Age of Worms Character Background 6: Taan Goldenoak

Age of Worms Adventure Path

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Taan Goldenoak (Sean Glenn)
Male Valley Elf Sorcerer

Your long journey from the Vale of the Mage has brought you to the muddy village of Diamond Lake, a stop on your trip west to Greyhawk. You expect to learn a great deal about the fate of the Valley Elf King in that metropolis of wizards and thieves, but you’ve reason to stay in Diamond Lake for just a little longer, for even this humble village might hold a clue to your seemingly endless quest.

One of the half-dozen mine managers who have a strangle-hold over the economy of Diamond Lake is the mine manager Ellival Moonmeadow, an elf the locals refer to as “The Prince.” Moonmeadow and a cadre of elves live in a large mansion just outside of the village, and keep to themselves. The Prince’s moniker is well earned, for he is said to have a distant relation to the elven court of Celene, the fabled kingdom of elves that lies several hundred miles to the southwest. As a valley elf, you are not welcome in Celene, but this Moonmeadow might have something to tell you, for the nobles of Celene are an insightful lot.

Last night, while drinking at a local dragonchess parlor called Lazare’s and thinking about how best to approach Moonmeadow, you made the acquaintance of Gar Blitzhame, a gregarious dwarf who seems to prefer valley elves to all other breeds. After a half-dozen meads, the dwarf confided in you that the next day held great promise, for he and his friends planned to explore a treasure-laden tomb a few miles from town, in the treacherous Cairn Hills. He even gave you directions to the abandoned mining building where the group planned to meet prior to the excursion. He certainly invited you to attend the meeting, although he was well into his cups at the time and you’re not even sure he’ll remember asking you to attend. Even so, your money situation is getting close to desperate, and the idea of ancient treasure certainly appeals to you.

--Erik Mona

The sole Arcane spellcaster in a group of 8 PCs. That's tough... I often play a Wizard, and I spend most of my time at lower levels saying the phrase "move five feet back, go totally defensive."

After the 7th or 8th adventure though, they shall fear your mighty wrath... if you live.

Chris Wissel - WerePlatypus wrote:

The sole Arcane spellcaster in a group of 8 PCs. That's tough... I often play a Wizard, and I spend most of my time at lower levels saying the phrase "move five feet back, go totally defensive."

After the 7th or 8th adventure though, they shall fear your mighty wrath... if you live.

Jeremy is a Sorcerer too... I guess you aren't alone. My bad. It'd been awhile since I read the second character background, and I remembered him as a rogue. Dunno why.

I guess over the course of the next year, we'll have to see how you two end up multiclassing.

"Tyralandi Scrimm was born dead."

That would make a great first line for a novel. And that's a very cool way of explaining her Tomb Tainted Soul feat.

Thanks for posting the write-up.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

I'm sorely tempted to have Tyralandi multiclass into sorcerer and then eventually get into the True Necromancer prestige class from Libris Mortis. Which'll give us one more arcane caster.

Of course... true necromancers are kinda hard core, and make it tough for the goodie-two-shoes in the party. But they can learn to cope, right?

philarete wrote:

"Tyralandi Scrimm was born dead."

That would make a great first line for a novel. And that's a very cool way of explaining her Tomb Tainted Soul feat.

Thanks for posting the write-up.

Oops, posted this in the wrong thread. That's the downside of tabbed browsing in Firefox, I suppose.

Chris Wissel - WerePlatypus wrote:

The sole Arcane spellcaster in a group of 8 PCs. That's tough... I often play a Wizard, and I spend most of my time at lower levels saying the phrase "move five feet back, go totally defensive."

After the 7th or 8th adventure though, they shall fear your mighty wrath... if you live.

Well, at least you haven't been turned into a lizard.

I DID get turned into a Hippogriff once, by a friendly. Unfortuantely, it lasted too long, and the character lost his marbles.

He's still out there somewhere, flying around and avoiding capture. . . I don't even remember the character's name anymore. . .

James Jacobs wrote:

I'm sorely tempted to have Tyralandi multiclass into sorcerer and then eventually get into the True Necromancer prestige class from Libris Mortis. Which'll give us one more arcane caster.

Of course... true necromancers are kinda hard core, and make it tough for the goodie-two-shoes in the party. But they can learn to cope, right?

I'd not cope, and here's why:

To state that True Necromancers are "kinda" hard core is to say that Orcus is kind of chaotic evil...

Looking to Libirs Mortis (Maie Fivain, Tsabal Gulstrae, Thrakharaktor, etc, etc...) for justification, we find these gems regarding the true necromancer prestige class:

"Power corrupts...Power over life and death corrupts absolutely. The power to raise an undying servant from the husk of the formerly living is darkly tempting--and certainly evil."

CERTAINLY EVIL. Did you get that part?

Once you've got levels of cleric and/or wizard and sorcerer, you get to begin (are you ready?)


And what does this sinister schooling entail, pray tell?

Why, it combines the FOULEST ASPECTS of both disciplines.

Of course, what would you expect from a thing that would call an unhallowed mausoleum home? UNDEAD would be my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd guesses.

It gets better. Sometimes they gather into small societies or EVIL ASSOCIATIONS...but eventually most such (evil, sinister, and foul)groups are stamped out.

Hopefully with a pair or two of goodie-two-shoes.

Tyralandi, tread not this vile path.


I wonder if Taan is jealous that Tyralandi is trampling all over his thread.

Anyway, Tyralandi don't listen to that ol' stick-in-the-mud. A little unholy power never hurt anyone and negative energy is very slimming. Besides, undead are people too. I say go for True Necromancer. Your more squeemish companions will understand when you explain that mastery of the undead will help you neutralize undead foes and protect the party from your enemies.

Antiqueas says "If it is dark, Do it". "If it is Evil, Do it Now!".

Come walk the path best left untredded.

ASEO out

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Awww... Taan loves the attention!

As for the true necromancer path... my only response is to point out you don't have to be evil to take levels in the class... you just can't be good! And what's wrong with the old fight fire with fire mentality? I'm sure Tyralandi can resist the temptation to use her necromantic death magic for evil! I'm sure of it!

Gildersleeve wrote:

I'd not cope, and here's why:

To state that True Necromancers are "kinda" hard core is to say that Orcus is kind of chaotic evil...

Looking to Libirs Mortis (Maie Fivain, Tsabal Gulstrae, Thrakharaktor, etc, etc...) for justification, we find these gems regarding the true necromancer prestige class:

"Power corrupts...Power over life and death corrupts absolutely. The power to raise an undying servant from the husk of the formerly living is darkly tempting--and certainly evil."

CERTAINLY EVIL. Did you get that part?

Hey, our President here in the United States has that power and you don't go calling him evil do you?

Right, he's a tool! And don't you for get it.

Okay, bad example.

Gildersleeve wrote:

Once you've got levels of cleric and/or wizard and sorcerer, you get to begin (are you ready?)


And what does this sinister schooling entail, pray tell?

Training to use your left hand I imagine. That's what the term originally meant - "Left hand way". In fact I'm pretty sinister myself although I can switch hit when I need to. ;)

Gildersleeve wrote:

It gets better. Sometimes they gather into small societies or EVIL ASSOCIATIONS...but eventually most such (evil, sinister, and foul)groups are stamped out.

EVIL is just LIVE spelled backwards and we all want to live don't we?

And just because someone is sinister does not make them foul or evil - not that either is a bad thing. You know, I think people can be awfully judgemental when it comes to evil.

Just so there's no ill feelings, let's all hug (in such away that allows my evil kenku associates flanking positions).


Oh yeah that Taan guy...(he's a guy right?)...Well, Taan...(fifteen seconds pass). Go Taan!

I should really read the top post first.

Great Green God wrote:

You know, I think people can be awfully judgemental when it comes to evil.

You hit the nail on the head there, GGG. Its just that a LG priest of Heironeus is going to have a different judgement about it then, say, your evil kenku associates.

Most of my rant that appears to have gotten you attention came from Libris Mortis, so direct your diatribe at Andy Collins and Bruce Cordell. On second thought, don't...the context is mine. Have at me! As a fist in the mailed gauntlet of the Invincible One, I'll best your diminuative avian toadies any day--HUZZAH!

Not an ill feeling in sight...and by the way, I'm glad I'm not the President. You?


Morrow wrote:
...Tyralandi don't listen to that ol' stick-in-the-mud...

Stick in the mud, eh? Not taken as an insult if it be the part of the stake that pins the dying vampire to the cold, wet ground.

But if ye did mean it for ill, no matter Morrow...I've been called worse. I'd stand between the innocent and the undying any night (for they have not the resoluteness to do battle by the light of day).

And, you know, undead are not people...they were ONCE people, now trapped as hate-filled mockeries of life. This is not sqeemishness. They are to be pitied with great sorrow...and freed from their damnable state.


James Jacobs wrote:
Awww... Taan loves the attention!

Actually, I don't think that he does. He seems the type that would like to fly under the radar...uh, crystal ball. Getting noticed in Diamond Lake might not be a good thing.

James Jacobs wrote:

And what's wrong with the old fight fire with fire mentality? I'm sure Tyralandi can resist the temptation to use her necromantic death magic for evil! I'm sure of it!

I am not so sure, though I pray I am wrong. Can you long hold fire to your bosom and not be burned, Tyralandi? I beg you, on bended knee, not to give into this wicked desire. Only the oblivion of cold undeath awaits you...

LG (What a game!)

James Jacobs wrote:
As for the true necromancer path... my only response is to point out you don't have to be evil to take levels in the class... you just can't be good!

Alas, dearest Tyralandi, do not believe this lie. This web of deceit ensnares with the unsustainable promise of tolerance and acceptance, but is only likely to leave you begging for death in the end...

The dark powers this path uses to seduce come with a great price: I fear, your very soul. The banshee wails for it is neither living nor dead. The undead you spawn will have no affection for you, and will despise thralldome. And the horrid wilting you one day might command will only take life that you will possess to a smaller degree with every step taken down this dim road...your very presence will emenate a zone of desecrtion, welcoming unlife and repelling the living.

Desire this not. Embrace this not. Flee and be saved.

Saved, yes! My prayerful contemplations offer this hope: It will take time for you to gain the power necessary to achieve this unholy goal...the sorcerous path is a slower one, yielding its secrets more selfishly that other arcane pursuits. Use that time to gain wisdom. Resist that which is not meant to be.

Still, in my weakness, I weep for not be forever lost.


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