The Sage's Shoppe

1009 Sagamore Pkwy W
West Lafayette, IN 47906-1445


Monday-Thursday 1-9 pm
Friday 1 pm - 1 am
Saturday 10 am-11 pm
Sunday 12-9 pm (minimum)

The only gaming store in West Lafayette, now with more than 1,500 sq. ft. of dedicated game space!

Organized Pathfinder Society events the second and fourth Sunday of each month (call or check website for more information). Independent campaigns throughout week (check for player/hosting/space availability).

Organized Pathfinder Adventure Card Game play on Wednesday nights.

Core stock items and new items as released.

Product Lines Carried

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game
Pathfinder Adventure Path
Pathfinder Campaign Setting
Pathfinder Cards
Pathfinder Compatible Products
Pathfinder Maps
Pathfinder Modules
Pathfinder Player Companion
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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