Yetisburg: Titanic Battles in History, Volume 1

4.10/5 (based on 9 ratings)
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Four Score and Seven Yetis Ago…

On the bloody fields of Pennsylvania in 1863, two great armies collided to decide the fate of a nation. The South rose, and the North responded with fervent mettle.

At the forefront of the battle stood the mighty Yetis, white-furred giants imported from the wilds of Canada to shred the opposing front lines. The great generals strode through the battle lines, engineering the destruction of the opposing forces while powerful mastodons hurled bombs into the fray.

Yetisburg is a fast-paced, two-player card game where the South is pitted against the North in brutal battle.

    Yetisburg contains:
  • Two decks of 55 cards each
  • 60 tokens
  • Initiative marker
  • One rule booklet

Yetisburg—This War's Anything but Civil.

Designed by Mike Selinker and Joshua J. Frost

For two players ages 8 and up.

ISBN 13: 978-1-60125-148-0

Yetisburg Rulebook

The rulebook for Yetisburg: Titanic Battles in History, Volume 1 is available as a PDF. - Download (913kb zip/PDF)

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