Pathfinder Adventure Path #115: Trail of the Hunted (Ironfang Invasion 1 of 6) (PFRPG)

4.60/5 (based on 5 ratings)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #115: Trail of the Hunted (Ironfang Invasion 1 of 6) (PFRPG)
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War Comes Unbidden

The Ironfang Invasion Adventure Path launches with "Trail of the Hunted," a tale of desperate survival set against the invasion of a ruthless hobgoblin army—the Ironfang Legion! As the Ironfang Legion begins carving out an empire of monsters, the heroes must flee their hometown of Phaendar as it burns, saving any lives they can. The heroes guard their band of survivors in the wilderness, challenge a troglodyte tribe for safe haven, and face the brutal bounty hunters dispatched to end their flight to freedom!

This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path launches the Ironfang Invasion Adventure Path and includes:

  • "Trail of the Hunted," a Pathfinder adventure for 1st-level characters, by Amber E. Scott.
  • A detailed overview of the Ironfang Legion, including its history, membership, and tools, by Ron Lundeen.
  • A gazetteer on the expansive Nesmian Plains, a rugged wilderness of breathtaking vistas and tangled histories, by Crystal Frasier.
  • A bestiary containing new regional threats and allies, by Crystal Frasier, Amber E. Scott, Tonya Woldridge, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-926-4

"Trail of the Hunted" is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheet are available as a free download (2 MB zip/PDF).

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription.

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4.60/5 (based on 5 ratings)

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The Ironfang Invasion will be considered a modern classic!


I thoroughly enjoyed going through this issue in preparation to run Pathfinder Adventure Path 117: Assault on Longshadow. This issue is packed with info on the Ironfang Legion, new troop types, wereraptors, leshies and a gazetteer on the Nesmian Plains.

It reminds me of the classic Paizo published Dungeon magazines in that they are packed with material that is not only integral to the adventure at hand, but useful to GMs and players outside of the context of the adventure.

Blood Will flow


I have GMed this.

What an excellent and brave way to start an AP. Lots of player freedom, and an endless supply of baddies to throw at the PCs. Make sure your players have family etc. in the starting settlement. This really suits a mounted and martial party.

My favourite AP by far was Kingmaker. Until now. May be a close call by the time we get to the end.

If you like lots player freedom, GM freedom, and adventure landscape style play this is for you.

Well done Paizo

Fresh Feel Guerilla Warfare


The art really shines: from the cover over the interior full body illustrations, to the headshots and half page scenes.
Also all encounter battle-maps are designed really evocative and fun to play on.
Lots of possible player decisions are covered.
Very informative sidebars.
Players can get their hands on a lot of cool gear.
The NPCs are solidly designed.
The two new Leshy and the Wereraptor.

Managing the refugees and assigning each one a daily duty seems bothersome and most players i know won´t like it.
A "Refugees character sheet" would have been useful for an overview.
A bigger map of Phaendar on the inside front cover would have been more useful than the smaller than 1/4th page one on page 22 - it certainly is a nice map and the place where the entire first session takes place.
The "Southern Chernasardo" map on page 22 is much too small and would have been so much better as a hexploration map. At the size it is, it´s pretty much guesswork where the characters are going exactly.
"Part 2" is a little jumbled and would have benefited from a clearer structure or at least a timetable sidebar.
There is no mention of the settlements "Ecru", "Redburrow" or "Radya´s Hollow" from the inside front cover in the Nesmian plains section, which otherwise is solid.

The inside front cover map doesn´t line up with the one on page 66 in all details, especially #8 "Cavlinor" is in two different places.

This really feels like a classic fantasy adventure!

Solid part One


This adventure path gets back to the basics, and has a healthy dose of wilderness encounters. Lots of hobgoblins to fight, but there are other critters too. I like the art for the hobgoblins and bugbear, very nice.

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I haven't seen this mentioned so I'll assume I'm the first to bring it up - the Strength Check on Page 13 looks to have a typo in the DC. Unless players are meant to fish for natural 20's.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Us dorks? Uh huh...

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So in the description of the Kraggodan Castaway trait, there's reference made to a siege of Kraggodan by Molthune. Does Trail of the Hunted include a timeline or other information about this? I'm making a dwarven warpriest and a siege of his home would be germane to his motivations.

Shadow Lodge

So, after reading through the information on Hobgoblins presented here and in the Ironfang Invasion in the back are we going to get a rewrite of the height & weight tables for hobgoblins in the ARG? As it stands the average heights we get in there are listed at somewhere around 4'8" or so at best and their tallest barely beats 5'6".

Liberty's Edge Developer

3 people marked this as a favorite.
CrusaderWolf wrote:
So in the description of the Kraggodan Castaway trait, there's reference made to a siege of Kraggodan by Molthune. Does Trail of the Hunted include a timeline or other information about this? I'm making a dwarven warpriest and a siege of his home would be germane to his motivations.

It's not detailed until Pathfinder 118: Siege of Stone, but the long as short of it is that an elite Molthuni commando team allegedly broke into one of Kraggodan's most sacred historical vaults and stole one of the most revered artifacts of the Sky Citadel's history. Kraggodan dispatched ambassadors to demand the artifact's return and an apology, and Molthune imprisoned them. Kraggodan retaliated by sending soldiers to free their ambassadors, and Molthune escalated in response to the attack by assaulting the city.

Crystal Frasier wrote:
Franz Lunzer wrote:
Guy St-Amant wrote:

Can I get a bit more info on the WereRaptor, like, what kind of bird of pray? Size in Animal Form? Do they get Talons attacks? etc...

@ Axial: maybe that scene "has yet to happen".

Wereraptor: You are asking in the wrong product thread.
He is in the correct thread. The wereraptor appears in this issue's bestiary section

Many apologies.

I somehow had it in my head that the Wereraptors appeared in the Monster Hunter Handbook.

Sovereign Court

TheDarkDM wrote:
I haven't seen this mentioned so I'll assume I'm the first to bring it up - the Strength Check on Page 13 looks to have a typo in the DC. Unless players are meant to fish for natural 20's.

I think the idea is that the doors are barred and you have to persuade those inside to open up.
Liberty's Edge Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's the standard DC for a locked wooden door, as per the Core Rulebook. PCs are more meant to find alternative solutions, like convincing the people inside to open it or putting the fire out. If you would like the PCs to simply have a good chance of kicking the door in, simply lower the DC for your table.

Grand Lodge

Is this in stores yet?

Silver Crusade

The 29th is the street date.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So the adventure ends with you fighting an "army of Troglodytes"?

What do you fight after that, the Demogorgon?


Nah. Demogorgon is another campaign setting...

Just got my books. I really love the look of it - kudos to whoever did the design/art direction.

I can't read the adventure since I've bullied someone else into running it for me, so what I can read is more tantalising than ever. Loved the back matter. And I really loved the foreword! Made me chuckle. Sadly, this isn't on our schedule until December 2018. :(

I may need to bail on my next campaign so I get to be in this one sooner..

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Steve Geddes wrote:
...And I really loved the foreword! Made me chuckle.

Right?! I say we just have Crystal write the forewords going forward.

This is the first bestiary opener that shows more than one creature, right?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Heine Stick wrote:
Right?! I say we just have Crystal write the forewords going forward.

That's some forward thinking!

Quick question - do the PDFs come with digital maps?

SirCasimir wrote:
Quick question - do the PDFs come with digital maps?

Come with interactive maps.


6 people marked this as a favorite.
Thursty wrote:
One thing that really stuck with me from the outline, was that the authors had to make every scene in their adventures 'work with a bear', as in, you should assume the PCs have a bear companion in each of the encounters.

Uh, oh...I assumed that meant we needed to plan for PCs that were awakened bears. So just ignore my second adventure of salmon catching, honey eating, and hunting pick-a-nick baskets!

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Ron Lundeen wrote:
Thursty wrote:
One thing that really stuck with me from the outline, was that the authors had to make every scene in their adventures 'work with a bear', as in, you should assume the PCs have a bear companion in each of the encounters.
Uh, oh...I assumed that meant we needed to plan for PCs that were awakened bears. So just ignore my second adventure of salmon catching, honey eating, and hunting pick-a-nick baskets!

Oh bother.

KM WolfMaw wrote:
SirCasimir wrote:
Quick question - do the PDFs come with digital maps?
Come with interactive maps.

What does this mean exactly? I'm planning on running this on Roll20, are there player-friendly maps I can export to the site (even just as images)?

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Yes, if you buy an AP as a pdf (at least, the newer ones), there is a second pdf in the downloads called "Interactive Maps". This allows you to turn the map tags off (and the grid iirc) so you can screenshot them/extract them as player-friendly images and upload them into Roll20.

when might we see Ironfang Invasion pawns?

Liberty's Edge

Here, currently planned for November.

Gashmaw's illustration has two things that makes me shake my head in slight annoyance.

Specifically, :
it seems highly unlikely that a wild boar would somehow manage to find someone to give it a gold piercing for one of its ear and another for its nose. I mean, seriously? The ring on the tusk, that makes sense given its background, but the ear and nose? Yeah, no. :P

Other than that, what I have read so far is cool and engaging. Even if I cannot run this adventure path in its entirety, it seems like I can take pieces of it to incorporate into my Kingmaker campaign. Kudos to all involved in this adventure path; it is off to a good start!



Sorry to ask about this more, but can I bother you guys about the animal used for the wereraptor/what its animal form ability scores would be and the way the ability scores were derived in hybrid form? I've run into trouble with this for other lycanthropes before but I'm particularly interested in this one. Normally I prefer lycanthropes/therianthropes to be kept to mammals, but this one is especially well handled (way better than the werebat, for example).

Edit: Also, Talon Attacks are usually with Feet, right?

Anyone else notice the Simpsons reference in the Nesmian Plains Gazetteer. :-)

Silver Crusade

The Golux wrote:
Edit: Also, Talon Attacks are usually with Feet, right?


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I'm loving this so far, and am really excited to run it next week. Three questions.

1) Anyone have thoughts on how to best schedule out the various events? I think I'm going to do what I did for the Haunting of Harrowstone and map myself out a calendar. I recognize that it should probably vary depending on desired difficulty and pacing, but I'm curious if anyone has opinions.

2) How do people handle moving your "camp" and generally dealing with direction and distance? Do you try and map out the direction's the party or their followers travel and factor in the map on page 22, or do you just sort of do whatever you want and ignore the map?

3) This adventure is chalk full of wild animals you can charm or wild empathize with or even raise as a baby. I've got a ranger and cavalier in my party, and I think it would make sense if they had the potential to turn these things into mounts or animal companions. Obviously it's easy to figure out how to do that with the wolf cubs and the standard rules. But what about Gashmaw or Fahrak's dire wolf? How would one adjust stats in those cases?

Captain Morgan, you should check the GM reference thread for this book, which is frequented by other GMs running the adventure.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Joana wrote:
Captain Morgan, you should check the GM reference thread for this book, which is frequented by other GMs running the adventure.

Thanks! Couldn't find it.

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