Inspired by classic fairy tales, the Once Upon an Encounter series gives gamemasters quick encounters that can be inserted into any adventure or campaign. "Red Riding Hood" is designed for a party of adventurers between levels 4-6.
A shapeshifting, demonic Wolf stalks the forest, eating hunters, foresters, and other villagers who venture into the woods.
Red Hood, a tainted paladin hunts the wolf but is sucumbing the the evil inside of her.
Will the party slay the Wolf and free both paladin and village? Or will the paladin give into the evil inside and force the party to kill her?
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This pdf clocks in at 6 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 2 pages of SRD, leaving us with 2 pages of content, so let's take a look!
I've you've been following my reviews, you may have noticed that I am quite versed with the folklore penned by the Brothers Grimm - not coincidentally. Beyond being a German, I grew up with *slightly* censured original tales, only to have the uncensored ones appeal even more to me when I became old enough to cope with the rather grisly details. Suffice to say, I never was a big fan of most Disney adaptations...
What series would hence be better suited as the first product I've reviewed by Flaming Crab Games?
So, what do we receive? Well, we obviously receive an encounter - but its set-up goes slightly beyond what one would expect: 3 different set-ups for the encounter are provided: From a cunning trap engineered by the wolf to stumbling upon the wolf's doing, the set-ups can be considered well-crafted and diverse/detailed enough, as far as hooks go.
Speaking of which - the solid statblock for the Big Bad Wolf, here envisioned as a CR 6 unique outsider (including, thankfully, swallow whole et al.) and the one provided for Red Riding Hood can be considered surprisingly fresh - the latter has been reimagined as a paladin...alas, as a conflicted one, for the lady suffers from the taint of the wolf, which makes her temper volatile and might cost her paladinhood, should she not manage to slay the dread beast. As such, the characters offer a dynamic I did not expect from the encounter set-up, so kudos for that!
Red's riding hood has been introduced as a shoulder-slot occupying item that helps the wearer to discern falsehoods and see through illusions, while also providing 1/day true seeing. Beyond that, there are two boxes with scaling DCs that should net some information for PCs actually doing proper legwork when tackling the challenge herein - a box for Red and the Wolf detail that.
So, let's get this out of the way - set-up-wise, this is a damn cool encounter and the builds for both Red and Wolf are nice. Alas, one can also perceive the distinct note of this being a first installment in the series in the finer details and the rough edges one can find with a fine-tooth comb. One example would be, alas, found in one of the cooler options herein - namely skinning the Big Bad Wolf to wear his pelt: While the survival DC to skin him is provided, the effect being specified as like that of a hat of disguise, the piece lacks the CL of the alter self effect. While just taking the default stats of the hat certainly is possible, it does detract from the coolness of the pelt. A higher CL and proper information on what slot the pelt occupies would certainly have been appreciated. The stomach can be salvaged as a bag of holding type II, but again no CL of unique effect is provided. I also like how the teeth can be used as power components, but they can also be used to cast transmutation spells at +1 CL - which is cool, but do they act as a focus or material component when used in conjunction with spells? I *love* the "unique monster-bit-scavenging" - in fact, I require the like for crafting in my homegame. However, at the same time, I would have loved this set-up to go slightly further and provide more unique benefits. On the nitpicky part, one survival check for skinning, stomach and teeth feels a bit much - separate DCs for the items would have made more sense to me, but that is me being nitpicky.
A second rough edge, imho, would be Red's cool, volatile temper - "Any time Red Hood perceives another’s words as insulting to herself, her honor or her goddess, she must make a DC 10 Will save or attack the speaker." While the pdf tells the DM to potentially raise/lower the DC, Red has a will-save of +8, meaning that chances are pretty slim for her to fail the save - depending on the DM's interpretation of "insulting to honor or goddess" she arguably might never blow up. Since the encounter already mentions that the taint's influence grows, why not add a timer and have the DC rise per day, with outbursts resetting the timer? In my book, that would have made the threat more dynamic and organic and provide DMs with a better base than their own fiat/bad luck.
Finally, there is one detracting component I need to mention - if you are looking for an interesting terrain set-up, some options to use weather, thickets etc. to render the encounter more complex, you won't find those here.
Editing and formatting are very good, there is not much to complain about in this department. Layout adheres to a relatively printer-friendly two-column standard with thematically-fitting stock-art. The pdf has no bookmarks, but needs none at this length.
Alex Abel and J. Gray deliver an encounter that turned out to be more inspired than I would have imagined. In fact, both the builds and the micro-story embedded in this encounter work quite well. Indeed, I love the monster-scavenging, the troubled paladin-take on Red etc. - this is a pretty nice offering indeed. Alas, it also suffers from some minor rough edges and falls short of its own potential - with some terrain modifications, slightly more defined and unique scavenging etc., this could have reached the highest echelons. As written, we receive a solid encounter with nice statblocks for just a buck. My final verdict, hence, will clock in at 3.5 stars, rounded up due to the low price and due to being the first in the series. I'm looking forward to seeing how the product-line matures!
Alright, this is my first review so bear with me...
I enjoyed this encounter. There are several plot hooks given at the beginning of the pdf which can turn a random encounter into a not so random encounter. I also liked the knowledge/lore tables given for the Big Bad Wolf, and Red Hood. I could easily envision a bard performing at a local tavern dangling tidbits of the story for the PC's to pick-up and use. I think the Big Bad Wolf is very iconic and his build was well done. I also liked how his carcass is essentially a cornucopia of treasure. I think being able to come away with an iconic item from a formidable monster you slay is a Great idea and harkens back to Hercules wearing the pelt of the Nemean Lion. Finally, I think the encounter can be very portable to just about any setting. I can easily see the Big Bad Wolf re-skinned as Hyena for a desert encounter or a jaguar for a jungle encounter.
With two stat blocks for creatures, and a single item makes this seem like it could be a short scenario. With the random encounter to start off on the trail to finish, tables can vary quite a bit as to how this story can begin. Personally, I find that this type of encounter can be great, when put into a grand sandbox of a world, that can last a while, or end shortly depending on the party. Maybe a chase could lead to an abandoned village where every shadow could hide a danger, or maybe one of the villagers could be the Wolf in disguise. The open-endedness is what gets me excited to run this at home.
My only gripe is with the stat block for the Wolf, in that it doesn't say as to what template formula and modifications were done for it's build.
Just letting everyone know, this is something we are considering as a full product line. We would like to do a twist on the frog and the scorpion next, in fact. But continuing it depends upon the reception. A product line, unfortunately, needs to justify its worth.
*flings PDFs out into the ether*
Unfortunately grimdog73, you did not make the cut for the first 10. If you received a free PDF, I'm sure that Flaming Crab Games would appreciate a review.
Just read my copy, and I really like it. I will get to a more in-depth review, but for now I will say that I would really like to see this series continue. It's pretty neat. :)
I would also like the series to be continued, but I would like there to be a little bit more content to the encounters. At present it is only 2 statblocks , one item and a bit of history text and 2 small encounter ideas.
I would really have liked a description and map of granny's house for example. And a bit more guidance on how the encounters would play out. Also a bit more ecology/history on the wolf would have been nice. Is he a custom built monster ? I'd really have liked his mechanical build to be more clearly derived from a standard monster.
Unless you already sent EZG a copy I think I'll send him one for a more indepth review and constructive criticism, as I'd really like this line to go on.
Taking notes, folks. I do appreciate the feedback.
@Thanael: Alex built the Wolf but if I remember correctly it is a dire wolf with some sort of outsider template tacked on and then fiddled with to fit the scenario I outlined (shapeshifting, for example).
Alrighty, I have read over the encounter, and really liked the setup. The template for the Wolf would be nice as to include what original templates were modified, as said per Thanael. Other than that, I would love to see the series continue!
Just got finished talking with Alex. Thanks to your feedback we've decided to keep the line going. In future products we'll be adding in a simple map of one of the core areas (it would have been grandma's cottage in this book) and we'll add a bit more depth to the possible encounter scenarios. We'll also give more details on the creatures (what the original was, what templates we used, and what additions we made).
In terms of expansion on the scenarios - keeping in mind this is intended to be a $.99-1.99 product - what sort of additional detail would you have liked?
Wow, thanks for the review already Michael Hopkins!
If people would like, we could make things more easily reverse-engineered. Most of the foes will be standard creatures with little twists to match the story (like the Wolf getting Swallow Whole). So for future products we could make the text blue for new/ nonstandard abilities.
The Big Bad Wolf Wolf is a Dire Wolf with the Advanced and Half-Fiend templates if memory is serving me nicely.
I would say, if a map is done for other scenarios, with cost in mind, I would say an example of where one encounter may be that is part of the story that's being drawn from.
Ex. Grandmother's cottage, the three barber's house, or a small house with ample room for seven dwarves to sleep in.
As I said, personally there is a lot of love for encounters that aren't set in stone as to where they may happen, which could delve into chase scenes via GM fiat.
The next installment in the line will take place in a specific type of location and will come with a map but you can move the location anywhere in your setting. Or, at least, anywhere there is a river.
This one was a cool introduction to your work - you'll be happy to know that my patreons asked for more FCG-supplements, so expect more reviews soon. :)
This one was a cool introduction to your work - you'll be happy to know that my patreons asked for more FCG-supplements, so expect more reviews soon. :)