Pop Cultured

Pop Cultured
250 Jackson St
Apt 411
Lowell, MA 01852-2169


shoppopcultured@gmail.com shoppopcultured.com

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 3:30pm-8pm
Saturday 10am-8pm
Sunday 10am-5pm

Pop Cultured is just your typcial inclusive, family-friendly, geek culture, gaming, hobby, comic, and collectibles shop located on the fourth floor of an 1800's textile mill.

We carry everything related to your favorite fandome, merchandise created by New England based makers, prints and originals from local artists, imported candies, and a whole lot of other stuff that is not so easily categorized.

We also carry board games, puzzles, models (Warhammer! Gundam!), and modeling supplies.

Not to mention all sorts of other art products from paints, quills, inks, and others.

We also carry many TCGs and RPGs including-
Magic the Gathering
Flesh and Blood
Star Wars Unlimited
Cardfight Vanguard
Weis Shwarz
Dungeons and Dragons
and many more!

A little bit for everbody at Pop Cultured

Product Lines Carried

Pathfinder Compatible Products
Pathfinder Player Companion
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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