Tiger Lily |
You know, everybody.... there WAS a time.... in the not to distant past... when these supplements didn't exist.
And we got along just fine.
And I was very grateful when they started doing them on a regular basis because it saved me a trip to Kinkos for color copies of the maps to use with gaming.
And I know they can disappear just as quickly as they appeared. All it takes is a "resource decision" that they are more trouble than they are worth.
And before someone starts on the same "it's NOT free" rant that went with the overload, I have the first 6 sessions of the SCAP with my photocopied maps because they DIDN'T exist, with the same subscription price as I'm paying now that they DO exist, to say that it IS free.
So it will be up when it's up. If you can't wait, then figure out the conversion by yourself. And please stop harping about it before they decide to stop doing something that DOESN'T give them a return because they're tired of hearing all the crap!
You know, everybody.... there WAS a time.... in the not to distant past... when these supplements didn't exist.
And I KNOOOOOW that NOOOOBODY out there would do this but isn't it amazing that the ones yelling and crying the loudest ~sometimes~ appear to be the ones who claim they "misplaced" or "lost" their copy of Dungeon Magazine.
Sometimes I wonder if the ones complaining are really even buying the magazine to start with in the first place.
Brian Engel |
Then there are subscribers like me that tend to look for something once it's promised to you. Would I cancel my subscription to Dungeon without the online supplements? No. But when the editor tells me next week we will post the next installment, which btw was almost 4 weeks ago Mr. Mona, I tend to expect it.
I'm guessing late next week. A few pieces are taking longer to assemble than I'd hoped. I may post the Eberron conversion notes on this thread to help you out if I remember to check it tomorrow.
Now I am not in the business of publishing magazines, so I don't know what all goes into the thing, but obviously when you said one more week, you thought that's all it would take. So I am curious what un-planned event(s) happened to push this back?
A little honesty and common courtesy go a long way in a relationship.
Jaws |
Tiger Lily wrote:You know, everybody.... there WAS a time.... in the not to distant past... when these supplements didn't exist.
And I KNOOOOOW that NOOOOBODY out there would do this but isn't it amazing that the ones yelling and crying the loudest ~sometimes~ appear to be the ones who claim they "misplaced" or "lost" their copy of Dungeon Magazine.
Sometimes I wonder if the ones complaining are really even buying the magazine to start with in the first place.
You have proof of this, Rich?
When I post, it says (Subscriber) right next to my name.
I subscribed because of the online supplements. If they go away, I go away and ask for a refund on my remaining issues.
I know paizo doesn't give a s@@! if I cancel. Their customer service and quality has gone down since they started putting other things on their plate.
It's like the magazines that have gotten where they are at (Dragon and Dungeon), are now suffering because their other products seem more important.
Erik Mona Chief Creative Officer, Publisher |
1) We lost one of our graphic designers, who decided to become a full-time illustrator. That has complicated things.
2) Both conversion guides were late, probably because of Gen Con.
We're putting the final edits into InDesign this afternoon, and the thing should be up in a couple of days.
The Jade |
1) We lost one of our graphic designers, who decided to become a full-time illustrator. That has complicated things.
2) Both conversion guides were late, probably because of Gen Con.
We're putting the final edits into InDesign this afternoon, and the thing should be up in a couple of days.
I understand why DMs presently running the AoW campaign would want their online supplements and want 'em now.
But as an aside, thank you for creating them. They are such an incredible value-added bonus. You guys live and love the game and it really does show.
One man's appreciation anyway.
Frankly I find it endearing that you guys are always brilliant but sometimes a day late and a dollar short. I can... relate.
Don't go throwing off the curve, man. I don't need role models with an almost aryan sense of timing, I need works of inspired genius, at whatever speed it takes.
helcat_74 |
I admit it is disapointing, checking the site on an almost daily basis for the supplements.
But I must confess: In the event my players start to catch up to the current supplement lacking issues, I have another trick up my sleeve.
I scan the images into the comp, zoom in on the map, hit the print key, and PRESTO!!!! I have a map for my players as well as a image to put into the AoW folder I also created (and both are even in color).
Imagine that.
While the downloads make things a little easier for me, something else that helps is having a copier/printer.
Thank you Erik, and the rest of the Dungeon staff that work on the supplements!
Takasi |
Thanks for the update Erik. My group was supposed to leave for the Mistmarsh for the last session but I managed to stall them with a bunch of side quests. Any chance you can post the conversion notes in this thread?
How do you figure how far to zoom in when printing the maps? That's the one drawback I've had in running games from dungeon. Even with the OS, I still haven't figured out how to properly zoom in to make a workable map.
If you have photoshop, cut the map portion out. Count the number of squares wide and then do an image resize. Change the width to inches and match the number of squares. If printing with 8 1/2 x 11, in the print options print out 8 inches of width at a time.
helcat_74 |
Okay Helcat, I've gota question for you.
How do you figure how far to zoom in when printing the maps? That's the one drawback I've had in running games from dungeon. Even with the OS, I still haven't figured out how to properly zoom in to make a workable map.
I guess I could be more specific.
While I do have a photoshop program, and can say Takasi has a good idea, what I actually do is create a pdf file before I actually print anything. Although the zoom featuer can be used either way, for some reason I think the effect is better used with the pdf file version.
Also, since the maps (and in other cases the pictures of major npcs) are only used as a reference, having them to scale isn't a real problem (we won't be using them as tiles).
Brian Engel |
1) We lost one of our graphic designers, who decided to become a full-time illustrator. That has complicated things.
2) Both conversion guides were late, probably because of Gen Con.
We're putting the final edits into InDesign this afternoon, and the thing should be up in a couple of days.
OK Eric,
I have leared by now a couple of days in Eric time = like weeks to us serfs out here in the fields. You posted this Wednesday. A couple days later it was Friday. Now over half a week later, it's Monday. Can we have another update please?-=Brian
Loops! |
A reliable one, please!
I am a hard working person with no time to prepare my own adventures. That´s why I love Your Magazine and the Online Supplements. That´s why I buy every Issue of Dungeon Magazine and Dragon Magazine since the release of 3.0. You got an Ennie for Your Online-Supplements (well deserved), so please give me reliable release-information. I need to plan my monthly activities in advance...
JohnnyONeal |
On one hand, let's all refrain from getting snippy about this. Delays are understandable and it makes sense that an online supplement isn't on the top of anyone's to-do list. (We love you no matter what, Erik!)
On the other hand, I think a little pestering is perfectly appropriate. The reprinted art and maps are just a "nice to have," but what's really at issue here is the web enhancement's original content: Eberron conversion text. When this Adventure Path was announced, they promised Eberron and FR conversions. I don't think I'm the only one who assumed this meant they'd include that text in each actual issue, which is resulting in that sense of entitlement evident in this thread. We didn't even reckon on delays, much less month-long delays.
But hey, delays happen. I'm too happy that Dungeon and Dragon manage to survive to be too upset over hiccups, even major hiccups like this one.
I just hope it gets posted sometime this week...
Erik Mona Chief Creative Officer, Publisher |
Brian Engel |
It's looking like the 126 web supplement will be online by the end of the day tomorrow (Tuesday). I was hoping for today, but we're in the process of shipping an issue of Dragon this week, so wishes aren't always granted.
So Friday then. Great! I look forward to downloading it!
Byron Zibeck |
Erik Mona wrote:So Friday then. Great! I look forward to downloading it!It's looking like the 126 web supplement will be online by the end of the day tomorrow (Tuesday). I was hoping for today, but we're in the process of shipping an issue of Dragon this week, so wishes aren't always granted.
Keep in mind Paizo's on west coast time.
Erik Mona Chief Creative Officer, Publisher |
Erik Mona Chief Creative Officer, Publisher |
farewell2kings |
The 126 web supplement is now online.
Thanks, all (or most), for keeping your pants on.
Please give us 12 minutes to rest before asking for the #127 web supplement.
You guys rock...I'm still willing to pay $1 extra per issue just for a PDF of the stat blocks!!! 90% of my game prep time is spent putting monsters and NPC's on 4x6 cards (yes, I use Word and a printer, but still....) I won't complain if you guys don't do it, but it would be so very helpful to us working stiff DM's stuck in dead end blue collar jobs like me (just kidding)....
Squid |
Well, since it's been longer than 12 minutes....
How the #127 web supplement coming along? :P
Seriously, thanks for the #126... get to the #127 when you can. Age of Worms is shaping up to be better than Shackled City, and I love running it. My 2nd party had a great mass battle with the lizardfolk... real dicey both ways. (I learn from my mistakes... 1st party is going to have it worse!)
Takasi |
Awesome! Thanks Erik.
I'm reading it over now, and there are quite a few changes for the Eberron conversion. My group is heading for the Mistmarsh in our session tomorrow night (Session 10 btw), so now I'm scrambling to modify my campaign. I wish I had this stuff ahead of time to foreshadow and set up the geography and political stuff.
Three cheers for Keith though. Very good stuff, and worth the subscription so far.
Any ETA on 127? I've read through this one a few times and this one is going to take some work to convert. Keith didn't convert the drow references in the notes for Three Faces of Evil so I subbed in dolgrims instead. I'm hoping he does something similar for Hall of Harsh Reflections.
Joseph Jolly |
Erik Mona wrote:The 126 web supplement is now online.
Thanks, all (or most), for keeping your pants on.
Please give us 12 minutes to rest before asking for the #127 web supplement.
I hate to already be asking this, but WILL the 127 supplement be imminent, or will there be a several week lag. I only ask, because my group finished Blackwall Keep last week, is going to be starting Harsh Reflections this week. We play FR, and I just wanted a heads up for any major changes I may need to make.
Ozyr |
I hate to already be asking this, but WILL the 127 supplement be imminent, or will there be a several week lag. I only ask, because my group finished Blackwall Keep last week, is going to be starting Harsh Reflections this week. We play FR, and I just wanted a heads up for any major changes I may need to make.
Um... I would think it is going to be at least several weeks. Only makes sense. So just sit back and wait, as there isn't much more that can be done. It'll come out when it comes out. If your campaign is running that far into it, take a break from it and play something else - that's what I'd do (If my group was 'that' far along, which they are not.
Just my opinion...
P.S. SHould someone start a '127 ETA' thread and let this one die!?