3.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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A source book for Summoning in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Expanded summoning tables, new summoning feats and spells, along with existing feats and spells with a direct connection to summoning. New races, new monsters, and quick-reference sheets for creatures and eidolons ready to print and use in your game.

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3.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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Some Gems Within


The Good:

Looks nice, good font, decent art and a nice professional appearence. Some excellent feats and a couple of interesting new classes.

The Fair:

Some new races that don't quite feel like they belong in a Summoning centric book. But hey, they're new!

The Bad:
There is a LOT of re-printed information in this book that fluffs up the page count. Re-printing Summoner in its entirety, doing a full write up for a Conjurer Specialist with a full write up on Familiars. Re-printing monster feats. Re-printing spells from core sources. Re-printing magic item information. And it goes on and on.

So, there is some really nice stuff in here, but it should take up only a small fraction of the page-count. And considering it's high price-tag for a pdf I consider that a pretty hefty negative.

Pretty Good Summoning Book


Ok gotta abbreviate the review. First review was eaten.
First page is title page.
Second page is the legal stuff.
3 pages for TOC.
13 chapters over 358 pages.
Chapter 1 is an intro.
Chapter 2 introduces 4 new races, iblis, blue elf, seraph and stone delver.
Chapter 3 are the classes.
Divine summoner, holy guard, petitioner, and summoner savant. Summoner and wizard conjurer are reprinted. Animal shaman is a new druid build.
Chapter 4 skills and feats.
Knowledge summoning new skill.
New summoning focus feats and monster feats are reprinted.
Chapter 5 spell lists. Summon Monster is now 0 - 10.
Chapter 6 summoning tables.
Chapter 7 has magic items.
Chapter 8 contains supplemental rules.
Chapter 9 is about advancing monsters. This includes some basic epic rules for Pathfinder and 3.5.
Chapter 10 Universal Monster Rules. (Reprint from the Bestiary.)
Chapter 11 templates.
Chapter 12 creature reference sheets.
Chapter 13 presents 3 different eidolon builds from levels 1 - 20 each. Types are mount, guardian and spy.

The art in this is well done, just not my style.

This is well done.
I would have to say you're getting plenty for your money.

Dark Archive

Just bought this. I am trying to look through it now. It is 358 pages long.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Holy... 358 pages about summoning? Really? Well when your done let the rest of us know what you think of it.

Dark Archive

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Holy... 358 pages about summoning? Really? Well when your done let the rest of us know what you think of it.

Yeah that's what I thought.

What she said. And where's that eidolon? I need a sandwich.

Really wish this was a book. There's just something about actually holding a hardback in your hands as you read it, you know?

Dark Archive

Text wrote:

Scribe Scroll: At 1st level, a Petitioner gains Scribe

Scroll as a bonus feat at 5th level.

Interesting way of phrasing that.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Chris Ballard wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Interesting way of phrasing that.

Hopefully that's not a pattern of things to come.

Dark Archive

I have been through some of this pdf already. I'll limit myself to an earlier comment about what I think of this. I'll see to doing a full review on this, but might be a few days on this one.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Chris Ballard wrote:
I have been through some of this pdf already. I'll limit myself to an earlier comment about what I think of this. I'll see to doing a full review on this, but might be a few days on this one.

Faster, faster, faster I say.

Dark Archive

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Chris Ballard wrote:
I have been through some of this pdf already. I'll limit myself to an earlier comment about what I think of this. I'll see to doing a full review on this, but might be a few days on this one.
Faster, faster, faster I say.

I'll try.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Chris Ballard wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
Chris Ballard wrote:
I have been through some of this pdf already. I'll limit myself to an earlier comment about what I think of this. I'll see to doing a full review on this, but might be a few days on this one.
Faster, faster, faster I say.
I'll try.

Put your back into it. :)

Dark Archive

OK, I was able to get a review up. I wasn't able to put in my full review.

Feels more like a syllabus than anything. Other than bulk content to get your money's worth, what's your general feel? What chapter has the bulk of the pages? Likes/dislikes?

Liberty's Edge

Chris Ballard wrote:
OK, I was able to get a review up. I wasn't able to put in my full review.

Huh, I wonder why? I believe Gary and co. recently even increased the allowable length of reviews. I'm pretty sure I've seen reviews much longer than the one you posted here on the product boards ...

Curiouser and curiouser ...

Dark Archive

Yeah so I'm not the best reviewer ever. I liked the monster reference sheets that they had. The petitioner and divine summoner seemed a bit similar. All 4 races have a LA of +3 or +4, so no using them at first level. I wasn't too happy about that. Though it looks like they could be some fun once you get to the right level. Not too sure about reprinting all of the summoner and conjurer class info. I probably would have been fine with just talking about the uses and other ideas for those 2 classes.

Liberty's Edge

All 4 races have a LA of +3 or +4?

That's interesting in a Pathfinder RPG comparable product ...

Dark Archive

Chris Ballard wrote:
Yeah so I'm not the best reviewer ever. I liked the monster reference sheets that they had. The petitioner and divine summoner seemed a bit similar. All 4 races have a LA of +3 or +4, so no using them at first level. I wasn't too happy about that. Though it looks like they could be some fun once you get to the right level. Not too sure about reprinting all of the summoner and conjurer class info. I probably would have been fine with just talking about the uses and other ideas for those 2 classes.

Actually I made a mistake. One race is a LA +2.

I think what Mark was saying is that the LAs are interesting in a Pathfinder product because as it stands, there's not essentially supposed to be LAs. Something needs to be scaled back or some other means to allow to play at first level amongst comparable races that requires no LAs.

Db3's Astral Projection wrote:
Really wish this was a book. There's just something about actually holding a hardback in your hands as you read it, you know?

One thing I'm looking into is buying my own thermal binding machine, a Helios. Instant gratification ain't what it used to be.

The idea behind this book was two-fold. First, introduce a more comprehensive and (hopefully) engaging summoning paradigm, and second, to include most, if not all, of the content which had a direct relation to summoning, to create an easy reference handbook for those who enjoy summoning magic, hence the inclusion of both new and existing materials.

I am not sure that adding in spells that are already in the core book was a good idea. It makes printing the book counterproductive.

So this is a 300+ page book solely about summoners and it doesn't have ANY additional evolutions? That seems to defy logic.

Dark Archive

So, for those of us just now receiving this due to the pdf superpack, thoughts?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Honestly... I was working on this very thing... A collection of all of the Stat Blocks [Including Augmented stats] of the monsters on the Summon Monster/Nature's Ally/Other Misc. summoning spells table plus the Monsters granted by EVERY other Paizo official addition: That's to say archetypes, the deity articles, feats and so on and so forth... I intended to release it for free due to the usage of Pathfinder Campaign Setting specific stuff (mainly the Deity articles, which I wanted to updated every time a new article came out). I didn't realize this was a thing already... Makes me worried about that idea of releasing the document... Well atleast I'll have it for personal use if it comes down to it.

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