tomeric |
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I don't think you understand. I bought the pdf and then the Foundry module, and SAVED money by doing so. This is Paizo telling customers who already own the AP that the correct way to buy their Foundry product is to first buy the collected pdf that they don't need or want.
I have no particular bone in this fight, but when I compare the price of the PDF ($ 38.99) it's equal to the discount for the Foundry module (59.99 - 21 = $38.99). You get the PDF for free if you buy the Foundry module, so how are you saving extra money by buying the PDF first?

Agorg |
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I have no particular bone in this fight, but when I compare the price of the PDF ($ 38.99) it's equal to the discount for the Foundry module (59.99 - 21 = $38.99). You get the PDF for free if you buy the Foundry module, so how are you saving extra money by buying the PDF first?
I mentioned in an earlier post that I used a discount code for the purchase of a pdf. I saved about $8 by buying the pdf separately. Unless you need the Foundry module right now, keep an eye out for a pdf sale and get that first.

Cthulhusquatch |
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Cori Marie wrote:Then that's on you bud. They were very clear about how everything worked leading up to this. You chose to buy the PDF instead of just buying the module.I don't think you understand. I bought the pdf and then the Foundry module, and SAVED money by doing so. This is Paizo telling customers who already own the AP that the correct way to buy their Foundry product is to first buy the collected pdf that they don't need or want.
I've said, and continue to say, that this policy feels predatory and not customer-friendly. That we shouldn't have to buy something we don't want in order to get something we do.
In response we've been told in this thread that the technology only allows a discount for owners of the single collected pdf, as if it was an unfortunate side effect. Then that it was actually the policy all along to only include a discount for buying the newest release. Then we're told that what we're actually paying for is the amount of time and effort that went into the Foundry module, and that the collected pdf is thrown is as a bonus that you aren't really paying for. And now we've been told that "significant work" involving "just about every department" was put into the collected pdf so it has value on its own.
The previous version is basically available for free on Foundry, as far as I can tell.
The collected version is a separate product and the premium Foundry module is related to that.
You are acting as if ownership of the previous version of the adventure path entitles you in regards to a completely different product.

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As has been pointed out multiple times, the previous version can be used with PDF to Foundry and it will run just fine. You don't get all the bells and whistles that the official mod has (soundsets, updated maps, high res tokens, and macros built in) but that's literally what you're paying for with the module. Expecting that for a steep discount because you bought a different version of the product is absurd.

Rando2805 |
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Up until last week I was running the first module of Abomination Vaults in Fantasy Grounds Unity until I saw this and now apparently I'm running this version in Foundry!
I have to say that if y'all can deliver more Paizo APs (Pathfinder or Starfinder) with:
- updated maps optimized/created specifically for VTTs similar in quality to those found in this product
- integrated sounds/music
- around the price point of this product
I'll buy each and every one.
I had/have no intention of running Outlaws of Alkenstar, but now I'm seriously considering it 'cause of the Foundry versions of modules 1 and 2 that are currently available.

Zene |
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Zene, if you had scrolled down just a little further, in the same group of questions discussing discounts and pdfs, there is this text:
Foundry VTT Paizo Partnership FAQ wrote:Does the discount for Abomination Vaults only apply if you buy the re-release?
The Foundry VTT release of Abomination Vaults is based on the forthcoming omnibus edition and will not be purchasable as separate modules for each book. The PDF discount will only apply if you have purchased that edition's PDF. We feel that the content the FVTT release will contain will make it well worth the price.
As the author of that FAQ, I assure you that question was very much at the forefront of my mind when I wrote the article as a whole, and I personally answered that question countless times on the day we announced the partnership renewal.
I wish we could have done more to make it clear this would be the case from the beginning-- but I don't know what more could...
Hi Anathema, thank you for reading and responding to my concerns. I definitely get it, and thanks for pointing out the additional info in further questions below that one. I guess since I wasn't reading the full FAQ top to bottom, but just looking for the question I had; when seeing it answered, I figured, no need to keep reading. Definitely partly on me. Although honestly I think that's both how FAQs are typically used, and how they're typically meant to be used. You find your Q, read the answer, and move on.
Re: What more could you have done. I humbly suggest, if only a specific version of the adventure pdf(s) qualifies for the discount, then having a FAQ that says:
I Already Bought The PDF, Can I Get a Discount?
Yes! In cases where the PDF version of the product is part of what Foundry VTT provides, the cost of the PDF should be deducted from your purchase price of the Foundry VTT version automatically."
is probably a mistake, unless it says, "Yes, IF you have bought Y; but we can't offer a discount if you bought X". Or even just said "but please read the additional questions below for details".
Honestly that would 100% have prevented my confusion.
In terms of the general bad vibes of feeling like I shouldn't have bought the individual versions. This is more on the Paizo side, but I think now that it's out there--and assuming they continue to make it as clear as possible-- if they're ok with folks holding off for potential compilations, then I think this is a fine strategy. If they *don't* want to encourage folks to hold off on purchasing the individual books, then there are a number of other things they could do instead; offer a code to folks that purchased all the chapters, for a slightly reduced compilation pdf, for example. Honestly I think it's more the gesture than the actual savings--it just feels a bit off to have been an early (or early-ish) supporter, in many cases pay *more* than the folks that just bought the compilation pdf...and then be passed over.
That said, understanding that this wasn't a bait-and-switch, and gleaning from the other comments that there actually is quite a bit of new/updated content in the compendium pdf; all makes me feel a bit better about not getting a discount. I appreciate y'all's patience. : )

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Stop releasing Foundry modules without specifying which version of Pathfinder the modules are for. It's super disrepectful to everyone that still loves PF1.
It's an AP that is only out for PF2. It's not hard to figure out that they didn't do all the extra work to backport it to 1E.

Ezekieru |
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If I purchase Abomination Vaults on Demiplane then automatically get the PDF added to my Paizo account will I get a discount for the Foundry module still?
Yep! That should work, so long as you have the .PDF owned by your Paizo account, it doesn't matter if you bought it on your own or got in as an freebie from the Demiplane purchase.

Aaron Shanks Marketing & Media Manager |
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Stop releasing Foundry modules without specifying which version of Pathfinder the modules are for. It's super disrepectful to everyone that still loves PF1.
We respect and love the first edition of Pathfinder too. We continue to make it available in many ways. With the exception of the Kingmaker Bestiary, Paizo no longer makes products for thee older edition. For clarity, the default Pathfinder is the newest edition. Adventures ahead!

Cthulhusquatch |

Nihlus_7 wrote:If I purchase Abomination Vaults on Demiplane then automatically get the PDF added to my Paizo account will I get a discount for the Foundry module still?Yep! That should work, so long as you have the .PDF owned by your Paizo account, it doesn't matter if you bought it on your own or got in as an freebie from the Demiplane purchase.
Can verify.

Brocimus |
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Agorg wrote:Again, you're NOT buying the collected version PDF. You are buying the FOUNDRY MODULE which comes WITH a free copy of the the PDF. There is a very clear distinction there. If you buy the PDF separately, you STILL need to buy the Founcry module, you would just get a discount on it in that case.Cthulhusquatch wrote:I have the original 3 pdfs. I have the collected version pdf. I assure you that they are different products.This is so disingenuous. If someone has the three original pdfs and wants to run the Foundry module, they do not need to buy the collected version pdf. $39 for a few new pieces of art and some errata? Please.
They are buying the collected version of the pdf though. When someone buys the foundry module, foundry gets a cut and paizo gets a cut. Since the price if someone already bought the pdf is $21, we know that foundry's cut is about $21. Whether people pay $21 or $60, foundry is still getting $21. No one is supporting the good people at foundry more by paying a higher price, they're supporting paizo... again. People are basically repurchasing $40 worth of product with negligible difference from what they already own and that feels bad. I'm personally not affected by this and I agree it is an unfriendly policy call.

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It is literally the same policy they've had regarding collected editions for over ten years at this point. If you owned the PDF's of the individual copies for Rise of the Runelords, you didn't get a discount on the Rise of the Runelords package for Fantasy Grounds. If you owned the PDFs of Curse of the Crimson Throne's single issues you didn't get a discount on the Curse of the Crimson Throne package on Fantasy Grounds. Because ultimately, they are different products and we live in a capitalistic society.

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You also don't get the hardcover's PDF even if you own all the PDFs of the original release of Abomination Vault. There have been people working on making that compilation. New layouts, new changes, new editing passes, new copyfiting, new art. Paizo still need to pay these peoples, and buying that module gives you the PDF if you didn't have it.

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The VAT issue for EU-customers (as well as those other Paizo issues at the end of last year) ended up in my stopping all my subscriptions.
Then times were lean and I did not even buy pdfs anymore.
Found a new job recently. But with all the problems with the collected editions, I have decided to stop buying APs's parts until I am pretty sure a collected edition does not arrive soon. And maybe only if I am sure I will GM it.
Not sure this is what Paizo is aiming for.

Brocimus |
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It is literally the same policy they've had regarding collected editions for over ten years at this point. If you owned the PDF's of the individual copies for Rise of the Runelords, you didn't get a discount on the Rise of the Runelords package for Fantasy Grounds. If you owned the PDFs of Curse of the Crimson Throne's single issues you didn't get a discount on the Curse of the Crimson Throne package on Fantasy Grounds. Because ultimately, they are different products and we live in a capitalistic society.
I've LiTeRaLlY seen this response from you several times and each time you ignore the fact that the anniversary editions of RotRL and CotCT are significantly different products than their individual parts. Both were updated from 3.5 to 1e and had additional changes from years of experience with the APs. They are very different products and consumers recognize that. This situation is perceived differently because there is minimal difference between owning the original 3 pdfs and the single file.

Leon Aquilla |
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Might I recommend looking up the Foundry module for Abomination Vaults maps remake created by Narchy?
All the AV content is already in a compendium in the PF2e module gratis, so between the maps already being set up and the NPC's and bestiary and traps already being added, the only thing I had to do to make it turnkey was upload the bestiary pictures for each monster from Archive of Nethys, and photochop the NPC portraits where necessary. All told you can have the entire AP set up in about 4-6 hours.
Which is certainly cheaper than buying a whole new foundry VTT setup at full price.
People still had to work on that "minimal" difference. There are formatting changes. There's errata. There's new art. It's not the same product just because you think it is.
As an aside, I preferred how the content was organized in the 3-parter. The compilation actually makes it easier to miss small details.

Brocimus |
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You also don't get the hardcover's PDF even if you own all the PDFs of the original release of Abomination Vault. There have been people working on making that compilation. New layouts, new changes, new editing passes, new copyfiting, new art. Paizo still need to pay these peoples, and buying that module gives you the PDF if you didn't have it.
True, and I would assume the number of prior owners who are willing to purchase the new PDF solely because of a couple added pieces of art and one updated encounter is relatively small.

Brocimus |
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People still had to work on that "minimal" difference. There are formatting changes. There's errata. There's new art. It's not the same product just because you think it is.
It's not fair to force people to buy the minimally different product in order to get the foundry module just because you think it is.
Honestly, everyone knows your opinion by now. A lot of people disagree with that opinion. People's logic on the matter is sound even though you disagree with it. We hope for better policies in the future. Move along.

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You're not being forced to buy the PDF to get the module, you get the PDF as an addition to buying the module. You may think that that's just semantics, but it's actually how it is.
Note: Purchasing Pathfinder Adventure Path: Abomination Vaults (Foundry VTT) qualifies you to purchase the following product*:
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Abomination Vaults PDF
And the price of that product when you purchase the Abomination Vaults (Foundry VTT) module is $0. You are being given the PDF for free, the price of the Foundry Module is $59.99. The price of the PDF on it's own is $38.99. If you purchased the PDF separately, they do grant you a discount on the Foundry Module, but you are NOT required to do so, and presenting it as such is disingenous.

Brocimus |
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You're not being forced to buy the PDF to get the module, you get the PDF as an addition to buying the module. You may think that that's just semantics, but it's actually how it is.
Relevant Text In Product Description wrote:Note: Purchasing Pathfinder Adventure Path: Abomination Vaults (Foundry VTT) qualifies you to purchase the following product*:
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Abomination Vaults PDFAnd the price of that product when you purchase the Abomination Vaults (Foundry VTT) module is $0. You are being given the PDF for free, the price of the Foundry Module is $59.99. The price of the PDF on it's own is $38.99. If you purchased the PDF separately, they do grant you a discount on the Foundry Module, but you are NOT required to do so, and presenting it as such is disingenous.
We've been over this. Foundry gets $21 always. Always. Paizo gets $39 or zero. They don't just give you the PDF, you either buy it with foundry or you own it already. That's not disingenuous. Bye.