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Folks, please take discussion of any specific contents of the book to the appropriate Starfinder subform. (If everybody discussed everything here, this page would be thousands of page long in no time!)

Rysky the Dark Solarion |
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Cerushad wrote:I wanted Pathfinder in space, not Star Wars Revised Core Unchained. Very unhappy.Should you want that (to be very clear, I do not) then the book for you is Starfarer's Companion by RGG. That adds the "Pathfinder....in SPaaaaace" elements that you are (probably) looking for.
There's also the awesomely looking Aethera Campaign Setting

The Mad Comrade |

You know, people mention the banhammers and errata and PFS stole my barbarian's puppy.
But I have yet to meet these groups that check for faqs or even know Paizo.com is more than a webstore.
When PFS began my (then-very-large) group was on board. Then came the stuffs that took an easy to play game and made it, for us, less fun. YMMV. ;)

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Why does everyone always think there needs to be a "Pathfinder 2.0" (speaking of the first review saying this is hopefully paving the way to Pathfinder 2.0)
Because SF improves on several major issues of PF, the biggest being the length and flow of combat (due to doing away with iterative attacks and simplifying combat manoeuvres even further), the wtfqzomgbbq power level of 9-level prepared casters (because in SF there are none of those) and the complexity of monsters/NPCs.

John Kretzer |

Captain Olivia Quinn wrote:Why does everyone always think there needs to be a "Pathfinder 2.0" (speaking of the first review saying this is hopefully paving the way to Pathfinder 2.0)Because SF improves on several major issues of PF, the biggest being the length and flow of combat (due to doing away with iterative attacks and simplifying combat manoeuvres even further), the wtfqzomgbbq power level of 9-level prepared casters (because in SF there are none of those) and the complexity of monsters/NPCs.
Except of course it does not make combats shorter by design...

John Kretzer |

'cause it's a convoluted mess that isn't kept up-to-date on its own PRD for a year+ at a clip with so many nerbats and banhammers applied to it for "organized play" that the game is only semi-recognizable between PFS and everyone that doesn't play PFS?
I dunno, that'd be my guess. ;)
PFS is a very small minority of people who play the game...it is a very large mistake for Paizo to cater to them...one that WotC learned with 4th ed.

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Gorbacz wrote:Except of course it does not make combats shorter by design...Captain Olivia Quinn wrote:Why does everyone always think there needs to be a "Pathfinder 2.0" (speaking of the first review saying this is hopefully paving the way to Pathfinder 2.0)Because SF improves on several major issues of PF, the biggest being the length and flow of combat (due to doing away with iterative attacks and simplifying combat manoeuvres even further), the wtfqzomgbbq power level of 9-level prepared casters (because in SF there are none of those) and the complexity of monsters/NPCs.
A level 16 TWF hasted Ranger and her animal companion making a full attack using two different magical weapons with different crit ranges/modifiers and splitting iteratives between somebody who is her favoured enemy and something that isn't.
I've managed to take a bath during the time it took to figure it out.
Your move.

Handy Haversack of Hillarity |

John Kretzer wrote:Gorbacz wrote:Except of course it does not make combats shorter by design...Captain Olivia Quinn wrote:Why does everyone always think there needs to be a "Pathfinder 2.0" (speaking of the first review saying this is hopefully paving the way to Pathfinder 2.0)Because SF improves on several major issues of PF, the biggest being the length and flow of combat (due to doing away with iterative attacks and simplifying combat manoeuvres even further), the wtfqzomgbbq power level of 9-level prepared casters (because in SF there are none of those) and the complexity of monsters/NPCs.A level 16 TWF hasted Ranger and her animal companion making a full attack using two different magical weapons with different crit ranges/modifiers and splitting iteratives between somebody who is her favoured enemy and something that isn't.
I've managed to take a bath during the time it took to figure it out.
Your move.
Knight to b4.

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Gorbacz wrote:Knight to b4.John Kretzer wrote:Gorbacz wrote:Except of course it does not make combats shorter by design...Captain Olivia Quinn wrote:Why does everyone always think there needs to be a "Pathfinder 2.0" (speaking of the first review saying this is hopefully paving the way to Pathfinder 2.0)Because SF improves on several major issues of PF, the biggest being the length and flow of combat (due to doing away with iterative attacks and simplifying combat manoeuvres even further), the wtfqzomgbbq power level of 9-level prepared casters (because in SF there are none of those) and the complexity of monsters/NPCs.A level 16 TWF hasted Ranger and her animal companion making a full attack using two different magical weapons with different crit ranges/modifiers and splitting iteratives between somebody who is her favoured enemy and something that isn't.
I've managed to take a bath during the time it took to figure it out.
Your move.
Cavaliers riding hasted pouncing big cats are almost as bad ;-)

John Demko |
I hope there is a "lite" version of the PDF coming, like what is available for the Pathfinder rulebooks. 143MB is too big for Google Drive to display in the browser.
I would love a Lite version as well. 140mb is too big for me to reliably download from Google Drive or Kindle. PF Lite's 50mb was a great size.

Mike Lindner |
I hope there is a "lite" version of the PDF coming, like what is available for the Pathfinder rulebooks. 143MB is too big for Google Drive to display in the browser.
I would also like a lite version of the PDF. On a similar note I would like a soft cover pocket edition of the physical book.

Chris Lambertz Community & Digital Content Director |
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Hey Folks, the purpose of our Lite PDFs is not to reduce overall filesize, but to improve the graphics performance within the PDF. As the Starfinder Core Rulebook does not utilize as intensive of resources in its layout, there are no artifacts for us to strip. Additionally, the layout itself does not lend itself to being downsampled in an elegant way to get across the look and feel of the brand.

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I purchased the pdf, Paizo has my money, yet no pdf has been added to my downloads.
Malikjoker, please contact our customer service department (contact email and phone number is in the tiny type at the bottom of the page, or you can create a new thread in the Customer Service forum). They'll get you fixed up!

TheDisgaean |
Gotta say, I like what I've read! I especially like how they handled ability score generation, themes, classes, and archetypes. Giving the themes different abilities instead of making it dependant on your "job" makes your background matter and minimizes the need for overlapping classes. Having archetypes be compatible with all classes and replaces features at the same levels is also godsend. Goodbye long, biring table comparisons!
Also, good job handling the "weapon enhancement" system, its level system is much clearer than PF's + bonus system.
Now if we could just apply some of these rules to its fantasy cousin... anyone tried that? I'm curious.

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Started going through the book yesterday. I think my biggest problem so far is that SF adheres too much to PF's fantasy. A sci-fi game should have psionics instead of magic, and there's no reason for something like Dragons to be a creature type in a sci-fi game. Definitely closer to Spelljammer here than to Star Wars/Trek. Space fantasy. Maybe I should've expected that if it was widely published pre-release, but I guess I must've missed the heavy fantasy focus.
Still, it's not a deal breaker for me. I certainly hope that there will be a full psionics book down the line.
(Sadly, I also suffered from the binding issue many others have also reported.)

kadance |

Starfinder is a tabletop adventure roleplaying game (RPG): an
interactive story in which one player—the Game Master—sets
the scene and presents challenges, while the other players
each assume the role of a science fantasy hero and attempt
to overcome those challenges.
Emphasis added by me.

Milo v3 |

Yes, it's obvious once you have the book and open it.
The description for the product is also rather detailed in this regard:
Shoot for the Stars
Blast off into a galaxy of adventure with the Starfinder Roleplaying Game! Step into your powered armor and grab your magic-infused laser rifle as you investigate the mysteries of a weird universe with your bold starship crew. Will you delve for lost artifacts in the ruins of alien temples? Strap on rune-enhanced armor and a laser rifle to battle undead empires in fleets of bone ships, or defend colonists from a swarm of ravenous monsters? Maybe you'll hack into the mainframe of a god-run corporation, or search the stars for clues to the secret history of the universe or brand new planets to explore. Whether you're making first contact with new cultures on uncharted worlds or fighting to survive in the neon-lit back alleys of Absalom Station, you and your team will need all your wits, combat skill, and magic to make it through. But most of all, you'll need each other.
This massive 528-page hardcover rulebook is the essential centerpiece of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game, with rules for character creation, magic, gear, and more—everything you need to play Starfinder as either a player or Game Master! The next great adventure in science-fantasy roleplaying takes off here, and the Starfinder Core Rulebook is your ticket to a lifetime of adventure amid the stars!

thenovalord |

I caved in to weakness and purchased it yesterday. First attempt to roll up a PC later. Have decided to embrace its science fantasy theme and get a GOTG feel to it.
Not the least bit interested in pursuing any SFS threads, so hopefully some good 3rd party stuff will emerge adventure-wise, and will have a go myself at creating some scenarios in due
I do really, really like the rules changes.

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I don't know why the ability score increases have to be in so large steps. Every five levels you can increase FOUR ability scores? Why not pace them out and make it more gradual? First increase at lvl 2, second increase at lvl 3, third increase at lvl 4 and fourth increase at lvl 5? You end up with the same, but it's more smoothly paced out, instead of getting a mega-boost of difference, making a lvl 5 character *much* more powerful than a lvl 4 one.

thenovalord |

we rolled up two characters, and a tier 1 ship
Despite the initial cold sweat of not having HL to use it was actually eventually quite a pleasent experience, add we came up with lots of backstory and plot ideas.
Creating the starship was actually great fun.
I kept thinking, you know, this is how I would have done it.

Benjamin Medrano |

I don't know why the ability score increases have to be in so large steps. Every five levels you can increase FOUR ability scores? Why not pace them out and make it more gradual? First increase at lvl 2, second increase at lvl 3, third increase at lvl 4 and fourth increase at lvl 5? You end up with the same, but it's more smoothly paced out, instead of getting a mega-boost of difference, making a lvl 5 character *much* more powerful than a lvl 4 one.
My personal suspicion? Bookkeeping. Do you remember in 3.5 when you had to keep track of what skills you picked up at what levels, and when your Intelligence increased for additional skill points? I certainly do. And if you said that each of the first four increases had to be to different attributes, there will always be players who forget, even if it's by accident.
It's far easier to put the attribute increases all at the same level and say they can't apply to the same attribute. I remember at PaizoCon they said that if they had a choice between 5 points of customization of reducing 20 points of complexity, they chose reducing the complexity each time.

Dhampir984 |

Has there been any official word from Paizo about the binding issue I've heard about (and seen many CS thread on)? Does it seem to be just a bad batch during the print run or is it hitting every copy out there? I just got my copies the other day, and while I haven't had a chance to check them over yet, I'm concerned mine will have an issue too.

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Has there been any official word from Paizo about the binding issue I've heard about (and seen many CS thread on)? Does it seem to be just a bad batch during the print run or is it hitting every copy out there? I just got my copies the other day, and while I haven't had a chance to check them over yet, I'm concerned mine will have an issue too.
You might find out quick enough with your copy. Try opening it up half way through and see how the binding reacts. The white part you can see from the top and bottom on my you could see pull away from the pages. With every turn of the page you can hear the glue or something like that crunching. My replacement is on the way so I am hoping it is better.

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You might find out quick enough with your copy.
Right, it didn't take me more than a few openings of the book to notice the issue. At least with my copy, it wasn't the sort of thing that will take a year of wear to show up, but it was practically immediately obvious.
I also would be interested to know if there has been any official word from Paizo about the binding issues, as they seem to be quite common. If not, that's fine though -- I expect that they may still be collating information about how widespread the issue is before they make an official reaction.
Having said that, I don't envy the two people at Paizo and the printer who are talking over this issue. Must be a lot of cold sweat involved.