I like the new site

Website Feedback

Just came over from ENWorld, where I learned you had revamped the website. I must say that I like what you have done with the place. Keep up the good work.

Guillaume Godbout wrote:
Just came over from ENWorld, where I learned you had revamped the website. I must say that I like what you have done with the place. Keep up the good work.

You bet! And thanks. : )

Another shout out from EN World -- looking good!

And another one! Looks really good! :)

It seems like just yesterday when you all you guys for a website was a "Powerd by Apache" page with the OS X logo on it. I'll miss those days.

Really, you've guys have gone a long way in couple of years.

fanboy wrote:

It seems like just yesterday when you all you guys for a website was a "Powerd by Apache" page with the OS X logo on it. I'll miss those days.

Really, you've guys have gone a long way in couple of years.

Big thanks to Lisa Stevens and Vic Wertz here at Paizo for seeing the potential of the Web in our business. We're just getting started, but we definitely have come a long way!

Love the new site! The apparel needs some work. One warduke shirt. You can do better than that:)

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Barak wrote:
One warduke shirt. You can do better than that:)

Hey, we wanted to have lots more warduke shirts.... but do you have any idea how hard it is to get that guy to sit still for a portrait?!

(We do have a couple other shirts available, too. :-)

Thumbs up on the new site too! Keep up the good work.

Chiming in with a "love the new site" post.

The new layout is great - hope to see lots more web enhancements and reprints of maps and player handouts.

Dark Archive

The new site really does look good. I think it is ergonomic, pleasant and professional. Great results, guys ! I'll be hanging around for a while I think. :)


I'm very happy with the updated site and with the messageboards. Good job, guys. :)

-Amber E. Scott

a shout out from WotC, ENWurld, dragonsfoot, RPG.net, Mortality.net, and many, many, many more sites.

welcome aboard :D

Sovereign Court

Congrats To all of you at Paizo!!!!!

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