Pathfinder Society Scenario #8-25: Unleashing the Untouchable (PFRPG) PDF

4.80/5 (based on 9 ratings)

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 12-15.

The Pathfinder Society has secured the tools and uncovered the secret to shattering the Untouchable Opal and liberating the demigod within. All the Pathfinders lack is an impossibly hot flame—one that can match the searing hatred of Ymeri herself. The Society's best bet is Kandirion's Pyre, a supernatural forge situated where the elemental planes of earth and fire relentlessly batter each other. Freeing a demigod could send ripples through the multiverse and attract the attention of powerful creatures. Only the greatest agents stand a chance of breaking the Opal and surviving.

Written by Robert Brookes.

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Society Scenario Subscription.

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4.80/5 (based on 9 ratings)

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Epic feel, well written and easy to run


So far I have run this at low tier and played it at high. I am due to run it at least twice more and high and low tier.

This is absolutely the sort of adventure I hope to see at seeker tier. Characters taking on tasks which have potentially major ramifications in epic settings against very dangerous enemies.

More like this for seeker tier play please. Highly recommended.

A scenario to make Seekers FEEL like seekers


I played this with a group of 6 characters, all firmly high tier.

I really liked the scenario in general. It embodied what play at this level should feel like. Epic characters on an Epic mission. A very satisfying end to Season 8. It basically just expects characters to take all sorts of precautions and will viciously kill you if you don't. But it is quite manageable if you DO take the precautions.

And there was even some interesting roleplaying in what was basically a dungeon crawl.

Roleplaying Spoiler:
The group had 3 paladins in it. You can imagine the initial reaction when we encountered the prisoner. But he was SO reasonable and SO well written that we actually talked to him and actually made a deal with him. That shows very good writing and, admittedly, GMing

We had a good GM and I imagine that helped a lot. This could be a nightmare with a bad GM (but that is probably true for most high level scenarios).

The combats were interesting and challenging. We didn't lose anybody but it was obvious in a couple that death was a possibility.

First Encounter:

I hate with a fiery passion the Troop mechanics that Paizo have. I've spent a LOT of resources to get my defences as high as they are and suddenly they are irrelevant. A battle with a troop doesn't feel even remotely like a battle with a bunch of enemies would feel like. Slightly altereing the swarm rules was a major mistake.

That said, the Troop rules were really the only way to handle that first encounter. When we were told that we saw hundreds of Elementals ahead of us I'd assumed it was going to be some skill challenge thingy. Actually fighting them was more interesting. But I still HATE the Troop rules :-)

One Epic Moment:
I found it quite fitting and amusing that at one point an artifact (minor one sure, but still an artifact) is almost casually destroyed as essentially background. More than one Campaign has had destroying an artifact as the whole purpose, and here it just happens. Wonderful moment

Oh, and on a purely mercenary note, I love the potentially available boons. Especially the one that can be applied to other characters. Wonderful.

Profoundly awesome


Played this low-tier at GenCon 2017 with a skilled, experienced GM (which makes all the difference!)

The Good
*The combats were tough but interesting, and went fairly quickly- no slogfests here!
*The RP opportunities were excellent, without becoming a time sink.
*The threats seemed very real, with immanent danger of PC death- or worse! This was threat with a scalpel, not a sledgehammer. I don't enjoy brutality for brutality's sake, and there was none of that here. Bravo!
*This scenario offered actual moral considerations for the PCs, and not just of the 'good vs evil' variety. My Cleric actually had to take time to think very carefully about what her Deity would expect from her at several key points- something that doesn't happen often in PFS.

The Bad
*This was (understandably) tied closely into Season 8, so if your Seeker dates from anytime earlier in the campaign, your PC will not have had much if any prior contact with the metaplot, which would be disappointing. Happily, I didn't have that issue, having completed Eyes less than a month before. Playing Season 8 material with other PCs still allows the player to enjoy the metaplot, on a one-level-removed basis.
*Time. As I said, we had an experienced GM with good time management skills, so we were able to have a good experience in a tightly timed convention time slot. This scenario could have easily run 6 hours or longer. In another environment where time limits are more flexible, I wouldn't rate this as a 'bad' thing- but it's something to keep in mind.

All in all, this was one of the best PFS experiences I have ever had! Please make more!

Wimps need not apply


This was high-level play as it should be. You want a couple of cakewalk combats sandwiched in between some extended social encounters? Get back to tier 7-8. Heroes risk death.

Actually, the story provided several opportunities for excellent RP, and any group playing high tier knows or ought to know those opportunities always exist- it's up to the GM and the players to make the most of them.

What is more challenging, however, is to weave those RP opportunities into a compelling story that fits the arc of the season AND provides opportunities to showcase the awesome stuff that the characters can do and the players are dying to show off, as well as actually challenging them in combat. This scenario did all of those things.

Of course an excellent GM maximizes all of this... I had the privilege of doing this scenario at Gencon with Andrew Shumate. He is lawful evil and murderously creative. One of the special abilities of a baddie (no spoilers) was very unique, and he actually seemed to relish the opportunity to upset people with it. Twisted. Can't wait to play with him again.

Highly recommend this scenario. PAIZO, MAKE MORE SEEKER SCENARIOS!!

High level beat down


I got the chance to play this at GenCon on the lower tier, where the GM had run it 2-3 times previously. We were tested at keeping to time, partly due to high level play and partly due to most of us not playing those characters for the better part of a year or 2.
I was slightly annoyed that several in game bonuses were based off of Season 8 scenario benefits. If your Seeker played a lot of Season 8, this will be icing on the cake that was this scenario. If you last played PFS scenarios during Season 6, less so.
I found the combats to be challenging, without being brutal. My character had 2 out of her 4 closest brushes with death during this scenario. She had a bad day, but I had a blast playing it.
There was virtually no chance for roleplaying in this scenario, which is a bit of a let down as well.
And yeah, that final boss is no pushover. I can't wait to see the fallout from this in future scenarios.
Overall, I'd give it 4.5/5 stars.

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Sovereign Court

Always glad to see more seeker tier material being offered. Any chance of it becoming a regular thing per season?


So wait, is this one scenario of three like last season's arch, or it just one scenario?

Paizo Employee Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

4 people marked this as a favorite.

This is a single adventure.

When we published our first Pathfinder Society-specific seeker-level content since Eyes of the Ten, we did so with a three-part series. We're continuing to provide some seeker content, and one of the best ways to ensure that these adventures are easy to schedule (both in development and for your events) is to make sure that we're producing some stand-alone scenarios at those levels. In this case, #8–25 serves as a capstone for Season 8.


John Compton wrote:

This is a single adventure.

When we published our first Pathfinder Society-specific seeker-level content since Eyes of the Ten, we did so with a three-part series. We're continuing to provide some seeker content, and one of the best ways to ensure that these adventures are easy to schedule (both in development and for your events) is to make sure that we're producing some stand-alone scenarios at those levels. In this case, #8–25 serves as a capstone for Season 8.

I think that's cool. That means that new seeker stuff can be sprinkled in wherever you guys think it's needed. (And not necessarily be linked to the season theme, but this one seems pretty much perfect.)

Silver Crusade Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So there's no GM-star/convention-only restrictions on this, correct? Because if so, I know what I'm getting once my local players finish Eyes of the Ten. ^_^

Paizo Employee Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

14 people marked this as a favorite.
Kalindlara wrote:
So there's no GM-star/convention-only restrictions on this, correct? Because if so, I know what I'm getting once my local players finish Eyes of the Ten. ^_^

#8–25 is available for anyone to run or play the moment it's published.

Seeker-level content can be difficult to run, and adequate preparation is advised. Pregenerated characters are not provided. Those who have been raised from the dead or expect to be raised from the dead are recommended to check with their cleric before applying. Side effects may include Prestige Point expenditure, double-digit arithmetic, going cross-eyed from tracking buffs, taking 1d10 damage from teleportation mishaps, or spontaneous lycanthropy. Terms and conditions may apply. Offer not valid at tables GMed by Thurston Hillman.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm not sure there's enough scotch in Scotland to get Thusty to run seeker-level content for me. But just to be safe....

Pulls out the abacus

John Compton wrote:
spontaneous lycanthropy.


Paizo Employee Developer

Is it bad my only seeker is a very sneak attack centric rogue? Maybe I should spend 10 prestige to retrain into and out of planar sneak so I can hurt elementals...


Will be playing at gencon. I trust paizo not to make every enemy have the Elemental subtype :D

Grand Lodge

Show up on Sunday morning, my Seeker Bard has Summon Greater Sneak Attack. (Greater Invisiblity.)

That doesn't really help if most of your damage is coming from sneak attack given elemental immunity to it.

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Then it's Lesser GTFO.

The Exchange

Sweet. A scenario I actually want to play. (I have too many seekers.) I also find it amusing I know almost everyone in this thread so far.

Shadow Lodge

Can't tell whether I should be sad my Ifrit Swashbuckler/Bard/Paladin/Wizard just leveled out of range for this; or happy because he's a crit-fisher with anti-evil/fire weapons, and therefore has a miserable time vs. elementals.

At least my Investigator will be fi--

Investigator wrote:
The damage of studied strike is precision damage and is not multiplied on a critical hit; creatures that are immune to sneak attacks are also immune to studied strike.


My battle wizard has this. Cosmic ray for the win.

Paizo Employee Developer

Part of being a seeker is accepting challenges. It's very unlikely we'll find nothing but elementals (in fact it'd make certain items and spells auto-success for the scenario if that was true), but even if it's a majority, there'll be plenty of skills checks my rogue can assist with :D

Paizo Employee Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Maps Appearing in Pathfinder Society Scenario #8–25: Unleashing the Untouchable:

  • Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Mythos Dungeon
  • Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Wasteland

  • 2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Will Eliot Ness make an appearance?

    Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

    John Compton wrote:
    Kalindlara wrote:
    So there's no GM-star/convention-only restrictions on this, correct? Because if so, I know what I'm getting once my local players finish Eyes of the Ten. ^_^

    #8–25 is available for anyone to run or play the moment it's published.

    Seeker-level content can be difficult to run, and adequate preparation is advised. Pregenerated characters are not provided. Those who have been raised from the dead or expect to be raised from the dead are recommended to check with their cleric before applying. Side effects may include Prestige Point expenditure, double-digit arithmetic, going cross-eyed from tracking buffs, taking 1d10 damage from teleportation mishaps, or spontaneous lycanthropy. Terms and conditions may apply. Offer not valid at tables GMed by Thurston Hillman.

    Silly question perhaps, but is there any chance you can give a rough estimate of how long you expect a table to take? I.E., did you develop it for a 4-hour slot? 5-hour slot? Or should proper attention be given to this by putting it in a double-slot?

    I mean, I know what I would prefer myself, but for a coordinator with limited slots available and lots of potential players who will want to jump on this, I could use the advice...

    Paizo Employee Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Drogon wrote:

    Silly question perhaps, but is there any chance you can give a rough estimate of how long you expect a table to take? I.E., did you develop it for a 4-hour slot? 5-hour slot? Or should proper attention be given to this by putting it in a double-slot?

    I mean, I know what I would prefer myself, but for a coordinator with limited slots available and lots of potential players who will want to jump on this, I could use the advice...

    My best estimate, with a note about the number of encounters:

    #8–25 is fairly comparable in length to #7–26, which in my experience is the shortest of the three All for Immortality scenarios. I know that Gen Con GMs ran those scenarios in about 5 hours each with some careful preparation and pacing. I believe one can run through #8–25 in about 5 hours.

    This adventure has three combat encounters, a brief roleplaying scene, and a modest puzzle/skill challenge. Note that there are four encounters in the adventure, but two of them represent a choice in which path the PCs take.

    Just be careful about the common pitfalls of running seeker adventures in a timely fashion: unfamiliarity with rules and table chatter. Table chatter in particular is a delightful amusement—particularly for a group that hasn't played together in a while—but it can chew up a lot of gaming time and blow any time estimates out of the water. Unfamiliar rules are often a side effect of picking up a seeker character that's gone untouched for a year or more, after which a player needs time to find his footing again. The more you can have players go through that re-acclimation beforehand, the better you'll be.

    EDIT: And to more directly answer your question, I ordered and developed the adventure with the aim of it fitting in a 5-hour slot. High-level adventures are a little tough to fit reliably in a 4-hour slot.

    Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

    Perfect advice. Thank you, John.

    Paizo Employee Developer

    So much fun at Gencon!


    My Catfolk student of my Seeker and converted Paladin of Ranginori is the purrfect souvenier.

    Scarab Sages

    There seems to be a little bit of missing information with the "Big Bad" at the end. Anyone care to fill in the blank?

    It has regeneration, it states what gets around the regeneration, but it doesn't state how much regeneration. Any ideas what it should be?

    Paizo Employee Organized Play Lead Developer

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Moff Rimmer wrote:

    There seems to be a little bit of missing information with the "Big Bad" at the end. Anyone care to fill in the blank?

    ** spoiler omitted **

    Yep, I answered that one in the GM discussion thread.

    Dark Archive

    The Society's best bet is Kandirion's Pyre, a supernatural forge situated where the elemental planes of earth and fire relentlessly butter each other.

    MMMMMMMMM, I'll bring tea and biscuits....!

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