Spells from Gods and Magic - Are they usable only to the worshipers of the specific Deities?

Rules Questions

Lantern Lodge

The bunch of Spells that come from sources like Gods and Magic. Are they limited to only worshipers of the specific gods?

Or can anyone in the right classes use them?

Lantern Lodge

To clarify, I mean spells like Shield of the Dawnflower, Channel the Gift and Channel Vigor.

Are these spells limited to spell-casting worshipers of the respective gods? Or can any Cleric cast them?

I would say they are limited to clerics of that god.

Grand Lodge

Secane wrote:

The bunch of Spells that come from sources like Gods and Magic. Are they limited to only worshipers of the specific gods?

Or can anyone in the right classes use them?

Check the spell listing. If it has the deity's name in parentheses after the class/level information, a cleric or inquisitor must serve that deity to cast it, or a caster of any other listed class must be a worshipper of that deity.

In some cases it seems ambiguous whether "Cleric X, Sorcerer/Wizard Y (God Z)" was intended to restrict the cleric class also, or whether a caster who is not a cleric or inquisitor can worship more than one deity for purposes of Gods and Magic, etc. spells.

Lantern Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

The reason I posted the question is due to some of the Gods and Magic spells appearing in The Inner Sea World Guide. In the Guide, some spells like Infernal Healing and Shield of the Dawnflower reappeared without any restrictions to a specific Deity attached to them.

So its seems now that for these 2 spells at least, they are now open for any cleric/wizard/spell-caster to use, when previously when these 2 spells appeared in Gods and Magic there are Deity restrictions on them.

So what does this say about the other spells in Gods and Magic?
Are they "preferred" spells more commonly used by spellcasters of certain deities like the spells in Faiths of Purity or are they "restricted" to only spellcasters that worship the said Deity?

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
I would say they are limited to clerics of that god.

I wish it was that simple, problem is some spells like Channel the Gift can be cast by other classes as well. For example, Channel the Gift, bard 3, cleric/oracle 3, druid 3, ranger 3, sorcerer/wizard 3 (Nethys)

So must all of these classes worship Nethys to get the access to this spell?

Yes, notice the (nethys) tag. They would all have to be his worshipers to use the spell.


It was my intent that they are faith-specific spells. James may have decided that they're available to other faiths.

Lantern Lodge

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
It was my intent that they are faith-specific spells. James may have decided that they're available to other faiths.

Thanks for clearing that up!

So the spells ARE Deity-specific, just like the "perks" that each faith gets. Good to know.

Now to cross out the non-Cayden Cailean spells from my cleric's spell-list...

*Perks - Extra spells and effects

Keep in mind that the wizard version of the spell can't be restricted to wizards of a specific faith.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
leo1925 wrote:
Keep in mind that the wizard version of the spell can't be restricted to wizards of a specific faith.

It can however be a spell that gets limited to no circulation outside the faith. The Realms had quite a few cults in which wizards had their own particular spells that they shared with no one on pain of death .... or worse. And o course there were folks like Darsoom who was very careful about who he gave out the Summon Darsoom spell to.

This game is built on exceptions almost as much as it is on rules. So yes, there certainly CAN be spells that a wizard outside of a faith can't get to, unless they take the pains (and the risk) of researching it themselves.

Lantern Lodge

leo1925 wrote:
Keep in mind that the wizard version of the spell can't be restricted to wizards of a specific faith.

As stated by Sean K Reynolds, who wrote Gods and Magic, "It was my intent that they are faith-specific spells."

So it is INTENTED that the spell is question is only taught within the church or even directly to a worshiper by the Deity him/herself.

If anyone can access these spells, just because their class say they can... then don't they have to face the consequences of doing so?

Say a Magus worshiper of Rovagug decides to cast Shield of the Dawnflower. Wouldn't worshipers of Sarenrae go all out to get him/her for dare using a spell reserved for members of their faith?

That said, some spells like Channel the Gift is cast by worshipers of Nethys, who don't seem to give a damn who uses magic as long as they use it. So he may not mind if some wizard cast such a spell. (Unless its casted in service to ANOTHER God AGAINST Nethys himself.)

Dark Archive

Would an oracle be restricted to deity-specific spells of just one deity, or would he have the opportunity to learn a spell specific to any deity tied to his mystery? For example, could a Life oracle learn Early Judgement and Gozreh's Trident? If not, how would this affect an oracle that switched deities?

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