elf Paragon/Cleric/Rogue (I alot of races I know...), Human Barbarian (played for a few weeks, but just went back to college out of state), Human Barbarian/Rogue (Killed off because player stopped showing up!), Half-Elf Paladin (A one session character for a friend dropping in out of town, got killed against the surviving Kenku and the Faceless one in TFOE), and eventually a Unseelie Ninja.
Their are just about to finish the Grimlock Cave, and then fight the Ebon Aspect in the final hours of the Three Faces of Evil.
I also run a play by post Age of Worms game which is more solid, and consists of nine players, the following is the party makeup.
Human Warlock
Elf Scout
Dwarf Tough/Strong Hero
Dwarf Rogue
Tiefling Fighter
Human Fighter
Human Wizard
Aasimar Cleric
Elan Psion
They are still exploring the Whispering Cairn (Thus is the nature of play by post games! Slow pace!), they are on the final room of the Lair of the Architect.

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Our group FINALLY finished 3FoE, so it's time for an update.
The biggest change to the group is that Sorin, the half-orc historian, finally let his rage get the better of him, and he killed a surrendered Theldrick, thus earning him expulsion from the party. Giving up on the cause of good entirely, he is now happily employed by Smenk, who is gleefully encouraging him to abandon his humanity and focus on his "true talents."
Sorin is replaced by Vincent Gage, a "high elf" (read: tiefling with his horns under a bandana and his tail tied 'round his waist like a belt) swashbuckler/veteran adventurer who came to town to assemble a crew of fearsome lake pirates, only to discover the cesspool that Diamond Lake truly is. A lecherous drunkard with an eye on Fern, but possibly the party's most capable (and definitely most flamboyant) fighter.
Everyone in the group has reached 5th level. Yay!
The Great and Powerful Wizard Thomas - Still only technically specializing in divination, still burning things and beating them violently with his staff until they stop moving. Next level, he plans to start taking levels of an artificer PrC he and the DM cooked up. (based on the prestige bard/pal/ranger variants in unearthed arcana)
Fern Nodelo - Still swingin' the spiked chain. Still dancin'. Has no plans whatsoever to ever work at the Emporium ever again. The character has seen development, realizing that haphazard exploration is fun, but the time for chaos ends when it interferes with survival, and that honor can be more important than whose side you're on.
Croidhamsa - Croi is still singlemindedly pursuing his druidic path, and has had to do a lot of soul-searching to understand how a despicable necromancer and a cleric of Hextor came to be our allies in the fight against the Ebon Aspect. (Our group spared Garras and Kendra, and Garras joined our fight against "a blasphemy against Hextor," nobly sending his wife away to the Free City on horseback.) He is very grateful to see the light of day again, and our group is very grateful that he can wildshape now, instead of charging into every battle with his rusty scimitar and 10 strength.
Talin Shandrie - Talin served in more of a combat/healing capacity in this adventure, rather than troubleshooter, and this will surely shape her choices in levels to come. The girl who was serving drinks and cleaning inn rooms a week ago dealt the blow that felled the Ebon Aspect, which is sort of a lot to deal with. Right now, she's focusing on using the wealth gained in the temples to rejuvenate Diamond Lake, a prospect that excites her greatly.
Chaim Aron - The albino half-drow bard uncovered several treasures of his father's race during the group's adventures, including a holy symbol of Lolth, whom he prayed to in desperation before the final battle. This seemed to do the trick (previously the player couldn't get him to hit the broad side of a barn,; that session was crit hits and max damage almost every other turn!), and now Chaim wonders more than ever what his heritage will mean to him in adventures to come. Still hasn't told Talin how he feels about her.
Filge - Has gained the grudging respect of almost all the party members, if not the affection, although he became quite sullen when the group wouldn't let him try to reanimate the corpse of the Ebon Aspect. Talin continues to bring him meals and friendship and encourage him to be a good guy. His tomb mote, "Motey," has become something of a group mascot, possibly demonstrating more combat effectiveness than Filge and Croidhamsa combined.
Lookin' forward to a few days of downtime, and then some mass-combat and sweet, sweet treasure. :)

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Aha! On the origin of the PCs! Anyway, there are 2 different parties listed, beacuse the first one was decimated by the Wind Warriors in tWC, which our gaming group just finished.
1. - Mal Greenwood: CG (later CN) male human fighter 2 (dead)
- Gilmer Galadhen: NG male elf cleric of Pelor 2 (dead)
- Marsden the Violent: N male human Warmage 2 (dead)
- Carien: NG female elf rogue 2 (lone survivor)
2. - Edmond Violet: LN male human cleric of Wee Jas 1/Incarnate 1
- Morden: N male human sorcerer 2
- Elias: N male human figher 1/barbarian 1
- Carien: NG female elf rogue 2
Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fhtaghn!
-THe Eldritch Mr. Shiny

MazTatsu |

Ok guys here it is: all 1st level
*Lorian Geiger Male CN Aasimar Sorcerer -noblemen son from across the continent. Mulhorandi. Sent to Manzorian, but is to busy so he sent him to Allustan.
*Kraven male elf monk LN -from the small village out side of the high forest. Kinda like hippies. Village got wiped out his family lost and sister never found. ( made the faceless one raze the village for bodies to experiment on. Filled with rage and not being able to cope. Got sent or went to the twighlight monastery.
*Tanamyr male Elf CN ranger- small village got ravaged by undead in a crag fissure. Eventually started to help the bronzewood lodge out.
*Garanna Velzer female CN Half-Orc Cleric of Tempus- raised by a blacksmith. Left for mercenary work with other half breeds. Found a cleric school and became a cleric. Went in search for battle stopped in diamond lake.

Crust |

This was last April...
Kragg: male half-orc ranger 2 of Silvanus
Kel-drak: male lizardfolk druid 1 of Silvanus
Celendil Graycloak: male moon elf scout 2
Ike Bigguns: male human rogue1/fighter1
We just finished Sons of Gruumsh (I slipped it in after "Blackwall Keep"), and they're about to stop at Daggerford (doppleganger assassins, Soddon Hold) before heading to Waterdeep (Zyrzog's lair, "Champion's Belt," "Vampires of Waterdeep").
NG male half-orc werewolf ranger 3/stalker of Kharash 2. The favored of the guardinal lord Kharash (Exalted Deeds), Kragg bears the mantle of the blackwolf, crusading against evil, particularly undead (favored enemies: evil and undead). Kragg will find that though he can smell the stink of evil, his hybrid form could draw the attention of ignorant rangers, hunters, or other rivel lycanthropes, creating many foes who aren't always evil.
NG male lizardfolk druid of Silvanus 6. Kel-drak, the exiled son of the slain lizardking, was made the chieftain of the Twisted Branch tribe after slaying Shukak and his draconic cohorts and neutralizing the "black dragon egg." He left the rule of the tribe to another and quests with his companions, seeking answers to the blight of the Kyuss worm.
Celendil Graycloak:
CG male moon elf scout 7. The youngest of seven brothers, each of whom are skilled horsemen and archers, Celendil is the eyes and ears of the party, often outshining his older brothers with his keen eyes and swift arrows. He and Tirra (Auric's Warband) are rivals of sorts, playing against one another whenver the chance presents itself.
Ike Bigguns (truename Illance Raknian, though unaware):
CG male human rogue 5/invisible blade 2. Having escaped Waterdeep after murdering the man who strangled his mother (who was an aging prostitute), Ike's return to the City will trigger the attention of several figures from his past, including the identity of his father (Loris Raknian).
Kiara Mooncaster:
LG female human cleric of Selune 6. After the party threw down Lanod Neff and ran Smenk out of town, Kiara and her half-orc bodyguard Titus asked to join the party, and were gladly accepted. She received a vision from Selune: Kragg being horribly ravaged by a pack of black wolves under the light of the full moon. Not long after, Kragg was attacked... and made the favored of Kharash.
Titus Blacksmith:
LG male half-orc fighter 6. The proud protector of Kiara Mooncaster and a skilled weaponsmith, Titus is a chain-fighter who ultimately longs to compete in the arena games. Anyone who gets close to Kiara is soon sprawled on the floor by those lashing chains.
NG female human sorcerer 6. Straight out of "Encounter at Blackwall Keep," she joined the party after being rescued from the Twisted Branch lair. She longed to aid in the freeing of her fellow armsmen, who had been exchanged to orcs who dwell in the northern swamps (Sons of Gruumsh module).
Liam Raknian:
LN male human fighter 6. The son of Loris Raknian, he was one of four Blackwall Keep armsmen who were overwhelmed and abducted by the combined efforts of the orcs of Xul-Jarak and the lizardfolk of the Twisted Branch. He joined the party after his liberation from the orcs, and seeks to return to Waterdeep to join in the arena games. Both he and Ike are unaware that they are brothers.

Jimmy |

Kragg: male half-orc ranger 2 of Silvanus
Kel-drak: male lizardfolk druid 1 of Silvanus
Celendil Graycloak: male moon elf scout 2
Ike Bigguns: male human rogue1/fighter1
I had to remark as well; impressive tie-ins and interesting characters! This is the sort of creativity I think we all strive for, and I'm sure it'll help make this an AP for your players to long remember.

ghettowedge |

I started my second group on the Whispering Cairn set in Forgotten Realms last night (the 4th ongoing game I DM). Apart from some trouble with swarms (the second time I've seen a burning bedroll employed) they did well. Here is the party:
Barrak Irongut- male dwarf ftr 1/clr 1 - the son of one of Derval Ironeater's delegates from Mt. Illefarn
Elnir - male sun elf wiz 2 - apprenticed to Delfen, and son of one of Moonmeadow's Lieutenants
Talindra Bragen - male moon elf rog 2 - daughter of an independent mine owner who was run out of business by Balabar Smenk
Linus Caladon - male human ftr 2 - member of the local militia
Korrash - male half-orc monk - a member of the Old Order at the Twilight Monastary
Aureon - male human clr of Kelemvor - member of the cult of Ascended Lovers

Belfur |

We are already at the beginning of TCB, my group consists of 5 players, and one cohort (who used to be a PC, whose player moved away):
- human Barbarian 9
- human Paladin of Helm 10
- human Druid 9
- halfling Wizard 9
- Warforged Artificer 10
and Cleric of Lathander 8 as the Paladin's cohort
The warforged I allowed, as I used them in a former campaign as guardians of Fraz'urblus Prison in Darkwatch in Cormanthor. In this campaign the PCs freed the demon from the prison rather accidentially :-). Unfortunately we never finished it...which is good, because we play AoW now. Anyway the warforged woke up with no memory of his past, being one of the few survivors of the final fight with the demon lord. A warforged artificer is really pretty strong on the first levels, but seems to diminish in power later on. Let's see how they fare in the arena and against the ulgurstasta (sp?). Against Zyrxog they almost died.
Edit: I wonder which name they will take for the arena. We are not used in our group to pick a name for our band.

Nyarlathotep |

My group just finished The Whispering Cairn tonight. They had two deaths and several near TPKs.
Ber'Dal: Gnomish Warmage 3
Tharim: Dwarf Fighter 3
Arlan: Human Cleric of Boccob 3
Eli: Elf Rogue 3
Ebach: Human Dragon Shaman 2
New Guy (under Construction): Human Warblade 2
They lost Maurice (Elf Swashbuckler 2) to the Wind Warriors and they lost Ibach (Human Warblade 1) to the Acid Beetle Swarm in area 7.

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Two sessions in, still on the Whispering Cairn.
Original Group:
Aansa - Gnome Druid 2
Geth - Elan Scout 1 / Ranger 1
Indri - Gray Elf Wizard 2
Laela - Human Barbarian 2
New Arrival
Gadby - Halfling Cleric of Wee Jas 2
My website for backgrounds and such.

Neck Romancer |

We're just about to begin "Encounter at Blackwall Keep" with the following party:
Human paladin 5 (was going to shoot for Shadowbane Inquisitor, but recently lost interest in that PrC)
Half-elf cleric 5 (planning on going with the Wormhunter PrC)
Elf druid 5 (planning on the Planar Shepherd PrC)
Human wizard 5
Warforged rogue 5

sanmateo |
We just finised the Blackwall Keep adventure. My three person playing group is running Age of Worms with an all-kobold party. So, we have...
Names given are their Common names, which they adopted out of hand when they arrived at Diamond Lake and have little or no relation to their Draconic names. Also my players randomly rolled personality archetypes/traits and pretty much play them to the hilt (because I give roleplaying experience rewards).
"Gutter" - Kobold Barbarian; died at the hands of the Ebon Aspect in the Three Faces of Evil adventure. The party sorceress was down and dying and the brave little guy was in full Rage and trying his best to put the Ebon Aspect down so the thief would be free to stabilize her. He had +10 hp from his barbarian rage and even when he was down to 3 hit points he kept fighting, knowing that going k.o. would mean his death.
Gutter got challenger as his archetype with boastful and violent as personality traits. Which, of course, was just perfect.
RIP, Gutter.
"Toerag" - Kobold Fighter/Thief; a two-weapon fighter who's only been ko'd once so far. In fact she's consistently been the one who stablizes those that do and heals them, even making good use of "use magic device" on a wand at only third level. Bets were that she'd be the one to survive to the end of the adventure path without dying. Now, though, we're starting to wonder. I think the other two players are kind of hoping she does croak since she's said that she intends to whip up a cleric if she needs another character.
Toerag's got orphan for her archetype. Rude and connected for personality traits. Her player decided that Toerag was convinced (right or wrong, we don't yet know) that Rue was related to her. Possibly even a half-sister, which made her very protective. As for rude, that's easy. She just insults anyone who dares to speak to her.
"Rue" - Kobold Sorceress/Alienist; originally assumed to be the first one who'd die (she's been k.o.'d three times so far, I think?). Now that she's summoning pseudonatural bisons and dropping mage armor on everyone not only has she not been k.o.'d but the party has been cutting through the opposition like the proverbial hot knife/butter combo. Of course, I've heard the Blackwall Keep adventure is pretty weak, so maybe it's just that.
Rue got stuck with a savage archetype with exotic, tragic and phobic as personality traits. So we have a kobold sorcerer from a far-off tribe who talks about all manner of strange and wonderful things in that distant kobold paradise. As for tragic and phobic, she's quietly going insane and has a deathly fear of heights. Her insanity has become pretty obvious since she went Alienist, though.
"Copper" - Kobold Dragon Shaman; Gutter's replacement, Copper has proven himself invaluable with his draconic auras. A draconic aura in effect plus a sorcerer's bevy of mage armor spells allowed the party to make short work of the lizard's lair in the Blackwall Keep adventure.
Copper got the fatalist trait so he pretty much seeks out battles with enemies of the tribe hoping (really, really hoping) for a glorious death in battle against overwhelming odds. On his current mission he's convinced that the world is utterly doomed...which he finds thrilling because he'll get to go down fighting in some of suitably heroic way.
Nice little back story with Copper: The tribal shaman who originally sent the PCs to Diamond Lake was visited by Lendys (dragon god of justice) to demand that he go and attend to the trio of kobolds he sent into the human lands, seeing as how they'd gotten themselves mixed up in the whole age of worms thing. Specifically he was told to gather them up and go with them to bring the beat-down-of-justice to any dragons involved in the whole Kyuss affair.
So, being a kobold and by nature cowardly, he calls in his apprentice "Copper" and sends him instead.

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Here's how the party progression has gone since the beginning:
The Whispering Cairn - 3rd of Planting
Starting Cast
Laela - Female Human Barbarian 1 - Played by Lauren - Using the Wolf Totem variant and taking Wild Cohort as one of her 1st level feats. Shade the wolf is her wild cohort.
Indri - Female Gray Elf Wizard 1 - Played by Kathy - Non-specialist wizard, apprentice to Allustan.
Aansa - Female Gnome (variant from Races of the Dragon) Druid 1 - Played by Bre - Has a wolf animal companion
Geth - Male Elan Scout 1 - Played by Nick - Plans to go Scout/Ranger/Psion/Elocator
Geth uses a fate point at the Kullen encounter, party barely survives.
Character Joins near the end of the Whispering Cairn, as the party is level 3 at this time:
Gadby - Male Tallfellow Halfling Cleric of Wee Jas 3
Aansa and Geth take their leave after the Whispering Cairn is completed. Early starting schedule (1 PM) doesn't work with Nick's work schedule.
New player (David) joins the game for 3 sessions with Gunther, the human male Crusader of Heironeous.
Party adventures through the entire Three Faces of Evil module (15th of Planting start). All of party except Laela use a fate point fighting the Grimlock archers. Indri dies near the end, to a necklace of fireballs.
Blackwall Keep module begins at 24th of Planting.
Gadby leaves the party (lost a fate point, Jourdan felt something different and more team oriented was required) and Rowan, cleric and ordained champion of Heironeous, was introduced.
Alastor, Kathy's new character, joins the party. Alastor is a male gray elf bard.
Liliam, a male halfling warlock, joins the party, played by a new player Josh.
Gunther is taken over by Michael, a new player after David leaves.
Current Party Composition (longest time spent with party on top, least on bottom)
Laela - Female Human Wolf Totem Barbarian 6
Shade - Wild Cohort of Laela
Gunther - Male Human Crusader of Heironeous 6
Rowan - Male Human Cleric of Heironeous 4 / Ordained Champion 2
Alastor - Male Gray Elf Bard 6
Liliam - Male Halfling Warlock 6

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We are almost to the end of HoHR, and the party has changed due to deaths and the addition of a new player.
The current group:
Az, Elf fighter 7
Bel, Elf Hexblade 7 (Az and Bel are twins, same player)
Cora, Halfling Rogue 6/cleric 1 (one of the original group)
Gus, Human Psychic Warrior 7
Lil Elf Psionic Wilder 7 (the other original member)
Mais Dwarf Favored Soul 7 (the new player)
Rath Dwarf Barbarian 6
Deceased members:
Azir, Human Ranger 3 (killed by Wind Warriors in WC)
?Name?, Human Fighter 3 (ditto, after party regrouped and tried again)
Oiba, Air Genasi Cleric 3 (those pesky Wind Warriors again)
Aladdon, Human Barbarian 4 (impaled by grimlocks with longspears)
Fazir, Human Cleric 5 (torn apart by lizardfolk barbarian)
Imani, Human Wizard 6 (Spirit Naga's nasty nibbling)

Turin the Mad |

Race, class, levels and more if you feel so inclined.
At present, we're late into the 10th Chapter desperately searching for Dregotha's phylactery in the basement of the giants' citadel.
Human, Cleric 6/Radiant Servant of Pelor 10/ Contemplative 1/ Hierophant 1, Vow of Poverty, presently wearing "Suntudye" name tag.
Human Cleric 16 or 17.
Dwarf Cleric 14/Fighter 2, almost kilt last session, death narrowly averted by timely use of the Close Wounds spell.
Grey Elf Wizard 13/Archmage 3, female.
Half-Minotaur (don't ask) Barbarian something/Frenzied berserker 9 or 10, uses an anti-magic field generating set of body armor, a maul and a greatsword. Think he grubs up chow from carcasses.
Home-brewed lycanthrope wanna-be, Fighter 4/Hexblade 12, has died 11 times thusfar.
Gnome Artificer (Eberron rules w/o action points) 15 or 16, died recently due to craftily deployed Symbol of Death on a handout.
Human Ardent 16, just stepped in to replace a Deathmaster.
Human Fighter 16, female.
Yes, we have a retardly big group, and the GM loves it 'cause of the body count he can get.

Neck Romancer |

We just hit level 10 this weekend, and the group is about to face Madtooth the Hungry. We have had no deaths at all so far in this campaign, which is surprising because I have been adamant about letting the dice fall where they may. We have had a few players leave the group, and a few players join mid-campaign. Those who have come and gone include Kazharath the kalashtar psychic warrior/soulknife, Scythe the warforged fighter/rogue, and Sir Damien the human paladin.
Our current party follows.
Eliaon human cleric 10
Leamshi Greybreeze elf druid 5/planar shepherd 5
Gabriel Moragan human wizard 5/sorcerer 1/ultimate magus 4
Locke Barsavi tiefling rogue 5/thief acrobat 3/uncanny trickster 2
Kelv Thunderbrew dwarf barbarian 1/fighter 5/dervish 4

Torpedo |

My Age of Worms campaign is set in the World of Greyhawk and began on the evening of Starday, Reaping 1st, 595 C.Y.
Players were allowed to use any WotC published book for the 3.5 rules set that they could bring with them to the table to make their 28 point buy characters. Any non-WotC, non-3.5, or Forgotten Realms / Eberron material would only be allowed by DM's permission.
The initial characters were:
Krase Pareel, human fighter from Diamond Lake
Ragaust Stavo, human fighter from Diamond Lake
Jordanus, human warmage from Tarth Moorda in the Duchy of Urnst
Calvin Hendricks, human cleric of St. Cuthbert from the free city of GreyhawkRagaust and Jordanus died in the Whispering Cairn fighting the Mad Slasher and Acid Beetle swarm. They were replaced by:
Ballard Orbri, elan psion (kineticist) from parts unrevealed
Eryll Stavo, human rogue / fighter from Diamond Lake (younger brother of Ragaust)After the Whispering Cairn and its sidequests were completed a new player joined the group. He is playing:
Selmaug Davos, human wizard from the free city of Greyhawk.
During the fight against Hextorites in the "Three Faces of Evil" Calvin was killed by the Dire Boar. He has been replaced by:
Bendekar Ebonhand, human Duskblade from the North Kingdom. Bendekar was a prisoner the Tieflings were trying to pry the secret Duskblade fighting style from.
Selmaug's player moved away. I invited a new player to join and he is playing a dwarf fighter-cleric of Moradin named Gaurock of Greysmere. My current group is:
Human Fighter
Dwarf Fighter-Cleric
Human Fighter-Rogue
Elan Psion (Kineticist)
Human Duskblade