Star Battles: Hex Space Maps 1 (SFRPG) PDF

2.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Our Price: $4.99

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Beyond the Basic Star Map

Never play on an ordinary star map! Star Battles: Hex Space Maps 1 takes your Starfinder game beyond the basics, bringing exciting visuals to your table. Have your ships buzz planets, skin rocky rings, and fight in dawn's glorious light. These maps sport 1-inch hexes, ideal for an epic showdown between all of your starship miniatures!

Star Battles: Hex Space Maps 1 features:

  • 6 maps, each measuring 12" x 18"
  • Those same maps reformatted for printing on 8-1/2" x 11"
  • Easily copied images, ideal for use on a VTT.

Enjoy epic space battles in your Starfinder game today!

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Average product rating:

2.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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Beautiful Maps


These maps look amazing. But they are far to small for ship combat to run smoothly on.

When your ship has a speed of 10 and the large maps are 18x11, it just does not work. And the maps, by way of making them so unique and pretty, just do not work tiled together.

I was so happy when I first downloaded this, and so sad when I put it on the table.

Community & Digital Content Director

Now available!

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Yeah! Our first Starfinder release is available at Paizo!!!

The cover image reads "Hex Space Maps 2". Is that correct? The Product Description says Hex Space Maps 1.

Are these, as the review seems to indicate better used with much replication (as the Product Description advises...) to make bigger areas within which to maneuver? Is there any chance you could post some images to your website (or here?). The maps sound as if they are beautiful...

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
The cover image reads "Hex Space Maps 2". Is that correct? The Product Description says Hex Space Maps 1.

The difference in the cover between 1 and 2 is the number. You can find 2 here.

Are these, as the review seems to indicate better used with much replication (as the Product Description advises...) to make bigger areas within which to maneuver? Is there any chance you could post some images to your website (or here?). The maps sound as if they are beautiful...

You are right, I should have posted the link to the preview. Here are 3 of the maps.

Liberty's Edge

Are these available without the hexes for VTT?

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