Akashic Mysteries (PFRPG)

5.00/5 (based on 6 ratings)

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Harness a new and different source of magical power!

Drawn from a more primal magical force that exists everywhere, akasha is a deep well of magic from which those who hold the right knowledge, can draw almost limitless power. Shaping this essence into magical veils that surround their body, binding them to ancient chakras, these veilweavers open up new avenues of abilities and possibilities.

Following in the same footsteps as Psionics Unleashed, Akashic Mysteries is a Pathfinder RPG game supplement that present an alternative to conventional magic, inspired by Arabian and Indian myths and mythology. Characters of all classes can access the mysteries through the use of feats, traits and items, while veilweaving classes unlock the full potential of the Akashic Mysteries.

Included in Akashic Mysteries you will find:

  • Three new base classes: the daevic, the guru, and the vizier
  • New archetypes and class options for core classes, psionic classes from Ultimate Psionics, and more!
  • Two new prestige classes: the amplifier and black templar
  • Three akashic races: the gamla, the sobek, and the suqur
  • Over forty new feats!
  • The veilweaving system of magic
  • Akashic items including new weapon special abilities and new wondrous items
  • Akashic monsters
  • And more!
This 96-page tome contains everything you need to use Akashic Mysteries in your Pathfinder RPG campaign.

Written by Michael Sayre, with artwork by Joe Shawcross, Gordon Napier, Juan Diego Dianderas, Eric Lofgren, and Storn Cook.

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5.00/5 (based on 6 ratings)

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The best 3pp purchase I've ever made


Amazing. As flat and lifeless as incarnum was, Akashic Mysteries is vibrant and exciting. From the near-east flavor (which works very well, but it by no means required) to the simplified mechanics, this book is a home-run. I liked Dreamscarred's take on psionics, but felt that Path of War missed the mark. This new book, however, has already become my favorite 3pp resource. Viziers, gurus and daevics are a great alternative to bards, monks and paladins -- they take the game in different directions without breaking it, opening it up to such interesting possibilities. So far, we're having a blast with these classes, and they're integrating seamlessly into our existing game. The new races aren't as interesting, but are decent. There are some great feats and archetypes in the book also (but no archetypes for the new classes -- hopefully we'll get those soon). I seriously was not expecting to like this so much. I'm blown away.

An Endzeitgeist.com review


It has been coming for a long time - the completed Akashic Mysteries book, which clocks in at a mighty 97 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page ToC, 1 page SRD, 2 pages of advertisement, leaving us with 92 pages of content, so let's take a look!

So, what is this? The simple reply would be "fixed incarnum with a Silk Road flavor." If that does not ring any bells, let me reiterate. Akasha is a type of magic that is utilized most commonly via veils that are channeled through conduits in the body called chakra. Every creature is supposed to have a finite amount of essence in their being, which is called essence pool. Essence is typically not expended, but veils and other akashic effects require it for activation and thus, essence needs to be assigned to a specific function. This is done by investing essence into the receptacle, which can be a veil, an akashic feat (more on these later) or ability. Reallocating or investing essence, unless otherwise noted, is a swift action. The process of harnessing veils is called veilweaving and thus, the classes here are known as veilweaving classes. Progressing in these unlocks new chakras, which allow for veils or function of veils or other akashic abilities to be used in ways that are based on the veil in question. Each veil is associated with a chakra and veils do not interfere with magic items worn in that slot, but no two veils can occupy the same chakra. However, some veils may be employed in different chakra, often with different effects depending on the chakra used...however, one veil may not be in use for two or more different chakras. You can only ever have one veil of a given type in effect atone time. The general chakra available are Hands, feet, Head, Wrists, Shoulders, Headband, Neck, belt, Chest, Body - though some classes can gain unique chakras. Veils interact with magic as though they were magic and SR applies against most effects, but not versus auras or AoE abilities unless otherwise noted. Veils overcome their own SR automatically. Veils manifest as physical constructs that may temporarily be sundered and suppressed, with hit points and hardness of the veils depending on the level of the veilweaver.

Concise rules are provided regarding descriptors, identifying veils, etc. Now there are a couple of more basic terms we need to cover: Some feats and veils require the binding, rather than the investment of essence - this means that the essence is "stuck" in the receptacle for 24 hours or until the user shapes veils anew after resting. If such a receptacle is sundered or disjoined, the user takes essence burn equal to the total of the invested essence. Essence burn eliminates essence and requires 1 minute of quiet contemplation per point of essence burn to recover. Temporary essence points, if granted by anything, are burned first and may not be recovered. Veils do not require active concentration to maintain, but upon the veilweaver falling unconscious, they are suppressed until he regains consciousness. Veils sundered while the veilweaver is unconscious are destroyed and cannot be redeployed until he has rested. Finally, there would be essence capacity, which denotes the number of essence points that can be invested in any given veil, feat, class feature, etc. - these would be 1 for the first 5 levels and then increase by +1 at 6th and every 6 levels thereafter.

Veils are generally described in a format, that provides their name, descriptor(s) (if any), class that may form it, slot(s), saving throws, a brief fluff text and then the benefits of the veil, followed by an essence benefit section for invested/bound essence. The Chakra Bind section denotes the chakra and the class level at which it becomes available for the class in question (very handy reference!), which minimizes page-skipping. (G20 for Guru 20, for example.) Kudos!

Okay, the first thing you'll note is that that the terminology has been cleaned up when compared to the earlier WIPs - the respective verbiage makes sense, is self-explanatory and if this sounds complicated, rest assured that it isn't necessarily once you have grasped it: Basically, you have points that you move around to make magic stuff. Sometimes, you need to fix the points, sometimes you temporarily lose them, but generally, you'll be pretty flexible in moving around your points of magic stuff. The veils can be powered by the magic stuff and you learn to use them in more ways as you gain experience. Much like a cool button or temporary tattoo, the effects of veils depend where you wear them. That's about as simple as I can explain it.

Anyways, we obviously need to re-evaluate the 3 akashic base classes released so far in order to ascertain whether/how they have improved. If you are not interested in this section, skip ahead. The text is modified, where appropriate, to reflect the changes made (quite a few!), but if you're already familiar with the akashic classes and don't care about the nit and grit, go ahead. It should be noted, though, that the classes have changed quite a bit since their original iterations.

***Class Breakdown-section***

Daevics gain d10, 4+Int skills per level, proficiency with simple and martial weapons, all armors and shields (but not tower shields), full BAB-progression and good Fort- and Ref-saves. The veilweaving here is different from the other two classes, but there are similarities - the DCs, if appropriate, is DC 10 + number of essence invested in the veil + Cha-mod (making Charisma the governing attribute here and decreasing the DC from the WIP to more generally palpable levels), but there is a crucial difference to default veilweaving - the veils granted at 1st, 4th, 9th and 15th level must be selected from the list of the chosen passion, whereas the other veils gained operate like standard veils, meaning the progression is from 0+1 to 4+4 over the 20 levels of the class. Essence is gained at 1st level, increases at 3rd and scales up to 10 for a net of every 1/2 progression. Chakra binds begin at 2nd level and scale up to 6, with progression being Feet, Hands, Wrists, Shoulders, Belt, Neck, Chest. On the minor engine-tweaks, 5th level nets +1 to saves versus enchantments, which scales up by +1 every 3 levels thereafter.

Now I noted the existence of passions - these are chosen at first level. When a daevic invests essence into a veil of a passion (called passion veils), it counts as being invested in all passion veils, meaning that the very scarce essence pool makes investing points here more efficient. However, at the same time, power escalation is prevented by an explicit rule that forbids synergy with veil-specific feats, effects or catalysts, though you CAN also bind them as normal veils and circumvent these restrictions (but also foregoing the passion veil benefits), adding a further dimension to these veils. Three sample passions are provided, and all modify the list of available passion veils to choose from, the class skill list and all ultimately change how the class plays, so what are they?

The first passion would be desire - which allows 3rd level daevics to use Charisma for Appraise and may replace both Dex and Int as prereqs with Cha for the purpose of feat-prerequisites, offsetting some, but not all strain that would otherwise be burdened MAD-wise on a full BAB character. The in-game rationale for this, while not perfect, at least is sufficient for me - why do I mention this? Because I get pimples from the default "I'm so good-looking I hit foes"-rationale employed by some abilities out there. So kudos! Bonus-feat-wise, they gain Precise Shot and Willful Throw. An interesting option - at 6th level, a passion mutates into one of 2 choices - here, this would be love or avarice. Love provides an NPC-companion that is pretty powerful (-2 levels or -3 CR for less humanoid ones...) - but it does not stack with Leadership. Furthermore, as a balancing caveat, eidolons and similar creatures are dismissed on behalf of the paramour and the character thus chosen may not be a full spellcaster (or full-spellcasting equivalent class like the veilweaver). Daevics that follow the passion of avarice add the returning and called abilities if within the daevic's possession for more than 24 hours - however, the abilities are lost again upon willingly giving them to another creature. On the nitpicky side, there are some minor formal glitches here. At 12th and 18th level, this ability improves regarding action economy and adds unnatural lust to the weapon thus thrown, respectively.

The second passion to choose would be dominion, which focuses on two-weapon fighting with a shield. (TWF at 3rd, Improved Shield Bash at 5th, Shield master at 8th, if you want to know the details.) The 6th level selection allows for the choice of either benevolence or tyranny, with the former providing a scaling, temporary teamwork-feat-granting ability, while the latter provides demoralize support as swift actions with scaling bonuses.

The final passion, wrath, has some nasty tricks: Whenever the daevic bull rushes or overruns a foe, he may execute an AoO against the foe before moving the foe, though this powerful effect is somewhat countered by the lack of gained bonus feat - instead CMB and CMD increase at 5th level and every 3 levels thereafter. Wrath may transform into justice or vengeance at 6th level, with justice providing access to the vital strike feat-chain...and the option to execute the Bull Rush/overrun-granted AoOs with Vital Strikes added. As for vengeance:1/round full-attack against a target when succeeding a Bull Rush or Overrun, but only with natural weapons and only against said target. This ultimately boils down to a meat-grinder -only shreds and gooey bits remain in the path of such a daevic. The changes to the passions made here are unanimously awesome and help keeping the daevic powerful sans being too strong. Absolutely beautiful, as far as I'm concerned.

At 9th and 15th level, the essence capacity of the passion increases by a further +1.

The Blood Bind ability's write-up fails to mention that it's gained at 12th level (which one glance at the table confirms, but still a minor aesthetic hiccup) - but it *is* interesting: It provides essentially an additional slot, into which the daevic can bind Neck, Head, Headband and Body slot veils, but whenever he does that with a non-Blood veil, he takes twice the essence invested damage each round and when reassigning veils, which means it can't be abused. Nice! The capstone is a boring native outsider-apotheosis and can reassign veils via 1-hour meditation. Odd - the daevic gains the body-slot at 20th level, which means that prior to this level, he can bind body veils only to the blood slot.

All in all: Vast improvement over the original iteration. Let's move on to the guru, shall we?

The Guru base-class gets d8, 6+Int skills per level, proficiency with light armor and simple weapons, but not shields and enhance these based on class choices made - more on that later. Chassis-wise, the guru receives a 3/4 BAB-progression and good Ref- and Will-saves. They begin play with 1 veil and scale that up to 8 and 1 essence, which increases to up to 20. The veilshaping of the guru has the DC equal to 10 + points invested in the veil + Wis-mod, making Wisdom the governing attribute.

I really enjoy the first level ability gentle touch - if a guru invests at least one point of essence into this ability, all damage he does with a weapon becomes nonlethal, but also receives + Wisdom-modifier bonus damage, rewarding not killing everything that crosses the PC's path. A guru may invest into this ability as a swift action, and for each point assigned, the nonlethal damage inflicted increases by +1d4, though it can only be used in conjunction with weapons granted proficiency-wise by the philosophy of the guru...one of which contains shuriken. Because that didn't yet have enough exploits. Then again, the ability specifically says "a weapon" - singular. Which would mean ONE shuriken...and I'll stick with that reading...in dubio pro reo and such...

1st level Gurus also choose a philosophy,. which grants a linear progression of abilities at 1st level and every 3 levels thereafter. Philosophy abilities tend to burn essence points, which means that the essence cannot be used or reassigned until the guru has had a chance to meditate, providing a complex game of resources between flexibility and power - you can't write player agenda in larger letters. Additionally, gurus of first level get stunning fist, but with some tweaks - the benefits can be applied to weapon attacks made with gentle touch and the guru can burn three essence to regain 1 use of stunning fist 1/day, +1/day at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter. 2nd level nets chakra bind in the progression of Hands, Feet, Head, Headband, Neck, Belt, Body. 4th, 10th and 19th level increase the essence capacity of chakras by +1.

At 2nd level, gurus learn to sunder veils particularly efficiently, allowing them to expend stunning fist uses in conjunction with gentle touch to suppress veils/spells and deal damage to undead or constructs, in spite of them being usually immune to nonlethal damage.

The 3rd level guru may interrupt the chakras of foes when executing an attack - this works as a standard action pretty much akin to vital strike and has a DC of 10 + Wis mod, +2 per essence invested in gentle touch, which allows for a pretty nasty escalation of DCs - penalizing one attack mode, decreasing movement rate, decreasing shield and Dex-bonuses and high-level blinding, stunning and exhausting foes can be found amidst these effects. These last for Wisdom modifier rounds and a single target may only be affected by one such disruption at any given time.

7th level nets an autohealing ability determined by the amount of essence bound, though essence invested in this limited-use ability cannot be reinvested until rest. So yeah, no abuse! Yay! 8th level allows gentle touch to act as sunder-attacks that ignore 1/2 hardness AND allows for the damaging of constructs. As a minor nitpick, we once again have to consult the table, since the ability doesn't say the level it's gained. 16th level provides the option to expend Stunning Fist uses when attacking foes to double as what amounts to a single-target disjunction that leaves items intact. As a minor complaint here: The pdf sports several spells not italicized and captalizes gentle touch here as though it were a feat, not an ability...but this is aesthetics and doesn't impede the book's worth.

The capstone provides healing and even temporary essence to the guru when e.g. disjoining foes - cool and surprisingly powerful!

Now I mentioned philosophies - a total of 3 are provided, with each granting its own set of uncommon weapon proficiencies. The first of these would be the Akasin. When meditating in an area of bright light, they can gain a pool of temporary essence that is burned first by the respective philosophy abilities and amounts to 1/2 class level, which it may never exceed. Essence burn taken to activate an ability nets this guy 5 times the burn taken temporary hit points. In addition, the akasin can take 1 essence burn to execute veil of positive energy as an SP at full caster level. At 4th level, healing blindness is possible via 1 essence burn, as is shooting rays - which deal an untyped damage that is more potent vs. the undead. Not a fan of the untyped damage here, but the save to negate blindness and halve damage is neat. Higher level akasins further marginalize the poor shield bonus to AC, bypassing it alongside 2 points of AC with blades of light - it should be noted that expenditure of stunning fist uses can further upgrade this ability with brilliant energy. As a pretty cool note, though - the mirrored property does help against this, which eases my grumbling.

Part II of my review can be found here!

Player-Tested, GM-Approved!


Akashic Mysteries has grown to become my favorite Dreamscarred supplement. I never quite dug Bloodforge or most of the Psionic books, and I absolutely love Path of War. But Akashic Mysteries hits a very good balance that I feel the other books, save maybe the Psionics books, don't hit. However much I love Path of War, I feel that it sort of leaves GMs out in the cold. GMs using Akashic Mysteries are much better-equipped: the races and monsters feel like a natural addition to almost any setting, the monsters are very cool additions or extensions of existing monsters (such as a Rakshasa that uses Veils).

The flavor of the book is decidedly different than most mainline Pathfinder, and that does a lot to endear me. It draws from Egyptian, Middle-Eastern, and Indian styles, which I feel is definitely a niche not tapped into enough. However, it doesn't feel alien to your 'normal' fantasy, like bringing in a samurai would be (not that I'm knocking it!), the Akashic material can fit right in.

There are downsides. The Daevic's Passions are hyperfocused on a handful of fighting styles. The archetypes of the book definitely show its age; a fighter archetype that gives up Weapon and Armor Training, an archetype for the non-Unchained summoner to me are Exhibit A of that. But a few duds in any Pathfinder book is nothing to cause an uproar about, I am just disappointed because I want to like everything in this book.

Overall, it feels different enough from baseline Pathfinder for me to like it. Psionics just felt like a different way to mostly do the same things, Path of War, while I firmly believe it's awesome, feels like a different approach to martials, while Akashic Mysteries genuinely feels like something that has not been tapped.

Review coming soon


I dont have time to write a full review right now, but I will say that I've played two characters up to 9 with this book and love it.

Incarnum gets the DSP treatment!


DISCLAIMER: This review focuses on the problems of the original Magic of Incarnum (MoI from now on) book for 3.5 D&D and the improvements done by Dreamscarred Press (DSP) for their Akashic Mysteries (AM)

During the last years of the third (point five) edition of D&D, Wizards of the Coast started getting crazy not only with tons of new classes (must of them sucky), and trying new magic systems (from the everyday blasts of the warlock to the martial magic of the Initiators). One of this was MoI, a system of everyday magic with a few twists. Unlike many of its peers, Incarnum was maligned for specific reasons. When Pathfinder came out, a lot of people started converting stuff, fans and 3rd party publishers alike. One of them was Dreamscarred press, who made a complete revision of the psionic system, much like Paizo did with the core book. Unfortunately, most of the stuff released wasn’t part of the SRD, which dictated what things could be worked on by 3rd party publishers. Some devilish review of the OSR brought the fact that you can’t trademark rules, and that’s the reason we now have binders, initiators and, with the release of AM by DSP, incarnum in Pathfinder! Which in my opinion benefited some of these systems by getting away from the fluff or restrictions of the originals.

Ok, so what problems did MoI had? What improvements did DSP make? Read on!

FLUFF: Incarnum’s fluff wasn’t that bad, it was the distilled energy of souls from the past, present and future. This was OK unless your campaign didn’t have souls as a concept. Reincarnation? Dual or multipart souls? AM gets away from the souls trap and uses a concept more like Chi or Od. It is a form of truly ancient magic that combines the user’s own magical energy with the magic of the world. Of course, any fluff can get a cosmetic lift, but here it impacted the crunch: Incarnum was tied to the alignment system. A lot of the powers were closed to users just because of their alignment and two of the three classes had strict alignment requirements. Not so with AM.

Next we have the nomenclature. While magic used standard fantasy and psionics a kind of sci-fi, MoI was… odd. Meldshaper? Essentia? Chakra? Incarnate? Soulborn? Not very cohesive if you ask me. AM adopts the one Middle-East reference (chakra) and runs with it. We have more flavourful Veils, Veilweavers, Viziers, Gurus, Essence etc.

Finally, and MoI greatest flaw is… that it was blue… no, not sad (well in a way yes), but everything from the races to the melds, items and even the frigging FEAT NAMES was a kind of blue! MoI: 50 shades of blue… It is worse when you consider that blue has a Lawful connotation in D&D (see alignment auras), and it’s worse even when you take into account the whole system has most of its weight in alignment. Why not vary the colors?

CORE: After the fluff, the core of the rule system, had its share of problems. First we have 3 base classes, which were the Incarnate, a ½ BAB class master of the subsystem, with an ugly alignment requirement: neutral something, so only 4 of the 9 alignments permitted; the Totemist, coolest fluff of the bunch and the only one without an alignment restriction, who had ¾ BAB and derived power from magical beats and yes, even the tarrasque; finally we had the Soulborn, a full BAB class who couldn’t be any neutral, leaving again 4 possibilities from the 9 alignments. The incarnate was ok, but the soulborn sucked beyond belief, even the fighter using its normal feats for incarnum was better at everything than a soulborn, and we are talking about D&D 3rd edition fighter, who also sucked.
AM has 3 classes too. The Vizier replaces the Incarnate and really feels like an akashic wizard, it can even dabble in item creation! The Guru replaces the Totemist as the ¾ BAB class and gets away from the magical beast flavor, instead going a more monkish route. Finally, the Daevic replaces the Soulborn as the full BAB class and does so with style. My personal favorite and one of the few mystical melee classes done right, it can veilweave from level 1! Not even the Pally nor the Ranger do that!

Apart from the new classes, we get archetypes for many Paizo classes and some DSP too. There is even an animal companion archetype! Of note are the Dread and Summoner archetypes, who really embrace the new system with high-concept archetypes. The Dread loses all psionic power and gets veilweaving, and the summoner gets a variant eidolon with veilshaping instead of the normal evolutions. This two archetypes really change the way you play these classes! After the archetypes we get the Amplifier PrC, a “theurge” that mixes veilweaving with either spellcasting or psionics, nothing too fancy and one already present in MoI. The second PrC, the Black Templar, echoes the second coolest thing in MoI after the Totemist, the Necrocarnate, by focusing on draining life and control his victim’s corpses. I dislike the name and will use the 2nd edition D&D wizard’s kit’s name from Al-Qadim’s The Complete Sha’ir’s Handbook: Ghul Lord.

Next, the races. MoI had three races (four really), two that shared a racial history and had some reptilian origins, but really were humans with scales in the throat or spines in the arms. The third one was a fey race for the sake of being fey. The only salvageable one was a variant human, who had a point of essential instead of a skill bonus and lived less… big deal. AM takes a note on the Egyptian gods and presents us with 3 (9 if you take into account racial variants). The only problem is that they are all furries, so if you have a problem with that, just don’t use them. Here is the only place where I would have liked more variety, maybe a subrace for another more standard one or an exotic versions of races like the Vyshkanya, Catfolk, Tengu or Vanara if you wanted to go the furry way.

Then we get to the powers. AM not only gets away from skill bonuses, it really goes wild with what you can do with your characters, and again tinges them with Middle-East flavor. Of course some of them overlap with spells or are even spell-like abilities, but believe me they ooze flavor. Some of them work well for other classes, so if you dabble in akasha via feats or multiclass you are in for a surprise.

Finally we get to the monsters. MoI had a lot of sad… sorry, blue monsters that were just plain bad. We had monster entries for the new races, blue incarnum dragon and giant with meldshaping, blue incarnum zombies and oozes, constructs with souls (which sounds cool but campaign dependent) and not much more. The only redeeming grace were the lost, a template for creatures infected by a combination of strong emotion and incarnum. HOWEVER, the monsters from AM run again with the Middle-East motif, my favorite being the new daeva outsiders. They are a new type that, unlike any other outsider race out there, are not related by alignment. They are a race of symbiotic outsiders that feed on emotions, and there are many of them. Since they can make a symbiosis with other creatures, you can get a nasty, or pleasant, surprise after killing/defeating a rival or foe and having one of these appear. Along the many type of daeva comes a single akashic dragon, the amphibian-looking Vitra. The only thing I disliked is that a couple of these monsters were a shade of blue, and gave me some unpleasant flashbacks LOL. The furry theme continues, with at least two of the daeva being anthropomorphs. We at last have Apsaras in D&D, which are a kind of Hindu nymphs.

[RANT] The only thing I disliked from the original Psionics Handbook and MoI books AND that DSP maintained is one personal problem I have with feats. Some Pisonic and Incarnum feats were unusuable if you didn’t really invest in them, so if you wanted a taste of psionics or incarnum, taking a single feat was normally a bad idea. Unless you had psionic focus or invested essential in the feats, they did nothing… not even a meager bonus. DSP missed the opportunity to change that, and some feats are worthless unless you really invest in them.[/RANT]

What do you get from buying this book? For me, a strong core system of non-Vancian magic with plenty of options for those who just want to dabble in akasha, and three new akashic-focused base classes that really get away from the norm in a good way and a new race of outsiders ripe for storytelling, and all of these spiced with the exoticism from the Middle-East. A worthy purchase and hopefully the beginning of a new series of products by DSP! Now, if someone updated the Totemist and the Lost…

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Lantern Lodge

Is there a reason that Preorder Colour Softcover is available, Add PDF is available, but Preorder Softcover/PDF bundle is not clickable?

Ssalarn wrote:
...I just want to thank everyone who has purchased or supported this product.

Thank YOU for making such a great product!

Scarab Sages

DarkWhite wrote:
Is there a reason that Preorder Colour Softcover is available, Add PDF is available, but Preorder Softcover/PDF bundle is not clickable?

I don't know, but I'm experiencing the same issue when I test it. I'll forward this on to Jeremy.

Kcinlive wrote:
Ssalarn wrote:
...I just want to thank everyone who has purchased or supported this product.
Thank YOU for making such a great product!

I'm just glad you're enjoying it :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

... I only just found out from one of my players that I've been pronouncing vizier wrong all these years of using akasha. *Facedesk*

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Left a review! I look forward to more Akashic content.

Scarab Sages

Ninjaxenomorph wrote:
Left a review! I look forward to more Akashic content.

Thank you for the review!

FYI everyone, Jeremy received the print proof the other day and there were a few issues, so we're working with the printer to correct them and get a new proof. All the issues were fairly minor though, so we should be within a couple weeks of print preorders getting ready to ship!

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I wanted to take a minute to thank Endzeitgeist for his seriously in-depth 5 star review of Akashic Mysteries. Thank you!

Also, tomorrow morning I will have in my hands the final print proof of Akashic Mysteries. Right now, it is going through the final distribution preparation processes with DSP's print vendors and should be available for purchase and shipping to preorder customers shortly. So, enjoy! Obviously this has taken a bit and hasn't been the smoothest road, but I think that Akashic Mysteries ultimately ended up being something very special, and I'm looking forward to all the new additions and enhancements that myself and others will be bringing to you in the very near future. Thank you to everyone who has supported this book with your money, your feedback, and your patience.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Looking forward to receiving my copy! And thank you, Ssalarn, and everyone at Dreamscarred Press who helped, for persevering despite all the delays and issues to make such a wonderful magic system! I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for future expansions!

Any news on when a follow-up will become available? I'd love to see more veilweaving classes!!

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Caligastia wrote:
Any news on when a follow-up will become available? I'd love to see more veilweaving classes!!

So, there's been a lot of stuff brewing. Jeremy recently put together an "Akashic Mysteries Compatible" logo that I'll be using on products produced under my own banner (similar to Alluria Press' Waves of Thought, if you're familiar with that product). I'll be releasing the Vayist, a nature oriented akashic healer, as part of my book Veridean Dreams. The new Bloodforge book from DSP will feature some additional akashic race variants, and DSP also has an akashic/initiator theurge class queued up in their patreon. What I'm getting at is, yes, there's a lot more stuff in the pipeline, but I don't have a more specific date than "soon, but expect holiday related delays".

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Part II of my review:

The akasin may also use an essence-burn-powered raise dead, thankfully with a daily limit at 10th level - oh, and it has a no-negation caveat. 13th level provides immunity to blind and dazzled and provides a daylight aura that can be resumed or suppressed. At 16th level, I am not complaining about taking essence burn of up to class level to add as bonus damage that ignores all resistances and DRs, though factor 5 is NASTY. I think adding a daily cap would be in order here for reasons of preventing (relatively inefficient) one-strike-builds. Now this *looks* much worse than it is in game - it is spam-proof. See, that's why I playtest these classes - this one looks much more powerful than it is. So yes, I like the ability, though I believe it could be one that will sooner or later end in undeserved pointed fingers. Finally, 19th level nets at-will teleport between light sources

The sineater philosophy is somewhat problematic - it allows for the regain of essence burn via attacks of gentle touch when used against targets with an Int of 3+ . The ability also allows for the reflexive burn of essence to negate damage that would bring the guru down to below 0 hp - interesting, since the amount of damage negated is significant and would be overpowered, were it not for the restriction, thus making the guru a good candidate for last man standing. While the Int-caveat avoids failure of the kitten-test, I'm still not 100% sold here - though the rest of the philosophy is balanced against this - limited DR and limited fast healing/regeneration for essence burn make sense regarding the established, steep costs while allowing the guru to work as a functional tank. Burning essence to increase the damage dealt to evil outsiders, aberrations and undead on a 1:5-basis at 7th level is brutal and allows for damage outputs that dwarf paladin smites, but only on singular attacks. So yeah, the guru is brutal here. 10th level provides atonement and 13th level nets Grab that can be applied to larger sized creatures depending on essence invested, while also increases the grappling capacity. 16th level provides AoE unarmed attacks and 19th level nets a paralyzing attack for Stunning Fist expenditure that also restores essence burned one a failed save. It now has a hex-style caveat, which is neat.

The third philosophy would be the Vayist, who would be the agile trickster to the sineater's tanky playstyle - via 1 essence burn, they can tie themselves with aether to foes, penalizing them and gaining bonuses against them...and targets thus affected that miss him result in essence regain. He can have one aether tie in effect at any given time, +1 at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter. These ties last for Wisdom modifier rounds, which, by action economy and the power of math, makes kitten-ing the ability not a smart move. At 4th level, vayists may use essence burn to increase the range-increments of ranged weapons or blur or mirror image themselves. 7th level nets essence burn for getting back up as a free action, even when it's not his turn (nice ship around of the free action ambiguity!). 10th level nets alter winds, air walk and river of wind and is solid. 16th level features the option to make at-ranged whirlwind attacks with weapons teleporting back and 19th level provides a continuous freedom of movement. Significantly tightened concept-wise!

All in all, in every way superior to the previous iteration of the class!

Onwards to the vizier, shall we? The vizier receives d6, 2 + Int skills per level, proficiency with light armor, bucklers and simple weapons. The class has 1/2 BAB-progression and, uncommon for a full caster, but not unheard of, good fort and will-saves. The vizier's veilweaving is governed by Intelligence and follows the 10 + essence invested + Intelligence-modifier formula for save DC calculations. The vizier's levels count as arcane caster levels for the purposes of qualifying for feats, PrCs, etc. Viziers may invest essence in wands, staves or wondrous items that use charges, with the usual essence capacity limit modified by improved essence capacity (+1 at 3rd, 11th and 19th level - note that save DCs for veils also increase by the same amount at these levels) at later levels still applying. Essence thus assigned is considered to be bound and may not be redistributed, but the essence does act as charges for the item in question, though 9th level spells may not be activated with it. Items with essence invested in them do not require UMD-checks to utilize. Still not 100% sold here.

What do I mean by this? Warning: Nitpickery afoot. Surprisingly, I'm not complaining about items with few charges being left as treasure to have some "smart bombs" here; What I'm not sold on is simply the flat-out "no UMD"-section AND the non-scaling nature of this ability. What if the players find a wand with precious few charges or a unique staff and can just flat-out use it? I am aware that these are fringe-cases, but it would theoretically allow the vizier to utilize charge-based items beyond his level's capacity (if the DM foolishly drops them into the treasure...) - and there is a pretty easy solution that prevents the issue: Just make the highest spell level of the item the governing factor for whether or not you have to UMD and make it scale with class level progression, by e.g. tying it to twice the character's essence capacity. Now, yes, the base ability isn't broken, but I maintain that such a solution would be much more elegant and prevent fringe-case abuse.

A 1st level vizier begins play with 2 veils and 1 essence and increases that to a total of 11 veils and 30 essences at 20th level. A vizier may invest up to character level essence in a given veil or receptacle.

Viziers receive instant access to all veils on the vizier's list. Chakra binds are gained at 2nd level in the progression of Hands, Feet, head, Wrist, Shoulders, Headband, Neck, Belt, Chest and Body. The vizier does gain access to a unique veil slot: The Ring slot, which is unlocked at 9th level; at 15th level, viziers may bind and shape up to two veils in the Ring slot. At 3rd level, viziers gain veilshaping and may use a move action that provokes AoOs 1/day to unshape and instantly reshape an existing veil, though the rehsaped one can't be bound to a chakra until the vizier has meditated for 1 hour. At every 4 levels beyond 3rd, one additional veil may be reshaped and the ability can also be used an additional time per day.

The capstone allows for at-will instant veil-reforging via aforementioned veilshaping - and whenever the class uses the veilshaping ability, he regains 3+Int temporary essence that lasts for 3 rounds and may only be used to power the veils just formed.

Viziers also receive a kind of bloodline-ish linear ability chosen at first level - a total of 3 are provided. These are called paths of mystic attunement and they very much define how the class plays.

The Path of the Crafter grants a bonus equal to 1/2 class level on all skill-checks made as part of the crafting process and may bypass crafting requirements by increasing the DC. That is *pretty* powerful. Allies within 30 ft. that activate a magic item to cast a spell, treat the caster level and DC of the activated item as +1. That is nasty, but will also make the vizier rather popular with his adventuring companions. Okay, where things get rather unique would be in one particular ability - transfer the essence. This allows you to meditate on items and exchange their bonuses and special abilities. - Found a cool weapon, but don't have the proficiency for it? Just exchange the enchantment with those on your trusty sword. I applaud the fact that you can't cherry-pick abilities and really like this component. Now, on the other hand, wand/staff charges can also be exchanged if the items have the same highest spell level - a fitting restriction, but one I'd suggest to be supplemented with an analogue caster level (or lower) restriction to prevent spells that increase their potency with caster level having their charges cheaply upped by using charges from items that do not scale with CL. Once again, not a bad glitch, but rather one that can easily be fixed. The ability does feature a caveat that prevents use with artifacts or cursed/intelligent weapons, though. The path also grants item creation feats and a decreased craft-price at higher levels.

The path of the ruler is all about granting a scaling 30 ft.(60 ft. at 9th)-Will-save/Sense Motive debuff aura, with selective exclusion of up to Intelligence modifier allies, who also get a bonus instead. Enforcing a reroll at high levels is nice, but when compared to the benefits granted by the other paths, the path of the ruler feels pretty bland to me.

The path of the seer increases movement of all allies within 60 ft. by +5 ft, +5 ft. more at 9th and 17th level - neat. Now the interesting part comes next - the seer learns teamwork feats and for each point invested, the class may share ALL teamwork feats granted by this ability (1 is gained at 1st, 5th, 9th and 13th level) with one ally within 60 feet. Additionally, veils tied to Hand or Feet may be shared alongside with allies, who may invest essence in them, but not benefit from veil bind in the shared veil and they neither gain the benefits of the seer's invested essence. High-level (17th) seer-viziers may freely retrain the teamwork feats. See, that one is a competent, powerful commander-style path and once again, mops the floor with the relatively uninspired ruler-path.

Once again, some nice revisions made here.

***End Base Class Section***

One crucial difference that sets apart Akashic Mysteries from similar alternate magic systems is the sheer wide openness as a central factor of the design - this system was made to allow for dabbling, gestalting and similar processes and as such, this book does contain a lot of options for classes beyond the 3 I have covered so far, so let us dive in and take a close look, shall we?

Okay, so the first class covered would be the psionic aegis, who gains 2 1-point, 4-point and 3-point as well as a 4-point customization: Beyond the obvious chakra bind and veil shaping, there are some cool mechanic twists here that make me really grin; contemplation, for example, lets the aegis expend power points to make receptacles or veils counted as though they were invested with essence, providing a nice game of resource management I enjoy. Making essence via the ectosuit similarly is a neat concept. Speaking of cool: The Buraq animal companion (yep, you read right!) archetype basically replaces several of the usual tricks with some veilshaping, emphasizing the instinctual and universal nature of akasha: Two thumbs up!

Barbarians looking to tap into the power of akasha will like the rageshaper, who replaces 5 of his rage power with veils and temporary essence while raging, which also makes for a great representation of the trope of the hero who can only tap into supernatural powers while raging (as seen in a gazillion anime). The resonant song bard replaces the base performances with the Hands of the Bard veil and 1/4 (min 1) class level essence. Now here is where things become interesting: At higher levels, the veil separates from the bard for a kind of spectral, externalized threat. The psionic and criminally underestimated cryptic class replaces the enhanced disruptions with veilweaving at -3 levels and a fluid realignment of altered defense tied to his veils as well as a power point/essence-interaction akin to that shown by the aegis. Once again, this makes for evocative gameplay and interesting tricks. The swarm master dread gains the pretty awesome vizier's veil-selection (at a lower progression, obviously) as well as the Pestilence Cloak veil, which, once again, he can utilize in utterly unique ways, separating from the dread and even becoming real! Oh, and swarm form at higher levels! Heck YES! The hashasheen gunslinger can cling to walls, generate akashic bullets (somewhat similar to my own etherslinger) and fire on the run - apart from the class I wrote myself, this certainly now ranks as one of my favorite gunslinger options. The akashic warrior fighter is the first archetype here I don't really like - it basically replaces bravery with an akahsa-based variant and allows the character to invest essence in armor or weapons, but ultimately, the archetype doesn't add much beyond at least some numerical flexibility. Better than the base fighter, but not as amazing as most archetypes herein.

The snake charmer magus is a whip specialist who blends arcane power and spellcasting, losing spellstrike, spell recall, etc. - however, for arcane pool points and essence invested in the whip, he can generate cool defenses - a neat take on the whip-wielding, quick magus. The adaptive gunner marksman gets the cool contemplation psionic power/essence-combo game and uses the amazing Hand Cannon veil, getting even a unique style to interact with that one, which lets him doe amazing psionics/veilweaving-combo-stuff, like combining both cannons into one when expending the psionic focus for increasingly devastating blasts. The mysterial monk once again features a complex and evocative game of resource-management that is based on the interaction of veilweaving and ki as well as featuring a neat array of veilweaving in lieu of e.g. slow fall. The yaksa caller summoner binds lesser daeva (the entities associated with the daevic) instead of eidolons - said beings have veilweaving and said yaksa may bin essence in the caller, enhancing spell slots and veil sharing is also part of the deal. Pretty neat veilweaving summoner variant. Fans of Path of War may enjoy the veiled lord warder, who regains essence when performing gambits as well as limited number of day veilsharing with allies - beings affected by this that crit, generate temporary essence. All in all, neat.

The book also contains 13 talents for rogues, investigators as well as slayers that provide a neat array of tricks to dabble in veilweaving for these characters. Note something? Like the lack of complaining about them? Yeah, the options here are damn cool! The pdf also sports 2 PrCs, the first of which would be the 10-level Amplifier, who gains 1/2 BAB- and Will-save progression, d6 HD, 2+Int skills per level as well as full spellcasting/veilweaving progression - the amplifier basically is a akasha/spells-theurge...and if you've followed my reviews, you'll note that I'm usually not too impressed by these guys. However, for one, he works with psionics as well and when spell and veil descriptor match veils, the class gets some cool benefits to choose from that scale with the levels, providing a cool game of mechanical interaction that actually makes the PrC interesting to me.

The second PrC covers 5 levels and gets 3/4 BAB-progression as well as good Fort- and Will-progression, d8 HD and 2 + Int skills as well as full veilweaving progression. These guys gain touch attacks that deal 1d8 per class level + Con-mod, which also grants temporary hit points and temporary essence. This temporary essence can, at 2nd level, be used to create debuffs zones. Thereafter, the PrC learns to render those it defeats into zombies, poison the essence of foes (unique mechanics) and finally, create undead via his tricks. Neat!

The pdf also contains new races, the first of which would be the amazing gamla you can see on the cover - yes, camel folk. Yes, they are cool. These guys get +2 Con and Wis, -2 Dex, are Large, have a speed of 30 ft., use undersized weapons (nice balance), gain desert strider, endurance, gain +1 bonus essence and a sickening spittle usable 1/minute. A powerful race, but still within the acceptable frame and one that gets a wide array of core class/akashic class and warder FCOs. The race also supports two alternates, the Alqarn (rhinofolk), who gains +2 Str and Con, -2 Wis (making them more physically lopsided than I like them), but slow and steady does somewhat diminish what would otherwise, thanks to ferocity and gore, be too close by the barb-race. Feelkha get +2 Con and Int, -2 Dex, are similarly slow and steady and gain a trunk that can be used, much like the rhinofolk's horn, in conjunction with essence more effectively.

The second race would be the reptilian sobek, who gain +2 Str and Cha, -2 Wis, slow and steady, water adaptation, +2 to Stealth in certain environments, a natural bite attack at 1d6 that can be enhanced via essence and a sweeping tail. Once again, we get FCos for the core classes and the akashic ones. The nameer and sohofaat are alternates here - the tigerfolk nameer are warmblooded, have regular movement and camouflage in other environments and the race does have essence-enhanceable claws. The solhofaat (turtlefolk) get +4 Con, -2 Dex and a shell that can be enhanced via essence, a bite that can't be invested with essence, but a shell that can be. I usually tend to hate +4 as racial modifiers, but considering the slow swimming speed as well as the fact that Con does not allow for a lot of abuse/powergaming, I'm mostly good with this and leave it with my usual "Take heed!" warning for GMs of low-powered games.

The suqur get +2 Dex and Int, -2 Con, 20 ft. land movement, low-light vision, 1 point of bonus essence and may glide. They gain talons and investing essence in the gliding wings lets them fly, which represents an investment I'm willing to give a pass; obviously, this can cause problems in low-level modules, but the totality of the race's traits is sufficiently subdued to make this work for me. Once again, we get nice FCos and the race comes with two alternatives: The Hibkha (Ibisfolk) get +4 Int, -2 Str and Con, has 30 ft. movement and ignore non-magical difficult terrain, which makes the Int-powergaming more ridiculous. Not getting anywhere near my game, this one may be the first thing in the book I actively dislike. The Nisr vulturefolk get +2 Dex and Con, -2 Cha and may fortify their iron stomachs with eseence to resist poisons and diseases and eat about anything. Age, height and weight tables are included for our convenience. Favored class options of the new classes for the core races (minus half-orc/half-elf, plus orc) can also be found.

Alright, but one of the main draws of Incarnum back in the day was the relative ease by which other characters could dabble in its tricks - a component akashic mysteries translates masterfully to PFRPG by not only aforementioned class options, but by the vast array of feats. Basically, you can learn to access chakra slots via these and, as hinted at above, feats with the Akashic-descriptor can be invested with essence for greater effect, fortifying the body, spells, enhancing charges...Building on Deadly Aim, rage, studied strike, channel energy - basically, you name the class feature and there will be some unique trick that you can enhance with these feats - the handy table covering the feats alone is 1.5 pages long. Essence-based, less boring variants of Toughness that count as Toughness for purposes of prereqs are neat. Unfortunately, there is also some problematic content here: Life Bond, for example. This lets you basically transfer hit points via touch to allies. Solid, right? Well, for each essence invested in the ability, you increase healing by +5 hit points, which means that two or more folks with this healing each other can generate infinite healing. It'll take a while and probably won't break the game in most rounds, but I know that I'll put hard cap on this feat in my game...but consider this just a tentative complaint, since otherwise, the array of options presented herein are evocative and make for a LOT of tinkering options - the chapter adds a massive tweaking strategy to everything, considering that most feats grant essence!

Now, the veils...this massive book contains basically ~20 pages of these and they are, ultimately, what makes of breaks the system...and they are amazing. No, seriously. Unlike many an alternate system, Michael Sayre has provided a significant array of unique benefits that you otherwise never get to see - like vorpal-immunity. I also mentioned the friggin' handcannons, right? What I can't really possibly hope to convey is the nature of these: Take a veil that grants you a tail slap - so far, so boring, right? Well, for essence, it also nets swim speed and for chakra bind, we gain 5 ft. AoE-trip as a unique attack! Even relatively conservative skill-boosters get such unique tricks, with one providing very high-level viziers a means to become truly frightening rulers, commanding up to 100 HD of creatures...Dr and Ac-granting defenses, temporary hit points that slowly regenerate, gauntlets that deal "electric" (should be electricity), sonic and cold damage, miss chances, spell-interactions for chakra-bound veils, mantles of insects. A nice touch: even the veils that employ veilweaving level instead of BAB have a rationale for how viziers and daevics can end up at the same potency when using the veil -it may not be much, but it is these nice little touches that show how much the authors care about a sense of in-game coherence. Oh, have I mentioned the Spiderman-style spinnerets? Now, personally, I'll add a cooldown to the dragon-like breath-weapon-granting veil, since I really don't consider infinite AoE-damage, even in small cones, to be something I like, but this is, again, a rules-aesthetic decision, not one based on me considering the veil OP. Oh, want veils rather by slot than alphabetically? Guess what: Second table included. Breaking each of these down in their components would exceed the frame of this review, considering that I already talked about quite a few of them in my review of the previous books; just note that no infinite healing exploits sprang right at me, though healing options are included.

A total of 3 weapon special abilities, akasha-enhancing catalysts, blood chakra-interactions...these items generally work well...but are only half the deal. You see, the mirrored property I mentioned before? It's included herein. As are a selection of spells and material that act as reference material to avoid annoying book switching. Kudos and thank you for that.

Where was I, oh yes, beyond the items, we get two new monster subtypes, the akashic and daeva...and new monsters, including a new akashic dragon! The monsters sport amazing artworks and, as many are daeva, provide gorgeous, original artworks that evoke unique twists on Hindu-deities and other, lesser-known mythological creatures, like the Yaksha. These monster builds can generally be called "challenging" and range from CR 5 to 22, sporting unique tricks even before the whole veilweaving thing comes into place. This brief bestiary, if anything, made me want a whole bestiary of such creatures and should be considered a worthy closer to this book.


Editing and formatting are a bit hard to talk about here; you see, this review is not based on the "this will go to print version" of the book, but rather on the pdf-version prior to that. The positives first: Considering the length and density of the material herein, I am pretty excited to note the precision of the rules-language. Formal glitches are also pretty few and far in between, with e.g. the first "Alignment"-line in the book being one of the exceptions. One of the most prevalent issues would be that, unlike all "finished" Dreamscarred Press titles, I noticed quite a few formatting hiccups, like non-italicized spells and minor internal incongruencies regarding some of the material. These are universally not game-breakers, though. Dreamscarred Press has a history of cleaning up their books before going print, so I'm willing to give the company a pass on that for now; it's just something to bear in mind when you're expecting to dive right i. In my usual qualification, this would be situated between good and okay in that regard. Layout adheres to a 2-column full-color standard and the pdf comes with a second, printer-friendly version - kudos for providing that! Artworks are a mix of stock art and original art in full-color and particularly the original art deserves being mentioned as high-quality and amazing. Srsly, making the camelfolk look cool is truly great! The pdfs come with excessive, nested bookmarks that render the use on electronic devices very easy.

Lead designer Michael Sayre, with assistance from Andreas Rönnqvist, Andrew Stoeckle and Jacob Karpel has created a monument here. Yeah, I know, sounds like hyperbole? I'm not kidding, though. When I think "alternate magic for PFRPG", akashic mysteries is now right up there with psionics, pact magic and the numerous systems crafted by Interjection games' Bradley Crouch. The overhaul the classes got in comparison to the previous releases shows a quickly improving grasp of mechanics of top-tier complexity and the ability to sift through feedback to garner the gems amidst the complaints and invalid bickering - the final book presented here blows its WIP-components straight out of the water. The beauty of the mechanical tweaking and math underlying the system is impressive and the reason I adore this book more than quite a few options out there: It doesn't matter if you're playing a low-powered 15-pt-buy or nigh-superhero 25-pt-buy; it doesn't matter if you're going for low/rare or high magic - the akashic system supports a vast selection of playstyles and is ingenious, smart and just rewarding.

Beyond that, it may be one massive array of exceedingly dense crunch, but it is one that doesn't leave other classes behind. Finally, the system actually manages to evoke, in spite f the scarcity of fluff, a unique thematic identity that you may easily reskin/eliminate, yes - but you can also roll with it. The number of components I'd consider problematic herein are TINY considering the density and size of this book. Oh, one more thing: I *HATED* the fluff of Incarnum. I *hated* its execution and only used it for gestalting back in the day; this one, I love. It is refined, strong but still balanced and one gigantic beast of evocative material. This will become a staple in my games for years to come and establishes Michael Sayre as one crunch-designer to *really* watch, as one in the highest echelon.

If anything, I want the expanded and augmented sequel book now and a full-blown bestiary and NPC book to boot. Yes, I actually like this that much. The fact that the system, in spite of the vast amount of moving parts, doesn't crumble under its own weight is impressive indeed. I'm rambling. What I'm saying is: Get this, you won't be disappointed! It's not (yet) perfect, but it is one of the most inspired crunch-books to land before me in the last couple of years. My final verdict will clock in at unsurprising 5 stars + seal of approval and denote this, even sans improvements, as a candidate for my Top ten of 2016 and an EZG Essential. Now excuse me, I have *a lot* of tinkering to do...

Reviewed first on endzeitgeist.com, then submitted to Nerdtrek, GMS magazine and posted on OBS, here, etc.

Endzeitgeist out.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Endzeitgeist mentioned a couple of places where things were only listed in the table & not the description & vice versa. Will those be fixed for the print version or just the PDF?

Scarab Sages

Silver Griffin wrote:
Endzeitgeist mentioned a couple of places where things were only listed in the table & not the description & vice versa. Will those be fixed for the print version or just the PDF?

I believe we caught most, if not all, of those issues in time to correct them for the print run.

DarkWhite wrote:
Is there a reason that Preorder Colour Softcover is available, Add PDF is available, but Preorder Softcover/PDF bundle is not clickable?

This issue looks like it's back.

Also, are ya'll close to releasing this book?

Scarab Sages

Tectorman wrote:
DarkWhite wrote:
Is there a reason that Preorder Colour Softcover is available, Add PDF is available, but Preorder Softcover/PDF bundle is not clickable?

This issue looks like it's back.

Also, are ya'll close to releasing this book?

I'm seeing the issue as well, though it may because they're currently changing the status for the print orders?

I received my friends and family copies a couple days ago (they look great btw!), so I'm assuming we're just waiting on an administrative or shipping delay at this point.

Ssalarn wrote:
Tectorman wrote:
DarkWhite wrote:
Is there a reason that Preorder Colour Softcover is available, Add PDF is available, but Preorder Softcover/PDF bundle is not clickable?

This issue looks like it's back.

Also, are ya'll close to releasing this book?

I'm seeing the issue as well, though it may because they're currently changing the status for the print orders?

I received my friends and family copies a couple days ago (they look great btw!), so I'm assuming we're just waiting on an administrative or shipping delay at this point.

Well, as long as things are still moving forward then.

Dreamscarred Press

I'm waiting for the proof copy to arrive from DriveThruRPG before turning it on across the board. It shipped out earlier this week, I'm just waiting on it to arrive. It was stuck in limbo for a couple of weeks due to technical issues DriveThruRPG is working on resolving.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So giddy!! :D

Scarab Sages

Endzeitgeist wrote:
So giddy!! :D

Obviously I have a pretty severe bias here, but I'm going to say it's totally worth the wait. I ended up rerouting one of the friends and family copies to my shelf since the proof didn't have the nice glossy print and its color wasn't quite as rich as the final releases.

Scarab Sages

All preorder copies of Akashic Mysteries are now shipping!

If you haven't already preordered, place an order now to ensure you receive it in time for Christmas.

And now to hope that overseas shipping costs wont be too giant.

Glad to hear it will be here before Christmas!! I've waited about a month since my preorder

Are there any plans to make an Akashin rogue? I've heard lots of people request this!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Caligastia wrote:
Are there any plans to make an Akashin rogue? I've heard lots of people request this!!

There are akashic rogue talents in the book so it's pretty easy to play an akashic rogue.

Or do you mean a rogue-style philosophy for guru?

Dreamscarred Press

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Just got confirmation from the printer that books are on the way to the Paizo warehouse!

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Caligastia wrote:
Are there any plans to make an Akashin rogue? I've heard lots of people request this!!

Akashic Mysteries already includes 13 rogue talents that can provide akashic feats, chakra binds, an essence pool, multiple thematic veils plus the Shape Veil feat, and several unique akashic abilities, so you can very much play an akashic rogue right now. Is there something more specific you're looking for?

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

So was the bundle only available to people who ordered the books before they hit print?

Scarab Sages

David knott 242 wrote:
So was the bundle only available to people who ordered the books before they hit print?

I'll ping Jeremy, see if he can answer that question.

Dreamscarred Press

Not that I'm aware of... print copies are on the way, but I don't know why that would have disabled the option.

Ssalarn wrote:
Caligastia wrote:
Are there any plans to make an Akashin rogue? I've heard lots of people request this!!
Akashic Mysteries already includes 13 rogue talents that can provide akashic feats, chakra binds, an essence pool, multiple thematic veils plus the Shape Veil feat, and several unique akashic abilities, so you can very much play an akashic rogue right now. Is there something more specific you're looking for?

The classes of akashic mysteries seem to correspond to three of the four classic classes of d&d/pathfinder: viziers are wizards, gurus are clerics, and daevics are fighters, all being the akashic equivalents of these. I suppose the guru is also rogue-like in some ways. The reason I brought up the rogue was that I've seen a few people request it. I'm excited to know that more classes are on the way!!

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Caligastia wrote:
Ssalarn wrote:
Caligastia wrote:
Are there any plans to make an Akashin rogue? I've heard lots of people request this!!
Akashic Mysteries already includes 13 rogue talents that can provide akashic feats, chakra binds, an essence pool, multiple thematic veils plus the Shape Veil feat, and several unique akashic abilities, so you can very much play an akashic rogue right now. Is there something more specific you're looking for?
The classes of akashic mysteries seem to correspond to three of the four classic classes of d&d/pathfinder: viziers are wizards, gurus are clerics, and daevics are fighters, all being the akashic equivalents of these. I suppose the guru is also rogue-like in some ways. The reason I brought up the rogue was that I've seen a few people request it. I'm excited to know that more classes are on the way!!

Yeah, honestly while the guru is thematically probably more like a cleric, I've always viewed it as the akashic rogue. It has high skill points, conditional bonus damage, can debuff an enemy by targeting their weak points, and has a veil list that's primarily focused on skill, defense, and mobility veils. Akasin gurus are kind of your technical paladins, Sineaters are the "hunters" specializing in absorbing damage and locking down opponents, and Vayists are your free spirited rogue/ranger Robin Hood types.

The class I intend to really be the akashic healer is the Vedist, who'll be rolling out for playtesting in the very near future. The Vedist is an akashic healer that can invest essence in his allies to heal and buff them, and then reclaim that essence if the ally suffers a negative status condition, such as poison, drawing the effect out of the ally and taking it on themselves (something the class is more prepared to deal with than the average adventurer). There's also new veils for all classes, and some of them are going to do things and create tactics that are very different from anything you've probably seen before.

Due to the fact that the Vedist and its supporting materials don't neatly fit into the DSP patreon schedule, and unfortunately neither does my own production schedule, the Vedist will be released through my own company, Somnambulant Gamer, as part of our upcoming "Akashic Arts" line. Jeremy has worked with me to create a great new compatibility logo that will appear on all Somnam products featuring Akashic Mysteries support, so it looks like there's going to be a lot of great akashic support during 2017 with the smaller DSP patreon releases featuring new supporting materials and larger quarterly releases from the Akashic Arts line, starting with Veridean Dreams, which will feature the Vedist, new veils following fey themes like nature, illusion, and divination, new Passions, Mystic Paths, and Philosophies, new archetypes, and new akashic monsters. I'll be sure to link that playtest here as soon as it's up so you can check it out!

Jeremy Smith wrote:
Not that I'm aware of... print copies are on the way, but I don't know why that would have disabled the option.

When will I get charged for the preorder? It's a pain having to remember to hold back $24 each month!

Scarab Sages

Caligastia wrote:
Jeremy Smith wrote:
Not that I'm aware of... print copies are on the way, but I don't know why that would have disabled the option.
When will I get charged for the preorder? It's a pain having to remember to hold back $24 each month!

My experience with Paizo's ordering system is that the final charge gets applied the moment they actually ship the print book from their warehouse. Since the shipment went out to Paizo about a week ago, I would assume that you'll probably be charged within the next week, almost certainly by the end of this month.

How's it looking for when the books will ship?

Dreamscarred Press

Copies have already arrived and will begin shipping soon, according to Rick. I've also ordered more copies to make sure we have plenty of stock on hand.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yep; I finally got charged for an order I made in late October! Looking forward to my book arriving!

Scarab Sages

Caligastia wrote:
Yep; I finally got charged for an order I made in late October! Looking forward to my book arriving!

I hope you enjoy it!

Also, I noticed we got a new 5 star review from user Bryan MANGUM back in the 9th! I'm glad you enjoyed the book Bryan, thank you for your review!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My book version arrived today! Contained everything the pdf did!! Great purchase!!

Scarab Sages

Caligastia wrote:
My book version arrived today! Contained everything the pdf did!! Great purchase!!

Glad it made it to you! You'll have to let us know how/when it gets used at your table. If you really get some get use out of it, please leave a review!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My softcover finally arrived. Looks really nice.

Scarab Sages

Milo v3 wrote:
My softcover finally arrived. Looks really nice.

Awesome, glad to hear you have your physical copy in hand! I think it's a very good-looking book, glad you share that opinion :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just checking but, there's theoretically more than one Daeva for each Emotion right? Yaksha wouldn't be the only form of Wrath feeding Daeva, it's just the only Wrath feeding Daeva we have stats for so far?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My copy should be shipping with this month's Paizo subscription, so I'm definitely looking forward to getting my hands on the physical version of this!

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Milo v3 wrote:
Just checking but, there's theoretically more than one Daeva for each Emotion right? Yaksha wouldn't be the only form of Wrath feeding Daeva, it's just the only Wrath feeding Daeva we have stats for so far?


I've finally read through my copy of Akashic Mysteries, and I thought I'd try to get a few clarifications of things I was wondering about.

1. pg 5: On daevic veilweaving, the text lists passion-granted veils at 1st, 4th, 9th, and 15th while the table lists what I assume to be passion-granted veils at 1st, 4th, 10th, and 15th. Which is it?
Also, the text says you gain access to essence at 2nd level while the table says it starts at 1st. Which is it?

2. pg 8-9: On veil shaping, you reassign your essence as a swift action and on gentle touch, you assign your essence as a swift action. Is that the same swift action or do you have to take one round to unassign essence from somewhere and leave it floating, and then put it in your gentle touch on the next round? For that matter, what of other essence receptacles? Is the default rule "all investing/reinvesting of essence across all essence receptacles is the same swift action in a given turn" or "investing/reinvesting essence across multiple essence receptacles takes separate swift actions across separate turns, unless otherwise noted"?

3. pg 13: Breath of the east wind references things called alter winds and river of wind. In what book and on what pages are those?

4. pg 16: Path of the seer lets allies within 60ft gain an enhancement bonus to speed. How long does it apply? I.e., if I'm 30 ft away from a Seer Vizier with a normal move speed of 30ft, it would take all my normal movement to get to the outside of his range. He still grants me +5 ft to speed, but if I use it to go outside his range, does it go away before I leave, therefore preventing my leaving?

5. pg 21: The first part of the Hashasheen's Akashic Shot says that he merely needs a grit point to automatically make ammo for his firearm during an attack action. There appears to be no provision for "one attack per turn", so presumably this would already apply to every attack in a full attack sequence. What, then, is the point of the last sentence of the ability? Why spend a grit point when I can do the same thing for free?

6. pg 22: The Akashic Fighter can take Akashic feats for his Fighter bonus feats. It says that this modifies his fighter bonus feat class ability. The Improved Essence Capacity ability applies to all of his class abilities. That does include those feats, correct?

7. pg 55: Cerebral Catastrophe Cinch can impose a penalty to the Intelligence scores of casters of magical spells. What are the parameters of that penalty? Does it only exist for the duration of the casting of said spell? Is it like ability damage, and recovered by whatever recovers ability damage? If the incoming spell relies on the caster's Int score, and the attack of opportunity Int penalty of the CCC is successfully imposed, would that retroactively negate said spell? And if it's supposed to have that kind of effect on Int casters, is it deliberate that it doesn't have that effect on Wis or Cha casters?

8. pg 56: Where Crimson Totem talks about using your Con mod for attacks and damage, is it "can replace" or "must replace"?

9. pg 57: Crusader's Shield initially can create a 10 ft square (that's four 5 ft squares) wall. Every point of essence extends the wall by 5 ft. Is that "an additional 5 ft square (such that a 10 ft by 15 ft wall requires 2 essence)", "an additional 5 ft in one direction (such that a 10 ft by 15 ft wall requires 1 essence, a 15 ft by 15 ft or 10 ft by 20 ft wall requiring 2 essence, and so forth)", or "an additional 5 ft in all directions (such that a 15 ft by 15 ft wall only requires 1 essence)"?

10. pg 67: The Head Bind of the Mask of Elemental Adaptation imposes a save on elemental creatures attacking the veilweaver. On a fail, the creature cannot complete the attack and the action is wasted. A creature with multiple attacks is making multiple attack actions within a full-round action. If he fails his save on the first attack he makes in that full-round action, what happens? Does he fail that attack and lose that attack-equivalent action (he can still try other attacks that same turn), or does he lose the entire full-round action for that turn?

11. pg 72: The primary use of Tentacle of Abolethic Sovereignty inflicts a penalty to the opponent's Cha score that lasts for more than one round. Does a successful hit in a subsequent round leave the penalty as is (assuming you don't roll higher on the Cha damage) but top off the duration or also add to the existing penalty? Bonuses don't stack, but do penalties?

12. pg 75: The Akashic Catalysts treat essence invested in a veil as being +1, +2, or +3 higher. Is that total or per point? With a least Akashic Catalyst and two points invested, am I treating that veil as having 3 or 4 essence? Also, if I have no essence currently invested, am I still at +1 from the Akashic Catalyst?

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tectorman wrote:

I've finally read through my copy of Akashic Mysteries, and I thought I'd try to get a few clarifications of things I was wondering about.

1. pg 5: On daevic veilweaving, the text lists passion-granted veils at 1st, 4th, 9th, and 15th while the table lists what I assume to be passion-granted veils at 1st, 4th, 10th, and 15th. Which is it?
Also, the text says you gain access to essence at 2nd level while the table says it starts at 1st. Which is it?

The table is correct. These were adjustments that were made after the original release and it doesn't like the text was updated accordingly.


2. pg 8-9: On veil shaping, you reassign your essence as a swift action and on gentle touch, you assign your essence as a swift action. Is that the same swift action or do you have to take one round to unassign essence from somewhere and leave it floating, and then put it in your gentle touch on the next round? For that matter, what of other essence receptacles? Is the default rule "all investing/reinvesting of essence across all essence receptacles is the same swift action in a given turn" or "investing/reinvesting essence across multiple essence receptacles takes separate swift actions across separate turns, unless otherwise noted"?

You can reassign all essence amongst your receptacles as a single swift action.


3. pg 13: Breath of the east wind references things called alter winds and river of wind. In what book and on what pages are those?

They are spells from the Advanced Player's Guide.


4. pg 16: Path of the seer lets allies within 60ft gain an enhancement bonus to speed. How long does it apply? I.e., if I'm 30 ft away from a Seer Vizier with a normal move speed of 30ft, it would take all my normal movement to get to the outside of his range. He still grants me +5 ft to speed, but if I use it to go outside his range, does it go away before I leave, therefore preventing my leaving?

Until the end of each turn you qualify to receive it.


5. pg 21: The first part of the Hashasheen's Akashic Shot says that he merely needs a grit point to automatically make ammo for his firearm during an attack action. There appears to be no provision for "one attack per turn", so presumably this would already apply to every attack in a full attack sequence. What, then, is the point of the last sentence of the ability? Why spend a grit point when I can do the same thing for free?

In Pathfinder, an "attack" and an "attack action" are two separate terms. An attack action is specifically the action you take when you make an attack as a standard action, the same action that is required for feats and abilities like Vital Strike. It is not compatible with a full attack. So you may make a single attack as an attack action without needing ammo as long as you have a grit point, but must spend a grit point to receive that benefit for multiple attacks.

6. pg 22: The Akashic Fighter can take Akashic feats for his Fighter bonus feats. It says that this modifies his fighter bonus feat class ability. The Improved Essence Capacity ability applies to all of his class abilities. That does include those feats, correct?


7. pg 55: Cerebral Catastrophe Cinch can impose a penalty to the Intelligence scores of casters of magical spells. What are the parameters of that penalty? Does it only exist for the duration of the casting of said spell? Is it like ability damage, and recovered by whatever recovers ability damage?

Yes, it was supposed to reference ability damage rather than an ability penalty, and is healed and recovered as ability damage.


If the incoming spell relies on the caster's Int score, and the attack of opportunity Int penalty of the CCC is successfully imposed, would that retroactively negate said spell?

No, the spell still resolves as normal.


8. pg 56: Where Crimson Totem talks about using your Con mod for attacks and damage, is it "can replace" or "must replace"?

"Can". You may still use your Strength if that is more beneficial.


9. pg 57: Crusader's Shield initially can create a 10 ft square (that's four 5 ft squares) wall. Every point of essence extends the wall by 5 ft. Is that "an additional 5 ft square (such that a 10 ft by 15 ft wall requires 2 essence)", "an additional 5 ft in one direction (such that a 10 ft by 15 ft wall requires 1 essence, a 15 ft by 15 ft or 10 ft by 20 ft wall requiring 2 essence, and so forth)", or "an additional 5 ft in all directions (such that a 15 ft by 15 ft wall only requires 1 essence)"?

It's an additional 5 ft. square, such that a 10 ft by 15 ft wall requires 2 essence.

10. pg 67: The Head Bind of the Mask of Elemental Adaptation imposes a save on elemental creatures attacking the veilweaver. On a fail, the creature cannot complete the attack and the action is wasted. A creature with multiple attacks is making multiple attack actions within a full-round action. If he fails his save on the first attack he makes that full-round action, what happens? Does he fail that attack and lose that attack-equivalent action (he can still try other attacks that same turn), or does he lose the entire full-round action for that turn?
The initial attack would be wasted, but as per the general rules on [url=http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/coreRulebook/combat.html#full-attack-action]full attacks

, you don't have to fully decide that it's a full attack until after the first attack; this means that though the attack has been forcibly ended, you could still take a move action.


11. pg 72: The primary use of Tentacle of Abolethic Sovereignty inflicts a penalty to the opponent's Cha score that lasts for more than one round. Does a successful hit in a subsequent round leave the penalty as is (assuming you don't roll higher on the Cha damage) but top off the duration or also add to the existing penalty? Bonuses don't stack, but do penalties?

The general rule on penalties in Pathfinder is that they do stack, and that is true in this instance as well.


12. pg 75: The Akashic Catalysts treat essence invested in a veil as being +1, +2, or +3 higher. Is that total or per point? With a least Akashic Catalyst and two points invested, am I treating that veil as having 3 or 4 essence? Also, if I have no essence currently invested, am I still at +1 from the Akashic Catalyst?

It's a flat bonus, adding the listed amount of essence (1,2, or 3) to the total amount of essence invested. As per the description in their entry, there must be essence invested in the associated veil for the akashic catalysts to have an effect; if there is not at least 1 point of essence invested, the catalyst has no effect.

@Ssalarn: Thank you kindly.

Scarab Sages

Tectorman wrote:
@Ssalarn: Thank you kindly.

No problem :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's impossible to release a book completely error free and with perfect explanations for each ability, so I'm glad that the author is so accessible to reach for questions.

Glad I own this book!

Any updates on when any new veilweaving classes will be coming out?

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