Katina Davis Webstore Coordinator |
Marco Massoudi |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Marco, how are you enjoying CotCT so far? I'm just GMing our final session of RotRL next week, and might do CotCT sometime next year.
Compared to Rise of the Runelords, which has a very basic storyline with not too many roleplaying opportunities in the later books as you are traveling around a lot, Crimson Throne is far superior, as it takes place in a much bigger city than Sandpoint (Korvosa).
Book 1 felt much more fun than book 1 of RotR (which is fine).Now, i know the entire basic plot of CotCT and the structure is much better, with the main villain introduced early on, whereas in RotR people forgot until book 4 that they had once seen of image of him.
You also fight for higher stakes for your homecity, compared to only the opening battle in Sandpoint and the one in book 4.
Korvosa is more interesting than Sandpoint, because it is the bigger city in Varisia at the time and you can place more stories there, as npc levels run a lot higher.
Did you use the "Sandpoint, Light of the Lost Coast" campaign setting?
It wasn't out when i gmed it.
There is a campaign setting book for Korvosa, too. :-)
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Are any other APs slated to be pocket-erised? I know these things usually wait for the cart to follow the horse but still, just wiondering...
Rise of the Runelords is scheduled for February.
RotR and Crimson Throne are the only APs we have compiled into single editions thus far. Kingmaker is coming in hardcover next year, but it will likely be a while before we think about a pocket edition of that.
Marco Massoudi |
We will be finishing book two of CotCT on december 20th (hopefully) and i have to say that this Adventure Path is the best pre-written that i have been a player in, i havn't had as much fun in the last decade!
Our GM is handling this pretty much as a sandbox (which is really easy to do with this book), because all the locations are there to visit and you can do this in any order.
Some locations are only available from a certain time on and some need to be found/unlocked, but it is really cool to have a city map available and to revisit some changing locations.
To anybody who hasn't bought this already:
Do yourselves a favor and get this!
It is an entire campaign for level 1-17 (or 18) and can easily be continued to level 20 and that now for less than 30 bucks is a real bargain.
Gambit |
Don’t get cheaper than “unavailable”.
I'm well aware of its status on the Paizo site. I'm speaking of its accessibility through other avenues. It's usually priced for well over $200.
Yeah, the secondary market prices are outrageous. I just shamelessly sold my collector's edition hardcover for over $300. No doubt the prices will drop once the pocket editions hit the shelves.
Indeed, that is the hope my friend, we shall see.
Ed Reppert |
Rysky wrote:Don’t get cheaper than “unavailable”.I'm well aware of its status on the Paizo site. I'm speaking of its accessibility through other avenues. It's usually priced for well over $200.
So perhaps not "unavailable", but merely "inaccessible". :-)
captain yesterday |
Rysky wrote:Don’t get cheaper than “unavailable”.I'm well aware of its status on the Paizo site. I'm speaking of its accessibility through other avenues. It's usually priced for well over $200.
PFRPGrognard wrote:Yeah, the secondary market prices are outrageous. I just shamelessly sold my collector's edition hardcover for over $300. No doubt the prices will drop once the pocket editions hit the shelves.Indeed, that is the hope my friend, we shall see.
Not to be That Guy, but why not just get the pocket edition.
The price is right.
Anguish |
A fair question. Its really just a matter of matching the rest of the collection. I don't own any of the pocket editions.
I hear you. Collection OCD is totally a thing. If you're looking for this to just fill in a hole in a collection... skipping it is understanding. If you're looking for an excellent adventure at a very reasonable price, this is a great option and I can't recommend it enough.
I'm not a fan of the pocket editions myself, but my gaming groups come to me, so portability isn't a factor. Actually... they bloody leave the couple pocket edition Cores here as well as the three hardcover Cores, so I fail to see the appeal with my group at all. But... whatever. The print is still readable, and the price is beyond reproach.
Marco Massoudi |
We have begun book 3 of the adventure path 2 weeks ago and it was a blast.
I especially like that some locations which have been around since the beginning of the campaign change - 2 got destroyed and 2 others pretty much abandoned.
Also key NPCs which got introduced in book 1 still play a significant role, die, vanish and new ones for the later books get introduced.
I can't recommend this AP enough, i own all 150 Pathfinder AP volumes and took part in roughly a third - this is the best one so far!
blazestudios23 |
I bought the hardback for $100. So it seems the prices are coming down. $100 is reasonable to me as to buy six new AP books would cost me ~$120.
They really need to do all the early APs as anniversary editions. I know many people want them and they would sell well. Second Darkness would be awesome with a full Pathfinder conversion and so would the one after it set in an Arabian Nights setting.
Marco Massoudi |
At this point, everybody with half a brain knows that every adventure path collection, no matter if for Pathfinder 1e or adapted to second edition, either as hardcover or as a later pocket edition would sell very well initially and eventually sell out.
It is just a matter of time and manpower when the next one after "Kingmaker" will come out.
I know I will buy every collectors edition!
Rysky |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
At this point, everybody with half a brain knows that every adventure path collection, no matter if for Pathfinder 1e or adapted to second edition, either as hardcover or as a later pocket edition would sell very well initially and eventually sell out.
That’s what we call an assumption.
Ed Reppert |
I don't expect it, but it would be nice to see a hardcover or pocket edition compilation, or both, of "The Shattered Star", because that's part of the "Runelords" trilogy.
Joana |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |
At this point, everybody with half a brain knows that every adventure path collection, no matter if for Pathfinder 1e or adapted to second edition, either as hardcover or as a later pocket edition would sell very well initially and eventually sell out.
It is just a matter of time and manpower when the next one after "Kingmaker" will come out.
Things I have said before that are still true:
From 2009:
The number one problem with collected APs is that our cash flow relies on constant sales of the current AP volume, and anything that we do that potentially reduces sales of the current volume is harmful to us. Not only would collecting them train some people to wait for the compilations, but it would also be creating a product that competes with the current AP for the attention of new customers. Either one of those is bad enough; taken together, the whole issue becomes a non-starter.
From 2010:
I mentioned it in the Why We Don't Reprint Thread, but I may as well repeat it here:
"The 'no reprints' rule doesn't apply to everything... and 'reinvention' is also possible. So long as it's done in a way that is as appealing as a completely new product, and doesn't train people to always wait for the reinvention."
So an anniversary edition that updates the out-of-print Rise of the Runelords to PFRPG rules is interesting. The ruleset update satisfies the requirements of reinvention to at least some degree; then, so long as we made it clear that this was a one-time exception, and that waiting for, say, a complete Kingmaker compilation would probably be fruitless, that could satisfy the "not training people to wait" rule.
From 2011, after the announcement of the Runelords compilation:
We have *no* plans to compile additional adventure paths. Keeping up sales (and especially subscriptions) of the Pathfinder Adventure Path line is crucial to our business, and if we were to make a habit of regularly compiling APs, many customers would be tempted to opt out of the ongoing series, choosing instead to wait for the compilations.
That would be, frankly, one of the worst possible things that could happen to Paizo.
I won't say we'll never ever compile another Adventure Path, but I will say it would take very very unusual circumstances for us to consider doing another one, no matter how well this one sells.
From 2013:
Allow me to give you another data point. While we rarely talk about print run sizes or sales numbers, we do, every now and then, do blog posts where we tell you which items are getting low on stock—defined as under 1000 copies—in our warehouse. [I then linked to a recent such blog post, which I won't relink since it's terribly out of date.]
From that, you might deduce the following stock levels for each volume of the AP:
Rise of the Runelords:
Sold out: 1, 3, 5, 6
Between 25 and 100 copies: 4
Between 100 and 250 copies: 2
(Total remaining copies: 125-350)Crimson Throne:
Between 25 and 100 copies: 2
Between 500 and 1000 copies: 1, 3
More than 1000 copies: 4, 5, 6
(Total remaining copies: 4025-?)Second Darkness:
More than 1000 copies: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
(Total remaining copies: 6000-?)Legacy of Fire:
Between 500 and 1000 copies: 4
More than 1000 copies: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
(Total remaining copies: 5500-?)It doesn't take a business degree to see Rise of the Runelords is in a class by itself. It made a standout candidate for a compilation; any other AP would require a lot more justification.
Note: "More copies in the warehouse" does not directly correlate to "fewer copies sold", as print runs vary from volume to volume. But it's safe to assume that a compilation of any of these would drastically reduce the rate of sales of the current printings, so these numbers are certainly one of many factors we'd take into consideration if we were looking to compile one of them—which we are currently not.
From 2014:
I would like to be clear that we do try to avoid saying *never*. When we did the Rise of the Runelords anniversary edition, we said that it was a special circumstance—an exception to the rule—but we haven't said that there will definitely never ever be another exception. But it took 5 years to do the first one, and it's been a few years since that came out, and we're not working on one now.
And some additional comments just for today: {2016}
Reprinting APs will continue to be extremely rare. Not never, but rare enough that you shouldn't plan on any given AP ever being compiled. It has been 4 years since the last compilation, and there's no reason to expect the next to come any sooner.
Just as Runelords was when we compiled it, Crimson Throne is now almost sold out in its original form (as of our last low inventory blog in November, the first three volumes were completely sold out, volumes 4 and 5 were under 1000 copies, and volume 6 was under 500), and it benefits from being updated to the current ruleset. While a couple other APs meet one or the other of those, there are no other APs that meet both. Nobody is working on another compilation beyond Curse, and nobody will be working on one anytime soon.
Marco Massoudi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Yadda yadda yadda.
Where are the quotes from 2019 which essentially said that Paizo knows that hardcover collections will be great sellers, but they lack the time and manpower to do it regulary?
Rise of the Runelords sold out and is getting a Pocket Edition.
Curse of the Crimson Throne sold out and is getting a Pocket Edition.
Kingmaker was a big crowd-funding success and will be getting a Second Edition hardcover collection and a 1e conversion guide.
It will probably get a Pocket Edition somewhere down the road once the hardcover is sold out.
I bet that we will see another collected Edition hardcover one day, as there are more adventure paths which are sold out, like Carrion Crown.
Note that i didn't say that we will get a hardcover Edition for every adventure Path (unfortunately).
Second Darkness is probably not getting one, sadly.
Gorbacz |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Where are the quotes from 2019 which essentially said that Paizo knows that hardcover collections will be great sellers, but they lack the time and manpower to do it regulary?
Have fun looking for them, as you're the one who needs them to support your assumptions.
blazestudios23 |
When Paizo finally moves over to a digital subscription model (which is the future of this industry), and doesn't rely on current sales, they will be happily updating their APs to whatever version of Pathfinder is current, as like Netflix, more content means more subscribers.
Digital subsections are great for allowing companies to have reliable income and help the consumers get much more varied content, as it pays to create niche content rather than content for everyone, as the more niches you get the more subscribers you get. Niche content is always better than content that tries to appeal to everyone.
Rysky |
I’m not really sure how “digital” subscriptions would put them in a different/better market, or take less resources from the Designers and Developers and their teams in creating and updating content.
edit: Oh you mean a flat monthly reoccurring fee? Yeah that’s not going to work with how they do, since they release their rules for free.
Marco Massoudi |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
We are now halfway through book 4 of the CotCT hardcover collection.
It is still very much fun and there are lots of fights but also lots of roleplay opportunities.
It is different from the first three books, but not in a bad way.
Unfortunately yesterdays session (evening #19) "Acropolis of the Thrallkeepers" will be the last for the foreseeable future, du to a spreading disease, and i am not talking about "Bloodveil". :-/
Joana |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Which PF1 APs are mostly sold out?
The Raven Black |
The Raven Black wrote:Which PF1 APs are mostly sold out?Rise of the Runelords (6 of 6 unavailable & hardcover compilation sold out)
Curse of the Crimson Throne (3 of 6 unavailable & hardcover compilation sold out)
Legacy of Fire (4 of 6 unavailable)
Kingmaker (6 of 6 unavailable)
Carrion Crown (5 of 6 unavailable)
Jade Regent (4 of 6 unavailable)
Skull & Shackles (3 of 6 unavailable)
Shattered Star (3 of 6 unavailable)
Wow. So many. Thank you very much for the answer
Marco Massoudi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Our last "Curse of the Crimson Throne" session took place on march 13th - one month ago.
Our next session doesn't have a date yet, but i think it could happen somewhen in may.
Session #20 "Temple of the Moon" (Book 4) would be the next chapter.
If the pocket edition really comes out on may 27th, we could use it for the finale of book 4.
I hope both things work out.
Is someone else stuck in this campaign?
Marco Massoudi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
We had our 20th session on may 1st.
Temple of the Moon was fun, not because of the battles, but because of what happened afterwards when the characters went to sleep. ;-)
Our next session will probably be the penultimate one of chapter/book 4 called "Cindermaw".
We should finish book 4 around the time the Pocket Edition finally comes out.
Marco Massoudi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
We had our 21st session yesterday.
Cindermaw was not fun at all, but otherwise of the encounter dragging like crazy, we had no problems with the battle.
The diplomatic encounter at Flame Ford also wasn't exciting, but luckily the Test of the Totems made up for everything, as we had a blast at besting it.
With the finale of book 4 coming up in two weeks, i can already say that while book 4 is not as good as books 1-3 were, but not bad for a 4th book in an adventure path.
Whereas books 1-3 were solid A's, book 4 is a B-.
This is still the best pre-written adventure path i took part in as a player, so getting this for 30 bucks is a real bargain as it provides over a year of playtime.
Marco Massoudi |
Does anyone have this product in their hands yet? If so, what do you think?
I do.
It's 480 pages of adventure bringing four characters from level 1 to level 17, same as the sold-out hardcover only for less than $30.The maps are smaller, but i can easily see them.
Any specific questions?
Zorob |
Zorob wrote:Does anyone have this product in their hands yet? If so, what do you think?I do.
It's 480 pages of adventure bringing four characters from level 1 to level 17, same as the sold-out hardcover only for less than $30.
The maps are smaller, but i can easily see them.
Any specific questions?
That's helpful. I have the original AP issues but never played them and the original hardcover is so expensive in the secondary market. Plus, Amazon recently notified me that my preorder of this pocket edition still has an unknown delivery time, so I guess I was just checking if anyone had actually gotten a copy and will now probably order direct from Paizo. Glad to hear the maps are readable at this small print size! Thanks.