Have You Heard the Good Word of Razmir?New Pathfinder Miniatures from Reaper!The latest Pathfinder Miniatures from Reaper have arrived! Aglanda wants to have a few words with you about Razmir, the Living God. Whether you're a card-carrying member of the Razmiran Faith Barge Union or simply trying to toe the party line in the country of Razmiran, this masked miniature works well as both player and foe, ready to spread the word of Razmir's faith, from the shores of Lake Encarthan and beyond! On a cheerier note, every party needs a good bard to lighten the mood and inspire the party! Lady Moray, first featured in the Kingmaker Adventure Path, but easily transported to whatever tabletop game in need a bard and her bird (or her knife)! Check out all of Reaper's Pathfinder Miniatures right here!
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