Confront the usurper and achieve your destiny! This set contains over 85 bespoke paper miniatures for use in The Empty Throne, the sixth and final installment of the Jade Regent Adventure Path.
This set contains the following miniatures:
Advanced Hydrodaemons (6) (Large)
Advanced Ogre Mage (4) (Large)
Advanced Terra-Cotta Soldier (12)
Akatsuka Katsumoto, Male human graveknight fighter
Amatatsu Maemi, Handmaiden devil
Amatatsu Onoko, Female trumpet archon
Anamurumon, Male wind yai (Huge)
Bogo-Na, Male Typhoon commander (Large)
Clockwork Golem (4) (Large)
Earth Yai in Stone Giant Form (2) (Large)
Emperor Higashiyama Shigure, Male human ghost aristocrat
Erinyes (6)
Furnace Golem (Huge)
Giras Notori, the Raven Prince, Male tengu ninja
Gravebound Warden (Gargantuan)
Greater Shadow (6)
Hezrou (3) (Large)
Ikku, Male advanced piscodaemon
Iron Tempest Monk, Human fighter/monk (hungry ghost monk) (4)
Jorogumo (3)
Kiyomi, Rokurokubi Miu and Ume, Advanced erinyes (2)
Nightwing (Huge)
Omox Demon (3)
Renshii Meida, Female human oracle
Roka Kozu, Female Typhoon commander (Large)
Shiori Heikkaki, Female advanced shiko me assassin
Shojinawa Ito, Male human dread ghost sorcerer
Soto Takahiro, the Jade Regent, Male oni-spawn tiefling samurai
Sudoshi Sento, Male kuwa oni monk (martial artist)
Sugimatu Nobinoru, Male advanced thanadaemon
Taotieh (4) (Large)
Teikoku Sokai, Male advanced nalfeshnee (Huge)
Teikono, Male adult sovereign dragon (Huge)
Typhoon Commander, Ogre mage inquisitor of Fumeiyoshi (Large)
Typhoon Guard (8), Kuwa oni samurai
Artwork by Todd Westcot
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The Jade Regent Bestiary paper minis are complete and Paizo is working to get them added to the main paper minis page but in the meantime you can find them through a direct link HERE.