Kack: A query on its meaning and usage

Off-Topic Discussions

What does KACK mean, and where did the word

I can't find any info on it. I'm thinking it's slang for kill, or kill with a gun.

Tony M

In the UK it's pretty much interchangable with "shit" - i.e. Forgotten Realms/Greyhawk/Eberon is cack.


Thanks for replying. The 2 times I've seen it written it was spelled with a K, and seemed to mean killing with a gun, or killing in general.

Anybody cool guys in the US use this word?

Tony M

Scarab Sages

It is currently fairly common amongst my friends here in Houston. It is interchangable for "killing something" or "to die, usually in an unseemly way".

Ah! Thanks much.
I didn't know about the secondary usage.

If anybody else wants to add some additional info, please go ahead.

Tony M

our gaming group has always used the word "kack" to describe
a violent, sudden death(sudden to the victim, anyway.) It is
followed closely by "whack", which is basically a Group Kack.
Like, when someone wakes a sleeping Dragon, which then murders
two thirds of the adventuring party....Now THAT'S a whack. I
know, 'cause it happened to me.....Aarrgh.

Sovereign Court

my buddy chris says "kack" all the time...but I think he's refering to genitals...

Scarab Sages

Cardinal_Malik wrote:
my buddy chris says "kack" all the time...but I think he's refering to genitals...

Yeah. See, that would be different.

Out of curiousity, roughly were do you live (country or state) and is that common useage there or just your friend?

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