Aeon Stone (Pearly White Spindle)

Pathfinder Society

Does the Aeon Stone (Pearly White Spindle) require a boon even though the character had both the funds and level for it?

2/5 5/5 *****

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

From the Character Options page under "Lost Omens: Pathfinder Society Guide:


As stated in the section introduction, all characters have access to the magic items in the Magic Items section on page 117, as well as the items, familiars and spells on pages 120-121.

So no boon is required, but owning the book (in physical or PDF form) is.

Grand Lodge 4/5 ****

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
NielsenE wrote:

From the Character Options page under "Lost Omens: Pathfinder Society Guide:


As stated in the section introduction, all characters have access to the magic items in the Magic Items section on page 117, as well as the items, familiars and spells on pages 120-121.
So no boon is required, but owning the book (in physical or PDF form) is.

Agree. There's this weird split where we have access to all of the Stones in the PFS Guide but none of the stones in the Core Rulebook. I'm not sure why that is, but there's a boon for the CRB ones so it's not that big of a deal.

1/5 5/5

It's not as weird as one might think -- if the other ones are more difficult to acquire and the ones that the Society has are part of some stash they found or all the ones they were banking from an earlier rule set. :>

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

The aeon stone has become a "must have" due to its availability at low levels and relative cheap cost

The Exchange 1/5

Yep, the 60 gp L3 item was in almost every build I saw before I stopped playing PFS2. In reality, it wasn't that useful since between encounter healing was free, unlimited, and complete. However, given that PFS2 basically stops at 8th level or so effectively it is useful for things such as clay golems etc

Hsui wrote:
Yep, the 60 gp L3 item was in almost every build I saw before I stopped playing PFS2. In reality, it wasn't that useful since between encounter healing was free, unlimited, and complete. However, given that PFS2 basically stops at 8th level or so effectively it is useful for things such as clay golems etc

I've gotten use out of it as a time saver more than anything, in scenarios that don't give or limit time between fight, and when no one has a decent healer in the tier.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

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I think it's a great item - mostly because of the nature of Pathfinder Society. Since the group you get assigned in will often be random, you can't count on someone else to take care of healing you. Thus, I think all characters should be at least self-sufficient enough to take care of their own wounds. This can be as little as trained in medicine + healer's kit, or the aeon stone, or lay on hands, or some scrolls or potions. All characters get a wayfinder for free after 2 scenarios, and 60gp is a cheap price in the long run, if it means you'll rarely, if ever, have to go into the next combat without full hp.

Also, it may save your life (or a heropoint) if the healing kicks in while you're in the dying state.

It's considerably less useful in consistent groups where one person has heavily invested into medicine feats, but usually it saves both IRL and In-Game time.

My character is a war priest of Saranae, healing domain. For me the stone is valuable since I spend 1 to 30 minutes between encounters healing the party. During this time I get personal healing. Win-win as far as I can see.

Scarab Sages 4/5

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I think this thread has convinced me to go ahead and pick the aeon stone up on a couple of characters. There are enough “you have 10 minutes to heal and refocus” situations that getting an extra 10 HPs in that time is helpful. And I just happen to have been in a lot of groups lately without guaranteed free healing between encounters (people with medicine, but none of the supporting feats, including no assurance).

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