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Why am I down here?

You awaken underground with an acrid smell in your nose and no memory of how you came to be within the twisting, subterranean complex.

What are these bags for?

All around you are signs of a bank heist in progress, and you seem to be the cause of it.

I'm not crazy, am I?

All the denial in your heart seems to be counter to the fact that you're locked up in a sanitarium.

The plan is always the first victim...

A Fly in the Ointment is a set of adventures and advice on adding short scenarios which take place in the Dome, the world of the ENnie Award-winning game and adventure The Demolished Ones.

Within these pages you will find three short to medium length scenarios, good for convention play or an evening of storytelling through roleplay.

Throughout these adventures you will find advice on how to run scenarios of sabotage, intrigue, and how to use a Murmuring Guller. The twisted machinations of the Masters of The Dome, murmuring gullers are plants used to misdirect, mislead, and misplace various malcontents and malingerers within the gaslighted world under the Dome.

Information on player license, betrayal as a story mechanic, methods of information passing and withholding, are yours for the leveraging within these scenarios.

Pages: 21

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You wake in a room. ... You don’t where you are, where you came from, what’s happening. You don’t know who you are. Your identity has been taken from you. It will come back with time, but can you trust it? This world is not what it seems. Are you?  ... And then...

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Forget everything. Remember nothing. ... Grasp at everything mnemonic that wriggles like a fish inside your skull, behind your eyes, and between your hemispheres. Pluck out a memory to devour. Embrace. ... This Game Master's adventure supplement fills in a few gaps - or makes more - for player...

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Don't Bait the Drop Bears! ... Unless you want to get mauled. Or have escape claws (which doesn't appear in this volume but it should). Yeah, you know some grizzlies with tanks and back fat mounted auto cannons could show up in a FATE Core game. Here's a few ideas. ... Pieces of Fate tempts you...

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Don't meddle in the affairs of Dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup! ... Unless you want to get fried! Or have escape claws (which doesn't appear in this volume but it should). Yeah, you know weaponized wyverns and genetically engennered dragons could show up in a FATE Core game....

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5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Why am I down here? ... You awaken underground with an acrid smell in your nose and no memory of how you came to be within the twisting, subterranean complex. ... What are these bags for? ... All around you are signs of a bank heist in progress, and you seem to be the cause of it. ... I'm not...