Pathfinder Adventure: Rusthenge (Foundry VTT) CODE

Our Price: $20.00


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The ruins of Rusthenge have stood silent vigil over the southern coastline of Chakikoth Isle for eons, dating back to the era of the runelords of ancient Thassilon. The town of Iron Harbor was built in Rusthenge's shadow, but now that New Thassilon has risen from the depths of the distant past, the old ruins are coming under unexpected scrutiny. Something sinister is afoot in Rusthenge, and it falls to a brand new band of adventurers to learn the truth of the ancient evil that stirs deep within its long-abandoned halls!

Rusthenge is a deluxe Pathfinder adventure for four 1st-level characters which also includes new items and character backgrounds, as well as a pair of new monsters tied to the region's notorious history. Experience this adventure using the full suite of Foundry VTT features, using maps, tiles, tokens, sounds, and much more to bring you content which truly cannot be experienced in the same way anywhere else.

This purchase will grant you an activation code which can be activated through your Foundry VTT account page at (downloadable from your My Downloads page on Afterwards you will be able to install the "Pathfinder Adventure – Rusthenge" module on the Foundry Virtual Tabletop setup screen. To learn more about activating and installing premium content in Foundry Virtual Tabletop, visit

Note: This product contains just the Foundry module code for Pathfinder Adventure: Rusthenge, and requires the user to have or purchase the corresponding PDF. If you'd like to purchase both the module code and the PDF for $39.99, you may do so here.

Rusthenge for Foundry VTT includes:

  • High-resolution character artwork and tokens for the unique monsters and NPCs in this adventure.
  • Completely remade, highly detailed, and immersive adventure maps with support for Foundry Virtual Tabletop's Overhead Tiles and Foreground Layer features, re-created by Metamorphic Digital using textures from, licensed under the Creative Commons CCO 1.0 Universal License.
  • Journal Entries for the entire contents of the book with additional encounter notes and Foundry VTT tips.
  • Scenes pre-configured with walls, lights, sound, tokens, and hazards already placed to provide GMs the most convenient experience running the adventure.
  • Soundscapes provided as ambient playlists and local sound sources to immerse your players, created by Michael Ghelfi Studios.

The Foundry Virtual Tabletop software is required to use this product. For more information, visit

Additional Product Images

(click to enlarge)
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Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber


Why does this say unavailable to purhcase?

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
RedHawke802 wrote:
Why does this say unavailable to purhcase?

It works for me. If you own the PDF, contact customer support. If you don't own it, then it's normal, and you need to buy this version instead.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I bought this together with Seven Doom, as I want to play them together as suggested. I just wonder how you find the pricing. The 200 Page double sized volume is actually 1c cheaper than this 70 page adventure.

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