James Ray tackles a different type of product: Veil Cards. Instead of lots of new options, these cards include all the info of a title veil, found in the Rajah book. Are they worth it? Let’s check’em!
What’s inside?: 17 pages that include 49 cards, and this time it doesn’t include the legal stuff in card form in but one of the cards. While this is not really a book, it comes in only 1 format: a PDF for 3 bucks. There is also a bundle for this and its companion discipline deck!
The cards themselves take up the majority of the product. They includes all the 24 title veils from Divergent Paths – The Rajah in 48 cards, most veils taking two cards but a couple taking one or even three cards. They are not just copy-paste though, since some of them have been edited with clarified information. This time, the cards are bordered with a red frame, and the back features an awesome, 4-armed Indian-looking warrior who really looks imposing. He is also on the cover of the PDF.
Of Note: Like before, having made my own cards back in the day, I appreciate the handiness of such a product. While I’m not the biggest fan of the Rajah, these cards work wonders for the class, since you can lend specific cards to the players of characters entitled by your Rajah.
Anything wrong?: If I have to search for one thing, is that there are blank space for 5 cards. It would have been nice to include the special rules for title veils in card form, for those that don’t know how they work; or even information about other Rajah class features. Also, as before, the font is kind of small.
What I want: Since this is already a very niche product, it would have been awesome to gather all title veils found in other products. I at least have seen some title veils under the Moonhand Press banner.
Do I recommend it?: If you are playing live and using Akashic Mysteries, Path of War, and Divergent Paths, I can wholeheartedly recommend it! As I mentioned the cards work even better for the title veils! 5 star-shaped cards from this reviewer!