Letters from the Flaming Crab: Dinosaur Companions (PFRPG) PDF

5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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Letters from the Flaming Crab is a monthly series of Pathfinder-compatible supplements. Each Letter focuses on exploring a different topic to give gamemasters and players new, exciting options that can be dropped into any campaign.

Within Dinosaur Companions...

We introduce 25 new dinosaurs (and pterosaurs and a crocodilian) to choose from to be your new best friend! Every dinosaur inside can be an animal companion/mount or familiar!

15 of these prehistoric pals are animal companions/mounts: Argentinosaurus, Baryonyx, Concavenator, Corythosaurus, Deinocherius, Dilophosaurus, Dracorex, Excaliborsaurus, Maiasaura, Neptunidraco, Scipionyx, Stygimoloch, Tethyshadros, Tupandactylus, and Utahraptor!

10 of them are familiars: Coelophysis, Jinfengopteryx, Leaellynasaura, Mei, Micropachycephalosaurus, Microraptor, Nyctosaurus, Parvicursor, Scansoriopteryx, and Sordes!

Also featured are 6 mini prehistoric encounters to spice up your campaign!

We include a table featuring every Mesozoic mate released in Bestiaries 1-5 and Dinosaur Companions. The table hyperlinks to d20pfsrd.com and elsewhere in the document for your convenience!

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5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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An Endzeitgeist.com review


This installment of the Letters from the Flaming Crab-series clocks in at 23 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 2.5 pages of SRD, leaving us with 18.5 pages of content, so let's take a look!

We begin this pdf, as always in the series, with the reproduced letter from the planes-hopping vessel UCS Flaming Crab, which has obviously landed, at least for now, in a dinosaur-filled world! More than that, however, the pdf begins with a really handy index that dinosaur aficionados will very much adore: A massive table that lists the dinosaurs released for PFRPG in alphabetical order, with CR, size, environment, whether they make animal companion or familiars...and the ERA! If you're conscious of internal consistency, that is the extra mile and I love that the pdf included this. Oh, and guess what: The table's hyperlinked for your convenience. Yeah, really, really nice.

So, we're off to a good start. The pdf itself can roughly be compartmentalized in two sections after that: Section 1 depicts dinosaurs that would act as potential animal companions, ranged from the humble CR 1 scipionyx, the CR 2 tupandactylus, the CR 3 stygimoloch and neptunidracos all the way up to the CR 15 argentinosaurus. The CR 6 Baryonyx, Tethyshadros and Maiasaura, CR 8 Concavenator and Deinocheirus, CR 5 Corythosaurus and dilophosaurus as well as the CR 4 dracorex and the CR 13 utharaptor can be found here alongside the CR 7 excalibosaurus. All of these dinosaur companions not only come with proper monster statblocks, they also have companion statblocks included for your convenience.

Nice: Most receive their own artworks. From a mechanic point of view, the dinosaur companions are generally situated along the higher echelons of animal companion power and feature the respective dinosaur companion's unique tricks. I don't have serious trepidations regarding the power level of the options contained herein...so yeah, nice array! You will also probably notice that these dinosaurs make use of lesser known species, which constitutes a serious plus. I have not seen stats for these dinos in any iteration of d20, so big plus here as well!

The second part of the pdf covers the dinosaurs that are suitable as familiars. As such, the bonuses they convey are collected in a handy table for you. A total of 10 of these fellows are included, ranging from CR 1/4 to CR 1. These once again represent nice options and, in case you're wondering, the dinosaurs covered here are coelophysis, jinfengopteryx, leaellynasaura, mei, micropachycephalosaurus, microraptor, parvicursor, scansoriopteryx, nyctosaurus and sordes. Speaking of the latter: The pdf actually offers more here and features a cool CR 5 sordes-swarm! Tiny swarm of dinosaurs chewing folks to pieces? Heck yes.

The pdf also has another section, aptly titled prehistoric encounters. These represent encounter-sketches: 4 of these are for CR 6, one for CR 4 and one CR 1, providing some nice set-ups that include mating season, the corythosaurus' soundshock...or that they have to deal with dinosaurs while scaling a cliff.


Editing and formatting are very good, I noticed no serious glitches. Layout adheres to the 2-column full-color standard of the series and the artworks chosen for the respective dinosaurs are nice. The pdf comes fully bookmarked for your convenience.

Angel "ARMR" Miranda, Kelly Pawlik and Margherita Tramontano deliver a nice, fun installment here: The dinosaurs generally tend to adhere to one generally consistent power-level and there are some seriously nice tricks here: The special abilities always retain the basic sense of plausibility that I expect from animals and dinosaurs in RPGs. So yes, this is a nice installment in the series and a definite must-have for anyone looking for a Lost World-type supplement: The table alone may warrant the fair asking price for some of you out there. This is, as a whole, a well-crafted supplement and certainly justifies receiving a final verdict of 5 stars. Well done!

Endzeitgeist out.



I love dinosaurs so this was a no brainer purchase for me. Almost every dinosaur is accompanied with art, and the majority in color. There is a great mix of well-known dinosaurs, such as dilophosaurus and baryonyx, and a great number that I had never heard of. I'm really excited to use these in future campaigns! Thanks FCG!

Community & Digital Content Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Now available!

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Now available!

Thanks, Chris!

The first ten posters in this thread will receive a free copy of the PDF! We'd appreciate a review in return. :)

If you like what you see, be sure to check out our
to fund the 2017 Letters!

As a dinosaur fan, I was wondering if this will be legal for Pathfinder Society?

I would really like to see the stats on the new companions and familiars.

Thanks in advance for the response!

Now this sounds very interesting...

Krell44 wrote:

As a dinosaur fan, I was wondering if this will be legal for Pathfinder Society?

I would really like to see the stats on the new companions and familiars.

Thanks in advance for the response!

Nope, I'm afraid that material from 3rd party publishers is not legal for Pathfinder Society. We hope you use the material in your home games, though!

Misterhabs wrote:
Now this sounds very interesting...

Let us know what you think!

Silver Crusade

Have you sent a copy to James Jacobs? :3

7 more copies to pass out.

Ryksy, let us in on the joke?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

James Jacobs loves dinosaurs.

Especially Dinosaur Companions.

This looks pretty cool, more dinosaur possibilities is always nice!

Ooh, did I make the 10? I love dinosaurs!

Would like to see it, please!


Ooooh, this sounds amazing. Can never have enough dinosaurs in my games!

sounds really cool.

Can never have enough Dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals:)

One more!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I hate that you guys thought of this before me. Congratulations.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Purple Duck Games wrote:

I hate that you guys thought of this before me. Congratulations.

This was actually chosen by one of our Kickstarter backers. But we were thrilled to write it!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Those dinosaurs are a pretty solid mix of classics that haven't been statted yet and ones that are more uncommon but pretty cool.

Please, lords and ladies, if you enjoyed this book and the other titles in the line, consider backing the 2017 Letters Kickstarter, so we can be hired again to write more of these next year.

Flaming Crab Games wrote:
Krell44 wrote:

As a dinosaur fan, I was wondering if this will be legal for Pathfinder Society?

I would really like to see the stats on the new companions and familiars.

Thanks in advance for the response!

Nope, I'm afraid that material from 3rd party publishers is not legal for Pathfinder Society. We hope you use the material in your home games, though!

Misterhabs wrote:
Now this sounds very interesting...
Let us know what you think!

I'm new to all this. How do I get the copy?

Community & Digital Content Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Folks who have commented have been granted their gratis copies of Dinosaur Companions! Thank you for your patience as we've taken the time to process this in our system :)

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Folks who have commented have been granted their gratis copies of Dinosaur Companions! Thank you for your patience as we've taken the time to process this in our system :)

Thank you. I'll try to have my review up within a week.

Silver Crusade

Oh wow, I thought you had to specifically ask for the free copy, not just make a post. My apologies.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Actually picked this up on Drivethru a few days ago and have been really digging it. Happy to see so many awesome dinos in print that paizo hasn't covered especially the Maiasaura.

That said I do have a question, in the docile ability for the Maiasaura it says, "The Maiasaura cannot be trained for war" what exactly do you mean by that? Does that mean it can't learn certain commands or what?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yes. It means that you can't use Handle Animal to train a maiasaura for combat, and so it can't learn the specific tricks of a combat-trained animal. ^_^

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Folks who have commented have been granted their gratis copies of Dinosaur Companions! Thank you for your patience as we've taken the time to process this in our system :)

Thanks a bunch, Chris!!

Bardess wrote:
Please, lords and ladies, if you enjoyed this book and the other titles in the line, consider backing the 2017 Letters Kickstarter, so we can be hired again to write more of these next year.

Here's the link! The campaign ends October 20 at noon CST.

While reviews are never required, they are appreciated. Those of you who received free copies, please consider leaving an honest opinion of your work in the review section. Thank you!

Just a reminder that Letters from the Flaming Crab: Dinosaur Companions currently has no reviews! We would love for it to be reviewed by the end of the year, please! The authors deserve it for their hard work.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks to Laurial for the review!

If you've read Letters from the Flaming Crab: Dinosaur Companions and haven't written a review - please chime in! All 3PP and authors love a little feedback, be it in an official review, or even some thoughts on the product discussion thread. Tell us what you think!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Reviewed first on endzeitgeist.com, then submitted to NErdtrek and GMS magazine and posted here, on OBS, etc.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Endzeitgeist wrote:
Reviewed first on endzeitgeist.com, then submitted to NErdtrek and GMS magazine and posted here, on OBS, etc.

Thanks a bunch for the review! Glad you liked the addition of lesser known species. I hadn't heard of half of them before, myself.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Let's make an expanded edition! There are many OTHER species I'd like to work on!

I just want to confirm...shouldn't the Baryonyx recieve swallow whole and grab instead of smashing tail as it's special attack at 7th level advancement?

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