Where Can I Find a Weaponized Fork?


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

As I'm unwilling to spend 20 Achievement Points on getting access to a Filcher's Fork for my kobold chef at this time, what other options might be available to me for completing my full set of cutlery?

What alternative weapons are easily obtainable AND readily re-described to that of a common fork? Are there other non-weapon game options that I may be overlooking that will help me fit the look?

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A sai is basically a fork. The rulebook says it's "a metal spike flanked by a pair of prongs" but nothing says the prongs can't be the same length as the middle spike.

Also the Kobold Tricky Pick can be a Swiss Army Knife of sorts, w/ a spoon/blunt, fork/piercing, and knife/slashing. And of course being all-in-one it's good for enchanting and your PC's an actual Kobold making it easier to acquire (depending).

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks, but are there any suggestions that don't have the Uncommon trait (which as it so happens, is the whole problem I'm having with the Filtcher's Fork).

You could flavor a Trident as a giant fork. It's also one of the stronger throwing weapons in the game, and can be used as a melee weapon as well.

Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
You could flavor a Trident as a giant fork. It's also one of the stronger throwing weapons in the game, and can be used as a melee weapon as well.

Just say it's a pixie trident: they have the same stats as small and medium ones except it's 1/2 bulk.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
graystone wrote:
Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
You could flavor a Trident as a giant fork. It's also one of the stronger throwing weapons in the game, and can be used as a melee weapon as well.
Just say it's a pixie trident: they have the same stats as small and medium ones except it's 1/2 bulk.

Can you actually get away with that in PFS?

Ravingdork wrote:
graystone wrote:
Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
You could flavor a Trident as a giant fork. It's also one of the stronger throwing weapons in the game, and can be used as a melee weapon as well.
Just say it's a pixie trident: they have the same stats as small and medium ones except it's 1/2 bulk.
Can you actually get away with that in PFS?

*shrugs* I have NO idea what PFS rules are or aren't [we aren't in the PFS forum after all]. I can just tell you what you can do be the actual rules and those are that #1 the rarity for sprite weapons doesn't change because of tiny size, #2 only wielding weapons of a larger size have any special rules about their use, #3 they somehow deal the same damage as human sized weapons and #4 they are 1/2 Bulk, which rounds down to light Bulk for 1 bulk weapons.

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A Forked Bipod. It has the same damage, hand requirements, and bulk as a dagger - but it can't do slashing damage or be thrown. It also has 'fork' in the name, so that is a bonus.

Liberty's Edge

Step 1) Buy a Cooking Kit
Step 2) Grab the silverware
Step 3) Use it as an improvised Weapon
Step 4) Cry when the PFS table bullies you for using one of the VERY few anti-optimal choices you can make in the whole system
Step 5) ???
Step 6) Profit!

breithauptclan wrote:
A Forked Bipod. It has the same damage, hand requirements, and bulk as a dagger - but it can't do slashing damage or be thrown. It also has 'fork' in the name, so that is a bonus.

The forked bipod is weirdly enough, very good for a simple weapon too. Almost the same budget as a rapier.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
breithauptclan wrote:
A Forked Bipod. It has the same damage, hand requirements, and bulk as a dagger - but it can't do slashing damage or be thrown. It also has 'fork' in the name, so that is a bonus.

That just might be perfect. Thank you!

Themetricsystem wrote:

Step 1) Buy a Cooking Kit

Step 2) Grab the silverware
Step 3) Use it as an improvised Weapon
Step 4) Cry when the PFS table bullies you for using one of the VERY few anti-optimal choices you can make in the whole system
Step 5) ???
Step 6) Profit!

Or I could just use normal weapons, describe them as cutlery, and not have to worry about bringing the party down.

I did get a Cooking Kit, but all the cutlery in there aren't crafted to the same standards as they used to be. Grandma's old cooking implements though? You just might be able to kill a dragon or wayward adventurer with those. XD

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, that's true, but you'd be missing out on the mystery sauce in step 5 and where's the fun in that?!

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