Eastern Journey Adventures (PFRPG) PDFLegendary GamesCrossing the Continent for Adventure! Bring East and West together in your campaign world with this compilation of three loosely connected adventures to help bridge the continental divide and take your heroes on an epic journey from more commonplace medieval fantasy settings inspired by Europe to those inspired by a fantastical version of Asia. This book includes the following adventures, newly edited and revised:
This adventure series is a perfect pairing for the "Jade Journey to the East" Adventure Saga from Paizo, Inc., with each adventure filling in gaps in the primary AP's structure and offering a chance to meet interesting new heroes and villains along the way and acquire special treasures that will serve them well in that saga's second half among the nations of the East. Check out this amazing 92-page adventure supplement for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and Make Your Game Legendary! Product Availability
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