The discovery of a series of millennia-old ruins sets off a chain of events that puts an ancient titanic spacecraft on course to the Pact Worlds. When the vessel—which belongs to an evil, warmongering civilization long thought dead—begins destroying all other ships in its path and attacking important resources to increase its power, the heroes must rescue millions of lives from destruction and find a way to stop the ship and all aboard it. Will the heroes be triumphant? Or will the alien species take the Pact Worlds as its new home and conquer the galaxy?
Rescuing a xenoarcheological team on a distant, frozen world from weather gone haywire, the heroes unearth more than they bargained for as an ancient ruin rises from the ground and kicks off a series of events that could change the face of the galaxy forever. The tower contains secrets of a warlike civilization thought long dead and is strangely connected to small moon in the Pact Worlds. Returning to explore a previously unknown facility under the moon's surface that threatens to overheat and destroy all life there, the heroes learn that the moon is signaling a gigantic alien craft, drawing it toward the system with lethal intent!
“Waking the Worldseed” is a Starfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for four 13th-level characters. This adventure begins The Devastation Ark Adventure Path, a three-part, monthly campaign in which the players stop the threat of an ancient alien civilization in Starfinder's first high-level adventures! This volume also includes a gazetteer of the moon of Hibb and a selection of deadly threats.
Each monthly full-color softcover Starfinder Adventure Path volume contains a new installment of a series of interconnected science-fantasy quests that together create a fully developed plot of sweeping scale and epic challenges. Each 64-page volume of the Starfinder Adventure Path also contains in-depth articles that detail and expand the Starfinder campaign setting and provide new rules, a host of exciting new monsters and alien races, a new planet to explore and starship to pilot, and more!
ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-260-0
Waking the Worldseed is sanctioned for use in Starfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheets are available as a free download (5.1 MB PDF).
Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:
Everything about this AP clicks. It's not too long, it's not too short, it has some challenging but not difficult nor easy "space" combat, and it has some great hooks. Love the Sivv, love the art, love the Bantrid deep-dive, love the monsters added in the Alien Archive.
I was between 4 and 5 stars throughout entire book, but I finally decided on 5 stars after finishing book and sleeping night on it ;D
I'm gonna go through rough spots first but not in any particular order.
First obvious thing about the book is that where normal starfinder ap books covers two levels worth of adventuring and ends on third level up, this one covers 3 levels worth of adventuring and ends on fourth. So basically a LOT happens in the book and lot of it is facing foes of equal or higher CR giving book much more difficulty spikes than ap books usually have. Book also as result has LOT of very high CR traps. Gives Sivvs nice "well they were really into overkill" feel ;D
While that is noticeably weird, I wouldn't consider it a bad thing as characters on these levels are tough enough to handle it and it is nice to have extra challenge once a while. I DID run the ap for five characters(two soldiers, techomancer, mystic and envoy, one of the soldier players has to leave rest of the campaign though so I'll be running book 2 and 3 with four players) without adjusting encounters and didn't feel particularly like they had easy time :D I am curious to hear though more experiences from parties with four players if they felt about same as I did while running this.
Second thing is the usual Starfinder AP npc problemo: Unless AP book is focused on single NPC for most of the story or keeps bringing back same npcs on every book, NPCs fill feel bit flat. Like yeah, book does do good job of giving Nifri, Ms. Nott and Uso more or less memorable personalities and I can infer what they are like as person, but I know absolutely nothing about their background or who they are otherwise. I don't hold this against this book though because that is general trend on starfinder aps.
Another thing related to that though is that while it is nice book has lot of small roleplaying moments, it does kinda feel like book rushes through them to get to the encounter parts. Like I wonder if with more page count there had been more focus on the Abadarcorp and Bantrid relations? But then again I do think its good thing book doesn't have Dead Suns part 1 problem of putting too much focus into secondary conflict that is irrelevant for rest of the adventure path. Still its cool book has big consequences on Hibbs' future and Bantrids' society causing nice potential status quo shakeup.
I do find it extra funny though how book gives more examples of Abadarcorp being much more reasonable and ethical than in Starfinder Society overall. Like sure there is one misanthrope in adventure who believes they would misuse quantum technology and cause disaster, but if players do try to snub bantrids in favor of the megacorp, they actually reprimand players for that(even though they will still buy the data xD) and continue working together with bantrids anyway. I still do like roleplaying potential given by questions raised by npcs in character.
On note of something that I don't consider con per say but should be mentioned is that exp in adventure is very tight. If players start on exp amount of 13th level and do absolute everything exp giving perfectly, they have 3600 xp extra of level 16th limit. I do think this is good thing honestly though because adventure's design means players are likely to do everything(its fairly linear adventure in design) so if they do miss some you have room to include your own stuff.
One more small nitpick isn't really nitpick but more of joke: I find it funny how commercialized Christmas resort spot looks like basically Christmas wonderland resort even though there is no Christmas equivalent in pact worlds ;D Like I get most of it, having singing and jolly decorated trees in dark winter makes universally sense, but why they connect dwarves and elves with winter resort decorations is part I'm way too amused with.
This adventure's version of atmospheric starship combat has one problem: all custom stunts are dc 20 plus ship tier and have consequences for failure so uh... Yeah 15 plus ship tier is considered hard dc, so the all stunts are just too impractical to use even if they are cool.
But yeah and the final negative or nitpicks I have is some parts of
scene with Izu:
So I just start with obvious: Why exactly is it DC 30 life science or culture check to know that bantrids have anxiety if they stay still? Like sure that is easy DC at these levels, but still its example of silly DC inflation at high level adventures. I'm pretty sure that isn't obscure information in universe.
But yeah that one is the nitpick, here is the negative: DC 38 perception check to notice anything off about Izu is kinda ridiculously high for most characters. Like yeah, players would get multiple chances to roll it, but if they are trusting types(my party didn't think initially there was anything weird about lone bantrid in place), they could bring Izu through entire dungeon without ever getting chance to get exp from him and he would get away without anyone wiser. And in event they are both paranoid and lucky is that if they confront Izu before fixing quantum core... Well the exp is tight that they level up just before entering command deck pre fighting Izu if they did everything. Yeah fixing quantum core and catwalk is what pushes pcs to level up. So there is small chance of pcs fighting creature higher cr than difficulty chart allows as that goes up to only +3 the apl x'D Though as spellcaster monster he isn't that bad to deal with. Either way, while I like concept of encounter, I do think it has lot of holes that would need adjustment.
Like in my case party is really trusting until they eventually stop being unlucky and get good roll on dice. After that they get him to reveal the fake form and after that since they have telepathic communication and don't know what to make of Izu, they basically are like "sure yeah we'll give data to abadarcorp(maybe, we'll decide later)" which means that since Izu doesn't have good sense motive listed(though I presume it would require similar dcs as spotting him), Izu might as well leave now that they know he isn't just bantrid and his mission is done. Which again wouldn't give them exp since they didn't beat encounter where they do what bad guy wants x'D But yeah, in my case I required DC 38 bluff check and direct statement "Yes we are going to do this" without wiggling around, and players didn't just say that directly, so I had Izu decide to try his luck with next team and try to murder them.
Now to the good/great parts:
Foreshadowing in the adventure is stellar. Not just foreshadowing for rest of the AP, but foreshadowing on Jedarat that you can later learn full truth of Worldseed's historical data. One of my players had really nice "OH. All the loose ends click together in way I understand them" moment when they finally learned of what was happening in Jedarat and how it connected to Worldseed xD (I think they didn't initially realize that Jedarant facility was military research facility, so they were unsure of how this random ruin is connected to Worldseed and Ark Prime besides names being mentioned in data files. I think they might have been unsure of connection between bantrid rebels, why they were on worldseed and events as well until that point)
Second thing is that Sivv Dominion is delightfully ridiculously cruel and evil in most inhuman ways possible. Later books continue this trend and I do think they might be bit too cartoonishly evil since its kinda easy to get into "maybe they ARE completely irredeemable" feeling, but more on that in later books. Either way, what I want to say is that writers did good job of highlighting why you don't want Dominion to come back and how horrifying it is. Heck these books make it much easier to get picture of what life in Sivv Dominion was like compared to me still being unsure of whether Kishalee were militaristic or not, whether they were democratic or not and such ;D I do also notice lack of term "Rel-State" in favor of "Quantum Hyperspace" this book, but I don't mind it
Third is something personal: there are lot of high level monsters I want to use more but can't because aps don't go that high and this book uses some of my favorites ;D Thank you for including certain aberration here <3
Fourth is again something personal: so throughuot the campaign, one of the two soldiers had gotten bit too over confident, so they stopped taking 10 minute rests to restore stamina even when rest of the party does. So there was something really satisfying with bear moving to melee and getting crit for 141 damage and getting ko'd by CR 18 combatant array robot ;D Made them go like "oh s% this is actually going to be really painful" even more than animated armor earlier did(which was pretty dangerous as well). That keeper drone was hardest encounter in entire campaign starting from dead suns up to this point and it was delightful since I knew players wouldn't die from it, but they did take beating before beating it.
Basically I want to say that I love absurdly high damage in high levels, it really feels like things have gotten real and seeing creature deal one third of characters entire pool combined in single attack and mystic heal them to almost full of hp book in retaliation is nice :D
Oh and before I forget articles as usual are nice, and I liked that adventure had nice "you made big discovery" moment with
fifth/final Eloritu's rune depending on whether party has played Dawn of Flame as well ;D
I do hope starfinder writers eventually do sequel to all six being discovered and to have further lore on its meaning.
(in general I found ways all previous aps had different missions and ways to get involved amusing. Though I do some of them make more sense than others since some of them don't require party to know there is already ongoing emergency before arriving)
Its probably new race because we haven't heard of galactic history in neither Pathfinder or Starfinder.
But yeah, cool high level premise indeed :D I'm probably gonna be repeating myself since I'm just happy this exists
I wonder if second 3 part ap will cover levels until 20th or if it will be another low level one and we get final levels later. I don't think the 6 part ap of 2020 will be high level one though, if they ever do 6 part aps covering 13-20 they probably wouldn't do a year with only high level aps.
The immediate question we're all wondering about is how high this is going...
Well all of Starfinder APs are three levels per book(well, in that sense there is level it begins in, level you level up during it and level you level up to at end of it)... So 13-15, 15-17 and 17-19 maybe?
So practically first one would be 13-14, second one 15-16 and third one 17-18? That said, I don't remember how starfinder's exp math works on top of my head, so for all I know I'm wrong.
Just adding to the noise and saying YAY for high level content! Great news for both home games and Society!
Also, I'm already thinking of ways to string SoS and this together once my group finishes up Curse of the Crimson Throne! (We're half way through book 4)
The immediate question we're all wondering about is how high this is going...
Well all of Starfinder APs are three levels per book(well, in that sense there is level it begins in, level you level up during it and level you level up to at end of it)... So 13-15, 15-17 and 17-19 maybe?
So practically first one would be 13-14, second one 15-16 and third one 17-18? That said, I don't remember how starfinder's exp math works on top of my head, so for all I know I'm wrong.
Historically, high-level Pathfinder adventures have seen slow downs in the speed of leveling as compared to low-level content. I'm not sure if Starfinder will work that way or not. that I’ve thought about it a bit, what if the enemy is the Sivv?
They made the Stellar Degenerator, which was a weapon of truly colossal and catastrophic proportions. This Devastation Ark could be right up their alley. that I’ve thought about it a bit, what if the enemy is the Sivv?
They made the Stellar Degenerator, which was a weapon of truly colossal and catastrophic proportions. This Devastation Ark could be right up their alley.
Sivv civilization died out due to bankrupting themselves though so having multiple superweapons would be kinda weird. Plus its wasn't outright stated they were evil and warmongering, the war with kishalee just escalated a looooooot and they were desperate to end the centuries long war. that I’ve thought about it a bit, what if the enemy is the Sivv?
They made the Stellar Degenerator, which was a weapon of truly colossal and catastrophic proportions. This Devastation Ark could be right up their alley.
Sivv civilization died out due to bankrupting themselves though so having multiple superweapons would be kinda weird. Plus its wasn't outright stated they were evil and warmongering, the war with kishalee just escalated a looooooot and they were desperate to end the centuries long war.
If I remember correctly, it is stated that the kishalee were finally defeated by an unnamed warmongering race (not the sivv, exactly)... Could be this one? I think I'll continue my Dead Suns campaign with this AP
We are planning to have a blog post at some point in January with a little more information about The Devastation Ark AP... but I haven't written it yet.
So what would you want to know? Do you want to hear some spoilers? Would you like to see some preview art? How can I get you even more excited?
And just to be a bit of a tease, I'll say that there's some REALLY GOOD speculation going on in this thread...
We are planning to have a blog post at some point in January with a little more information about The Devastation Ark AP... but I haven't written it yet.
So what would you want to know? Do you want to hear some spoilers? Would you like to see some preview art? How can I get you even more excited?
And just to be a bit of a tease, I'll say that there's some REALLY GOOD speculation going on in this thread...
Welp, this is awesome. Our Dead Suns group was one of my favorite groups of people to play with in my whole TTRPG career, and we've long been saying we'd love to run our characters up more, but our Dead Suns GM is overworked and wasn't up to writing his own campaign. basically, Keeley, that's at least one very happy group of customers here.
We are planning to have a blog post at some point in January with a little more information about The Devastation Ark AP... but I haven't written it yet.
So what would you want to know? Do you want to hear some spoilers? Would you like to see some preview art? How can I get you even more excited?
And just to be a bit of a tease, I'll say that there's some REALLY GOOD speculation going on in this thread...
Well, what levels it covers, how the heck the currently unnamed ancient race is connected to bantrids, what the ancient race actually is and have we heard about them would be nice to know :D
Besides that, it would be interesting to hear how it has been like to work on high level starfinder content and how the starship combat and such works on higher levels. I've been wondering a lot about whether amount of exp slows down at higher levels in Starfinder like it did in Pathfinder so whether this starts at level 13 and after final boss ends at 19 or if its more like two levels per book.
(it would help with my speculation, I mean if it IS 3 levels per book, then the hypothetical high level 6 part adventure would need to start at level 9 with 9-11, 11-13, 13-15, 15-17, 17-18 and 19-20. That way you get to play in level 20 and not just end the book on it or play for level 20 for the entire adventure. Though in that scenario, level 9 would be bit odd since 3 part aps end at level 7, so it wouldn't be effortless to combine two of them with it... Speculating is fun!)
We are planning to have a blog post at some point in January with a little more information about The Devastation Ark AP... but I haven't written it yet.
So what would you want to know? Do you want to hear some spoilers? Would you like to see some preview art? How can I get you even more excited?
And just to be a bit of a tease, I'll say that there's some REALLY GOOD speculation going on in this thread...
Well, what levels it covers, how the heck the currently unnamed ancient race is connected to bantrids, what the ancient race actually is and have we heard about them would be nice to know :D
Besides that, it would be interesting to hear how it has been like to work on high level starfinder content and how the starship combat and such works on higher levels. I've been wondering a lot about whether amount of exp slows down at higher levels in Starfinder like it did in Pathfinder so whether this starts at level 13 and after final boss ends at 19 or if its more like two levels per book.
(it would help with my speculation, I mean if it IS 3 levels per book, then the hypothetical high level 6 part adventure would need to start at level 9 with 9-11, 11-13, 13-15, 15-17, 17-18 and 19-20. That way you get to play in level 20 and not just end the book on it or play for level 20 for the entire adventure. Though in that scenario, level 9 would be bit odd since 3 part aps end at level 7, so it wouldn't be effortless to combine two of them with it... Speculating is fun!)
I feel like you might have missed that this is a three-issue AP.
We are planning to have a blog post at some point in January with a little more information about The Devastation Ark AP... but I haven't written it yet.
So what would you want to know? Do you want to hear some spoilers? Would you like to see some preview art? How can I get you even more excited?
And just to be a bit of a tease, I'll say that there's some REALLY GOOD speculation going on in this thread...
Well, what levels it covers, how the heck the currently unnamed ancient race is connected to bantrids, what the ancient race actually is and have we heard about them would be nice to know :D
Besides that, it would be interesting to hear how it has been like to work on high level starfinder content and how the starship combat and such works on higher levels. I've been wondering a lot about whether amount of exp slows down at higher levels in Starfinder like it did in Pathfinder so whether this starts at level 13 and after final boss ends at 19 or if its more like two levels per book.
(it would help with my speculation, I mean if it IS 3 levels per book, then the hypothetical high level 6 part adventure would need to start at level 9 with 9-11, 11-13, 13-15, 15-17, 17-18 and 19-20. That way you get to play in level 20 and not just end the book on it or play for level 20 for the entire adventure. Though in that scenario, level 9 would be bit odd since 3 part aps end at level 7, so it wouldn't be effortless to combine two of them with it... Speculating is fun!)
I feel like you might have missed that this is a three-issue AP.
And I think you missed the "hypothetical" part :D I'm speculating based on this 3 part AP what levels hypothetical high level six part adventure would look like
I'm so happy to see some high level gameplay for Starfinder. Hopefully this adventure takes the party the rest of the way to 20. I know my group will probably never make it to finish the way to max level but I know just having the option there makes them much more excited and willing to jump into the game.
We are planning to have a blog post at some point in January with a little more information about The Devastation Ark AP... but I haven't written it yet.
So what would you want to know? Do you want to hear some spoilers? Would you like to see some preview art? How can I get you even more excited?
And just to be a bit of a tease, I'll say that there's some REALLY GOOD speculation going on in this thread...
I'd like to have enough info to foreshadow and link it to Dead Suns.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Well, then. I guess I gotta put my money where my mouth is, then, now that the devs finally did what I asked for. I'll get some of the hardcovers through local retailers, since shipping from the US kills me. But I'll sub for The Threefold Conspiracy and this one.
Addendum: Guess I'll have to start in a few weeks, since at the current time the suscription still only offers the fifth and sixth parts of the current AP. But I'll make a note to do it in a few weeks, i.e. at the end of January.
Jason Keeley wrote:
We are planning to have a blog post at some point in January with a little more information about The Devastation Ark AP... but I haven't written it yet.
So what would you want to know? Do you want to hear some spoilers? Would you like to see some preview art? How can I get you even more excited?
Until which level does this AP go? And also, how to connect this high level AP to past AP's you've done? Especially the Threefold Conspiracy, since that will be the first one I'll get :p