Gatekeeper Games

323-327 St Georges Road
Fitzroy North
Melbourne, Vic 3068

613 9956 1047

Tuesday to Saturday - Midday to 9pm
Sunday - Midday to 7pm
Monday - Closed

We sell everything a “serious gamer” dreams of as well as all the basic kit required to welcome new players of every age. We stock board games, card games, role playing games and miniatures.

With over 250 square feet, we’ve ensured we have plenty of space available for people to come and play games casually or in organised groups. We’ve even got an events space for your next birthday, anniversary or work party.

We have events organised for every day of the week but you can also just come on in for a casual game of your own or from our library.

Product Lines Carried

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game
Pathfinder Campaign Setting
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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