Adventure Chronicle #3 PDF

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Issue #3 of Adventure Chronicle magazine by AAW Games

Adventure Chronicle is a quarterly magazine that features interviews, reviews, and content compatible with 5th Edition and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Issue #3 features additional Starfinder Roleplaying Game content, a host of Halloween-themed articles for both sci-fi and fantasy genres, three adventures, an introduction to adventure writing, the Arcanaium design contest, an interview with former Paizo staffer James Sutter, and so much more!

Publisher's Corner
By Jonathan G. Nelson

Halloween Practice
Carlye Rall

Interview With James L. Sutter
Creative Director for the Starfinder Roleplaying Game

In Search of the Sun Blade
By Stephen Yeardley and Thomas Baumbach

Cult of the Bloody Pumpkin
By Michael Smith

Something’s Adrift
By Rory Toma

The Menagerie
An assortment of Halloween creatures

The Gauntlet
By Rory Toma

Introduction to Adventure Writing
By Colin Stricklin

The Arcanariuim
By Stephen Yeardley

Halloween Traditions
By Thomas Baumbach

Tales From the Tabletop
By Jacob Blackmon

The (Sci-Fi) Menagerie
Sci-Fi themed creature compendium

22 Starship Malfunctions
By Stephen Yeardley

Why Aren’t You Afraid?
By Jacob E. Blackmon

Haunting the Stars
By Rory Toma

Greater Than Its Parts
By Stephen Yeardley

At the Court of the Heartless Queen
By Stephen Yeardley

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Never too late to have some free thirdly issue of the adventurin' chronicle-stuff out there as well. ;)

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